In the Arms of a King (My Warrior Lover) (6 page)

BOOK: In the Arms of a King (My Warrior Lover)
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It wouldn’t take much more of this to make her come, but that was not on Blaine’s agenda…at least not yet. He put his hand under her left thigh and encouraged her to flip over. Sabina was only too happy to agree, wondering what new thrill was awaiting her in this position. She lay on her tummy, her face touching the embroidered blankets, her body buzzing with exhilaration. The next sensation she felt was Blaine’s tongue on her feet again…not what she had expected at all. But Blaine was starting from scratch, licking and kissing the soles of her feet and making her giggle once more. It wasn’t long before his tongue started working its way along her calf. She felt more kisses being placed on the backs of her knees, and then Blaine’s tongue was working its way up the rear of her thighs. In a moment, he was kissing her buttocks, tasting the palest flesh on her body. He worked his way across one butt cheek and then the other – lastly working his way slowly to the center.

Sabina felt his tongue licking around her ass and the feeling shocked her. She had never thought of anyone touching her in that place, even in her wildest sexual fantasies. She discovered that she was more sensitive there than she had imagined. It felt as if Blaine’s tongue was connected directly to her brain, exciting nerve endings that had never known another human’s touch before. But that was not Blaine’s destination – just a passing stop on route to her real pleasure zone. His tongue found its way downwards, entering her vulvic area from the bottom end. Blaine pushed her legs apart to give himself better access, and then his tongue was finding its way inside her again – probing deep into her vaginal tunnel. Sabina raised her hips and spread her legs wider. She wanted as much of him inside her as possible.

Soon she got a lot more than his tongue. Blaine slid forwards and positioned his body directly over hers. Sabina was still lying flat on the bed, her legs spread-eagled, her boobs pressing down into the blankets. She felt vulnerable and excited at the same time – putting her whole body in Blaine’s hands and trusting him to take her on another delightful sexual journey.

He didn’t disappoint.

Sabina felt pressure against her vulva and realized that Blaine’s cock was pressing against her. But he wasn’t ready to penetrate her yet…there was more fun to be had from exploring her naked, feminine body. He circled his dick over her buttocks, pressing his flesh against hers and making her groan with anticipation. Then she felt him slip between her legs once more, and this time there was no doubt about his destination. She felt her labia expand as his cock was forced steadily inside her. He felt so big, his girth expanding her and filling her. She wondered if he would be too big, if she wouldn’t be able to take all that he wanted to give. There seemed to be more and more of him, sliding deeper and deeper until he could go no further.

‘Blaine, that feels so good,’ she whispered, her voice throaty and full of emotion. ‘I want to wake up like this every morning, to feel you inside me.’

‘That’s what I want, too, Sabina – to be inside you every day, to share my body with yours. I want us to be united like this. But I haven’t finished yet. In fact, I’m just getting started. I want to make you come like you have never come before.’

Sabina’s reply was lost in the groan that she gave up involuntarily. Blaine withdrew from her until the tip of his cock was barely touching her enlarged and engorged labia. Then there was a sigh of satisfaction as he penetrated her again, sending her nerve endings tingling and her brain buzzing with an ocean of pleasurable sensations. His body was close against hers now, the hairs on his chest brushing against the smooth skin of her back as he began to fuck her faster and faster. She felt his balls slapping against her slit, giving her another buzz of enjoyment. Blaine leaned forward so that he could nibble at her ear, then further again so that he could kiss her as she turned to look at him. She tasted her own juices on his lips, and the taste was sweet and exotic. His hands were underneath her now, reaching for her breasts and groping her soft flesh. When his hands touched her nipples, the feeling was too much and she could contain her orgasm no longer. Her hands gripped fiercely at the blankets as she climaxed, her face contorted in an explosion of ecstasy.

No sooner had her orgasm subsided than Blaine was grabbing her hips to change position. He slid out of her, then pulled her upwards so she was on her knees on the bed, her butt facing backwards, her elbows and face still down in the blankets.  She felt his hands exploring her buttocks, and then one hand sliding between them to explore her wet, pink folds.

‘My God, you look so sexy,’ he said. ‘I don’t know what the hell is wrong with those Roman men. One of them should have swept you off your feet by now. I would have. But I’m glad they didn’t, because it means that you are mine to take – right here, right now.’

‘Yes, Blaine…I want you to take me. I want to feel all of your manhood inside me. I want you to fuck me like a savage Scot.’

Sabina heard him chuckle. ‘OK, Mediterranean girl, let me show you how warriors fuck their women around here. I bet you won’t find anything to match this experience anywhere in Rome.’

Well, he was right about that. There was no foreplay or preparation this time. Blaine plunged his cock deep into Sabina’s pussy, taking her with a force that surprised her so much she couldn’t help but swear.


Blaine seemed to take that as an instruction, and started to impale her on his tool with a passion that literally took her breath away, leaving her gasping to keep up. He felt so deep now, right up inside her again and again. He was stimulating nerve endings in whole new places, and doing it harder and faster than she had imagined possible. But it all felt so good, so savage, so natural. So good that it was not long before another climax began building up inside her. She felt herself coming closer and closer to the edge, until finally her body was spasming with the kaleidoscopic energy of another orgasm.

But she didn’t come alone. Just as she reached her own peak, she felt Blaine coming, too. He gave a roar that she had not heard before, the growl of a warrior king achieving satisfaction inside the woman he desired. He rammed his dick deep inside her, clutching her hips and pulling her to him. He held her tight until he had delivered every last drop of his seed. And then the two of them fell back on the bed, drained of their need, but full of the desire to be together.


Eithne crouched outside the roundhouse and listened through the thatch. There was no window to peer through, but she didn’t need one to know exactly what was going on inside. The grunts, groans and screams told her everything she needed to know. She was livid, absolutely livid.  Blaine was fucking that damned Roman bitch right under her nose. The man that was rightfully hers was pleasuring himself with the enemy.

What a betrayal.

Eithne stormed away, tears streaming down her face. She was upset, angry and heartbroken all at once. Now she hated Blaine. No, she hated that damned Roman bitch more. Heck, she hated both of them with every bone in her body.

And she would have her revenge, whether in this life or the next. But sooner would be a whole lot better than later. Eithne stormed across the village, a tumble of thoughts fighting over each other in her mind. She knew how to get her revenge. The thought that had just been an idea the night before was now crystallizing in her mind as a plan of action.

She would take them both down, and to hell with the consequences. 

Eithne took one of the horses that were grouped at the edge of the clearing and led it towards the main path that led out of Camlan. There was supposed to be a sentry posted there, but he must have gone to take a leak in the woods, because there was no-one on watch. That made her exit easy. Eithne led the horse out of sight before climbing up and galloping away. The route that Sabina and Blaine had taken to find the village was the shortest one, but it was too narrow and overgrown to be suitable for horses. So the path that Eithne took was a longer one, but the horse was fast enough to cover the ground quickly.  Within an hour or two, she was in the settlement that had grown up around the Roman fort, tying her horse up at the inn, and letting it drink from the water trough.

The innkeeper was at the door of his tavern, washing away the vomit that one of his patrons had left on his doorstep the night before. He frowned when he saw Eithne. One glance at her clothing told him she was one of the wild Scots.

‘We don’t want any trouble around here,’ he said. ‘We are trying to lead a peaceful life. Nobody wants your sort coming round stirring things up.’

‘You judge me very hastily,’ Eithne replied. ‘Why should you assume I am here to cause you problems?’

‘I’ve been here a long time. I know trouble when I see it. And those damned Romans are stirred up enough already at the moment.’

‘Stirred up? How do you mean?’

The innkeeper gave her a condescending look. ‘Haven’t you heard? The Commander’s daughter is missing. Been gone since yesterday morning. They’re going crazy up at the fort, sending out search parties all over the place. I’ve even heard they have been torturing locals to force information out of them. It’s a bad business…no sense coming here to make things worse.’

Eithne walked away from the inn, deep in thought. So she was right. The bitch was no ordinary Roman – she was the Commander’s daughter. And her disappearance was turning the whole fort upside down.


This situation definitely had potential. But how to handle it? That was the question. Eithne deliberated for a moment, and decided that the only way to deal with this was head on. There was a risk that her plans could backfire and she could find herself in Roman custody. But if she got this right, she could ensure that events played out to her advantage. Blaine would get his come-uppance for abandoning her like an unwanted toy, and Talorc would be brought down with him. Better still, that bitch Sabina would be back in Roman hands and out of her hair. And then she, Eithne, would be perfectly positioned to become the leader of her people.

Eithne, Queen of Scots.

It had a nice ring to it.

Eithne walked quickly through the town and up the ramparts towards the fort. As she approached the gate, the sentry on duty stepped forward and pulled his sword. Eithne stopped directly in front of him.

‘I want to speak to the Commander. I have urgent business.’

The sentry was clearly taken aback to be addressed in Latin by a Pictish woman. He peered at her closely.

‘Who the hell are you?’

‘Never mind who I am. I have news of the whereabouts of the Commander’s daughter. I need to speak to him immediately.’

‘Why should I take the word of some damned Barbarian woman?’

‘Because if the Commander finds out that I have information about his daughter, but you refused me entry…well, I wouldn’t want to think about the consequences for you. You would be lucky to escape with your life.’

The sentry thought for a moment, the sense of the comments clearly sinking in.

‘OK. You wait here.’

Eithne waited patiently at the gate. It was a long time since she had last stood on this ground. Many years had passed since she had left here as a girl. Many things had changed. The fortifications had been extended, the town had grown considerably. But the fort she had known of old was still recognizable. Yet it seemed unlikely that any of the Romans here would recognize her, or know anything of her history. Too much had changed since then, and the skinny girl who had been taken away from here in the dead of night was now a grown and formidable woman.

Some five minutes passed before the sentry returned.

‘All right, you are to come in,’ he said. ‘You will be taken to the Commander under guard. Any funny business and you will end up in the dungeons, and you won’t like it down there, I can assure you of that. Understood?’


The gate opened and Eithne passed through. Two soldiers were waiting to escort her, and they fell in beside her as she walked inside. She was taken to a part of the fort that she was not familiar with – one of the new stone buildings that had been added on in higgledy-piggledy fashion over the years. She was taken into a large room where two soldiers stood either side of a large wooden desk. Behind the desk there was a man in his late forties, thinning on top but still a commanding presence. Eithne didn’t need to look at the purple edging to his toga to know that he was the Commander. The man looked at her with considerable interest as she entered. The two soldiers who had brought her into the room took up positions by the door, presumably to block her exit if she tried to make a run for it. Eithne knew better than to try that. She was in the lion’s den now, and she would have to play the game the way the lion wanted.

The Commander stood up, walked around the desk and looked at her more closely.

‘I am Lucius Maximus, Commander of this fort. I understand you can speak Latin,’ he said. It was more of a question than a statement…an explanation was clearly required.

‘Yes, I do. My family has been on good terms with the Empire for many years. I am a friend, not a foe.’

‘Then what is your name, friend of the Romans?’

‘My name is Eithne, and I have come to give you news of your daughter.’

Lucius looked Eithne directly in the eyes.

‘Before we go any further, let me make one thing absolutely clear. You will tell me the truth – the whole truth and nothing but the truth. If I discover that you are lying to me, you will not leave this fort alive. Do you understand?’

‘I understand you perfectly. But remember that I came here of my own free will. I would not risk my life by walking into the Roman camp unless I had information that is of considerable value to you.’

‘Then we understand each other. So let’s get straight to the point. What do you know of my daughter’s whereabouts? Most importantly, is she safe?’

‘Yes, she is safe and well.’

Eithne saw the Commander’s shoulders slump with relief. ‘Thank the Gods. Where is she?’

‘She is in the forest, with my people. The Picts.’

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