Immortal Distraction (11 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Finn

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal, #Vampires

BOOK: Immortal Distraction
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When he latched his mouth to her nipple and pulled it into his mouth, she moaned and arched her back. Then his hand pushed roughly past the waist of her pants, and they were off. Mere seconds had her naked under his body. She could feel his muscular build bearing down on her, and his cock was twitching and moving against her stomach. He pulled at her nipple, roughly sucking and lashing his tongue across the hard peak. And as he pushed her legs out wide, one hanging off the couch and the other pushed hard against the back, she could feel the length of him snug against the slit of her sex.

She was warm and wet against his hard arousal, but she still refused to open her eyes. She craved the touch, but she wasn’t ready to deal with the reality of him again. He nudged against her entry, pushing slightly past her lips to tease and flirt with her body. She flooded with wetness as he nudged and retreated over and over. His voice was far off, and she couldn’t focus on what he was trying to say to her, but as she listened and reveled in the pulsing push of his cock at her entry, his voice neared closer and closer as though moving from a distance to envelope the space around her body.

“Brit!” The sound came from every plane and every direction, spoken with the harsh demand only he could get away with. Her eyes flew open to meet his, and a deep trembling started coursing through her body as his lips parted and she took in his teeth. Fangs. His lips were pulled up in a seductive sneer ready to attack, and she gaped at his open mouth and the threat that it held.

He pushed.

Her body accepted the insistent drive of his cock. It wasn’t slow, and it wasn’t fast. He pushed as though driving steadily to her depths, and he studied her as she stared with shock at the animalistic glint in his eyes. When he was fully imbedded in her body, he paused. His tongue reached out and trailed lightly over the tip of one of his fangs, and he smirked at her watchful and likely terrified expression.

“Submit.” His voice filled the space between their bodies, and she tried to shake her head, but she didn’t really want to, and it fell flat. When the snarl broke from his mouth, it was at a speed unfathomable to her understanding. His lips pulled back barring his fangs before his mouth lunged at her neck, and she felt the teeth sink into her flesh with a crunching sound that mixed with the cry that unleashed itself from her throat. He started pounding and thrusting into her pussy as his mouth pulled at her neck.

Warmth was replaced with a draining coolness that coursed through her body as his penetrations continued ceaselessly. He was rough, forcing her body to comply with his pace and power, but the ache was dull and distant as her body was drained. The cold was creeping into her body as the warmth emptied from her neck. Her hands were on his biceps, but the push she was trying to inflict was weak and losing power by the second. When she felt her life slowly slipping away, she wasn’t sure she cared. Her body felt blissfully secure and controlled. And when his teeth pulled from her neck, it was only to let loose a loud and powerful orgasm as he thrust deep and hard one last time into her body.

“Mine.” She barely heard the utterance as he spoke in her ear. She was dying and there wasn’t enough strength left in her body to focus let alone fight back, and she didn’t want to fight back. She wanted him to own her.

And then her cell phone rang … and she woke up with a start that sent her falling from her couch to the floor, cracking her forehead on the side of her coffee table. She was clothed, she was alive, and aside from now having a knot on her forehead that would without doubt leave a bruise, her body was intact. Wetness had pooled between the lips of her vagina, but she was otherwise exactly as she had been when she laid down.

“Jesus, Sutton. Where the fuck are you. You were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago.” Fuck!

“Sorry … sorry. I’m on my way.”

Chapter 11

“I want to know where the man is.” The councilmen watched him, but he was only looking at Langford. Driscoll was part of his family, and it was Langford’s responsibility to keep the man in line. A responsibility he’d thus far failed to uphold. “There’s been another killing, and this time a child. Fifteen. I don’t give a shit what she’s done, we don’t kill children.”

“He’s a predator, Angus, just like you. He goes after drug dealers. That’s his prey of choice. Try to see the bigger picture.” It was Langford, and he was being stupid enough to try to convince Angus that Driscoll was doing nothing wrong. Angus was already not thrilled by Driscoll’s habit of so violently killing his prey, but to kill one so young was unacceptable. He didn’t give a shit if she’d been dealing drugs or not. He didn’t want to protect a monster who was capable of the things Driscoll was capable of, and at the moment, he was blaming Langford.

“I want to know where the man is. I’m not going to ask again.” His focus remained on Langford. Truman was by his side, and even Ember had come to the council meeting today. As a new vampire, she was passionate about the respect of humans, and as a child-welfare advocate for the city, she was jealously protective of children. She had never even hunted and refused to do so. She took blood from her husband, and while she rarely sat in on council affairs with Truman, she had her own concerns on this matter. Dr. Quentin Bremmer, the newest council member, was there as well. He was hardly new to council affairs, but his interest had always been on research and medicine in the past. With the death of his former clan head, he’d been put in the position of filling his family’s role. However, he was given all the freedom he needed for his own pursuits, and he was indispensible to their race in Angus’ opinion. Blakely was present too. He was a quiet and contemplative vampire who was older even than Angus. The majority of his family resided further south, and while Blakely was present when he needed to be, he spent a good deal of time in Charlotte where his larger family home was located.

Langford shook his head as he looked away from Angus. He wanted to punch the man. He’d never liked him. Found him to be a simpering, spineless man, not the least capable of leading his family. They were only a group of ten in Boston with a few smaller clans spread out among the eastern region. But the man was as incapable as any he’d met. When their former council leader, Sylvan, had been in control of the council, Langford’s weakness had mattered little, but now, Angus expected the councilmen to do their jobs effectively, and he was responsible for making sure they did.

“I don’t know where he is.” His eyes said he was lying, or if not lying, at least not being completely honest. Angus wasn’t surprised. If he could get his hands on Driscoll, he wasn’t sure he wouldn’t end the vampire and be done with it. It’s what Sylvan would have done, but then … Sylvan would have killed Brit too just to be sure.

“Well I suggest you find him and fast.” He was bellowing, and Ember was watching him silently with wide eyes. He was angry. He didn’t want this responsibility. This man didn’t deserve his protection, and it wasn’t going to help things with Brit either. His relationship with Brit, if it could be called that, wasn’t a legitimate excuse for wanting to be done with Driscoll, but it was his reason. He was sick and damn tired of Driscoll being a part of their every interaction. “I want to speak to him, and if I find out you’re lying about where he is, you’ll suffer along with him for it. This behavior won’t be tolerated. And if I have to take your man out to protect our privacy and the safety of more inappropriate victims, I will.”

Langford avoided his eyes and said nothing. When Blakely and Langford left, Bremmer, Truman, and Ember stuck around.

“I think we need to consider Driscoll could be an addict.” It was Bremmer speaking. “If he’s using blood to get high, it would explain the overzealous kills.”

“He’s targeting dealers, not addicts. Dealers may not be clean, but they’re not strung out either. If he was an addict, he’d be going after other addicts, not the dealers.” What Bremmer was saying was valid, but it didn’t add up to what he’d been told of Driscoll’s hunting habits. Then again, he’d been told by Langford, and how much did he trust that man?

Ember must have read his mind. “Do you know that for certain? I mean, fifteen…” She was shaking her head. “That’s not really drug-dealer material. I’ve seen plenty of teenagers messed up in drugs, but not dealing, at least not on any level that would warrant being a threat or a pariah. It takes organization, maturity even to some extent.” He was nodding his agreement.

“I think you need to look at who these victims were a bit closer. She’s a good detective, Angus. Let her do her job. We can always step in and terminate him later, once you’ve given her a chance to find him for us.” Truman finished the thought that was already circulating in his mind.

“And besides, you’ll likely get a lot further with her if you’re working together rather than constantly trying to stand in her way. I’m guessing that’s what you want, considering you’re in love with her…” Ember, and she was smirking at him.

“I’m not in love with anyone, Em. Stop being a sappy romantic. Love is for you and Truman, not a logical vamp like me.” But even as he said it, a trill of longing ran through his body. He wanted to see her. It had only been twenty-four hours since she’d left him, but she’d left him long before he was ready to see her go. And a plan hatched in his mind. He may not be able to get Langford on his side, but being the chairman of the council did grant him a few rights over the different families, and he intended to execute those powers now.

* * * *

When she and her partner met him in the lobby of her precinct, the desire came back in full force. She looked tired, but incredible—aside from a small knot of bruised skin on her forehead. When she saw him looking, the blush already creeping into her cheeks turned scarlet and she touched the knot. She couldn’t hold his gaze, and as she walked toward him, she took a deep and steadying breath as she studied the floor. The moment she was close enough to him, he inhaled. She smelled of the subtle scent of her cum, and the only thing missing was his own mixed with it. Wonder what she’d done to get so turned-on… Her blush wasn’t fading quickly, and he was guessing he most definitely had something to do with this arousal, even if he hadn’t actually been a part of it. Perhaps the knot on the head too…

Her partner, on the other hand, reeked. Angus stayed close to her body as they moved down the hall to an interview room. He inhaled her delicious scent, trying his utmost to escape her partner’s stench. When her partner stopped to speak to a uniformed officer, he leaned quickly to her ear and spoke quietly for only her to hear. “What’s got you so flushed and turned-on, Brit?”

She turned slightly to him, shaking her head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He chuckled quietly as they continued to the room, but not before whispering quickly into her ear, “You smell delicious.”

“If you waste my time, you’ll regret it.” The partner, Humphreys, had caught back up to them and was trying to intimidate him.

“I’m sorry, and who are you?” Angus was smiling at the fat, smelly man, who glared back.

“This is my partner, Detective Humphreys. And we really are busy, so if you have something to say, get on with it.” She was trying for control, just as always, but she couldn’t hide her want from him.

“I can get you access to his residence.”

“What makes you think we can’t do that on our own?” Brit was challenging him. What else was new? But the moment he shifted his focus from her partner to her, the blush reinvigorated and she looked away. Well he had definitely left his mark on her. His cock was pulsing just seeing her so flushed and embarrassed in front of him.

“Because you’d have done it already. You can’t access his family’s building without cause, and since you can’t verify that he actually lives there, I’m guessing you’re at a dead end in that regard. I’ll get you whatever verification you need, so you can execute an arrest warrant. I doubt you’ll find him there, but it will get you into his apartment. I’m guessing all you really need is a statement from someone like me indicating he resides there. That along with your witness statement from last night…”

“How do you know about that?” She eyed him suspiciously.

“I have my ways. As I was saying, along with the witness statement, you should have no problem getting the arrest warrant you need to enter his residence, and I’m happy to tell you where he resides.”

“Well that’s a change,” she muttered.

He was watching Brit, ignoring the man. Her eyes flashed with a look of excitement that she couldn’t stifle. Driscoll had no known address that she’d been able to prove. But Angus knew full well he had a residence in his family’s building. Because Brit couldn’t prove it, she would never be able to execute an arrest warrant to enter his residence on her own. She needed only a statement from him to see it done. And he was prepared to help her … for once.

She and Humphreys exchanged a look, but she glanced back at him quickly. Her skin was still flushed, and she was so incredibly cute wearing her well-worn boot-cut jeans and perfectly fitted, gray, long-sleeve, jersey-knit shirt with a bold Kelly green three-quarter-length sleeve cardigan. Her gray shirt showed past the shorter cuff of her green cardigan, and she paired the outfit with a pair of black patent-leather Mary Jane clogs with gray-and-black striped socks. She looked stunning. She couldn’t hide how very feminine and stylish she was. It was a subtle and easy style, but she was so very womanly and lovely in this world of masculine dominance and stark, boring surroundings. She stuck out like a sore thumb in this place, and he could understand easily why she’d adopted such an intense attitude. Of course, her past didn’t help any on that account either.

He watched her and continued to ignore Humphreys. He had a feeling Humphreys was not going to be his favorite person in the world, and he was far more interested in looking at Brit. Her blush appeared to be permanently affixed to her cheeks, and he reveled in her scent and what must lie behind it. He’d not stopped thinking about her since he’d finally fucked her, and he had no idea when he’d be able to make that happen again, but the thought had started to take over and consume his mind.

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