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Run With the Moon © 2006 Lucy Monroe - 21

She didn't know at what point the cleaning became a playful teasing game, but by the time they left the water, she was comfortable with his nearness and his touch.

They dried each other and it was unlike any time she had shared such a thing with another wolf. She'd never known the sensations that washed over her body along with his ministering tongue. When he kissed her, she returned the caress and followed him into passion with only the tiniest amount of fear that he dissolved completely with gentle touches and careful handling of her wolf's body.

When they came together both her femwolf and her inner woman rejoiced in the joining.

Run With the Moon © 2006 Lucy Monroe - 22

She woke hours later, curled into his body, their fur scented with each other and the fragrance of mating. The moon was almost set and she could feel the oncoming change. Would she have control immediately, or would it not come until the next full moon? Or the one after that?

Taking control of the change was not natural for every wolf and she did not know what it would be like for her. She examined the were while he was sleeping. He'd been so careful of her. She'd heard stories of first matings happening in the fur. It could be terrifying for a femwolf, but he had made it wonderful. She did not look forward to leaving him. But she had no choice. She had her pack's permission to run alone during the full moon, not to lifemate with a wolf from another pack.

Would he come to her pack and ask permission to keep her? What if he didn't? She had no way of knowing whether he'd been as impacted by their mating as she had been. She felt like she'd joined her soul to his, but what if he didn't feel the same way?

Eyes still closed, he kissed her, his tongue swiping gently along her snout. A soft purr of pleasure rumbled in her chest. His eyes came open and he nuzzled her. She nuzzled him back, wishing there was time to mate again before she had to leave. As it was she would probably have to swim back to the Balmoral's island in her Run With the Moon © 2006 Lucy Monroe - 23

skin...unless she had control of the change. She could hope. She didn't look forward to such a long, cold swim.

She knew she could make it, but it wouldn't be easy.

She pushed herself to stand on all fours and shook her body. Stupid tears wetting her eyes, she barked a goodbye to the were before turning to go.

She'd barely taken a step when he was in front of her, baring his teeth in warning.

I have to go
, she barked.

He shook his head, like he understood her thoughts and took a menacing step toward her. She had to back up or be knocked over.

She growled.

He growled back.

"Come on, lass. It's time to go home," she clearly heard a sexy burr speak inside her mind.

She stared in shock. "We're sacred mates!" she thought.

"Aye, so it would appear, though I had no doubts from the first scent of your sweet fur."

She shook her head. "It can't be."

"Why not, lass?"

"You aren't of my pack."

"But I am your mate."


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"But it's just we can get control of the change. It doesn't mean anything."

"Do you really believe that, lass? Did it feel like it meant nothing?" The burr was filled with anger now, not sexy promise.

"No, but..."

"I know there are packs that dinna consider a physical mating a lifemating, but our pack isna one of them."

He said it so arrogantly she glared. "Well, mine is."

"Tell that to the bairn you carry."

"I'm not pregnant!"

"You are no?"

Actually, she did not know. She was in heat. If they were true mates, it was almost certain that she was. Even if they weren't bonded in the sacred way, the risk would be there because they were both wolves. But if they could mindspeak, they
to be sacred mates.

"I'm scared. I didn't want to mate this moon. That's why I left the island."

"Ah, so that is why, but whatever your intention, you are now my mate."

She turned away from him, trying to gather her scattered thoughts.

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He came up along side her, nuzzling her. "I will be a good mate to you, lass."

"My name is Susannah," she whispered.

"I am Magnus, the blacksmith and weapon forger for our clan."

"I've heard of you."

She could sense his pleasure at her words. "I will take good care of you."

"You have to ask my laird for permission to keep me."

"Did you have her clan's permission to run alone on our land this night?"


"Then, I'll be asking no one for permission for anything. Your pack did not protect you as they should have. If I go to the island it will be to challenge your laird and the men of your family over their treatment of you."


"You are my sacred could have been harmed this night. I willna forget that."

"I don't want you to challenge my brother."

"I am keeping you."

She'd seen him fight the other wolf, she knew Magnus did not give up. If she refused to stay, he would willingly go to Balmoral Island, but it would be to challenge Run With the Moon © 2006 Lucy Monroe - 26

her brother and her laird, not to ask their permission for anything. The very thought filled her with terror. She did not know which werewolf would win the challenge, but she could not bear the thought of Magnus being hurt or of him killing her brother.

She licked her canine lips. "We will invite my mother to come to stay when the bairn is near to birthing."

"We can invite her sooner if you like, my sweet Susannah."

She shook her head. It would take some time for her brother's ire to soften a little. She had no desire to draw him to the Sinclairs to offer a challenge to her mate.

She knew Drustan would check on her, but he could do it without ever being seen. He would see that she was happy and he would be angry no request for her hand had been made, but he would discourage the Balmoral from declaring war over her.

After all, to take a mate in this way was broke one ancient law while adhering to another.

Magnus nuzzled her again. "Are you well, my sweet?"


"Are you ready to go home?"

Was she? Was she ready to face a new future beside this werewolf, to go to a home that would be hers to

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mistress as her own mother ruled the home she'd lived in since birth? She'd believed she was not ready to mate, but the prospect of living with Magnus, of joining his clan excited her. Her mate had not been of her clan, but God had made sure she found him.

How could she deny the gift? "Yes, I'm ready to go home."

Deep inside where instincts and human

understanding collided, she felt it was the totally right.

She had been destined for this moment from her birth. As Magnus had been.

"Lead the way," she said inside her mind with breathless wonder.

He smiled a wolf's grin and started back into the forest. She ran by his side, her heart filled with joy. She

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couldn t wait to change back into their skin. She wondered what he looked like. He was a big wolf, he'd be a big man...she wondered what color his eyes were.


His eyes were grey. In his human form, the Viking heritage of the Chrechte was apparent. His jaw was square, his hair was blonde and he was as strong as any man had a right to be. He was also very stubborn. He believed her clan had not protected her and maintained his refusal to ask formal permission to keep her.

Susannah loved him, but could not help worrying about what would happen between their two clans.

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