Ilario, the Stone Golem (20 page)

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night-robe, Masaccio’s blood staining the hem. The torchlight gave him

stature, although he was still clearly fleshy. He carried an air of authority

that he had barely seemed to in Rome.

He added, ‘I was hoping to speak with you, Messer Ilario. I have a

message for you, from the Pharaoh-Queen Ty-ameny.’

It may have been anticipation or dread, or only the icy wind, that

made my eyes water and my throat ache.

Menmet-Ra turned back, raising his high tenor voice that rang over

the darkening square.

‘Go home, men of Venezia! This is Alexandrine soil – as much so as

the ambassadorial warship in San Marco basin, that has brought me to

your city. Go ask your superiors if they wish to offend the Pharaoh-

Queen through her newest ambassador, before you rashly act here!’

Heads bowed together in the dusk; I heard whispered consultation.

The officers and men of the Council of Ten faded into the darkness,

only boots echoing between the high brick walls to mark their departure.

The gate being unbarred with a clash, Menmet-Ra signalled his men to

follow, and swept through with some gravitas, despite his body having

the smoothness of fat rather than muscle. I did not truly note what words

he and my father exchanged, but I stumbled dumbly in their wake, back

into the house.

Established in a carved chair by the great hearth in the main room, the


Alexandrine looked unhappily at Rekhmire’’s crutches, and then lifted

his kohl-lined eyes.

‘Ty-ameny says you must bring the German. As to the other

matter . . . ’

‘Carrasco.’ Rekhmire’ spoke brusquely. ‘Fetch wine.’

Ramiro Carrasco went out, wordless. Lord Menmet-Ra extended his

hands to the fire. There were goose-bumps on his arms, despite the

oncoming spring, I saw. The waters of Venice make anywhere cold, no

matter if you’re used to Taraco or Constantinople.

‘Well, our cousin got me at last . . . ’ He looked up ruefully at

Rekhmire’. ‘You see before you the newest appointee to the position of

Ambassador in Venezia.’

‘So I gathered,’ Rekhmire’ remarked dryly, seating himself on the oak

settle by the fire. I took a place silently beside him, as quiet as slaves are

when hoping not to be noticed.

‘With a warship?’ Rekhmire’ added, one brow raised.

‘Trireme,’ the older man’s light voice said. ‘I believe the Queen, all

praise to her ten thousand ancestors, thinks the Doge of Venice needs a

reminder who rules the eastern seas, and not merely some few fathoms of

the Adriatic . . . ’

They exchanged looks that I thought in less professional men would

have been broad grins.

‘ . . . And so no making my way here on hired boats,’ the new

ambassador concluded. ‘I come with flags, banners, arbalests, a company

of marines, and all to impress. Ah—’ Menmet-Ra rose to his feet with the

grace of a much thinner man. ‘Lord Honorius.’

My father pulled the door closed behind him and Ramiro Carrasco,

stepping forward, and giving the impression he ignored Carrasco as the

younger man served wine into Venetian goblets.

‘I’ve got my sergeant sorting your men into quarters. Just as well I’m

leaving, or we’d be sleeping six in each bed!’

Honorius had discarded sallet and sword, and was in nothing more

martial than a pleated doublet and hose. Nonetheless, as he crossed to

the hearth and planted himself with his back to the fire, no man could

have taken him for anything else but a soldier.

I knew my father well enough, now, to realise this entirely deliberate.

‘I hear you want to speak with my son-daughter,’ he added bluntly,

flipping up the back of his doublet-skirts to take best advantage of the

heat on his arse.

If the subject had not put a thrill of fear through me, I might have

snickered at the Lion of Castile playing the blunt mercenary


All but inaudibly, Rekhmire’ murmured at my ear, ‘
long do you

suppose it will take to house-train the man?’


His fellow Alexandrine heard, as I thought he had been intended to.

Encourage him to underestimate the Iberian barbarian . . .

Menmet-Ra seated himself again, and spoke with deliberation. ‘If you

are aware of an incident in Rome, at which Ilario was present—’

Honorius nodded curtly. I chose it as my moment to interrupt.

‘Lord Menmet-Ra.’ I leaned forward on the settle, my gaze on him.

‘The . . . statue. Golem. Did it go to Alexandria? Did anyone finish

painting it? Is it still in Rome?’

Honorius’s brows went down as if someone had pinched a thumb and

finger full of flesh over his nose. ‘Ilario, you will not go anywhere near that monstrosity!’

I had described Masaccio’s death; I could not make him feel or smell

what the reality had been like. Meeting Menmet-Ra’s gaze, I saw under

his self-possession, an identical fear to mine.

‘The gift of Carthage,’ the Egyptian ambassador emphasised slightly,

‘is in Alexandria, now. The painting of it remains unfinished. I escorted

the gift from Rome to Alexandria myself.’ He paused. ‘Not on the same

ship with it.’

I might have laughed if I had not been moved to shudder.

Rekhmire’ looked across and curtly signalled Carrasco to leave. I rose

and took the wine glasses around myself. Not that it will make a

difference to have Ramiro Carrasco hear anything – but I understand

why Rekhmire’ prefers his absence.

Lord Menmet-Ra nodded thanks and sipped at wine from a sea-blue

glass. He looked up.

‘I see you’re made free now.’

He thus neatly avoided using the terms
to me.

‘In which case, I can now extend the request of the Pharaoh-Queen in

person, to you, that you come to Alexandria—’

‘No prodding!’

The words fell out of my mouth without my expecting it.

Rekhmire’ put his hand lightly over his eyes. Honorius grinned.

‘I mean,’ I managed, ‘that I have no wish to end with the doctors of

Alexandria examining me.’

Menmet-Ra smiled across at Rekhmire’ with the ease of long


‘I’ve had too much of that kind of interest before,’ I said levelly. ‘Being


Menmet-Ra’s kohl-darkened brows went up. ‘Ah! No. Although I dare

say there are many of our scientists who would like to examine you. But

my business with you is not to do with that.’


The golem’s fingers a joint deep into Masaccio’s larynx as he and I

both tore with useless human hands at motionless stone.

No . . . I suppose that business was not going to be done with so easily.


The large, fat Alexandrine put the tips of his fingers together. With all

the appearance of good humour, he said, ‘The Pharaoh-Queen Ty-

ameny has no hold over you, not being the slave of one of her people

now. Nonetheless, she requests, if you can, that you come to Alexandria,

and tell how it was that Masaccio died. There was no one but you and he

alive in that room with the stone engine when it killed him. If you could

bear witness . . . ’

He left an encouraging gap into which I could speak my agreement.

I looked at Rekhmire’.

The book-buyer shifted where he sat on the wooden settle. ‘Ilario, you

will understand that this “gift of Carthage” is partly an encumbrance,

partly a dare – and, I imagine, the Queen’s advisers are now afraid, partly

a trap.’

‘I understand.’ It was too much to resist. I moved to lean on the back

of the settle, and looked equably at Menmet-Ra. ‘I

Carthage is giving this one of their golems to Alexandria because the

thing can be used as a weapon – even if it hasn’t yet – and the Lords-Amir are showing off. Daring you to discover how it walks and moves

and obeys. Because they’re convinced you won’t be able to.’

The skin around Menmet-Ra’s eyes crinkled. ‘Masaccio hired no

stupid apprentices, I note.’

It made me grin, until what occurred in Rome crashed down on me


‘I’ll be frank.’ The Alexandrine ambassador glanced at Honorius.

‘Since Rekhmire’ reports you and your father trustworthy.’


The book-buyer was none too eager to meet my eye.

Menmet-Ra continued. ‘Any gift from Carthage to Alexandria is likely

to be a poisoned chalice – Lord Honorius, as a military man, you will

understand this.’

Honorius inclined his head in the Iberian fashion, said nothing, but

appeared to listen willingly enough.

‘It is a concealed threat. Yes, they show us this one of their weapons,

and leave us to guess at what else they might have devised. They show

they’re certain enough of no other man investigating the golem’s secrets

by giving us the gift of one. And the more our scientist-philosophers

baffle themselves examining this golem, the more powerful Carthage

grows in our minds . . . and the more fearful of them Alexandria is.’

Menmet-Ra looked up, addressing me directly.

‘After the events in Rome, I made my report from your eye-witness

statement. But it is still only my report. You were the one that saw.

There are those at home who would have the Pharaoh-Queen turn down

this “golem” – I think rightly so. Suppose it were to run amuck one day

in the courts of Alexandria? How many could it kill, before it was


overwhelmed? And, most importantly, if it has hidden orders that send it

against Ty-ameny herself . . . ’

I opened my mouth to speak the obvious suggestion.

‘No.’ Rekhmire’ raised a brow at me. ‘The Pharaoh-Queen – all

worship to her ten thousand God-ancestors – is very nearly as stubborn

as you are. There is no chance of dropping the thing into Alexandria’s


Menmet-Ra gave Rekhmire’ a look I couldn’t identify. ‘The Pharaoh-

Queen, all praise to her ten thousand God-ancestors, does not desire to

look frightened in front of Carthage! Which if she refuses the gift, or

sends it away, or visibly incapacitates it, she will. But it is
safe to have near her.’

The truth would not greatly benefit me, but I spoke it all the same. ‘I

don’t know what else I can add to what I told you in Rome.’

‘Nevertheless. She very much desires to speak with you,’ Menmet-Ra

said. ‘As soon as you feel you might come to Alexandria-in-exile.’

‘Thank you,’ I got in, before Rekhmire’ or Honorius could speak. ‘But,

obviously, I’ll need to talk this over with my family.’

‘Of course.’ Menmet-Ra stirred himself, finishing his wine. ‘I shall

hope to speak to you again. Before I completely immerse myself in

opening this embassy for business.’

His smile was amiable, but the sensation was odd: to hear that what

has felt like my house belongs to this stranger.

Menmet-Ra added, ‘And on that subject – I should speak to Neferet.’

‘Ah.’ Rekhmire’ blinked, with the expression of an amiable lizard. ‘I

believe I also have matters I should discuss with you.’

Honorius spoke gracefully-extricating farewells, grabbed me firmly by

the elbow, and I followed his lead in leaving the room.

‘We’ll talk it over,’ Honorius muttered, ‘but not near my export glass!’


He patted my shoulder, with a wry smile.

Glancing back as we mounted the stairs to his rooms, he added, ‘This

is no opportunity to miss – if Master Rekhmire’ can persuade his

ambassador into it, you might make your way to Alexandria on one of

their warships. That would greatly ease my mind about your safety.’

I closed the shutters against the chill early evening, and plumped down

on a linen chest, wincing as my stitches twinged. ‘I imagine Rekhmire’

will be escorting Herr Gutenberg and his mechanical copyist on that

ship. Before the Doge decides he
search the embassy.’

‘Well, then. It never hurts to have a highly-placed man in court, to

introduce you to his sovereign.’

It took me a moment to realise that my father meant Rekhmire’.


I watched Honorius put a taper to the oil lanterns. Swelling yellow

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