Indebted: Part Three (Series Finale): The Virgin & The Bad-Boy Billionaire (A BWWM Billionaire Romance) (9 page)

BOOK: Indebted: Part Three (Series Finale): The Virgin & The Bad-Boy Billionaire (A BWWM Billionaire Romance)
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His cock fills my pussy with each deep thrust and presses up against a part of me I’ve never felt before. Intense pleasure rises each time he buries his dick inside me and I cry out for more every time he pulls back away. The feeling is so raw that my body twists around him, pressing down on his cock. My eyes squeeze shut and the millions of city lights blur into a comet of bliss as tears streak my cheeks, and I scream to the bustling streets below.


Matthew’s cock twitches and grows inside me as his thrusts grow quicker, and his grip on my hands tightens. My legs are locked open to receive him as he pushes into me over and again until he lets out a deep animal grunt and his cum fills my pussy. When he releases my hands, he wraps his arms around me, pulling my body back into his. I’m locked against him, his softening cock is still throbbing in my pussy as we stand naked together in the dark New York skyline.


The chill of the air starts to nip at my sensitive skin, making me shiver uncontrollably in Matthew’s arms. “We need to get you inside and get warmed up,” he murmurs in my ear. Pulling out of me, some of his seed spills down the inside of my thighs. Matthew leans over me and picks me up off the ground effortlessly, cradling me against his beating heart as he walks us inside his condo and down the hall to his bedroom.


As he lays me down on his bed, I’m stunned to see that his cock is already stiffening again. “You know, I have just the thing to warm you up,” his eyes glimmer as he tilts his head with a half-smile.


“Oh really, and what is that?” I feign innocence, looking up at him wide-eyed.


“I’ll show you,” he jumps onto the bed with me and I bounce as the mattress sways under his weight. “It might take all night though.”


“All night,” I purr, “well then, we shouldn’t waste anymore time.” I pull him toward me and smile, knowing that after I’ve worn him out, I’m finally going to sleep in peace tonight. Exactly where I belong, in Matthew Blackwell’s arms.




“What are we doing
?” I watch the diner grow in front of the windshield as Matthew turns off the highway.


“I thought it would be nice. Besides, I’ve got a craving for a burger.”


So you drove out to the diner?
There are at least one hundred better burgers to be eaten in the city. I don’t complain, though. I’m excited to see how everyone is doing at my old job. I haven’t seen anyone except Brianna since my last shift over seven months ago.


As soon as we step in the door, Mr. Taylor swoops in on us with a broad smile and a hand stuck out for Matthew to shake. “Kendra! It’s wonderful to see you here!” He pulls me in for a half hug, half arm clap. “Come in, come in. I’ve got a booth for you over here,” he directs us to our seat.


“Thank you, it’s great to see you too.” I smile, looking around the old greasy spoon fondly. It feels strange to be here without a uniform on and an order pad in my hand. I spot Brianna making her way over to our table, with a couple of menus under her arm and a huge smile on her face.


“Do you two need a few minutes with the menu?” Brianna asks us formally, making me giggle. She knows better than anyone that I’ve got every item on this laminated sheet committed to memory.


“How about you tell me what’s good here,” Matthew smiles.


“I’d recommend the bacon burger,” she answers.


Matthew turns to me, his bright blue eyes twinkling with mischief. “See? Now that’s how you’re supposed to answer that question,” he teases me for my reaction back when I first met him.


I laugh, “try calling her sweetheart and see what
does to you,” I tease him back, “you’ll end up with your burger in your lap.”


“I’ll take the bacon burger,” Matthew continues, “what would you like?”


“Um, I’ll just have the tomato soup and a plate of fries.”


“Ugh, you’re gonna dip your fries in your soup again, aren’t you?” Brianna scrunches up her nose at me.


“What if I am?” I lift my chin up, defending my favorite lunch.


She sighs in response and shrugs, “Ok, fine. One bacon burger platter, one plate of fries and one bowl of ketchup, oh I mean bowl of soup, coming up.” Brianna sticks her tongue out like she ate a sour lemon.
How can she be so disgusted by my harmless tastes?


As soon as Brianna heads to the kitchen, Mr. Taylor smiles down at me. “Kendra, I heard you’re doing great at your big job in the city? I’m so proud of you!”


“Thanks, I don’t know about a big job, but I’m happy.”


“Aww, she’s being modest,” Matthew waves his hand at me. “She’s only been there six months and she’s already had a promotion.”


“Really? Wow! You know what? That doesn’t surprise me. Kendra here was the best waitress I’ve ever had work here.” He turns and looks at me, “you have some big shoes to fill around here, no one else even comes close.”


“Hey!” Brianna interrupts, returning to the table with our drinks, “I’m right here Mr. Taylor,
come on
.” Matthew and I burst out into laughter while I watch as Mr. Taylor tries to backpedal his way out of this one. He decides that retreat is his best option and heads back to his office after shaking Matthew’s hand one more time.


With Brianna off minding other tables, I look around my old stomping grounds. It occurs to me that we’re sitting in the booth that Matthew and Brianna shared when I had walked in on them having a heart to heart. A flash of embarrassment runs through me as I recall my outburst when I jumped to wild conclusions about them. With our rocky start, I’m amazed at how well things have turned around for us. I’ve even given Matthew a reason to stay in the city and use his condo as his main home, ever since I moved in with him last month.


“It feels like it was just yesterday that I met you here,” I confess, pulling myself from my thoughts.


“I know what you mean,” he searches my face, looking into my soul, mesmerizing me with his eyes. “I feel the same excitement everyday that I did the first day I met you here.”


I look down at the table, tilting my head to the side, “Awww, that’s sweet. I didn’t know you were excited to meet me back then.”


“Of course I was,” he grips my hand. I can’t resist looking back into his face, not that I’d want to resist. “You were the most beautiful woman I had ever met. He smirks wistfully, “Plus, you were a firecracker who wasn’t afraid to put me in my place.”


“I’m still not,” I laugh.


“True enough. But that’s just one more thing I love about you.”


Brianna brings us our order but hurries away before I have a chance to talk to her. I notice that the kitchen staff keep peering out at us, I imagine it’s because I look so different since the last time that they saw me. When I left this place, I couldn’t even afford real Mac n’ Cheese. Now, with my recent promotion I’ve had the luxury of being able to afford a few nicer things in life. Including the black pencil skirt, red bottom heels and silk blouse I’m currently overdressed in.


I grab a fry and get ready to plunge it into my soup bowl when Matthew grabs my hand, pulling it back. “Please, just wait a minute. I need to tell you something before we start eating.”


“Uh, ok.” I drop my fry back on the plate. What’s this about?


“Kendra,” Matthew’s eyebrows furrow together and he bites his lip. I’m not used to seeing him look so uneasy. Nerves flutter through me as I watch his pupils dilate, and his nostrils flare. “You know I love you,” he looks up at me like he’s not entirely sure how I’m going to answer.


“Yes, of course.”


“Well, I love you too.”


“I know that…”


He holds up one finger, silencing me. Filling his lungs with air, he looks into my eyes and then darts his gaze away as I wait for him to explain what’s going on. “These past seven months have been the most exhilarating, confusing and liberating months of my entire life. You’ve opened another plane of living to me, which I didn’t understand before I met you. And just when I think life can’t get any better, or you can’t get any sweeter, you prove me wrong. I know it sounds like a cliche, but it’s really true that I love you more with each passing day. That’s why,” he reaches into his gray suit jacket, pulling out a small black box. My eyes grow wide as he slides off the bench seat to the grimy diner floor, “I hope you’ll do me the honor of becoming my wife.” Matthew opens the lid to the jewelry box, and my hands fly to my gaping mouth. Inside is the brightest diamond I’ve ever seen. I’ve never been one to swoon over rings or jewels, but even I have a hard time tearing my eyes away from the brilliant sparkle.


All around me I can hear patrons mumbling, “Oooh, look he’s proposing!” and “Isn’t that so cute!” as my eyes grow wide and brim with tears. I shake my head yes, vigorously.


“Yes, yes! Of course, I’ll marry you Matthew.” The restaurant breaks out in applause, and I look up to see that even Brianna is wiping away a tear of joy for me.


My hand trembles as I hold it out to Matthew and I hold my breath as he slides the ring onto my finger. When he stands back up, I abandon my fries and soup and wrap my arms around him. Matthew pulls me in close and softly parts my lips with his kiss. The patrons around us clap and whistle in approval.


I look up toward the ceiling, knowing that my parents are smiling down on me from heaven. Matthew kisses me again, and his lips speak our truth. They tell the tale of our lust, our love and the salvation that we found in each other.


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“There are two types of women in this world. The type you take home for a night and the ones you bring home to your mother. I’m not interested in meeting anyone’s Mama.”


Brianna Hendricks has lived a wild life full of fast men and fun nights. That is, until her best friend Kendra Cole settled down and moved on from her job at the diner. Now Brianna is feeling left behind. In a dead end job, with no education, her options seem to be narrowing by the day.

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