I'll Remember You (Hell Yeah!) (29 page)

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Libby cried out with joy. “You are home.” She panted.

Hot. Wet. Tight. Hell, yeah. He was home. “Hold on, baby. This is going to be a wild ride.” He rammed in, covering her, using her tits as sexy handholds. Thrusting over and over again, slamming in, pulling out, slamming in again, he rode her.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she sang as he fucked her, sating a voracious hunger.

“God, this felt good.” His heart pounded. His blood was on fire. Sweat ran down his face. Yea, he knew how to do this. Thank God, it was like riding a horse or a bike. He might not remember everything, but he remembered how to love this woman and how to please her.

More. More. Mine. Mine. He thrust hard, the tightening in his balls letting him know he was about to erupt. But he wasn’t going alone. “Come for me, baby.” He moved his hand down from her nipple to her clit. And as he thrust inside of her, he played her distended clit like an instrument. Soon her high keening and vise-like contractions milking his cock let him know a powerful orgasm was overtaking her. “Aron!” Libby gasped.

A powerful pulsing contraction rose up from his balls, as hot bursts of semen spurted from his dick. Wanting to own her, he caught the flesh of her neck between his teeth and nipped. Libby threw her head back and screamed as he sucked on her neck. Throbbing aftershocks caused their hips to keep bumping together, wanting to strain every last drop of ecstasy they could from the act. “My God,” he moaned.

“Does that answer your question?” she purred.

“What question?” He pulled her to one side and they rolled to their backs in the bed.

“You’re good in bed.”

He was listening, but her breasts had just come into view and he was almost struck dumb. “You are the sexiest thing alive.” Before she could protest, he began suckling at her nipples, rubbing them, tweaking them, nursing from her bounty.

“God, I’m glad you’re home.” She gave herself over to the rapture, knowing whatever the future held, she was ready for it. Aron was back and all was well with the world.


Chapter Fourteen


“How are things?” Skye asked in a hushed tone. Libby looked happy, but she wanted to know for sure.

“Good.” She tried to keep the grin off her face, unsuccessfully. “Very good.”

“So, it doesn’t bother you that his memory isn’t complete?”

Libby sighed. “Sure, it bothers me.” She had been thinking a lot about it. “We, all of us, are the sum total of every second we’ve ever lived, everything we’ve ever experienced with all the people in our lives. This is our history, this collection of moments is who we are. Aron still has his personality, his abilities, his intelligence...what he’s lost is me.”

“And his family, don’t forget that.”

Libby hung her head. “Of course not, I want him to regain all he’s lost. I’m trying not to be selfish. I just don’t know what I’m going to do.” 

“What do you mean?” Skye asked as they got the grooms table set up for the wedding.

“I want to be fair to him, Skye.” Even though they had incredible sex this morning, she was still having doubts.

“You’re not making sense. Fair about what?” The napkins were to be laid out next, then the forks. There were only about a dozen guests coming, but the girls wanted everything to be perfect for Cady.

“What if he can’t fall in love with me again?”

“That’s just crazy.” Jessie had walked up behind them, with Avery on her heels.

“What’s crazy?”

Libby covered her eyes. She loved the women the brother’s had brought into the family, but sometimes she thought things were simpler when it was just her and the boys.

“She doesn’t think Aron will fall in love with her again.” Skye was talking pretty loudly.

“You have a big mouth, girlfriend.” Libby tried to put a finger over her lips.

“Oh, watch it, watch it,” Avery cautioned. “That’s how I got a microphone hung in my mouth. You know I wrote that scene into one of my books and some reviewer said how unrealistic it was, and I laughed. That was the only true incident in the whole book!”

Cady walked in, Miss Serenity. “What is all the uproar about? This is my wedding day. I will not tolerate any sort of unhappiness.”

“It’s me, I’m being a Debbie Downer.” Libby hung her head.

“Cady, tell her everything is going to be all right.” Jessie took Libby’s hand. “Listen to Cady, she told me on the day of BT’s surgery that he would be home by Christmas and so would Aron.”

Libby widened her eyes at Jessie, then at Cady. “Is this true?”

“Yes, I had a dream. It wasn’t my normal way of learning things.”

“Do you know anything about me and Aron? Any insight?” She was feeling desperate.

Cady took her by the hands and led her to one side, sitting her down. “Do you trust me?”

“Of course.” Libby looked at her friend. “You’re like my guardian angel. I still remember the night you took my illness. Who knows if I would be alive today if you hadn’t helped me?”

“Lord, don’t put me on a pedestal,” Cady admonished her. “The only kind of angel I am is one with a broken wing, but I can tell you this…” Libby was hanging on her very word. “The vision that’s been coming to me lately is one that involves those two little boys of yours. I see them running on chubby legs over this ranch land. I see them climbing trees and swimming in the creek. And watching them are two people...one of them is you. You are their mother, their nurturer. But the other one, who watches over all of you with protective pride and much love is Aron McCoy. This family, your family, has a bright future together. There is nothing that we can’t overcome.”

Libby hugged her. “Okay, I believe you.”

“If you believe anything, believe this. You don’t have to worry about Aron falling in love with you.”

“I don’t?”

“No, he doesn’t have to fall in love with you, he never stopped.”         




The wedding was simple, but perfect. Beau and Harley came. All of Cady’s New Orleans relatives showed up and Aron had a glimmer of memory when he shook hands with Nannette Beaureguarde. She winked at him and told him they were two of a kind. He asked her what she meant and she said, “Too hard-headed to keep down.” He found out later she’d suffered a stroke and had steadfastly refused to let it beat her.

Holiday decorations lent a festive air to the ceremony. The girls had decorated everything in one of Cady’s favorite themes, camellias in the snow. Rich reds and soft pinks were everywhere. Each of the girls wore a rich red Christmasy sheath with a small bouquet of pink camellias. A fresh blanket of snow fell on the ground.

When Joseph and Cady recited their vows, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.

“I Joseph, take you, Cady to be my lawfully wedded wife.” The Stallion had finally been roped and tied, but he had gone willingly. Nathan had been standing by the Christmas tree and when Joseph had kissed Cady, a tiny bell had rung on one of the angel ornaments. He just smiled.

“I now pronounce you, husband and wife.” He’d never forget the day he had met Cady and seen the vision of the beautiful wings rising behind her. That was one of those things he didn’t talk about. There were others, but now that Aron was home, hopefully that would change. He needed to talk to someone about Tina and only his older brother would do.

Libby had stood up with Cady, while Aron had served as Joseph’s best man. The whole time the ceremony had been taking place, she hadn’t been able to take her eyes off of him. Their own wedding was so fresh in her memory. If she were braver, she’d ask him to renew their vows and start over...a new honeymoon, untainted by disaster—a fresh start. But she wouldn’t, he had been through so much. All she really wanted was for him to be happy.

“Where are they going on their honeymoon?” Aron asked.

“Not to the Caymans,” she joked, but he didn’t laugh. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by that.”

“I know,” Aron whispered, leaning down and putting his forehead to hers. “It’s just a very serious topic for me. I almost lost you. I almost lost myself.”

“Actually, I don’t know where they’re going. I’ve been too disheartened to ask.” She sighed. “Till now.” Their question was answered when Joseph announced that Kyle Chancellor and his team had given them tickets to Paris, all expenses paid. They weren’t leaving until after New Year’s, but they were excited.

Beau had word on Revel. He had gotten out of the hospital and gone home with Patrick and Savannah. The McCoy cousins had called to wish Joseph well and they were all planning on coming for a reunion just as soon as Aron gave them the word. He wanted to do it, but there were other things on his mind right now. His wife. “Tell me about our wedding.” He pulled her back against him as they watched their family and friends enjoy themselves.

“We got married on October the 16
, the Sweetest Day.” She had to explain the significance to him. “The night we were on our way to the hospital, when we thought my cancer was out of remission, you promised me I would get better and we’d get married that day, and we did.”

“When my brothers told me about your cancer, it scared me so much.” He kissed her temple. “I want to visit with your physician, just to hear for myself that you are still okay.”

This surprised Libby. “You do?”

“You don’t get it yet.” He looked at her. “You and those babies are the most important thing to me – bar none.”

The day wore on, and the wedding festivities wound down. When only the family was present, they opened Christmas presents, passing them around and throwing paper everywhere. Nathan got his Playstation 4, and a big surprise from Isaac, a small motorcycle. Aron frowned when he heard that, but he told Nathan if he confined his riding to the ranch roads for a while, it would be okay.

When it was Libby’s turn, she handed Aron several gifts. He couldn’t wait, tearing into the biggest one with relish. “A leather jacket!” He was thrilled, standing up and putting it on.

“There’s more,” she gave him a smaller package. And when he opened it, he was shocked. It was a book she had written. “It’s not bound or anything, but maybe you’ll enjoy it.”

“I love it already. Anything you make for me is the most precious thing in the world. What’s it about?” He ran his hand over the paper.

“It’s the story of us,” she told him. “I hope you like it.”

“No doubt in my mind.” He gave her a box. “Here open this.”

“You bought me a gift!?” She was shocked. “When?”

He grinned. “Yesterday, while you were wrapping presents.”

She opened the box. “A ring!” Amazement colored her voice with joy.

“An eternity ring.” He put it on her finger. “Do you understand the significance, wife?” he asked pointedly.

“Yes.” She thought she did. “Always and forever.”

“Good girl.”




“You need to see this doctor. He’ll answer any questions you have.” Jacob gave him Scott Walker’s card. “I’ve already called him about you. I did that before we even went to Mexico after you. He’s the best. If there’s anything that can be done about your memory, he’s the man for the job.”

“All right. When’s my appointment?” He had found Jacob rocking BT by the fireplace. Aron couldn’t wait for the day he could use that old rocker for the same purpose. For just a split second, he saw the image of his mother in the chair, holding Nathan.


“The day after Christmas? I’m impressed.”

Jacob laughed. “You should be. I had to bribe him.”

“I’m grateful.” He stood up. “Well, I’m tired, I think I’ll find my woman and head off to bed. It’s been an exciting day.”

“I agree. We’ve had too many of those lately, it seems.”

Bidding his brother goodnight, he went to the kitchen to find Libby. Aron was so worried that she would never be fully able to accept his memory loss. He intended to do everything he could, daily, to make her feel comfortable and adored. But the stress she was under was taking its toll. When she’d casually mentioned earlier that she was having slight cramps, that had been the last straw. “Ready to go to bed?”

“Yes, please.” She was standing at the kitchen counter, still in her bridesmaid’s outfit. The slight swell of her tummy drew his eye.

“You’re gorgeous, did you know that?”

She blushed. And yawned. “No, but I like to hear you say it.”

“You’re going to the doctor for me, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I will. I’ll call and try to get in tomorrow, if it will make you happy.” Libby couldn’t help but pause and just look at him. It was only a couple of days since he’d been home, but he was looking better, more rested. Now all she had to do was fatten him up. But even his leaner body took nothing away from his male perfection. Her husband was to die for. Taking his hand, they climbed the stairs.

“Good, I’ll feel better if you do.” As much as he wanted to, he didn’t make love with her that night. Oh, they’d kissed and hugged and cuddled, but he wanted to make sure everything was okay. “If there’s something wrong, we need to know. Those cramps make me nervous. I don’t want to take any chances.” He held her tight as they lay in the bed Christmas night. He stroked her hair, counting his blessings. “In fact, I’d like you to get a thorough check-up.” What he feared most was her leukemia flaring up, and stress was one of those things that could potentially trigger all sorts of problems. If there was anything he could do to make her life less stressful, he was willing to do it.

What she didn’t really understand was although he despaired over his memory loss, he was improving day by day. Building new memories, learning things about her and his family. He was repairing his life bit by bit.  But he wanted to do more.

“I think I’m okay, Aron, but I’ll call Doc Gibbs in the morning early.” She nestled into his warm body. Remembering her conversation with Cady, she longed to assure him that all would be well. “Just think where we were this time last week. We need to be thankful.”

“Oh, I am, believe me.” He pulled her over on top of him. “Lie here, I need to feel your body against mine.” She giggled and wiggled and he had to give his cock a serious talking to, to bring him under control. “I’m going to the doctor tomorrow, myself. Will you go with me? I might need you to hold my hand.”

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