Ice Phoenix (36 page)

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Authors: Sulin Young

BOOK: Ice Phoenix
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"I know that already," snapped Grandmaster Deitrux. "I mean, what have they done to prepare for
the destruction of Pa Gumpina?"

"High Councillor
Bilatrix has already issued the order to focus the Nuclear Chain Matrix on Pa Gumpina. The unified troops are positioning the pins around the planet as we speak."

"So, they not only plan to vaporise Pa Gumpina, they mean to first burn every living thing on the planet before turning us into dust?"

Grandmaster Deitrux was livid. He flung open a heavy door and he and Kuldor walked into a dark room with a high ceiling. The only light came from a thin slit high on one wall. The room was hardly used, judging from the dust which had settled onto the numerous fixtures.

"Before we proceed, I detect —
" Kuldor ducked as the grandmaster directed chairs, ornaments, and even drapes past him. He watched them build up in the centre of the room, and then, within seconds, they were compressed into a ball of dust.

"You were saying?" asked the grandmaster, scowling at him.

"The room doesn't appear to be bugged in any way," said Kuldor smoothly. "And we don't have to worry about repaying the cost of the five-hundred-year-old vase you just destroyed, since UWIB intends to obliterate this planet."

"My reasoning exactly.
So, those bureaucrats think this is the best way of keeping the situation under control? It hurts my brain to think that they are not even searching for the Valpuri's ship! There may be more eggs on board, which could be transported to who knows where, and those idiots are more excited about testing the matrix?"

"Well, their reasoning is not unsound. It has been five thousand years since the war and our technology and weaponry have advanced so much since then. The imminent threat of invasion from one race against ten united sectors hardly terrifies them. Furthermore, we failed to provide evidence of the
Valpuri's existence."

"Which explains why we have to take five
representatives with us into the Voron Cloud," growled Grandmaster Deitrux. "And then we are to hand over the pendant to the UWIB Council after our return."

Grandmaster Deitrux was wearing a dark kimono with elegant stripes running down his collar. His hair was done up in the Donkinongan traditional fashion
, which was a single braid wrapped high on his head and held fast with a silk ribbon.

"Please run the nine by me once more, Kuldor."

Master Kuldor nodded and removed a small cube from his waist-pocket. He threw it into the air and it hovered above them, spinning slowly as it lit up with tiny blue lines that converged into one spot on the wall. From this point, a virtual screen appeared, and the room came alive with life-sized, three-dimensional images of weavers and lacers. Grandmaster Deitrux stepped between them, noting how their bodies moved with the gentle flow of their breathing. Kuldor walked with him, and pointed to one of the weavers. "Guild Master Asendroth of the Ceramic Guild," he said.

Grandmaster Deitrux found himself staring at a
skinny man of average height.  He had a long floppy nose and orange skin. His eyes were as muddy as the earth itself and the skin on his hands appeared permanently caked with mud. Grandmaster Deitrux nodded. "Ah yes, he's the weaver with earth moulding skills to rival both Quempa and Raimus."

He turned to look at the woman next to Master
Asendroth and quickly looked away. Grandmaster Deitrux knew Lady Skiss very well since she was one of his Imeldors.


"Guild Mistress Lakara of the Metal Guild, armoured division."

"Ah yes, the one with the gift for explosives and metal wielding."
Grandmaster Deitrux examined the form in front of him with interest. Guild Mistress Lakara had a very narrow waist and long insectile legs. She wore a sleek, elongated helmet which covered her face, but Grandmaster Deitrux could still make out her eyes glowing from behind the visor.

"Interesting armour she's got on."

"Casophynite, a rare metal found on her home world of Plythos. Not only is it difficult to mine, it requires an extremely complicated process to melt it into a malleable metal. Lakara is the only known person able to weave it."

"If I recall correctly, casophynite has qi nullifying properties? How does Lakara get around that?"

Kuldor cleared his throat. "Theoretically, it is not impossible, and I have my theories. Lakara, however, guards her achievements zealously."

looked a little put out, and Grandmaster Deitrux smiled inwardly. Master Kuldor may have appeared almost nonchalant at Lakara's achievement, but he was most likely stewing inside at the fact that she had two up over him. Not only had she managed to solve the issue of wielding qi while wearing casophynite armour, she had also avoided Kuldor's spies. Grandmaster Deitrux was impressed. 

"Who else do we have?"

"There's L-Master Hadrick, who is considered to be one of the fastest sealers. He's in charge of leading the lacing incantation. Rumour has it that he entered the Voron Cloud and managed to last for eight hours before being forced to leave."

"That explains why his eyes lit up like two comets colliding when I mentioned we were in possession of the pendant," muttered Grandmaster Deitrux. "There is something about this man I do not trust.
If we succeed in containing the Dream Walker, he will do anything possible to remove the pendant from us. We must keep a careful eye on this Hadrick."

They discussed the other members of the team quickly before Grandmaster Deitrux nodded to indicate he was ready to move onto other matters.

"Have you managed to uncover the real identity of the Nipponian boy's family?"

Master Kuldor shook his head, his eyes narrowing. "As far as I can tell, they appear to be a normal, law abiding family with ordinary professions. The father works at a food processing plant and his mother is a stay-at-home housewife looking after their three-year old daughter.

"I've run every code to try to discover the transloader's creator, but so far I've come up with nothing. I've also had to return the cube to the boy."

teresting — an unassuming family in possession of an advanced piece of tech, one that has not been influenced by any of the current models. How is it possible that not a single member of the family has any background in data technology development or technical engineering?"

"They are obviously hiding something!" growled Master Kuldor. He changed the subject — he disliked being thwarted twice in
one day — by Guild Mistress Lakara who could conceal her technique for weaving casophynite, and Mikin's family who possessed a very advanced piece of tech. "Are you certain you do not want me to accompany you and the other nine through the Voron Cloud?"

Grandmaster Deitrux nodded. "I'm certain, dear friend. You are required here on Pa Gumpina more than anywhere else. It has already been agreed, the troops will be under your guidance. That includes all the weavers and lacers currently brought in to help with the situation. I'm sorry to have burdened you with such a task
, but I'm relying on you to stop the wrails while I'm away."

"I understand. You will have a planet to come back to after you are done with the sealing."

"Thank you, old friend." Grandmaster Deitrux waved his hand over the screen, which was still showing the nine members of the sealing team. They disappeared from view and, instead, a sleek chrome starcraft appeared. It was the
Dark Star
, belonging to the governing body of Pa Gumpina. The government was lending the starcraft to Grandmaster Deitrux.

Grandmaster Deitrux remembered the pleading expressions of the ministers all too well. "Save our planet!" they had cried. Many of them had looked grief-stricken that the home they loved would be so ruthlessly destroyed on the orders of the UWIB Council. Unease stirred in the grandmaster's heart; the decision had been made too easily
, and he feared that centuries of peace had clouded the ten sectors' principles of unity and protection.

They had come so far since the Dream Walker had last made an appearance; cybernetics, robotics, DNA manipulation, weapons-defence
systems, and space travel. The military capability that existed today far surpassed anything from back then. Each sector possessed its own weapons of mass destruction and planetary defence systems to guard against unwelcome life-forms. Military no-go zones were established in almost every sector, and many gates in the In-Between were guarded by some of the most advanced weaponry
to neighbouring sectors, regardless of being allies or foes.

The problem was all too obvious
to the grandmaster; the United Worlds of the In-Between was cradling a toy of insurmountable power, and, unfortunately, there was no place to test it. Until now. Pa Gumpina was the perfect excuse for the UWIB Council to play with their new toy, and the looming threat of the Valpuri and the Dream Walker didn't terrify them; on the contrary, it excited them.

Master Kuldor's voice finally reached the grandmaster and he looked up with some surprise.

"You were brooding. Is everything all right?"

"Not really." Grandmaster Deitrux glanced at the
Dark Star
, noting its zalamantim fortified body, the only known material that could withstand being in the Voron Cloud. It could last for fifty hours before it started to disintegrate. In another hour, the
Dark Star
would be transporting twenty people through the cloud in a race to seal the Dream Walker. Just what they would face out there, Grandmaster Deitrux had no idea.

"Any information on the whereabouts of Nashim's ship yet?"

Master Kuldor shook his head. "He's using some kind of cloaking device. We are scanning all areas, but so far, nothing."

"A ship that has already released a thousand eggs shouldn't be too hard to find. What about the In-Between? Are we searching asteroids, dark sides, lakes, seas?"

"We are leaving no stone unturned. We will find it. But Deitrux ..."

Grandmaster Deitrux
looked at his friend.

"Why would Nashim still be in
Pa Gumpina and not in the Voron Cloud? The wrails appeared over two weeks ago, when he escaped from Si Ren Da. He's been here all this time, judging from the wrails' presence."

Grandmaster Deitrux
had been juggling the same question in his head when the answer suddenly hit him like a thunderbolt. It was so simple that he could have kicked himself.

Almost a full day had passed since he and the others had returned from
Olden Kartath, but he had not had a moment to himself to think. They had barely landed when he had to rush off to the Council meeting to inform a shocked audience of the queen's death and the demise of the L-Masters.

What erupted from the stunned councillors and ministers was nothing less than p
andemonium. Without any time to lose, Grandmaster Deitrux had raced from one meeting to another, while trying to organise the next team to go through the Voron Cloud. He had been so consumed by his duties, that the simplest answer to a troubling question had evaded him until now.

Grandmaster Deitrux
stared at Master Kuldor, his face ashen. "Nashim!" he whispered. "Dear Dartkala, where is Terrana right now?"

Master Kuldor eyed his friend with some surprise. "You already know that; we left her at the school under
Degra's care. They are being evacuated today." He blinked, quickly checking the time that had appeared over his left eye. "In fact, they should already be entering the outer atmosphere, heading to
Al-Kalindrome 77

Grandmaster Deitrux began running towards the door. "We've got to get her out of there now! Nashim is after her!"

Master Kuldor sprinted after the grandmaster, scooping him up onto his shoulder. Then, he raced to the radiation belt where their air vehicle was parked.

"How do you know that?
" Kuldor asked. "Has he figured out who she is?"

"No," barked the grandmaster. "You asked me why he hasn't entered the
Voron Cloud yet. The answer was so obvious that I missed it the first time. He hasn't passed through the cloud because he

"What? That makes no sense!"

They exited the building and continued running towards a small air vehicle parked on the radiation belt. The sky was dark, and it was raining heavily.

"He has the pendant! Of course he can tr
avel through the cloud unless ..." He suddenly understood the grandmaster’s reasoning.

"Unless the pendant is broken," finished the grandmaster. "Remember what the people of Olden Kartath told us
— Skra was the stronger one, and in the end her pendant reflected it. Namasar could not defeat the Dream Walker with his pendant. According to Quempa, it required a lot of qi just to activate Namasar's pendant. Its power was almost out of control when Nashim fought the queen. But as you've already witnessed, Skra's pendant barely required qi to activate. Its power is precise, and it was able to detect Namasar's pendant through the In-Between."

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