Image of the Beast and Blown (41 page)

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Authors: Philip Jose Farmer

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garters. Vivienne was not far behind her; she wore a gar-
ter belt and stockings. The snake-thing had withdrawn;
her auburn bush looked very attractive.

Pao, naked, his skinny dick dangling halfway down be-
tween his thighs, said, "Would you please undress, Cap-

Childe, feeling dizzy, rose. He said, "Captain?"

"You will know what I mean—I hope," Pao said.

Childe remembered with a pang of dread his treatment
at the hands of the enormously fat Mrs. Grasatchow when
he was a prisoner in Igescu's house.

He said, "Am I to be abused?"

"No one would think of that now," Pao said. "Vivienne
made a very bad mistake, and if we did not need her so
much, we might have killed her. But she was overcome
by your power, and that is a reasonable excuse for her
actions. Nevertheless, she will not be permitted to touch
you tonight."

Childe, looking at the naked and superbly shaped
woman, felt his penis rising. The liquid seemed to have
gone down warmly to the place behind his navel and
there caught fire. The blaze spread out, up, and down, but
mainly down. The base of his cock was rammed with a
boiling and heavy liquid metal; it expanded upwards,
filling out his cock, lifting it up, and making it throb.

He said, "All right," and he undressed.

Pao took his clothes and left the room. Childe, standing
there, felt foolish, and so he sat down. The others seemed
to know what was expected of them; they began embrac-
ing and caressing each other, standing up, or lying down
on the floor, or on the sofas. They were not putting their
whole hearts into their lovemaking, however; they were,
waiting for someone or something.

Pao returned. He walked up to Childe, took his hand,
and said, "Your blessing, Captain."

He placed his long slim peter on Childe's upturned
palm, and the dead worm came to life. It became red and
swollen and rose up off the hand as if launched. Pao
backed away and bowed and kissed Childe's hand where
his peter had lain.

"I thank you, Captain," he said.

There was a scramble among the couples after that.
They arranged themselves in a double line in an order of

precedence which they seemed to know well. There was
no quarreling or struggling to get ahead of one another.

The first two in line were Panchita Pocyotl and a big
blond man with Scandinavian features. They stood before
Childe, between him and the goblet in the cube.

The man said, "Your pardon, Captain," and took
Childe's hand and closed the fingers around his half-erect
dong. At the touch, the big-knobbed dong filled up like a
blimp being engorged with gas. It lay hard and throbbing
in Childe's hand, and a small drop of fluid oozed out of
the slit in the glans. The man stepped back and Panchita
got down on her knees and took Childe's penis in one
hand and kissed it on the head and the shaft. Then she
arose, looked once into his eyes with her large luminous
dark-brown eyes, and withdrew with the man.

Childe watched them. They walked to a sofa and lay
down on it. Panchita spread her legs out and over his
shoulders, and he inserted himself into the thick black
glossy bush and began pumping. His red Swedish ass
went faster and faster and then, Suddenly, both groaned
and writhed. After they had come, they lay quiescent and
then, a few minutes later, he was fucking her dog fashion.

This excited Childe, who wanted the next woman kiss-
ing his cock to continue. But she backed away, murmur-
ing, "Thank you, Captain," and went away with her squat
Indian partner and his thick stubby penis.

The couples came quickly, the men laying their dongs
in his hands and the women kissing or licking his cock.
There were exceptions, however. Some of the men also
got down and kissed or even sucked briefly on him, and
some of the women took his hand and placed it on their

Childe had been slightly repulsed by some of this at
the beginning. But as more couples approached him, as
more couples began fucking or sucking, he accepted it as
something natural to him. He began thinking of it as his
due, and then as something old and familiar. The
flashes of the exotic and extraterrestrial landscapes oc-
curred more frequently, each time coincident with the
placing of a dong in his hand or the slide of lips over the
head and shaft of his cock.

The goblet had increased its illumination during this
ceremony. As each couple passed, it shone a trifle more

brightly. And the white glow in his skull was exceeded
only by the hot whiteness in his penis. It was so strong a
sensation, he was disappointed when he looked down and
did not see glans and shaft radiating with a white light.

Pao, he noticed, had no steady partner. He wandered
around, and when he found a vacant cunt or empty
mouth, he filled it. He did not seem to care whether or not
the other was male or female. He came each time he
rammed his partner with a few strokes, and then he would
withdraw his dripping but still rigid dick and go on to the
next person.

The only one missing, he suddenly noticed, was Plug-
ger. He had shown up early in the line and given Childe a
slight shock when he closed Childe's hand around his
warty cock. Childe had felt an increase in the ecstasy
building up in him but that was all. He had the feeling
that Plugger was withholding, that he had, somehow,
turned down his bioelectricity to a minimum. And then
Plugger, after briefly fucking his partner but leaving her
passed out, had disappeared.

Childe considered this for a second. He had an image
of Plugger walking down the hall towards Sybil's room.
Was the bastard going to her? And then he forgot about
him when the next woman ran her tongue over the head of
his penis.

Although the line had been sedate enough, considering
the actions of the couples, the people became wild once
they had left him. They talked loudly, swore, smacked
loudly when kissing or sucking each other off, and filled
the room with the slap-slap of wet cocks driving against
wet cunts or into wet assholes. They groaned and moaned
or screamed with the ecstasy of orgasm oncoming or occur-
ring. And the air was heavy and musky with the odors of
sweating bodies, lubricating fluid, and sperm.

The fantastically beautiful Vivienne, although denied
touching him, was taking advantage of her liberty with
her fellows. She was standing bent over, sucking on a big
black's cock while Pao thrust his dick into her anus and
the snake-thing looped under Pao's balls and slid back
and forth into his anus. They all seemed to come at once,
judging from their writhings and shakings. The black's
cock dwindled to a half-erection and came out of the
mouth of Vivienne, who swallowed the jism. Pao's dick

withdrew and was at half-mast, dripping. The snake-thing
left Pao's ass reluctantly with its mouth still vomiting
spermatic fluid and coiling and uncoiling in the final
spasms of orgasm.

At that moment, the last woman in line quit tickling his
glans with her tongue. Pao, his cock beginning to rise
again but still expelling the gray fluid, walked across the
room to him. Childe looked at him with a mute appeal.
He was close to coming, and his peter was throbbing in
the air. In one corner of his mind, he noted the goblet had
begun to pulse. The whiteness flared and dimmed, flared
and dimmed.

Just before Pao reached him, he made the connection
with full awareness. The goblet was emitting pulses of
light in phase with the throbbings of his dong.

Pao took Childe's hand and lifted it. His dick rose so
high it almost touch his navel. Childe's own organ seemed
to lurch, and its head touched his belly. The throbbings
increased, the warm gray tide in his testicles and ducts
rose more swiftly, and the glory in him threatened to
shoot out.

"Come on!" he said fiercely to Pao.

Pao waved his hand, and Childe understood that he
was to take his pick.

Childe looked quickly around. He had a superb choice,
because there were very few women in the room who
were not extraordinarily beautiful.

Childe said, "Vivienne!"

Pao was startled and opened his mouth, apparently
intending to protest. But he closed it and crooked a finger
at Vivienne.

Vivienne was startled, too. She pointed a finger at her-
self and mouthed, "Me?"

Pao nodded and gestured for her to come a-running.
She did so with the snake thing flopping between her legs,
banging into her knees and protesting against the treat-
ment. When Vivienne got to Childe, she dropped on her
knees and said, "Forgive me, my Captain."

Then she started to suck on the end of his cock. The
ecstasy came in slow waves, and from the inside of his
navel to his knees he became ice.

He managed to gasp at Pao, "Jerk that thing out!"

"What?" Pao said.

"Pull that thing out of her cunt! Quick!"

Pao got down behind Childe and reached through his
legs and grabbed the snake-thing, which was trying to
wrap itself around Childe's thigh. Apparently it intended
to climb up and into Childe's asshole, although it was
doubtful that it was long enough to reach its goal. But Pao
grabbed it behind its head and gave a savage yank.

Vivienne fell apart.

Childe stood with her head between his hands and his
penis in her mouth. The eyes stared up at him with a
violet fire, and the lips and tongue kept on sucking and
thrusting. The other parts of her body, having gotten onto
their legs, began to scuttle around the room. The big
black who had been sucked off by Vivienne picked up the
many-legged cunt and stuck it on the end of his cock and
began sliding it back and forth. The cunt's legs kicked as
if it were having an orgasm.

The goblet's pulses came faster and faster. Childe held
the head by the ears and rammed his prick faster and
faster between the lips. Its head drove down her throat,
backed out until it almost left those beautiful lips, and
then rammed in until the hairs around his cock were
crushed against her lips.

Faster and faster. Brighter and brighter. Pulse and ec-

The ice turned to fire. He spurted with a scream and a
writhing that was so violent he almost dropped the head.
His pubis was against her nose and his dong was far
down her throat. He came and came, and the goblet
glowed as if it were in the heart of the sun.

Pao got down underneath the head and swallowed the
jism that fell down her throat and out the open neck.

The others scrambled to catch the drops that Pao had
missed. They rolled him away, and stuck their heads un-
der Vivienne's, and then they were pushed away. Those
who could not get any directly ran their fingers over the
lips or down the mouths of those who had been lucky and
got the stuff second-hand. Some tasted it and then
rubbed the residue over their cunts or pricks.

Childe quit shaking and spurting. The goblet's light
waned swiftly, and soon it had only a faint glow.

He pulled Vivienne's head off his peter and threw it to

Pao, saying, "Now you can put her together again. I had
my revenge."

He sat down and stared dully at the goblet. He felt very

The people crowded around and spoke in awed tones.
At first, he did not understand what they were talking
about. When he heard a woman say, "It did grow, just a
little, but it grew!" he saw what they were marveling at.

The incomplete side of the cup of the goblet had grown
more of the metal.

"You are indeed the Captain and The Childe," Pao
said, holding Childe's limp cock in his hand. "But you
are no longer a child."

Childe understood what he was saying, although he did
not know the details. During that last explosion of orgasm,
he had seen many things on the screen of his mind. Some-
how, this experience had tapped a racial memory. No, not
racial. That was not the correct term. A genetic memory
was closer to an exact definition.




Forry Ackerman jumped when the poundings came on his
door. He opened the door without checking on the identity
of the visitor, a lack of precaution indicating his upset

A tall good-looking man with yellow hair and dark blue
eyes stood there. Two other men were with him.

He said, "I'm Hindarf. This is Bellow and this is
Grunder. We're friends, old friends, of Alys Merrie. We'd
like to come in."

"No smoking," Forry said and then remembered that
Alys was puffing on one cigarette after another.

He let them in and closed the door. Two sat down
without asking his permission; Hindarf stood in the middle
of the room as if he intended to dominate it. And he did.

"I'm here to carry out the rest of our plan," he said.

"What plan?" Forry said.

He looked around the room. It had always seemed the
center of the universe, this room. It contained illustra-
tions from all over the cosmos by men who had never left
planet Earth in the flesh. Memos from Mars. To others, it
appeared weird, but to him it was home.

Now it was shifting from reality, slipping its moorings.
The very intrusion of genuine alienness rendered this
place alien. The aliens were the real people, and the prod-
ucts of imagination were fake. Contrary to what he had al-
ways maintained, reality was more real than fantasy.

"You must be wondering why you've been chosen,"
Hindarf said. "Why should we ring in an Earthling in our
battle against the Ogs? Why do we need you in our ef-
fort to recapture the Captain?"

Forry bent his head and looked at them from under
raised eyebrows. He drawled, "Yes. I had been wondering
about that. Many are called but Fu are Cho-sen, as the
Korean said."

Hindarf did not smile, but he did not look puzzled
either. He said, "There are some Earthlings who have
what we call
Through the chance of genetics,
they are born with a psychic affinity, or a psychophysical

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