Immortal Love (29 page)

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Authors: Victoria Craven

Tags: #romance, #love, #spirits, #paranormal, #warrior, #historical

BOOK: Immortal Love
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Ruth busily waddled around the kitchen. “I’m
doing very well today, my lady, and you?”

Rising from the bench, Eleanor retrieved a
cup from the shelf near the window and poured herself some tea. “I
really don’t know. I have been so tired lately I can barely keep my
eyes open. And this morning my stomach would not allow me to put
anything in it. But now smelling that bread I feel as though I
could eat the whole loaf.”

Ruth stared at her for a long moment.

“Where is Abigail?” Eleanor continued.

“She discovered another girl her age in the
village, a merchant’s daughter, named Margaret. The mother asked if
Abigail could play with her today. Apparently the girl is as much
of a handful as Abigail. Together they should keep each other
occupied.” Ruth poured her own cup of tea. “When did you start
feeling like this?” she said over the rim of her cup.

Eleanor sat for a few moments thinking about
it. “It started just before Dominick left.” The tea settled her

Ruth cut her a piece of bread and drizzled
honey on it. Eleanor gobbled it in three bites as Ruth silently

She surprised herself by the speed with which
she devoured the slice of bread.

“How does your stomach feel now?” Ruth asked,
refilling her cup of tea.

“Surprisingly, I feel fine. It was just this
morning and only for a little while.”

“My lady, may I ask you something

“Of course, you’re one of my dearest
friends,” she responded somewhat surprised.

“When was the last time you had your

Shocked, Eleanor dropped her mug loudly onto
the table. “I guess that would be personal.”

“I don’t mean to offend you.”

“I’m not offended, just surprised.”

Ruth pressed her. “Think, my lady.”

She tried to remember. It was definitely
before the stable fire. Suddenly, she felt as though the blood had
drained out of her body. “It isn’t possible.”

Ruth’s raised her eyebrows. “You mean you and
his lordship have never . . . ?”

Eleanor felt her cheeks burn with memories of
her and Dominick’s lovemaking. “Of course we have. It’s just that I
have not thought of that possibility.”

“You do know where babies come from?” Ruth
said in all sincerity.

“Of course,” she said with exasperation.
“It’s just that with all the things that have happened lately, it
didn’t enter my mind.”

The more she thought about it, the more she
knew it was true. She was going to have a baby. Eleanor sat in
wonder. Involuntarily she put her hand on her stomach.

Ruth smiled and patted her own belly. “I know
the joy you’re feeling.

Anxiety struck her. “Oh Ruth, he is not here
to share this.”

“He will be soon, Eleanor.”

“That feels as though it could be a

Ruth grasped Eleanor’s hand. “It will be
fine, my lady. He will be home soon enough, and you can tell him

The conversation felt surreal. Almost
disconnected as though they were talking about someone else. Then
it occurred to her the only other person who should tell next was

“Ruth, you can’t tell anyone. Promise

Her friend smiled. “I will tell no one.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

“There is someone who will know without you
telling them.”

Eleanor’s eyes widened. “Who?”

“Martha. She has known you since your
mother’s death. She will recognize changes in you and your
behavior, if she doesn’t suspect right now.”

“You’re right. I will tell her, and then no
one else.”

“The woman raised you like her own daughter.
I think she would feel slighted if you didn’t tell her.”

“I know. I will tell her as soon as I leave

The two women chatted more about Eleanor’s
pregnancy and what to expect in the next few months. After two more
cups of tea, Eleanor left her friend and headed back to the castle.
All the way she repeated, “I’m going to have a baby.” She mentally
repeated it over, settling it in her mind. The first thing she did
was seek out Martha.

When she found her, she pulled her to a quiet
corner in the great hall and relayed the news.

“This is wonderful!” Martha said excitedly
and held her in a tight hug.

Eleanor shushed her. “Martha, no one is to
know about this until Dominick does.”

“Oh my dear heart, I understand. It’s only
right he be the first to know. Well, in this case fourth.”

Eleanor placed her forefinger in front of her
lips. “You can’t even tell Zenon. Not yet.”

“Of course I wouldn’t tell Zenon. He is a
bigger gossip than most old women in the village.”

Eleanor laughed. “Very true. I have never
known Zenon to keep a secret.”

Martha took Eleanor’s hands. “Oh, my lady,
this is such happy news. For years I had despaired of ever hearing
good news at Godwin Castle.” Tears welled in her eyes. She gave
Eleanor’s cheeks a gentle pinch. “Here now my baby is all grown up
and having a baby of her own. It’s a miracle.”

Eleanor’s own eyes pooled with tears, for
she’d never expected such happiness in her life.

With her apron, Martha brushed them away.
“You know what this calls for?” Martha gave her a conspirator’s
wink. “My famous blackberry pie.”

“Mmmm, that sounds lovely.”

“Unfortunately we don’t have any blackberries
as yet, but I know were to find them and they should be ripe by
now. I was hedging on whether to pick some today or tomorrow, but
now the decision has been made. I have to get them. We must have a
pie to celebrate.

“Yes, but quietly,” Eleanor implored.

“Quietly, yes, oh most definitely.”

“I think I would like to go with you to pick
the berries. Until this settles in my mind, I need to keep

“Are you feeling well enough to go?”

“Martha, I’m fine, please, don’t start
worrying now.”

“It has been my job to worry about you for
the last ten years. I’m not about to stop now.”

Eleanor hugged her. “I love you, Martha.”

In answer, Martha gave her a tight squeeze
and kissed her on the cheek.

Eleanor broke their silent moment. “Why don’t
you go get the baskets and I will tell Randolf where we’re headed.
Meet me here.”

“I will be back shortly.”

Eleanor went in search of Randolf. Dominick
had left his brother behind, to protect the castle should
McPhearson try to cause trouble in his absence. She found him in
the stables grooming his great black horse. The animal nickered as
she approached.

Her brother-in-law looked up. “Eleanor, what
a pleasant surprise. What brings you here?”

“I came to tell you that Martha and I are
going berry picking.”

“Where exactly would that be?”

“Honestly, Randolf, you are taking your
responsibility far too seriously.” She smiled, but he waited for
her answer. Exasperated she said, "we are going into the forest on
the east side of the castle”

Randolf continued to brush Zeus’ front leg.
“You said just you and Martha?”


“Well then, I will have four guards go with
you. They will meet you in the bailey when you’re ready.”

“Four guards!” she exclaimed. “Isn’t that a
bit much for berry picking?”

Randolf continued to brush his horse. “It
will be four guards, or you will not go at all.”

This struck a cord of indignation in her.
“Randolf, please don’t talk to me like I’m a child.”

He gave her his most winning smile. “No,
you’re not a child, you’re my brother’s wife, a jewel in his heart,
and he has left me here to protect you. And protect you I will.”
His smile grew wider. “Besides, how could I let such a beauty roam
around in the forest unguarded? It would be unchivalrous.”

Completely disarmed by his charm, she said,
“Have you ever considered being one of the King's diplomats? You
would be very successful at it.”

“And leave such beauty, even if it does
belong to my brother?”

Smiling brightly, she turned to walk away.
“You’re hopeless,” she said over her shoulder. “I will meet your
guards in the bailey.”

He loved his brother. She'd felt the depth of
that love when they thought they'd lost Dominick in the fire. And
for that she owed Randolf her respect.

He will make a wonderful uncle.
He was
still grooming his horse when she looked back. She thought she saw
a smile cross his lips. Unnerved slightly, she put away the silly
notion that he could read her mind.



leanor and Martha
rode with two of the guards while the other two kept a close eye
out for McPhearson’s men. The two women were lowered near bushes
heavy with wild black berries.

Her basket grew heavier with each handful she
picked. In a short time Eleanor’s basket was full and the bush
picked nearly bare.
These would make a fine pie. If only
Dominick were here to taste it.
She was very anxious to tell
him about her news. Waiting would tax her patience, but she would
have to learn to keep her secret.

She reached down to inspect lower branches
for more berries when an eerie cold swept over her. Her skin
prickled with the chill.

Suddenly her mother’s face appeared.
“Eleanor run!”
the ghostly figure commanded.

Eleanor’s heart leapt into her throat. The
basket of berries fell to the ground, scattering among the

The apparition shouted in her

Her heart pounded against her ribs shortening
her breath.

“What is the matter, my lady? Did you manage
to find sna...”

The arrow whistled by her head and into the
guard’s chest. His face turned deathly pale and his eyes widened in
surprise. He wheezed his final breath before falling off his

The rattling of metal as the other three
guards unsheathed their swords rang like an alarm bell. More arrows
whistled by her then hollow thumps as they hit their targets with
deadly accuracy. All four solders fell simultaneously.

Finally, Eleanor found her voice. “Marthaaaa!
Martha run!”

To her dismay, Martha ran toward her .She
watched in horror as an arrow pierced through her beloved servant’s
body, dropping her like a stone. “No!”

Hooves drummed on the ground as they drew
closer. She saw two men swing out of their hiding place in the
trees. Eleanor wanted to run to Martha, but her mother's voice
again screamed,

Eleanor’s survival instincts took over, and
she began running as though the very devil pursued her. Her legs
were no match for the horse and rider that pursued her. Soon she
was swept up in her assailant’s arm and pulled up in front of him.
She fought him with all her strength. The rider effortlessly
squeezed her midsection tight enough to cut off her air. She gave
up the fight when she thought she would soon black out.

His large body leaned forward, pressing down
on hers, setting the horse to a greater speed as it rode through
the forest. Two riders pulled up alongside.


Panic gripped her heart.

Once inside Robert McPhearson’s fortress
there would be no escape. The horror of her near rape came flooding
back. This time he would have to kill her before she would let him
touch her again. Then she thought of the babe that grew in her
womb. A new resolve came over her. No matter what, she had to
survive. She had to protect her unborn child.

Closing her eyes she
saw the image of her mother’s face. Silently, she prayed.
him to me, Mother. Please let him know where I am

ominick and his men
had finally found the last of the bandits plaguing the neighboring
villagers and farms. Erik and his animals helped root them out of
their lair and track them down. It had taken longer than he
thought. Dominick experienced homesickness for the first time since
his childhood. During his tracking and apprehending of the thieves,
Eleanor was never far from his thoughts.

He reined in at a slow-moving stream to
refresh himself and his horse.

“I can only imagine what you’re thinking
about with that smile on your face,” Erik said as he rode up beside

“And you would probably be right,” Dominick
dismounted his horse. I haven’t been homesick since my childhood,
but now Godwin calls me home. I am glad we are done here. I’m
anxious to get back to my wife.” He thought of the two of them
standing on the cliffs and watched the waves crash against the
shore like mighty giants claiming their victory.

“I’m happy for you, my friend.”

“One day I hope to be celebrating your
wedding,” Dominick said as he stroked Zeus’ neck.

“That will never happen.” Erik sounded

Dominick watched sadness shadow Erik’s face
before he had time to cover it in a mask of indifference.

“You could not possibly know what Fate has
planned for you.”

You’re forgetting about my affliction.”

“You don’t have an affliction.”

“I don’t see it as a gift. A curse more like.
It terrifies most folks.”

“Terror to those who are ignorant. Terror to
those you can hunt down and bring to justice.” Dominick looked over
at his friend. “I have seen women in the King’s palace fight for
your affection. I’m sure any one of them would be happy to be your

“It’s my purse they seek, not me. Seeing me
connect with Celeste or my horse, Phantom here, they would faint
dead away, for the devil they married.”

“This is in your own mind. As soon as you
realize that your abilities are not a gift from the Devil, you can
make peace with yourself.”

“Tell this to my father. Alexander is a man
with a strong will and even stronger religious convictions. He
believes I’m possessed by the devil.”

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