Immortal Blood (19 page)

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Authors: Magen McMinimy,Cynthia Shepp Editing

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Urban, #Angels, #Psychics, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Immortal Blood
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Chapter Forty



Izzy stared at Makyle. Immortality? Did she really want immortality? She wasn’t sure. Rowan and Makyle had laid a lot on her.

Segregation, superiority, racism
, and sexism were all in human history. Unfortunately, they all weren’t
history; they were still valid issues in her world. So she supposed from what she knew of the Fae and how much they seemed to have in common with the human race, it made sense that they could suffer from the same short sightedness that brought these issues on.

“Who was it?” she asked Rowan.

“Excuse me?” Rowan tilted her head with confusion.

“Who was it that had all these issues with who
, or more precisely, what I am?”

Rowan’s head dropped slightly
. “
Lady Esperanza.

Just as Izzy had figured
. Bain seemed to have a very close relationship with his mother. How would it work if she didn’t approve of Izzy?

“What was the ultimatum?” Izzy asked.

Rowan shook her head. “That will be for Bain to tell you. If you choose to take Makyle up on his offer, Bain will have all the time in the world to tell you.”

“I don’t know,” Izzy said honestly “I don’t know if I want
immortality… I want to talk to Bain.”

Rowan nodded
. Her eyes drifted up to the left, she was quiet for a few minutes, and then smiled. “He’ll be here shortly.”

“What did you just do?” Izzy questioned.

“I asked Cree to bring him here. They’re out patrolling tonight not too far from here. I asked Cree to explain what was happening.”

“I don’t even know what’s happening. What does it mean if I say yes? What about my family?”

“Your family cannot know about this,” Makyle said simply.

“So what, in a few years when they notice I’m not aging, I have to just
… disappear?”

Izzy couldn’t even fathom the idea of leaving her family
. Her parents still had a lot of years left in them. A lot of years she wanted to be there to share with them. Then there was her grandmother, who was on the downward slope of her life. She was strong and healthy, but the woman was eighty-two years old. And what about her sisters and her niece and nephew? She only had two as of right now, but Marie was born to be a mom and someday she would be. Would Izzy even get the chance to meet them?

She had too many ties that bound her to this life
—ties she loved and would never sacrifice. Her heart would never forgive her for giving up a chance to be with Bain. She wasn’t sure she would ever love someone else, but she would never forgive herself if she lost precious years with her family.

,” Izzy finally whispered. “Tell him not to come. I love him, I do. But I can’t give up my family.” Her voice cracked with pain.

The words stung as Izzy said them. All she had wanted these past weeks was to see him, but if she saw that gorgeous face, she wouldn’t be strong enough to do what had to be done. If she spoke to
him, she wouldn’t be able to say no to Makyle’s offer and she would eventually come to resent herself and possibly Bain, because she had willingly given up her family for him.

Rowan let out a satisfied sigh that cut off Izzy’s rambling, aching
, and confused thoughts.

Why was she smiling? This was not a happy moment.

“You don’t have to,” Rowan assured her. “I have a plan for that. They can’t know about your immortality, but you can live out the next fifty years with them as a part of your life.”

“How?” Izzy questioned.

It would be a little obvious that something wasn’t right if she continued to look twenty-nine when she was supposed to be seventy-nine.

“Darnell is a unique kind of Fae
, and he has agreed to cast glamours every few years on you and Bain. So that when you come to the Human World to see your family, it will look like you two are aging at a normal human rate. So you see, you can be with your family too. All you have to do is agree to let Makyle make you immortal.”

So far
, it was all sounding too good to be true. “How would you make me immortal?” Izzy asked Makyle.

“The same way I made Rowan immortal, or how my sisters made the brothers immortal.”

Izzy tilted her head. “With your blood?”

“Yes, I’m afraid so. You and I will become very close
. The first few years you will need to feed every week, but slowly, as time goes on, you will need less and less of my blood. All you have to do is say yes, and I will give you this.”

“Why, just to keep Bain happy?”

“I will do this because Rowan has asked me to, and it is important now more than ever that we do all we can to keep the Immortal brother’s focused and content.”

Content, they wanted her to immortalize herself to keep Bain
… content?

“And what would be expected of me?” She posed this question to Rowan.

“To love my brother. There are no strings attached to this offer, Isabelle.”

Izzy was quiet as she pondered the offer.

“Does Bain want me forever?” Izzy finally asked Rowan, a crack in her voice as she did.

Rowan smiled
. “You can ask him yourself. He and Cree just arrived.”

Izzy wasted no time bolting from the office
, passing the bar and scanning the crowd. It didn’t take long to locate the tall, handsome, blond with the violet eyes who’d stolen her heart, standing next to the even taller, glacial-eyed, man with the one unruly strand of black hair falling in his face. They had the best costumes in the bar. Both of their wings were still out, but tucked in nicely, whitish-gold next to midnight black.

Izzy had stopped once she saw him
. She held the back of probably the one empty chair in the whole place, her knees threatening to give out on her.

The room was crowded, and Bain couldn’t locate Izzy right away. Of
course, he had no idea what she would be wearing. In this crowd of costumes, she could have been anyone. Her scent was what found him first, and he swore he could single out her heartbeat then.

He caught sight of his angel near the bar, a chair seeming to hold her up. Her eyes were glued on him and even from the forty some odd feet
away, he could see the sheen to her eyes. They sparkled, and not just because they were those fiery, beautiful blue eyes, they held tears. Bain strode forward, nearly knocking people over as he did.

Izzy found the strength in her legs to move towards Bain as he started towards her. Izzy didn’t care about the people around
her, not even her sisters, whose table she hurried right past. Her arms flung out and wrapped around Bain’s neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist and wasted no time dropping his lips to hers.

They were like two high school students kissing in the middle of a party, but Izzy really didn’t care and it seemed neither did Bain.

“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I’m so sorry,” he murmured against her lips.

Izzy was crying now, unashamed of her tears, of the weakness other may have seen in them.

“Sweetheart, please don’t cry. I’m so sorry.”

“I’m not crying because of what happened
. I’m crying because I didn’t think I would ever get to see you again, and now you’re here.”

Bain kissed Izzy again
. It was soft, deep, and longer then was probably appropriate. His tongue twisted and teased hers. She shivered thinking of all the wickedly pleasurable things his tongue could do to her. He knew how to kiss her thoughts and worries away.

When they finally came back up for air, Izzy had to ask
. She needed to know what pain Esperanza had caused him, because of her. “What did she threaten you with?”

Bain pulled back and shook his head
. “We can talk about it later… Rowan said you needed to talk to me before you would give Makyle an answer.”

Izzy pulled him back to
her, burying her face in the crook of his neck just below his ear and whispered, “You have to promise you will tell me what happened. What she did to you.”

nodded, his hair tickling the side of her face. Izzy smiled and pulled back so she could get a good look at him.

Bain shook his head as he took in all her features
. She was so beautiful, his perfect little Izzy. She was an angel tonight, and she looked like temptation in white aside from the tears. Bain cupped her cheeks and used his thumbs to wipe away the slow-moving stream that ran down her pink cheeks.

“Just answer me one question
…” Izzy started, holding his gaze while she asked. “Do you want me forever?”

Bain smiled down at her
. “More than I’ve ever wanted anything. I love you, Isabelle.”

Izzy let out a deep breath. She turned to look at Makyle, who stood a few feet away with Cree and Rowan.

” She smiled.

Bain’s lips slammed down on Izzy’s
, taking one of what would probably be many inappropriate kisses in their long life together.





Bain watched Kyra as she cannonballed into the lake, Izzy waiting a few feet away to catch her when she swam a little further out into her arms.

He had everything he ever needed. One thing he always knew he needed
,—his daughter happy and spending more time living with him. And the second was something he never knew he was missing—the love of the perfect woman. Izzy was everything he could ever ask for. She loved him, and she loved Kyra.

His relationship with his mother was nonexistent at this point in time, though the one person aside from him who should never forgive her was on the fence over his shattered relationship with his mother
… Izzy.

She hated that she had started this issue, even though Bain had told her time and time again that it wasn’t her fault. Yet she wouldn’t or couldn’t let it go. She wanted him to talk to his mother. Izzy continued to point out that her plan had
succeeded, but in the end, they had won. They were together, and they were happy.

Bain smiled and pushed his mother out of his mind
. There would be time in their very long future to deal with her. Bain took a step back from the rock jutting out over the water, planting his feet he pushed off in a quick sprint, pulling his legs to his chest as he leapt over the edge of the rock.

“That’s gonna be a big splash
, Daddy!” Kyra shrieked and giggled as Izzy turned away from the spray of water that bound over them from Bain’s body entering the once-smooth water.

Izzy turned back around when Bain resurfaced
, a sweet smile on her face as she let Kyra go so she could swim to her father.

Izzy had to admit Bain looked damn sexy in father form
. He was amazingly sweet with Kyra and her. They were the two females in his life who got to see that amazing side of him. He was raw, protective, attentive, and loving with them. And when they were alone, he was the smug jackass she loved. This was better than any family she could have dreamt up for herself.

Kyra swam to the
shore, ready to jump off the rock and see if she could make as big of a wave as her daddy had. Bain took the opportunity to pull Izzy to him.

Izzy gazed up into Bain’s
face, a sexy smirk playing over her lips. She brushed his wet hair from his forehead

“I love you, Bain
,” she told him.

He smiled as he lowered his lips to hers
. “I love you too, Izzy,” he murmured before capturing her lips for a quick, but deep and passionate kiss.

Izzy and Bain broke apart at the sound of a sweet little giggle.

Also By the Author


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la (book 2)



Half-Blood Princess


Blood Claim
: Book 1

Resurrection Stone
: Book2

Shadowed Memories
: Book3

Dark Soul
: Book 4

Echo’s of Silence
—Abel’s Slayers: Half-Blood Princess Book 5

A Witch’s Mark
—The Guardians: Half-Blood Princess Book 6

Bound By Destiny
—the Guardians Part 2: Half-Blood Princess Book 7

Last Surrender
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Immortal Heart


Immortal Blood
: Book 1


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