We beg to state
we beg to advise
answering yours of the 21st inst. order has been delayed but will ship goods at once
please send a remittance by return mail
if we can be of use to you in the future will you let us know
please investigate the delay at once
On Tuesday June the fourteenth Mr Smith and I are to be married. The ceremony will be at home and we are asking a few close friends. I hope you will be able to come. Owing to the death of my father we are to be married at home. We shall be delighted to attend your wedding. Unfortunately our ship is sailing that day and we cannot attend.
Will you please give us the pleasure of your company at a small dinner on Thursday. I hope you are not otherwise engaged that evening. We regret that we cannot accept your kind invitation but unfortunately we have a previous engagement.
I am giving a little dinner party and one of my guests has just told me he cannot be present on account of a sudden death. Will you kindly help out. It is indeed fortunate for me that Harry Talbot cannot be present. Thank you for thinking of me.
Will you come to luncheon tomorrow?
It is with the deepest sympathy that I learned of your bereavement. Please accept our heartfelt sympathy. I am sorely grieved to learn of the death of your husband. I am grateful for your comforting letter. Thank you for your sympathy. Do not measure our appreciation by the length of time it has taken us to reply. I knew that you would be sorry for us. Congratulations on your birthday. I am sending you a little gift as a token of appreciation for your kindness to me. Please accept my heartiest good wishes on this, the fifteenth anniversary of your marriage. Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. The bearer of this note is an old friend of mine. He knows nobody in Little Gidding and anything you can do to make his stay pleasant I shall greatly appreciate. This will introduce you to Clara Wells. She is a girl of charming personality and has many accomplishments. Your handsome Christmas gift is something I have wanted for a long time. I very much appreciate the exquisite flowers which you so kindly sent to Mrs Dee. She is rapidly improving and will soon be about again. You were very kind to entertain my cousin. I am so glad you have recovered from your recent illness. Please send as soon as possible to my charge account the following goods 1 dozen towels 2 pairs brown leather shoes three pairs of curtains for casement windows 6ft high and ten feet wide. I have your inquiry concerning my former gardener. I hope that you don’t think me discourteous but I prefer not to discuss him. This is to certify that Montgomery Hellman has been in my employ for five years. He is sober, honest and I have always found him thoroughly dependable. Will you let me know as soon as possible if you have any four-roomed houses in the neighbourhood. About two acres of ground, with lawn and vegetable and flower garden? I have just had my son’s report for the term. I notice he did not pass in mathematics. This leads me to believe that perhaps he is spending too much time on other matters. What is your opinion? I enclose my cheque for 100 pounds for the silver candlesticks. Our spring sales are being held this week. Will you be there? Have you ever counted the cost of making your pickles jams and jellies at home? In a couple of weeks you are going to think a good deal about your new overcoat. Why not start thinking now? Would you like us to dispose of your property for you? We have attractive styles in pocket cheque books that might interest you. May I call your attention to the question which every man of property must at some time gravely consider and that is the disposition of your estate after your death. Please send me as soon as possible 3 pairs ribbed stockings size nine. I regret to inform you that the dishwasher has failed to live up to your guarantee. We are sorry to learn that you found two buttons missing from your suit. We cannot have your teaspoons monogrammed as you wish. Our letters of March 9, April 19th, have brought no reply from you. You naturally wish to keep your credit clear. We wish to have it clear. Will you not send a cheque and keep the account on a pleasant basis? We have no desire to resort to the law to collect the hundred pounds owing by you unless the remittance is in our hands we shall take definite steps for the legal collection of your account. May we hear from you at once?
I can take dictation at the rate of a hundred words a minute. I am willing to work. Will you let me try? I am looking for a position as a cashier. This is to certify that Mabel Howard has been in my employ for fifteen months. She is a most willing and able worker. Merry Christmas to you and all the family. May each of the three hundred and sixty-five days of the new year be a happy one for you. May your Easter be a bright and happy one. Birthday greetings. You have our heartfelt sympathy. Heartiest congratulations. Thank you for your courteous letter in reply to my application in your department. I am especially desirous of becoming associated with your house.
May you have the strength to bear this great affliction. Our love and sympathy. I have heard a rumour of your sad news. Many people have gone through this experience. Many people recover. Your own courage and cheerfulness are your best medicine. Would you like letters from me?