In Times of Trouble (23 page)

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Authors: Yolonda Tonette Sanders

BOOK: In Times of Trouble
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“Are you okay?” He leaned over to assist her.

“Get off of me!” she screamed, punching and kicking him uncontrollably. He made several attempts to hold and comfort her, but she resisted, yelling and assaulting him until he got back into his truck and took off.

“I didn't want to believe him,” Callie now said to Lisa, “But then a couple weeks later I found out that I was also positive and was devastated.”

“How are you holding up now?”

“If you mean will I attempt suicide again, no way!” she swore. “Lisa, I should be dead. I took a
sleeping pills and I didn't die! While I lay on the kitchen floor, I could hear things going on around me, but I couldn't move a muscle. I remember screaming silently, ‘Lord, just take me. I want to die,' but it was like God was saying to me that I still had work to do. I kid you not, Lisa, I begged to die and God would not allow me to do so. When I became conscious in the hospital, I promised the Lord that whatever He had planned for me, I would willingly accept the assignment.”

“Wow. . .It's so awesome to hear you put a positive spin on it.”

“I'm positive because God is positive. To be real, I still don't understand why this has happened, but I'm no longer at a place where I need to understand, because no matter what, God will work this out. It's a doozie of a job for Him, but He can do it. As long as I trust and serve Him, He'll handle all the rest. God has given me a second chance and I'm embracing it. What the devil meant for evil, God will turn around for good. I don't know how He will; I just know He will.”

Water Under the Bridge

s planned, Lisa returned home late Saturday afternoon after having an early morning breakfast with Callie. The two of them went to a twenty-four hour restaurant and had pancakes. Lisa wasn't all that hungry, but she enjoyed watching her sister indulge in her favorite morning meal. RJ was there to pick Lisa up from the airport when she returned home.

“How was your trip?” he asked.

“It was great. Callie is doing really well. She said to tell you hi. Last night she was very emotional, but it was a good thing. Tyra surprised her and Bryan by bringing their daughter to see Callie. That was Cal's first time seeing the baby. She didn't think she would even get a chance to see her.”


“Tyra was paranoid about Naomi, that's the baby's name, getting HIV. Callie was supposed to stay with them for a while, but Tyra didn't want her at the house. That's why she came up here.”

“Ouch. . .I know Tyra's reaction had to hurt.”

“It did, but all is well now. Tyra, bless her heart, was so remorseful. She apologized and cried so much that I started crying. This morning she and Bryan dropped me off at the airport on the way
back to L.A. They were leaving the baby with Callie overnight and coming back tomorrow.”

“How far is it to L.A. from Sacramento?”

“About six hours. . .”

“Whew, that's a lot of driving in a day's time.”

“I know. . .”

“I'm surprised that Bryan and Tyra would leave Callie with the baby so soon after her suicide attempt. I guess it's okay since your parents are still with her.”

“Mama and Daddy actually went as well.”

“So Tyra and Bryan are leaving Callie
with the baby?” He seemed worried. “I mean, I'm not saying she would try to hurt the baby or anything, but you never know what's going on in someone's head. Callie's not the type of person I'd ever thought would try to kill herself.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean, but spending time alone with the baby will be good for her. Depression is an ugly thing.”

“How's she doing now? Is she on any kind of medication?”

“She's taking things for her health, but not for depression. The doctor is concerned because most people don't have such a quick turnaround, but Callie is doing great. She's like a totally different person now.”

“I figured she'd at least be on some type of antidepressant, but then again, I know firsthand how God can deliver a person.”

“I hope He delivers Mama from gambling. She's likely to find her way to a casino while she's there. It amazes me that she doesn't think she has a problem.”

“A lot of times we're blind to our own sins. We justify the things we do so we can keep doing them. It just goes to show that there's always going to be some issue God is dealing with us on.”

“Yeah, but after all the years Mama has been saved, she ought
to know better. Seems to me like gambling was covered in Salvation 101.”

“Maybe she was asleep during that course.” RJ laughed, pulling into Lisa's driveway. He got out and helped her carry the bags inside the house as Lisa grabbed her mail on the way in.

“Would you like some water or something?”


Walking back into the kitchen, she asked him if he had heard anything else from Chanelle, but RJ had nothing to report. He took a seat at her kitchen table after she'd gotten some water for him.

Lisa began flipping through her mail that had built up over the week. “I cannot believe this!” She laughed aloud.


“Remember when Chanelle was brought home drunk by the police officer? I couldn't figure out why the man was being so nice until he asked me to get him tickets to an Ohio State football game because of my connection with Olivia. Would you believe that officer put a friendly reminder in the mailbox for his tickets while I was gone?” She showed RJ the note.

“He knows their first game is coming soon and wanted to make sure you didn't forget. You better get on it. He gave you his telephone number and everything, so I'm sure he expects to hear from you,” he teased.

Lisa rolled her eyes. “I'll mention it to Liv when I talk to her. He
go out of his way to help, even if he did have an ulterior motive. Speaking of Liv, I need to see what she's up to. I haven't talked to her all week long.”

“You've been away. I'm sure she understands.”

“Yeah, but something's going on with her. She's been acting a little weird lately. I'm concerned that she may be having marital
trouble. I don't know why I'm telling you all of this, you couldn't care less.”

“I don't mind listening to you. I'm surprised you're talking to me about this and not your fiancé. Have you guys set a wedding date yet?”

Lisa playfully glared at him. “Why are you asking me about him? Don't even try to pretend like you don't already know.”

“Know what?” RJ smirked.

“You're not blind; you see that I'm no longer wearing an engagement ring.” She wiggled the fingers on her left hand. “Plus, as much as you and Mama talk, I'm positive she's already told you about what happened with Eric.”

“She said you should come forth and tell me yourself.” He chuckled.

“Ha, ha, ha. . .,” she said blandly.

“For what it's worth, I'm sorry that things didn't work out between the two of you.”

“Yeah, I bet you're all broken up inside.”

He reached across the table and grabbed her hand. “I meant what I said. I love you, Lisa. I'm sorry for everything I did to you. If I could take it all back, I would. I do love you; I've never stopped loving you.”

She sat frozen, unable to break his gaze or pull away from his grip. There was no doubt that part of her still cared for RJ. How could she not? They were married for fifteen years. He was her child's father, first love, her first kiss. . .her first everything, of course she cared about him, but
Maybe in a godly way as Jesus commanded or like one loves a puppy. But there was no way she could open her heart to him after all he had put her through. How could she trust him after he'd betrayed her so devastatingly? Yet, she couldn't explain why her heart fluttered
when RJ spoke those words as if she had been waiting to hear them.

Lisa jumped when the phone rang. “I-I better get that.” She fumbled with the kitchen phone receiver, hoping RJ hadn't noticed. “Hello.”

“Um. . . Hi, Miss Lisa.” It was Gericka, Chanelle's best friend. “Did you get the messages I left for you to call me?”

“No, honey, I've been out of town. Is everything okay?”

“I promised Chanelle that I wouldn't say anything, but—” She started crying, “I think you should know.”

“Know what? Is Chanelle okay?”

At the mention of his daughter's name, RJ came over to where Lisa stood and leaned his ear to the phone. “She made me promise not to tell,” cried Gericka.

“Honey, if something is wrong with Chanelle, I need to know so I can help her.”

Gericka sounded like she was going to hyperventilate, but she managed to spit out the most shocking statement. “She's. . .pregnant.”

• • •

Lisa was relieved to have RJ with her as Gericka relayed the heartbreaking information to them. Poor Gericka had held in everything, but when Chanelle told her she was pregnant, it was too much for her to handle. She told Lisa where Chanelle was staying and explained to her how to get there.

RJ sped along the way while Lisa cried. “This is all my fault,” she sobbed. “I did this to her.”

“Baby, don't blame yourself. You're not responsible.”

“You don't understand. . .” Lisa couldn't talk anymore. She just closed her eyes while RJ drove as her guilt overwhelmed her.
When they pulled up to the apartment building, Lisa said to RJ, “Let me go in by myself.”

“Are you sure?”

She nodded. Lisa took a deep breath as she knocked on the door. Her stomach churned. She recalled the last unannounced visit she'd made back in May after Chanelle had skipped curfew twice because she had been hanging out with Kyle. Lisa had sworn Kyle was a bad influence on her daughter and so much as said that to his mother, Stacie. Now she stood there less boldly and self-righteous than she had been before. It was at a different apartment complex then. This neighborhood wouldn't have been a favorite pick of Lisa's, but it was a step up.

“Oh, it's you!” Stacie answered the door. She apparently had darkened her hair some because Lisa remembered it being more blondish the last time she'd seen her.

“Is Chanelle here?”

“Yes, but it's my understanding that she doesn't want to talk to you.”

“Stacie, I know we didn't quite get off on the right foot before, but please let me in; I want to see my daughter.” Lisa was shameless in allowing her tears to fall.

If Stacie wanted to remind Lisa of all the smug things Lisa had said to her during her previous visit, her expression certainly didn't show it. Stacie seemed to sympathize with every emotion Lisa was feeling without her having to say a word. “Come on in,” she said.

Unlike Stacie's previous apartment, the front door to this one opened into the kitchen instead of the living room. Based on what she had seen before, Lisa expected to see a filthy kitchen with dishes piled up to the ceiling. It wasn't spotless, but for a woman with five kids, one grandchild, and one pregnant live-in, it looked pretty good.

“You can have a seat. Chanelle's upstairs. I'll go get her.”

Lisa waited for at least twenty minutes before Stacie came back down the stairs. “I tried to get her to come down here, but she doesn't want to.”

Lisa's heart broke. “May I go up and talk to her?”

“You're welcomed to try.”

She told Lisa which room she could find her daughter in. Lisa knocked on the door. “Chanelle, it's me. I'd like to talk to you please.”

“Go away!”

Lisa tried the door. It was locked. “Baby, please open the door.” Lisa listened closely as she heard footsteps coming toward the door. When it opened, Kyle walked out. “You can go in.” He brushed past her.

Chanelle lay in the bed, her back toward Lisa, who sat on the edge and hovered over her. “I'm so sorry, baby. I understand if you hate me. Right now I hate myself. I want you to know that you don't have to face this pregnancy alone.”

“I see Gericka can't keep her mouth shut.”

“She's worried about you, Chanelle.”

“Is that all she told you?”

“No. She also said that Justin raped you the night of my engagement party.”

Chanelle burst in tears. “I wanted to tell you, but I didn't think you would believe me. I just wanted to talk to Gericka that night. I'm sorry I called you a bi—”

“Shh. . .it's okay.” She held her daughter in her arms. “Baby, not only do I believe you, but I'm going to stand with you every step of the way. He's not going to get away with this. We'll see to it that he is punished for his crime.”

“I don't want to press charges.”

“Why not? Justin deserves to be punished.”

“But Miss Olivia's your friend.”

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