In Search of the Time and Space Mach (12 page)

BOOK: In Search of the Time and Space Mach
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‘Boy, you really panicked back there.'

Max opened her eyes and saw Linden and Ralph standing over her.

‘Where am I?' asked Max, frowning and trying to remember what had happened.

‘Same place as me,' said Linden. ‘On Ben and Eleanor's farm. Only I landed on a few bails of hay and you landed in Larry's feed trough.'

Max looked around her.

‘Urghh! Why is it me who always has the smelly landings?'

Linden smiled. ‘Ben really needs to iron out those hiccups before you land in too many more stinky situations.'

Max wasn't impressed.

‘Just help me out,' she said.

Ralph barked and licked Max on the nose.

‘Not you. I said Linden.'

Ralph whined.

‘Max is excited to see you, Ralph,' said Linden sarcastically. ‘She just has a funny way of showing it.'

Linden helped Max out of the trough.

‘Do you still think we're going to die?' Linden asked.

Then Max remembered where they'd escaped from.

‘I know I seemed a little worried back there,' she stammered, ‘but I always thought we'd get back safely.'

Linden frowned at Max as she tried to pick bits of Larry's food and green jelly from her hair and clothes.

After all they'd been through, he still didn't understand girls.

Or at least this girl.

Then Max remembered something else.

‘Where's Francis?' she asked.

Linden turned around.

‘Somewhere very cosy if you ask me.'

Max followed Linden's eyes and saw Francis asleep in a rocking chair on the verandah.

‘Should we wake him up?' asked Linden.

‘No. I've got a better idea,' said Max with a smile and she walked towards the house.

‘I hope it involves breakfast,' said Linden to himself.

Later, after they'd washed away the green jelly and changed their clothes, Max and Linden stood in the kitchen and heard Ben and Eleanor's bedroom door open.

‘Here they come!' whispered Max excitedly.

They could barely stop shaking with excitement as Ben and Eleanor walked into the kitchen.

‘Well, what do we have here?' asked Ben, squinting against the early morning sunshine that was flooding the room.

Max and Linden beamed.

‘Hash browns, fried eggs, bacon, toast, tea, muesli, yoghurt, fruit salad and freshly squeezed orange juice,' said Max proudly.

‘What did we do to deserve this?' asked Eleanor.

‘We just wanted to tell you that we think you're really cool,' said Linden.

Max rolled her eyes. He was probably going to say that everything was cool from now on.

‘But that's not the only thing we have for you, right Max?' asked Linden.

‘Right! Stay there, I'll be back in one moment,' said Max as she went outside.

‘I hope it's not something too big. I don't function very well before breakfast,' said Ben with a smile.

Linden flung the screen door open and Max reappeared.

‘Linden and I have someone we want you to meet,' she said.

Francis stepped forward and Ben's smile melted away like he'd seen a ghost.

‘Francis? Is that you?' Ben asked quietly, thinking his eyes and the sun were playing tricks on him.

‘It was the last time I looked in the mirror,' Francis answered. ‘But a lot has happened over the last few hours.'

Ben looked at his brother and a smile spread across his face like jam across toast.

‘It's good to see you, Francis. Now come here.'

Ben gave him a big hug. Then Eleanor hugged Francis and Ben hugged Eleanor and everyone got pretty teary.

Including Max.

Linden looked at her.

‘You're not crying, are you?' he asked.

Max wiped her eyes.

‘No. The sun's making my eyes water.'

Linden smiled at her.

‘You're really something, Max Remy. And you know what? I think we make a good team. Next time you have a spy mission, I'm your man.'

Max felt like she wanted to cry even more.

‘It's great to see you, but how did you get here?' said Ben to Francis.

Francis looked at Max and Linden.

‘Why don't we talk about it over breakfast,' he said. ‘It's a long story.'

Francis, Max and Linden told Ben and Eleanor everything that had happened. Landing in London, finding Valerie and Ella, riding on the Mobile People Mover, sinking in the vat of jelly and meeting Ms Peckham and Mr Blue.

Ben wasn't happy about Linden and Max using the Matter Transporter, especially after he'd told Max it wasn't ready to transport people. He also told them what they did was dangerous and they could have been hurt, but he couldn't stay angry at them. The transporter had worked and, for the first time in years, Francis was back with them.

‘Let's make a toast,' said Ben, raising his orange juice. ‘To Francis, who I waited too long to see again.'

‘To Francis,' they all said as they clinked their glasses.

‘And to Linden and Max, two of the bravest kids I know,' said Ben proudly.

The glasses were clinked again as Max and Linden looked at each other and smiled.

There was a lot to catch up on and as everyone talked and laughed and listened to each other's stories, Eleanor put her arm around Max.

‘You're a very special person Max Remy, you know that?' she whispered. ‘Life around here will never be the same again because of you.'

Max blushed and thought about what had happened since she came to the farm. She looked around the kitchen with everyone talking and laughing and eating, and realised she felt more at home here than she had anywhere else in her life.

When they had finished, Max and Linden suddenly felt exhausted and almost fell asleep at the table.

‘I think it's time for our two top spies to get to bed,' said Ben.

Max and Linden dragged themselves up from the table.

‘Do you think you and Francis will finish the Time and Space Machine now?' asked Max.

Ben and Francis looked at each other.

‘We'll have to talk about that. For now you two get some rest,' said Ben. He gave her a big hug and said goodnight.

When they were in their beds, Max turned to Linden.

‘Linden, you're right, we are a good team and I wouldn't want to work with anyone else. I also want to tell you what I was going to say before we went through the waterfall.'

Max took a deep breath.

‘I've never had a best friend before, but now
I've met you I know what it's like. The pact we made before we used the Matter Transporter was one of the nicest things anyone's ever said to me. And even though I don't say it very often, you're really okay, you know, for a boy and everything, and I hope we stay friends for a really long time.'

There was a pause.

‘Linden? Did you hear me?'

Max stepped over to Linden's bed and lifted the blankets off his face.

He was sound asleep.

Max smiled.

‘Maybe I'll tell you another time,' she said.

Max yawned and climbed back into bed.

She dreamed of spies and missions and Alex Crane, Superspy from Spyforce.

Eleanor stepped onto the back verandah and called out, ‘Max, Linden? Where are you?'

‘Why am I even asking?' she mumbled. ‘Like I don't know the answer to that myself.'

Eleanor walked down to the shed and knocked on the door.


She knocked again.

Still nothing.

‘Sometimes I wonder if they even remember I'm here,' she said.

She turned the handle and slowly pushed the door open to see Ben, Francis, Linden and Max leaning over a small contraption with buttons, dials and knobs and flashing lights.

‘Max and Linden, there's a telegram for you,' said Eleanor, handing it over. ‘And it looks important.'

Max took the telegram and opened it.

Her eyes widened.

‘It's from Spyforce!'

‘What?' Linden asked. ‘I thought you made that up?'

‘So did I,' Max exclaimed.

‘What does it say?' asked Ben.

Max read out loud.

Dear Max and Linden,

On behalf of Spyforce, the Secret Government Security Agency, we would like to extend to you our gratitude for helping to uncover the illicit activities within the Department of Science and New Technologies. Your service to this country and the world has been invaluable.


Yours truly

R.L. Steinberger

Administration Manager,


‘Wow!' said Linden. ‘There really is a Spyforce!'

‘And they seem to think you've done a pretty good thing,' said Francis. ‘I wonder where Mr Blue has ended up?'

‘Somewhere far from us, I hope,' said Eleanor.

‘The world would be a better place if he just disappeared forever,' said Ben.

‘I don't think there's much chance of that,' said Max. ‘Mr Blue doesn't give up easily.'

A ringing sound came from Linden's pocket.

‘It's the CTR,' said Linden, his hands bolting into his pocket like lightning.

Max, suspecting it was Ella, rolled her eyes.

‘Really, now how can you tell that?'

Linden missed the sarcasm and excused himself as he walked outside to take the call.

‘Ella, hi!' Max heard him say.

Max folded the telegram before putting it into her pocket. All the excitement she'd felt before melted away as she listened to Linden's voice, which was a combination of pauses, laughter and excitement as he talked about the Time and Space Machine and how it was nearly finished, the telegram from Spyforce and other things Max couldn't quite hear because he turned away and lowered his voice.

Eleanor saw Max's face fall and attempted to cheer her up.

‘Who would have known we'd have a famous spy in our house?' she asked.

Max tried to smile but she was too busy listening to what she could hear of the rest of Linden's conversation.

When Linden finished he came back inside the shed.

‘That was Ella,' he said excitedly.

‘Who?' asked Max, like she didn't know.

‘Ella,' Linden replied. ‘She got a telegram too and guess what else? The tape was enough to help Spyforce finally prove Mr Blue is evil. He quit his job saying he wanted to spend more time with his family, but he was really sacked and Valerie reckons the Government kept it quiet because if they told the world what he'd been doing they'd look really stupid.'

‘Well, you two should be very proud of yourselves,' said Ben. ‘People have been trying to stop Mr Blue for years.'

Linden looked at Max and smiled.

‘I guess Mission Matter Transporter was a success?'

‘Yeah, I guess it was,' said Max.

Eleanor looked at her watch.

‘Max, we're going to have to get ready. Your mum will be here soon to pick you up.'

Max had forgotten. Today was her last day on the farm.

She looked at the Time and Space Machine and then at Ben and Francis.

‘I guess you'll have to finish it without me,' she said sadly.

‘You'll be the first to know as soon as we get it working,' said Francis.

Max smiled and felt a tear in the corner of her eye.

‘I'll help you pack,' said Linden.

In the house, Linden sat on Max's bed as she started picking up her stuff.

‘Do you think you'll come back and stay sometime?'

‘I don't know,' said Max. ‘Would you like me to?' ‘Sure,' said Linden. ‘We haven't had a summer this exciting for years.'

‘Do you think we might get to do another mission together?' asked Max.

‘Yep!' said Linden confidently. ‘Now that Spyforce has our names we'll be called to help out in other missions for sure.'

Max smiled as she folded clothes and squeezed shoes and books into her bag.

There was a pause before Linden said, ‘And I wouldn't want to work with anyone else.'

Max blushed.

‘Neither would I,' she said.

Linden could feel his face go red too. Then there was another awkward pause as he twisted the tassels on the end of Max's chenille bedspread.

‘Max?' he asked. ‘Can I ask you something?'

‘Sure,' she said.

‘How do you know when you really like someone?'

Max kept packing and avoided looking at him. She tried to remember what she'd heard from her mother and things she'd read in books and seen in films.

‘You feel like you're walking a metre off the ground all the time. You can't concentrate on anything and you start saying weird kinds of things like someone else has taken over your brain.'

‘That's exactly how I feel!' said Linden.

Max blushed again, but this time she was sure she was redder than she'd ever been. She turned to face her bag, refolding some clothes she had already packed.

She remembered the first time she'd met Linden and how he looked like a real wildboy. Who'd have thought she would be talking about liking each other six weeks later.

‘Ella's really cool!' said Linden, smiling and thinking about the last time he saw her.

Max stopped packing.

‘Ella?' she frowned.

‘Yeah, she's really amazing. She said to say hello to you too.'

Max looked away and pushed her pyjamas into her bag before zipping it up.

‘That's great,' she said.

They heard a horn beep and a car drive into the yard.

‘That must be Mum,' she said quietly.

‘I'll miss you,' Linden said.

‘You'll get over it,' said Max, trying to smile.

‘Hey,' said Linden. ‘That was a joke.'

‘Yeah,' said Max. ‘I'm thinking of being a comedienne when I'm not spying.'

Linden and Max smiled.

Outside, she heard the slam of a car door and stilted voices buzzing like flies as her mother desperately tried to find something to say to her sister. All the while Max knew she was itching to leave as soon as possible and was wondering where on earth her daughter could be. Her mum could talk to most people like she'd swallowed a dictionary. Words just poured out of her in one giant flood. But when it came to her own family, they dried up like dust in her mouth, making her look really uncomfortable.

‘Max, I'm here.'

Max thought it would be about three and a half minutes before she ran out of small talk. A bit
of a record for her mum under the circumstances.

‘Gotta go,' said Max as she picked up her bags and her folder of writing.

Outside, her mother was looking at her watch as Max walked down the steps. Something inside Max burned when she saw this.

‘Oh there you are, sweetie,' her mother said. ‘We have to get a move on because I need to be back in the city for an appointment.'

Her mother gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and loaded her bags into the car.

Max sighed. Nothing much has changed, she thought.

Ben, Francis and Eleanor walked towards them and stood nearby.

‘Thanks for looking after Max. I hope she wasn't too much trouble,' said her mum.

‘None at all,' said Eleanor. ‘Would you like to come in for some lunch?'

Max's mother looked at her watch again and seemed as anxious as if someone had dropped a jar of ants down her long, velvet skirt. ‘I'd love to but we've got to fly.'

Typical, Max thought. She never has time for anyone except herself and her work.

She turned to Ben and Eleanor.

‘Thanks for the best holiday I've ever had. I'll never forget you,' she said.

Ben gave her a hug.

‘You have to promise you'll come back whenever you can,' he said.

‘And don't leave it too long,' said Eleanor, brushing Max's hair from her face and giving her a kiss.

‘Besides, you'll have to come back to see the machine when it's finished,' said Francis.

As they hugged, Francis whispered in her ear, ‘I was a very unhappy man until I met you and Linden. Thank you.'

‘Okay, sweetheart. Let's go,' said Max's mum, trying to hurry her along.

Max ignored her mother and walked over to Linden and Ralph.

‘I've got something for you,' said Max.

She opened her folder and handed Linden a small book entitled, ‘The Adventures of Alex Crane, Superspy. Chapter One. Mission: The Time and Space Machine.'

Linden smiled.

‘It's all about us and the mission,' Max explained.

‘Thanks.' And for once Linden didn't know what else to say.

‘Max?' said her mother with rising impatience in her voice.

‘Bye, Ralph,' Max said, and patted him on the head. ‘My master's calling.'

‘Another joke,' said Linden. ‘You should be careful, this could become a habit.'

Max got into the car and watched Ben, Eleanor, Francis and Linden wave goodbye.

She thought about the summer, the mission and the people she'd met. Toby Jennings, school and her home in Sydney seemed another galaxy away. She looked at the farm get smaller and smaller as the dust rose up behind her mother's sports car.

I'll be back, she thought.

Linden sat on the verandah and started reading.

‘The Chief of Spyforce congratulated Alex for another mission successfully completed.

‘Thanks to you, Mr Blue is safely behind bars and the world can rest easy that he won't be able to have his evil way any more.'

‘I don't think that's the last we'll hear of him,' said Alex knowingly. ‘Mr Blue's as cunning a criminal as I've ever met.'

‘For now, you deserve a well-earned break,' said the Chief. ‘And Spyforce is happy to send you anywhere in the world for a two-week rest. Just name the place.'

Alex thought hard.

‘How about Australia?' she said. ‘I've never been there: the beaches, the sun, the islands.'

‘I'll get someone to organise it right away,' said the Chief happily.

Just then the Chief's secret phone rang.

‘Yeah?' he answered.

There was a pause.

Alex watched as his face became serious.

‘Okay, we'll get right onto it.'

The Chief hung up the phone.

‘How about London instead? Mr Blue has escaped.'

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