Ignite Me: Shards of Glass, Part One (73 page)

BOOK: Ignite Me: Shards of Glass, Part One
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He turned his face back to his laptop as I went back outside. Out on the balcony was a wicker coffee table with glass top and a selection of chairs. I grabbed the two pots of paint I'd been doing gold accents with. One was a cream color and one was gold. I placed the jacket open on the table and sat myself down on the floor so I could lean closer to the table.

I started off using a smaller brush to do the main lettering, I went for what I hoped would look like scripted lettering, and I lost myself in the painting as I concentrated on being as neat as possible. This was more like the old me. Having something to say and using the press that stalked me as a way to spread that message. I wasn't going to turn into a recluse because of them.

I added a thinner line of gold to the inside edges of the lettering to create a shadow.

“Good vibes only! Explain!”

My heart slammed into my chest as I heard Cameron's voice so close to me and turned to find him sat on the chair nearest to me.

“Jesus Cameron! You gave me a start!” I sat back against his legs.

“Sorry darling, I couldn't concentrate so I came out to see how you were doing! It's very neat and well done!” He stroked my hair into a loose ponytail with his hands.

I grinned at the compliment. “Thank you, it's just a way of saying good vibes only! Like only good vibes, no bad ones! Also, it's a way spreading positivity without having to say anything!”

I tipped my head back, letting the sun warm my face.

“It's a good way of getting a point across I guess! So we dug, nothing up about the photographer yet so what do you want to do?!”

I was enjoying the sun's warmth on my face. “Oh well, I still wanna go, I wanna sunbathe in the park with you! If he's there, he's there! I won't stay hidden away just to avoid them! If they get too close I'll report him to the cops!”

His fingers ran through my hair. “If he gets to close I'll be inserting his camera lens where the sun don't shine!” He grinned.

“Yeah, then they sue you! I'd just flip him the middle finger, then call the cops because there are laws about getting too close!”

He placed his hands on my shoulders. “You wanna see what's in the picnic basket?!”

“Oh, we actually have a proper picnic basket?! I'm excited! I'm so taking photos.”

He stood up and held his hand out for mine. “We do yes and I've never taken a girlfriend for a picnic before! It's something else that's new.”

I beamed at him and I placed my hands in his and let him pull me up. “I've never been on a picnic with a boyfriend before either, so we can pop each other's cherry!”

He grinned. “Did Hagen actually do anything with you other than fucking hurting you?!”

I sighed. “Not a lot, no! Let's not talk about him though!” It reminded me of the photos I'd seen on his laptop, but I didn't want to ask and ruin our picnic.

“Didn't think so.” He smirked pleased with himself and led me off back inside.

As we walked into the kitchen I saw an old fashioned picnic basket sat atop of the counter, it had dark brown leather straps and bronze buckles.

Oh wow this is perfect.

It was gorgeous and I immediately wanted to touch it, to run my fingers over the wicker sections.

“Oh, it's so pretty!” I reached out with my right hand and stroked my fingers over the wicker, the top had a rolled up blanket on it under the leather straps.

“It does something seeing you stroke things, you like to touch and feel don't you!” He stood next to me as he undid the buckles. “Open it, I've got all sorts in there!”

I giggled. “I do like to touch stuff, yes, it's not all things though, just some things I get this impulse to touch and feel.” I pushed open and lid and found it was set with more leather straps with plates and cutlery. The inside was stuffed full of plastic Tupperware boxes of various sizes. I could see sandwiches and various finger foods and ice blocks.

“Oh wow, you have thought of everything! You even have wine!” I grinned as I saw the bottle wrapped in a foil cooler nestled next to the water.

“Well, I wanted to have a variety of items! Shall we head off in say half an hour?!”

I closed the lid and did the straps back up. “Sure, I'll see if my jackets dried, are you changing out of your suit?!” I wondered if I should put something else on?! I was wearing the denim shorts again and one of his old band shirts.

He nodded. “Yes, I am! I'm putting the gray jeans on!”

I had a sudden flashback to how they'd felt against my skin when he'd blindfolded me. “Oh, I like those!” I grinned.

He smirked at me. “Yes, I thought that'd please you! I'll go get changed while you check your jacket!”

“Sure, but before you go get changed.” I grinned impishly as I ran my fingers over his tie before using it to him into me. “I want to kiss you!”

His lips meet mine with a curl to them as I closed my eyes as the kiss deepened. It felt so right.

His hands locked around my middle and held me to him. I pulled back from the kiss and patted his tie back down. “You can go now, Mr. Ballard!”

He let me go as he stepped back. “Yes Ma'am! I'll be back here ASAP!” The smirk played at the corner of his lips as he turned around and left the kitchen.

I giggled as I headed for his office, as I passed into his office, I saw Jones was out on the balcony removing the dresser.

“Sorry Miss Watson, I thought you'd finished painting it, I was going to take it and place it in the wardrobe.” He smiled politely.

“Oh, I have! I've just come out for my jacket and Cameron's just gone to get changed.” I smiled. I didn't see the point in saying I could have moved it myself because he had obviously been tasked with the job.

I loitered around awkwardly as I picked up my jacket, the paint was dry.

“Its okay, Miss Watson, I know you're capable of moving it, but I don't mind!” He gave me a knowing look and I grinned.

“Okay, I just feel odd sometimes, I'm used to having to do stuff for myself!”

“As I've said you will have to get used to it, are you ready to leave?!” Cameron's cut glass tones made me jump, I’d not been expecting him to come find me.

I turned around and let my eyes wander up his body. He was wearing the gray ripped jeans and a black T-shirt with a denim jacket and held the picnic basket in his hand.

“Yes, I'm ready!” I grinned as I walked towards him. “Anything I can take?!” I looked at him and wondered if there was anything I could help with.

A smirk played at the corners of his mouth. “Yes, my hand!”

I laughed. “Well, okay, but I was meaning was there anything I could carry for the picnic?!” I walked over to him and took his outstretched hand.

He smiled. “Nope, I've got it all! And Jones if we have any trouble I'll call you!”

“That's fine, I'll be on alert, Mr. Ballard.”

“Let's go have a picnic!” I was bursting with excitement as we walked to the lift.

“Your enthusiasm is catching Evangeline, I am very much looking forward to this afternoon!” He pressed the call button on the lift.

“I'm gonna take photos and get some printed so I can make a collage for my bedroom!” I led us into the lift.

“So I will take pride of place in your bedroom, then?!” He smirked at me as the lift doors closed.

“Yep, and you can help me choose where to put them Friday when you, uh what was it you said, test the memory foam?!”

I raised a brow.

He ran his tongue over his teeth as he smiled. “Oh, I am going to test many surfaces in your apartment!”

I bit my lip at the very idea. “Oh, I see...”

He chuckled. “Where do you want me to make love to you first?!”

I groaned. “Oh my god... The tub... I had a day dream about that!”

He let a breath go. “Oh, then I shall indeed make that where I take you first!”

The lift doors rolled open and he led me out.

“I will look forward to that then!” I didn't bother to look over at the reception desk, I could tell Miss Cow eyes was looking over just by the way Cameron tutted.

“All the ladies lust after you, good job I'm here to guard you!” I giggled as I squeezed his hand.

He chuckled deeply. “I am only interested in one woman and she's currently holding my hand! Everyone fades into the background because I've got the hottest, most uncoordinated girlfriend ever to grace this earth!”

He led the way outside the same way we had gone that same morning.

I couldn't help laughing. “Naw, thanks baby, I love you too!” I was glad I'd bought my sunglasses down with me because it was so bright out.

“I was thinking we could set up by the lake area?!”

“Sure, sounds good to me! You're the expert, I honestly don't even know what stuff is so I’ll trust your judgement of good picnic spots!” I smiled as we walked around the park, it was huge, trees towered above us in rows alongside the footpath, and beautiful statues were dotted around. Even though we were in the middle of the city it had a tranquillity about it.

“Think here's a good spot, we can watch the people out on boats!” Cameron stopped walking and set down the picnic basket in the shade of a large group of oak trees.

It had taken us 15 minutes to walk there from his apartment building.

“It's a super spot, I can see your apartment from here!”

I glanced around and was surprised more people weren't taking advantage of the shade instead the vast majority of people were laid out in the full sun.

He made himself busy laying out the blanket.

“You look thoughtful is everything okay?!” He frowned as he took hold of my hand and brought it to his mouth to kiss it.

I melted at his kind gesture. “Everything's great, I was actually just surprised that more people aren't under the trees?! It's the main heat of the day!”

He grinned. “Well, that's British Summer logic for you! As you can see it's a case of Suns out, skins out, let's all look like freshly cooked lobsters!”

I laughed at his explanation. “I think you could have a point.” I lowered myself to sit on the blanket so I was facing the lake.

Cameron joined me on the blanket, his legs folding in a fluid motion as he sat cross legged next to me.

“Would you like some wine or would you prefer soda?!” He glanced at me before unbuckling the basket, his deft fingers making short work of it.

God the things he could do with those fingers, I stared at them, remembering how they felt inside me, how I had sucked them clean with my mouth in the cafe. I felt my face blush as he turned his head and caught me looking.

“You're blushing! Why?!” He pushed up the lid, but didn't take his eyes off my face.

I licked my lips. “Nothing, wine is fine by me!” I hoped to distract him.

He raised a perfect brow at me, he knew what I was doing.

“No you don't, tell me why you blushed!”

I covered my face with my hands and giggled coyly. “Don't make me tell you! Please, it's kinda private!” There were other people around, not that near they'd over hear but I was embarrassed.

His mouth brushed my ear unexpectedly. “Tell me or I'll give you a love bite here and now!” His voice dripped with intent and I didn't doubt he'd do it.

“Your fingers! Okay, I was remembering how they felt inside me!” I felt my face colour up again. I wasn't used to having to explain what I was thinking.

His lips brushed my cheek as he kissed it. “You liked how they felt?! Tell me how they made you feel!”

I let my hands down. “Alive, like I was feeling those sensations for the first time!” I let a breath go.

He licked his lips. “I'm glad, I want to please you in all ways!”

“Oh, Cameron you do, you truly do!” I watched him as he pulled out the same bottle of wine we'd started the other night.

“Oh, I liked that wine!” I smiled as he passed me a glass of it, the glass was plastic which was a good idea.

“I know that's why I figured we'd finish it! Tuna and cucumber sandwich darling?!” He popped the lid off the box with the sandwiches in.

“Oh yes please!” I sipped the wine, it was lovely and cold.

“Jones did us proud on the finger food front! I made the sandwiches though!” He grinned as he set the food out on the rug.

“I'm gonna take a photo it all looks so good!” I pulled my phone from my pocket and turned on the camera app snapping a few photos of the food and then my plate. The sandwiches were cut into little triangles.

“So fancy!” I giggled as I slipped my phone into my pocket and picked up my plate and filled it with various foods.

“I fancy you!” He laughed as he picked up his plate and started to eat.

“Good job you do!” I giggled.

After half an hour we had eaten all we could and the wine had gone to my head a little.

Cameron laid stretched right out facing the lake with his legs crossed. I was laying with my head on his shoulder, his left hand softly stroking my hair.

“Let's take selfies!” He fished his phone from his pocket and unlocked it being this close I saw his unlock code. 2920. That was his age and mine. Was that a coincidence?! I doubted it.

“Smile! I like to see your proper smile not that one you do in most of your internet selfies!” He grinned.

I laughed. “Oh, you mean the gurning?! Yea, I should stop that, but it's so easy that way! But of course I will smile for our photo!”

I smiled my genuine smile that made my eyes go wide.

“That's the one I adore!” He took a couple photos before he glanced over at the lake.

“That's the Serpentine end with the rowing boats, further up is the swimming pool area, a nice idea, but frankly the idea of swinging with all those people doesn't fill me with joy!”

I glanced over at the people in the boats. “Yeah, I've never liked shared swimming pools like that, kinda outdoors stuff! Though I did brave the one at Bondi beach, but that's technically the sea!” I grinned, remembering how awesome that whole trip had been. Me and Jess spent 2 months in Australia after I had first met Sean, he'd text me every day of that trip, and I’d fallen for him by the time we got back to the states.

“You've been to Australia?! Very nice! You're a strong swimmer?!” He stroked my neck with his fingers, in the most relaxing way.

BOOK: Ignite Me: Shards of Glass, Part One
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