Indecent Suggestion (21 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Bevarly

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Indecent Suggestion
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She reached up with one hand to flatten it over his torso, reveling in the feel of his contracting muscles as she pleasured him. Eventually, though, he pulled away from her, then dropped to the floor to join her, moving behind her. Becca bent forward, bracing her hands on the rug as he situated himself between her legs, his stiff rod pressed into the cleft of her ass. He leaned over her, cupping a breast in one hand as he drove the other into the hot wet flesh between her legs, and Becca moved one knee to the side to better accommodate his exploration.

She sighed in delight when he inserted his middle finger deep inside her. As he caught her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, he fingered her slick canal, knuckling her sensitive flesh with the others. Again and again,
he penetrated her that way, and with every new foray, her legs grew weaker and her breathing grew shallower. Gradually, a second finger joined the first, then a third, until he was stretching her wide and driving her crazy. And all the while, he rolled and taunted her nipple, until Becca could scarcely remember her name or where she was.

He must have sensed when she was close to coming, because he withdrew from her and turned her body again, until she lay on her back on the floor beneath him. Then he knelt in front of her and gripped an ankle in each hand to spread her legs wide. Moving his entire body forward, he thrust himself inside her to the hilt, filling her in that way she loved so much, the way that made her feel as if the two of them were one. Still holding her legs apart, he withdrew and thrust forward again, their bodies joining with a fierceness unlike anything she’d felt before. Again and again he took her that way, utterly controlling the action. Finally, though, he released her legs and withdrew from her, then took both of her hands in his and helped her to a sitting position.

But Becca already knew what he wanted, so in tune was she now with what he liked. With what they both liked. He placed his hands on her waist and guided her over, turning and positioning her body so that she was on all fours again. Then he moved behind her once more, placing his hands on her ass and spreading her, to insert his thumb inside her, shallowly at first, then penetrating her deeper. And as she gasped at the depth of his intrusion, he thrust his body forward again, filling her once more from behind, this time with his hard, heavy cock.

They coupled that way for a long time, Turner pummeling her from behind and penetrating her with his thumb.
And then, with one final thrust forward, he came inside her, their essences mingling as their bodies and their spirits and their hearts already had.

A long time later, they lay in Turner’s bed, naked and satisfied—for now. In the velvet light of the twilight filtering through the blinds, Becca turned her left hand one way, then another, catching the scant light in a way that made her ring glisten.

“You’re sure you like it?” Turner asked.

“I’m sure I love it,” she corrected him. She dropped her hand to her side and snuggled against him. “Just like I’m sure I love you, too.”

“Forever?” he asked.

She pushed herself up on one elbow and met his gaze levelly. “I can’t believe you’re still uncertain about that,” she said.

He lifted a hand to push her hair over her shoulder, then cupped her jaw gently in his fingers. “I’m not uncertain anymore,” he told her. “I just like to hear you say it, that’s all.”

She smiled. “I love you, Turner McCloud.
Je t’aime. Ich leibe dich. Te amo. Ik houd van u.

He gaped at her, then laughed. “Hey, you’ve been reading my
How to Talk to a Girl in Any Language
books, haven’t you?”

not going to need them anymore,” she pointed out.

He pulled her close, tucking her head beneath his chin. “No, I’m not,” he agreed. “Because we speak the same language, and we speak it fluently.”

“But can I make a suggestion?” she asked.

“As long as it isn’t posthypnotic,” he told her.

She chuckled, but wisely made no comment on that.
“From now on,” she said, “let’s talk to each other in the universal language of love.”

“You talk,” he told her as he scooted down on the mattress beside her. “Me, I’m going to rely on the sign language of love….”

And as the night grew darker around them, Becca got a crash course in the sign language of love, no textbook required. And she discovered that it was a
demonstrative language indeed.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-6328-8


Copyright © 2005 by Elizabeth Bevarly.

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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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