Immortal Grave (10 page)

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Authors: Nichole Chase

BOOK: Immortal Grave
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Ree gave a quick bow and went to the wall to return the sword. “I guess Sophie passed on a lot more than we thought.”

“Seems that way. I wonder if she had gotten things from Tria.” Roland frowned and his face tightened with a pained expression.

“She did know how to use the power, so it’s likely she had gotten that knowledge from Tria.” Paden’s voice was thoughtful. “Didn’t she say it didn’t work quite the same way for her that it did for you? Because the power wasn’t intended for her to use?”

“I know she couldn’t sense everything I could. I could pick out a lot more information than she was able to.” Ree sat down on the mat and leaned over one of her legs to stretch the muscles.

“What if the Death Gift acts the same way for you?” Paden looked at Ree, and she could feel him fighting to control his worry.

“Well, we already know I didn’t get the fangs.” Ree took a deep breath and leaned back on the mat.

“Your body wasn’t genetically set up to have fangs. The Guardians were bred so their bodies would be ready for the change. They always had the prospect open to them the same way the Alastriana line was bred to be able to use the power.” Roland sat down across from Ree and looked at her thoughtfully.

“So you think this might have affected Ree negatively?” Paden sat down next to Ree, his knee brushing hers.

“I’m not sure. Have you gotten anything else from the gift? Other than speed and strength?” Roland leaned forward, resting his arms on his crossed legs.

“I heal.” Ree glanced at Paden, curious about what he was thinking.

“It seems to be slower than we heal, though.” Paden frowned in her direction, obviously still unhappy about testing her theory.

“Well, that is probably a side effect of not having the same genealogical make up again. I would think if you heal at all, that is a good sign. I’m willing to bet you may have stopped aging as well.”

“Stopped aging or just slowed down?” Paden’s voice was quiet, obviously worried.

“If she is healing at any rate at all, I believe that would mean her cells are constantly repairing themselves the way yours do.” Roland looked from Ree to Paden. “That’s why you guys are always so hungry. Your body is constantly working.”

“So, I’ve stopped aging then.” Ree felt relieved to hear someone else second her hypothesis.

Roland nodded his head and smiled. “Looks like we’re going to have to learn to put up with you after all.”

Ree laughed and looked at Paden, relieved. She could feel Roland’s stab of jealousy, but she pushed it away and tried to focus on the good news. Something in her clicked in that moment. With all of the bad things that had happened in the last few weeks, all of the scary moments and death that had plagued her and her friends, she needed to enjoy the good things. And to know she had one more weapon in her arsenal and a chance at a long life with Paden meant she had something to be happy about.


Chapter Twelve


“So, do you think that being immortal is breaking the rules?” Melanie sat next to Ree in the kitchen, her empty plate in front of her.

“I was born to human parents with no immortal lineage. That was the rule, and it hasn’t been broken.” Ree took a bite out of her sandwich and chewed thoughtfully. “I mean, that’s what should count.”

“You’re right. I just can’t help but think the dark gods will cause trouble when you win.” Melanie cocked her head to the side.

“If I win.” Ree sat her lunch down and frowned at her friend. “Even with this, there is no guarantee. “

“No. When you win. You can’t think any other way.” Melanie closed her eyes and touched her middle finger to her thumb as if meditating. “You must visualize the outcome you want.”

Ree rolled her eyes at Melanie. “Okay. I will visualize everyone kicking Dark One butt.”

“Good.” Melanie’s face fell for a moment. “I really feel the need to kick some Dark One butt.”

“Hm.” Ree picked up her sandwich and feigned interest in the crust. “Does this need have anything to do with Roland?”

Melanie’s cheeks turned bright pink. “What makes you think that?”

“Just some things I’ve noticed.” Ree took a bite out of her sandwich and tried to pick her words carefully. “You know, I wouldn’t be upset.”

“Upset about what?” Melanie stared at the crumbs on her plate studiously.

“If you have feelings for Roland. I get it. He’s an awesome guy and deserves a great girl like you. Just barely though. You’re pretty incredible and it would take a lot for someone to be worthy of you.” Ree set her food back down and turned to look at Melanie’s shocked face. “Close your mouth. I’m serious.”

“But… I thought… I know how difficult this has been on you…”

“It’s been difficult on everyone. Melanie, Tria was never Roland’s soul mate. That job belongs to someone else.” Ree raised an eyebrow and looked at her friend pointedly.

“I thought I had been doing a good job of hiding my feelings.” Melanie gave Ree a small smile.

“Uh, yeah.” Ree pointed at her head. “Emotion radar built in, remember? Once I got my head out of my own butt, it kind of became apparent.”

“It’s just all so confusing. I mean, he’s a Dark One. A Dark One killed my dad. And then there’s you and the whole Tria thing. I must have some kind of sadistic need to torture myself.” Melanie met Ree’s eyes openly. “But, I can’t help it. When we’re alone, there is something there.”

“Have you told him?” Ree leaned forward on the counter, bracing her head on her hand.

“What would I tell him? Um, hey, Roland. I know you’re in love with my best friend and all, but why don’t we go out for a movie? Grab some popcorn and kick Dark One ass during the previews?”

“Well, I can see where you might have some trouble with that.” Ree frowned. “The gods really did a number on us, didn’t they?”

“You could say that.” Melanie sighed and looked back at her plate. “It just feels so hopeless.”

“Don’t give up, okay?” Ree reached out and grabbed Melanie’s hand. “Just keep working at it.”

“I hear you, I just don’t know how. He’s been in love with you for so long.” Melanie looked at Ree and winced.

“No, he hasn’t.” Ree shook her head adamantly. “He’s been in love with the idea of me. That’s not the same thing. You just need to make him realize how awesome you are.”

“Okay.” Melanie smiled. “Seems kind of silly to be worried about this type of thing with everything else going on.”

“Not really. This is exactly the type of thing we’re fighting for.” Ree stood up and took her plate to the sink. “And speaking of fighting. I think it’s time we started calling the shots.”

“Oh, I like that.” Melanie dumped her plate in the sink too. “I like a woman in charge.”

“Then let’s round up everyone else and come up with some strategy.” Ree headed out the door, calling for everyone to meet up in Sophie’s office. She decided to turn the fireplace on so it wouldn’t feel so empty and lifeless. She looked around the room, not sure where to sit and decided to take a place on the hearth. It felt wrong to sit at Sophie’s desk and she wanted everyone to feel equal. She had been given more Guardians than usual and she planned on picking their brains today.

Melanie took a seat on the couch and Paden sat next to Ree on the edge of the large fireplace. He touched her knee, making her smile. She laced her fingers with his and tried to soak up his presence through the contact. Weylin and Roland were the next in the room. Weylin threw himself onto the couch and put his head in Melanie’s lap. Roland looked at them for a moment, before grabbing a chair and dragging it toward their small group. He turned it backward and straddled the seat, his arms resting on the back.

Juliet and Bryce were the last to show up, holding hands and giggling. Ree blushed and tried to look anywhere but at them. The emotions and giddiness were rolling off of them in waves and she didn’t want to think about what must have brought that about. Juliet sat on the floor in front of the couch and Bryce knocked Weylin's feet off of the couch’s armrest and sat there. Everyone looked at Ree, and she had to swallow to clear her throat before talking.

“We have to stop running. No more letting the bad guys decide the circumstances. They keep getting the home court advantage, and I think things need to be evened up a bit.” Ree leaned forward. “I’m ready to start kicking ass, and I don’t want to wait.”

“What do you have in mind?” Paden leaned forward to match her, his face taking on a glint of eagerness.

“I was thinking about the attack on my parents’ house. They had Dark Ones stationed nearby to take advantage of the false dark. They must have safe houses of their own to stay in during the day.”

“Yes. There are often nests in abandoned buildings, or in houses where the owners had been turned.” Roland frowned. “They are guarded by darklings, of course. That’s one of the main reasons Dark Ones create darklings.”

“In other words, we would likely have to kill the darklings.” Bryce looked at Ree speculatively. “And I have a feeling you will not be okay with that.”

“Actually, I have an alternative.” Ree looked at Paden before continuing. She knew he would worry about her using too much power, but she was sure she could handle it. “If we capture the darklings, I can remove the taint from them.”

“No.” Paden stood up and paced the room. “That’s too dangerous.”

“Paden, I can do it. You saw me do it at the park.” Ree tried to stay calm, knowing he was just worried for her.

“You would be too worried about saving them to protect yourself. It’s not the same when you’re fighting.” Paden looked at her and frowned. She hated seeing him frown so often; she missed his relaxed smile.

“Paden is right. It’s much more expedient to kill them.” Roland nodded toward Paden. “You have to remember that many of them wanted to be darklings.”

“Isn’t it possible some of them didn’t ask to be changed? Or didn’t understand what was really happening?” Ree knew some of the people wanted it, craved it, like the guy from the square.

“I’ve heard of some Dark Ones creating darklings for convenient meals and there were Dark Ones with harems.” Roland shrugged at Ree’s sharp intake of breath. “Remember how they can make you feel. It’s part of it all.”

“That’s disgusting.” Juliette said.

“It’s just like crack addicts who prostitute themselves out for drug money. Only with this, they get a dose of blood that makes them faster and stronger.” Bryce squeezed Juliette’s shoulder.

“That’s disgusting, too.” Juliette shook her head. “I don’t know why anyone would ever want to be dependent on something like that.”

“Did you have a harem?” Melanie looked at Roland suspiciously. Everyone in the room turned to look at Roland in curiosity. Ree remembered bits and pieces from when she was Tria, but for the most part it was a blank.

“I did things I am not proud of before Tria restored my humanity, but having a harem was not one of them.” Roland looked at Melanie, his eyes clear and fierce. “Don’t forget I was changed against my will. I think it gave me a distaste for it even when my morals were not to be seen.”

Melanie nodded her understanding. Ree looked at Roland and tried to distinguish his emotions. They were tumbling through the room in a flurry of confusion. Anger, guilt, and surprise were the strongest feelings, though she also felt something bright that he kept trying to smother. She couldn’t help but hope it was something to do with Mel.

“Okay. We go to these places, wherever they are, and what? Run in and take out as many Dark Ones as possible?” Paden sat back down next to Ree and took her hand once more.

“No. We take them all out. Then there will be no one left to tell Tristan anything.” Ree looked back at her friends. “And if I can’t take the taint out of the darklings, then we do what we have to.” Standing up, Ree walked toward the map of Savannah that Sophie had on her desk. She didn’t want to think about killing darklings; she would deal with that when the time came. “Roland, do you have any ideas about where the darklings might be?”

“It’s fair to say they are spread throughout the city, not just the Historic District. Our best bet is to scout the abandoned buildings.” He stood up and walked over to look at the map. He tapped his finger on a street. “I’m pretty sure there is a nest here in the abandoned house on the corner.”

“It might not be a bad idea to watch the night clubs for activity. We could try to follow them back to their hidey holes.” Bryce walked over to look at the map where Roland was pointing.

“We should split up and try to cover a bunch of places.” Ree looked at each of her friends. “We don’t engage unless we have to. We need to take out as many Dark Ones as possible. The less they have at the final battle, the better our chances.”

“Don’t engage?” Melanie stood up, dropping Weylin’s head onto the sofa.

“Hey! I was comfortable.” Weylin sat up and ran a hand through his hair.

“What if they attack a human?” Melanie stood across the desk and frowned at Ree.

“We can’t let them kill innocent people.” Ree frowned. “If you have to intervene, make sure no one escapes.”

“So, when do we leave?” Weylin stood up and cracked his knuckles.


The cold wind was almost painful as they crossed the water, and the choppy waves made Ree’s teeth slam together. Low clouds took away any light the stars might have offered, leaving the group to find their way in the dark. Ree gripped the railing next to the boat console as they crashed down.

Paden moved to stand behind Ree, his hands settling on her waist and offering his warmth and support. She leaned back into him and sighed when he wrapped his arms all the way around her. She was worried about their plan, scared she was making the wrong move. The fact was, the more information they had, the better off their group would be. She just wished she had been able to run her plan past Sophie.

“It’s going to be okay.” Paden leaned forward, his lips touching her ear.

She shook her head and tried to not be surprised at how well he read her. “I’m scared something will go wrong.”

“Something will go wrong.” There was a note of amusement in Paden’s voice.

“What?” Ree jerked around to look at Paden in surprise.

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