In the Jungle (7 page)

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Authors: J.C. Greenburg

BOOK: In the Jungle
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Would you like to find out more about weird and wonderful rain forests? Here are some books you might enjoy:

  • Afternoon on the Amazon
    by Mary Pope Osborne (New York: Random House Books for Young Readers, 1995). All rain forests are different. Read this book if you’d like an adventure that includes the piranhas, jaguars, and flesh-eating ants of the South American rain forest.

  • Rain Forests
    by Will Osborne and Mary Pope Osborne (New York: Random House Books for Young Readers, 2001). This is the nonfiction
    companion book to
    Afternoon on the Amazon.
    It’s full of great facts about the rain forest and tips for even more research.

  • One Day in the Tropical Rain Forest
    by Jean Craighead George (New York: HarperTrophy, 1995). Rain forests are mysterious places that are home to many plants and animals that haven’t been discovered. Yet large areas of rain forests are destroyed every year. This book tells the story of how one boy helped save his rain forest and why it’s worth saving.

  • One Small Square: Tropical Rain Forest
    by Donald M. Silver (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998). If you want to see great pictures of what lives in every layer of the rain forest, look for this book. You’ll also find amazing facts, fun activities, and easy experiments.

  • Australian Animals
    by Caroline Arnold (New York: HarperCollins, 2000). Did you know that penguins live in Australia? Can you imagine what a thorny devil looks like? And
    what is a quoll? In this book, you’ll find great pictures and facts about some absolutely amazing Australian animals.

  • Platypus
    by Joan Short, Jack Green, and Bettina Bird (New York: Mondo Publishing, 1997). You’ve got to see what a platypus looks like! You’ll also learn about how they live along the riverbanks in Australia.

  • National Geographic: Really Wild Animals— Totally Tropical Rain Forest
    (Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1994). If you can’t hop a plane and visit a rain forest right now, get your hands on this videotape!


Turn the page
for a sneak peek at
Andrew, Judy, and Thudd’s
next exciting adventure—


Available July 2007

Excerpt copyright © 2007 by J. C. Greenburg.

Published by Random House Children’s Books, a division of
Random House, Inc., New York.


Andrew Dubble, smaller than a speck of dust, flopped onto his Uncle Al’s wrist.

Ga-nufff … ga-nufff … ga-newww …
Judy snored.

With one hand, Andrew clutched the collar of Judy’s jacket to keep her from falling off Uncle Al’s wrist. With his other hand, Andrew clung to a hair.

Nyeeeeeeeee …

The sound was close by.
A mosquito
, thought Andrew.


Then Andrew made out what looked like the hairy bud of a flower with a long stem.

At the other end of the stem was a horrible face. Two large black eyes covered most of it like a helmet. Hairy antennas stuck out from under the eyes.

The bud-shaped thing was zooming down toward Andrew and Judy. Suddenly it opened and slammed down over them.

squeaked Thudd. “Mosquito snout! Called proboscis.”

Andrew and Judy were squashed between two walls with razor-sharp edges!

“Mosquito gonna bite!” squeaked Thudd.

“Androoooo?” Judy said sleepily.

“Jeepers creepers!” said Andrew. “You’ve been asleep for a long time!”

Judy rubbed her eyes. “Where are we?” she asked. “Where’s Uncle Al?”

Before Andrew could answer, the blades inside the snout started moving. They were sawing into Uncle Al’s skin!

Andrew sniffed a coppery smell.
he thought.

Eek! …
“Mosquito snout gonna push Drew and Oody inside Uncle Al!” squeaked Thudd. “Drewd got Schnozzle?”

Andrew pushed a hand into his pants pocket. He pulled out two pairs of black goggles with noses attached and mustaches underneath. He handed one pair to Judy.

“Put on the Schnozzle!” said Andrew.

“This isn’t
!” Judy yelled.

meep …
“Quick! Quick! Quick!” said Thudd.

The blades of the proboscis were sawing a hole in Uncle Al’s skin. Andrew and Judy were on the very edge. A blade caught on Andrew’s jacket and pulled him into the hole.

“Yowzers!” hollered Andrew.

“Aaaaaack!” yelled Judy, tumbling in after.

Just as Andrew was hooking the earpieces of the Schnozzle behind his ears, a blasting spray drove him down and down. Before he could scream, Andrew disappeared under Uncle Al’s skin.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents
either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used
fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Text copyright © 2007 by J. C. Greenburg
Illustrations copyright © 2007 by Jan Gerardi

All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Random House
Children’s Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York.

and colophon are registered trademarks and
and colophon are trademarks of Random House, Inc.
is a trademark of J. C. Greenburg.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Greenburg, J. C. (Judith C.)
In the jungle / by J. C. Greenburg; illustrated by Jan Gerardi. —
1st ed.
   p. cm. — (Andrew Lost; 15) “A Stepping Stone Book.”
: Lost in an Australian rain forest, Andrew, Judy, and Thudd
the robot, who are still the size of insects, must evade rhinoceros
beetles, tarantulas, flesh-eating plants, and a host of other threats as
they make their way toward the village where Uncle Al will meet
eISBN: 978-0-307-53250-3
[1. Rain forests—Fiction. 2. Robots—Fiction. 3. Cousins—Fiction.
4. Australia—Fiction.] I. Gerardi, Jan, ill. II. Title. III. Series:
Greenburg, J. C. (Judith C.). Andrew Lost; 15.
PZ7.G82785Iot 2005 [Fic]—dc22 2006003446


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