In the Den (3 page)

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Authors: Sierra Cartwright

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: In the Den
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Impossibly, he took another step closer. With one hand, he captured her wrists and pinned them above her.

Her chest rose and fell as emotions tumbled through her. She shouldn’t want to interact with him. With Susan, he’d been gentle, but there was nothing soothing in the way he held her, overwhelmed her. But, just as he had watched the other woman, he was directing that same intensity at her, figuring out what she wanted, how she preferred to be dealt with.

He touched the knuckles of his free hand to her throat.

She kept her eyes wide, pretending she wasn’t affected.

His touch was so gentle that she hardly felt it. Continuing, Damien skimmed down the center of her chest, bare skin to bare skin.

Then he traced beneath her right breast. He held her gaze, not blinking. She’d never had anyone’s attention like this, and it was heady.

Even through her outfit, her nipple hardened when he moved over it.

There wasn’t a part of her that wasn’t aware of him.

“Open your mouth.”


“Because I’m going to kiss you.”

She started to protest, but he dove inside her. She expected him to coax her. Instead, he consumed her.

He forced his way in, tasting of an intoxicating blend of persuasion and dominance. The thrusts of his tongue made her mouth water. He insinuated a thigh between her legs, and despite her resolve, she rubbed herself against him.

The woman in her recognized his mental as well as physical strength. This was a man powerful enough for her to trust. He’d never push her too far, but he would demand everything, that she hold nothing back, and maybe give more than she ever had to anyone.

As impossible as it was to believe, he deepened the kiss. She couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think. And suddenly she didn’t want to.

She felt an orgasm start to unfurl.

A Dom and sub moved past them, and Damien never allowed his attention to wander.

He kissed her until she began to shake.

As quickly as he’d started, he eased away. He adjusted their positions and hiked up her skirt. He moved a hand between her legs and slipped his fingers beneath her thong.

“Your pussy
wet, Milady.”

She shook her head and he laughed. It was a satisfied, rather than triumphant sound.

“Shall I finish you off?” he asked, pressing a thumb to her swollen clit.


“It’s just you and me. I’ll keep your secret. No one will have to know.”

She wanted to refuse, should refuse. But she’d never known desire this debilitating. Even if she found someone else or went somewhere to satisfy herself, it wouldn’t be the same. She needed

He made maddening circles on her clit, and he had one finger teasing her entrance.

“Do it,” she instructed.


Damien was making it clear he was in charge, not her. No doubt he’d give her what she wanted, but her compliance would be the cost. “Yes,” she said. “I’d like an orgasm.”

When he didn’t change the tempo, she closed her eyes. He allowed her the time and the space to wage her internal battle. Sensations assailed her, forcing her body to relax. She became a puddle of feminine hunger. “Please,” she whispered.

“Look at me.”

She did.

“Ask again.”

She understood. He wouldn’t let her escape or pretend she hadn’t been aware of what she was doing. “Please, Damien. Give me an orgasm.”

“My pleasure, Milady.”

He circled her clit and inserted two fingers deep inside her pussy. He finger-fucked her as he teased her clit.

Her legs shook with the force of his movements.

There was nothing sweet about this, and it was beyond hot. “Damien.” This man was watching her reactions and responding to them.

“Come for me, Catrina.”

He pressed his fingers against her G-spot.

Mindless of her surroundings, she screamed as the climax crashed into her. He helped her ride it, keeping his grip tight on her wrists, pressing her against the wall, supporting her body.

“So, so perfect,” he said.

She screamed a second time, shattered. Her body went limp, but she wasn’t worried, he was there, holding her in a firm but tender grip.

It seemed like minutes later when she blinked and looked at him.

“Welcome back,” he said.

“That was…” She held back the words, desperate to be on firm footing again.

“For me, too.”

“I’m not sure I understand.”

“I adore a woman who is so responsive. I appreciate you playing with me.” He moved his hand from between her legs and straightened her thong and skirt.

She pulled her wrists free from his grip. “It changes nothing.”

“Maybe not for you. It makes me want to know you more.”

“Do you always use sweet words to make all the women swoon, Damien?”

“That was a scene, and you know it. This is different.”

“Is it?”

He took her hand and placed it on his crotch. “You tell me.”

“So? You have a hard-on.”

“Were you born a cynic?”

She shook her head. “Life taught me.”

“I can teach you other things, show you a different perspective. You’ll be a better Domme for the experience.”

“You did that to prove something to me?”


She wasn’t sure if she was hurt or shocked or pissed. “At least you’re honest.” She put up a hand to push him away.

“The truth is, I did that because I wanted to get you off, because I’m attracted to you.”

Just because he sounded sincere, didn’t mean he was.

“Give me two weeks,” Damien said.


“I’m challenging you. Spend two weeks with me, submit to me, see if the experience transforms you.”

“Not just no, but hell no.”

“What are you scared of?”

“Nothing scares me.” Another lie. Plenty scared her, and with good reason.

“Then agree to it. You’ve got nothing to lose. You’ll experience new things, get to spend a few days up here, have a chance to relax in a way you never have.”

“Relax?” she scoffed.

“What would it be like if you could be yourself and let go, turn over control to someone else for a while?”

“I can’t,” she said, her heart thundering. That was as honest as she’d been with anyone, ever.

He inclined his head, showing he’d heard the fear in her voice.
Damn him.

“Was it scary when I brought you off?”

She shook her head.

“When I made you ask for it?”


A woman on her way to the locker room walked past without disturbing them.

“I will demolish your barriers, Catrina.”

A traitorous part of her wanted to say yes. Instead, she met his gaze. His eyes were dark, probing. She was afraid he saw too much.

He brushed a strand of hair back from her face.

She had to go before her resolve crumpled. “Thanks for the orgasm. My shuttle will be here soon.”

He moved aside. As she walked past, he swatted her, catching the bare flesh above her stockings and below her buttocks.

Shock stole her breath. She stopped and rounded on him. Before she could speak, Damien had her against the wall, overwhelming her with his scent, his presence.

The sting receded, leaving a tantalizing warmth that stunned her and made it impossible to string coherent thoughts together. Despite herself, she grabbed his shoulders and held on tight.

He leaned forward and kissed her forehead before moving lower to graze her neck.

His gentleness surprised her, obliterating her defenses.

“Be at my place in Denver tomorrow night at eight,” he whispered in her ear. “Just the two of us, Catrina.”

“You know I can’t.”

“If two weeks is too frightening, start with one night. Eight o’clock,” he repeated. “Be there.”

Chapter Two

“You’re out of your mind,” Catrina told him. And the fact she was still hanging onto him proved that she was out of hers, too.

“Am I? Or am I offering what you secretly want?”

She maneuvered her hands to push him away. Budging him, she found out, was something that required his cooperation. Big, intractable men were another reason she liked being a Domme. “Move,” she instructed.

“You’re bossy.”

“I’m assertive,” she corrected. “Don’t you forget it, mister.”

With a smile capable of making her forget her resolve, Damien stepped back. Trying to think rationally, she escaped.

Gregorio was in the foyer, his arms crossed as usual.

“I’ve got to get out of here.”

He gave a sharp nod. “Of course.”

After what seemed like hours, he returned with her coat and small handbag.

“I couldn’t find the hatcheck girl,” he admitted. “So it took me a minute.”

Tension continued to tighten her stomach.

Then Damien—damn him—reappeared at her side. He plucked her coat from her Gregorio’s grip.

“I don’t need your help,” she insisted.

“Regardless, you’ve got it.” He moved behind her.

Deciding not to struggle with him, she shrugged into her coat.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

“Thank you,” she said, looking at him. “I’ve got it from here.”

He held up a hand. “I’m being prudent. It’s snowing, and your boots aren’t made for the ice.”

“Does everyone get this kind of personal service from the owner?”

“Of course not.”

She met his gaze. His intense blue eyes seared her.

“It’s okay to accept help, Milady.”

For her, it wasn’t. She’d been doing things on her own for so long that she wasn’t certain she knew how else to behave.

“Think of me as your willing servant, if it helps.”

“Right,” she agreed.

Even Damien’s lips twitched at the ridiculousness of the suggestion.

Gregorio opened the front door and said goodnight to a couple who were heading out.

“Well?” Damien asked.

She didn’t need any assistance. But she knew that he wouldn’t be dissuaded. Since she had no intention of seeing him privately, she reasoned that giving in here just avoided a scene. “Thank you,” she said, placing a hand on his forearm.

Immediately she recognized her error. Nothing was harmless with this man. Heat and strength radiated from him and through her. His effortless way of making her feel insulated and taken care of was both irresistibly sexy and unbelievably dangerous.

Gregorio opened the door for them. Bitter cold air nipped at her ears and she shivered.

“You’re welcome to stay,” Damien invited.

“No chance.”

Outside, the atmosphere hung heavy with humidity. Dozens of lights outlined the flagstone path. Silence shrouded them, and for a moment she could believe they were the only two people on the planet.

Despite his dire warnings, the way had been shoveled, and a layer of salt had been thrown down, providing traction and melting the occasional snowflakes as they landed. “You’ll say anything to get your way, won’t you?”

“I’ll say anything to spend a few extra minutes with you,” he corrected.

He helped her into the backseat of the oversized and luxurious four-wheel-drive vehicle that served as the shuttle. Fortunately, she was the only occupant.

“Take good care of her, Jeff,” Damien instructed the driver. He reached across her lap and fastened her safety belt.

“Of course, sir.”

Damien slid his thumb across the back of her hand.

A shiver that had nothing to do with the temperature danced up her spine.

“Tomorrow,” he reminded her.

Before she could respond, he closed the door.

As the driver pulled away, she glanced over to see Damien give her a little salute. He continued toward the porch, brushing snowflakes from his hair.

“You must be important to the boss,” Jeff said, meeting her gaze in the rearview mirror.

“Not at all.”

The man chuckled. “This could be fun to watch.”


“The boss doesn’t like to be told no.”

“He’s going to hear it a lot from me,” she replied.

“That’s why it will be fun to watch.”

She couldn’t help herself. His enthusiasm was infectious and she grinned.

He stopped at the intersection with the highway. “Are you at the Lodge?”

“Promise not to tell Damien?”

“As if he wouldn’t find out anyway, Milady.”

“I’m sure you’re right.” Not that Damien cared enough to track her down, she was sure. “The Lodge,” she confirmed.

Jeff lapsed into silence. Why couldn’t all men be like him? Big, rugged, quiet and happy to leave her the hell alone?

Though she collapsed against the luxurious leather, she couldn’t relax. Damien’s words played over and over in her mind.

For years, she had told herself that she would never submit to anyone. So that went double for a Dom amongst Doms.

But damn… Even though they were now separated by miles, every breath she took smelled of him. Her body seemed seared from his quick spank.

Her cell phone rang.

“That will be the boss,” Jeff said.

She dug the device from her purse and checked the display.

“I was right, wasn’t I?”

Catrina ignored the call.

“You’re trying to delay the inevitable,” Jeff said.

The phone rang again.

“Sorry, Milady. I warned you. You matter to the boss.”

With a deep sigh, she answered the call.

“I can’t stop thinking about you,” Damien said by way of a greeting.

The sound of his voice sent sparks of remembrance straight to her scorched skin. She knew it was impossible that the area would still be marked, but the psychic imprint from his touch remained. “I haven’t thought about you once,” she said.

He laughed. “Do you know how to tell the truth? Once you’re at your hotel, you’ll take a shower and masturbate.”

“No,” she insisted, the word breathless, hurried.

“I should forbid it,” he said.

“As if I’d do what you told me to.”

“Well isn’t that a conundrum? If you touch yourself, you’ll imagine it’s my fingers tracing your skin. If you don’t play with that pretty pussy, you’ll be following my explicit command. Oh, and, Milady…”

Keenly aware of Jeff’s interest, she remained silent.

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