Ice in My Veins (11 page)

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Authors: Kelli Sullivan

Tags: #Fiction, #Sports, #General, #Juvenile Fiction

BOOK: Ice in My Veins
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Coach told me I would have a room to myself in the hotels. Usually it was only the older guys who got a room to themselves, or players for special reasons. I guess being the only girl on the team had some advantages.

At school that week I socialized more. I had met a few new girls. They seemed nice, a lot different from me. I went to the movies with them on Wednesday after practice. We had fun. They flirted with the guys who were hanging around outside the movie theatre. I tried my best to join in. I was trying to move on, but all I really wanted was to be with Alex.

He had been true to his word so far. He was spending his time, studying his online university course, practicing and hanging around his billet’s house.

I had to give him credit, and so did Moose. Of course, Moose was the only person who knew about Alex and I. Our forbidden love. We were still not together but we both wanted to be.

I didn’t know what to pack for the road trip. Moose gave me a rundown of things I would need. My laptop computer, my IPOD, a pillow for the bus. I packed my favorite blanket. It was so warm and soft. I was sure I had packed everything I needed. I was excited.

Everyone who plays hockey shares a bond. A connection with everyone else who has ever laced ‘em up. I was really starting to bond with the guys on my team. They treated me like any other player on the team. It wasn’t even uncomfortable for any of us now in the dressing room. They respected my privacy and I respected theirs. Coach said he was proud of the way all of us were handling the situation. We were proving that having a girl on the team would not be a problem with the right guidance.

We left the rink after supper, and we arrived in Belleville shortly before 8 p.m. that Thursday night. I needed to rest because we had our first game on the Friday.

We checked into our rooms for the night. I knew some of the guys had made plans to hook up with girls they knew in town. I had heard them discussing it on the bus. Players, always thinking with the wrong head. I was laying in bed talking on my MSN when Alex popped up online.

Alex – Watcha ya doing beautiful

Cmatthews – Nadda u

Alex – Lonely, thinking about you

Cmatthews – What a coincidence lol

Alex – I miss you

Cmatthews - miss you 2

Alex – Want some company? (wink)


Alex – Purdy Please Hun

Cmatthews – can u sneak away without being noticed?

Alex – Yup give me 10

Cmatthews – K

I shut off my computer and rushed into the bathroom to shower quickly. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair, but left it wet. I put on my tank top and a pair of old shorts with holes in them. I sprayed some perfume into the air and walked through it, so it wouldn’t be that strong.

Then waited. My heart started to flutter when twenty-five minutes later there was a quiet knock at my door. I opened it and pulled Alex into the room rapidly before anyone saw him.

“Hi!” I smiled looking up slightly towards him. I was afraid to get caught in his tractor beam eyes.

“Hi!” He said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me. As he was kissing me, he backed me up slowly towards the bed. We fell on the bed together still kissing.

I started to giggle. “You are very bad for me, you know that right.” I joked.

“I think it’s the other way around.” He chuckled and then cuddled with me from behind. He placed the side of his face on my cheek.

We just laid there holding each other for a while. “You are to damn sexy for your own good. You look unbelievable in what your wearing, with your hair all wet.”

I sighed “What are we doing here Alex? This is wrong. We have to stop.”

“I don’t know Hun. Don’t worry, it will all work itself out,” he whispered. “I better get back to my room before some one notices I’m gone.”

“Stay just a little while longer please.” I insisted.

“Twist my arm, eh!“ He teased me.

Then suddenly there was a knock at my door. Crap! What if it was the coach?

“Alex hide in the bathroom.” I whispered.

It was the coach. I opened the door looking tired and ready for bed.

“Hey Coach.” I yawned.

“I just wanted to make sure everything was alright with you.” He said his eyes scanning around my room.

“Everything’s good. I’m just heading to bed. I want to be well rested for tomorrow.” I told him.

“Good if you need anything I’m up one floor, room 210.” He informed me. “Have a good night.” Then he left my room.

Alex emerged smirking from the bathroom where he’d been hiding.

“That was close,” he laughed.

“Too close, we are going to have to be a little more careful.” I warned. “Time for you to leave.” I said pushing him towards the door.

“Never!” He chuckled. “You’re mine forever, don’t you forget that.” He grabbed me into a bear hug. I squirmed out of it. I took a quick peak out in the hall. It seemed safe enough.

“Go, get out of here!” I said pushing him out into the hall. He fought me and pushed his way back into my room and shut the door behind him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled my body against his. He bent his head down and kissed the top of my forehead “I love you,” he said.

It caught me right off guard. I didn’t say anything. He unwrapped himself from me, grinned and out the door he went.

I walked to the bed and sat down. Did that just happen? I wasn’t sure for a minute. He loved me! I knew he loved me, but it was the first time he actually said it. Why was he doing this to me? We had to stop this before anyone on the team started to suspect what was going on between Alex and me. I decided I would speak to him about it the next opportunity I got.

I curled up under the covers and fell asleep.


Getting My Feet Wet

I would be playing today, but it would be the only game I would play this weekend. I would be considered a healthy scratch. I hated that. No one ever wanted to sit out games. I wasn’t scoring, it didn’t surprise me the coach was sitting me out. I only had two assists under my belt. I was definitely contributing in other areas, but I needed to get some goals.

During the warm, up a player on the other team skated up to Welsh and chirped. “Your girl is like a pack of timbits. For $2.00, can I share her with the rest of the team?” He pointed at me. That’s usually a chirp to be said to someone about their girlfriend. I suppose it worked in this situation to.

“It must be hard to eat, when you got no hands.” Welsh chirped back.

By the end of the first period, the opposing team was up 2-0. Coach shifted the lines again. Now I would be playing with Alex and Mitch Kane. This would be weird. I hope Alex had his head in the game. As if he heard what I was thinking he nodded and winked at me. We took the ice.

Three minutes into the second period I got a sweet pass from Alex right on the end of my stick. I slid it right through the goalie’s five hole. I was ecstatic, my first OHL goal.

I dropped to one knee and slid on the ice. Then I skated passed our goalie and punched his glove. Then skated by the guys on my bench gloving the guys who had their arms extended to congratulate me on my goal. Coach patted me on the back as I passed him to take my seat on the bench.

It was the only point I got that game, but it was enough for me. I was happy. We won the game in overtime, 4-3. Alex got the game winner. He was on a roll so far this season. He already had 12 goals and 9 assists. I could see why Boston had drafted him. He was a fanominal player. I was very happy for him. If someone deserved to make the show it was him. He had the talent and he loved the game.

We got on the bus right after the game to head to Kingston. I was bushed when we got to the hotel. I went into my room and flopped on my bed. I just wanted to crash. I didn’t even feel like changing out of my clothes. Then I heard a knock at the door.

It was coach. I let him into my room. He sat down in the chair across from my bed. I was nervous maybe he had found out about Alex and me.

“Christine, as you know I have been shifting the lines around.” He said. “How did you like playing on the second line with Mitch and Red?” He asked.

“It was nice, the three of us had sweet chemistry.” I admitted.

“I agree. I know you were suppose to sit out tomorrow’s game, but I think I’m going to have you play,” he informed me.

I was excited. “I will work hard Coach. I promise.”

“I know you will Christine. If only a few of the other guys had your determination and drive,” he replied. “Well, I will let you get some sleep. Goodnight.”

I went to the bathroom to run a bath. I wanted to loosen up my muscles for tomorrow’s game. I had just placed my foot in the tub when there was another knock at my door. I wrapped a towel around myself and then went to look through the peep hole. It was Alex.

I opened the door, and he slid into my room quickly. I was standing there in just a towel. His eyes scanned me from head to toe, then back up to my face.

“Very sexy.” He greeted and put his arms around my waist and pulled my body to his.

“Umm, Alex, I....” I pondered for a second “I don’t think you should be here right now.”

“Why not?” He questioned still holding me in his arms looking disappointed.

“Because I am not ready for anything more than kissing. And ...well, I was about to get into the bath, I’m playing tomorrow.” I explained.

“I understand that you’re nervous and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. If you’re not ready. I’m not going to push you,” he assured me. He kissed the top of my forehead and snuck back out of my room.

Moose must have seen him leave because I was just about to get into the bath once again and he knocked on my door.

“What’s going on Chris?” He said in a disapproving tone, his eyebrow raised. I found it endearing that he felt the need to be my protector.

“Nothing, he came to say goodnight and I told him he couldn’t stay in the room with me. He told me he understood. That’s all.” I assured him.

“OK, night cutie, see you in the morning.” He flirted and I closed the door. I wondered if Moose even knew that he flirted so much. He was such an operator with the women. It was most likely something he did without thinking.

Finally I was able to relax in my bath. It was only luke-warm now from all the interruptions. I still enjoyed it. I marveled at the fact that I had my first OHL goal. I had gotten that damn monkey off my back, now I could relax. Some guys still didn’t have a goal yet. I was ahead of the game, thankfully.

After my bath, I crawled into bed and fell asleep within minutes.

During warm up in Kingston, the Ref was giving me the stink-eye. I had a feeling he didn’t like the fact that a girl was playing. I tried to ignore it, and continued to warm up. There are supposed to be two Refs, but for tonight’s game it was one Ref and two linesman only.

In the first period he called me for two penalties I didn’t deserve. Coach was getting mad. Kingston was up 3-0. He had me sit out a few shifts. It pissed me off. When I got the chance to go back out, I got called for slashing. I wasn’t even near the player. I was so enraged. I couldn’t hold my temper back.

I skated up to the Ref and sassed, “Get off your knees ref, you’re blowing the game.” He called me for unsportsmanlike conduct. I didn’t care I was choleric. I knew coach wasn’t going to put me out there if this type of bullshit continued. The entire situation was making me cantankerous. Refs are there to call a fair game. This moron had placed a target on my back for no reason. I sat in the box for my ten minute misconduct penalty muttering profanities.

Half way through my penalty, Moose joined me in there for a two minute high sticking penalty.

“Now why did you stick your foot in your mouth with the Ref Hun?” He shook his head at me.

“Well, he’s to busy starring at player’s asses to pay attention to the game.” I hollered as the ref skated by us sitting in the penalty box. The Ref shot me an evil look.

Moose smacked my helmet hard.

“What the hell are you doing Chris? Do you want to get thrown out of the game?” He hit my helmet for a second time. “Now zip it.” He commanded. I just glared at him.

I knew he was right. Most of the time the Refs tried their best. However, tonight, this Ref seemed to have it in for me.

In the third period coach put me out on the fourth line. I managed to dangle a nice one and scored. I made sure to skate by the Ref smirking. Coach put my line back out right away and I sent Tyler Dawes a nice one, and he got it top shelf. I jumped on him right away knocking him to the ice. The rest of the guys fell on top of us in celebration.

I was ecstatic, 2 points in a game the Ref had tried to blow for me. There was still four minutes left in the game. Coach decided to give me a chance. He put me out on the penalty kill; when Ryan was in the box for a check from behind.

I took two shots on goal, both times I heard the ting of it hitting the pipes. Then finally Myles got the puck up to me on a break away. I got it left corner, top shelf. The game was tied. It was a sweet short-handed goal. Adam Sagat got the game winner. It was a great game for us to come from behind like that.

When I was skating off the ice I was tapped on the shoulder. Apparently, the radio guys picked me as first star. I couldn’t believe it. When they called my name I skated out onto the ice. There was a mixture of cheers and boos for me, but I didn’t care. I skated over to the side of the boards, and threw my stick over for a little girl. She was happy to get it. When I got into the dressing room the guys cheered me on. I was elated.

We boarded the bus right after the game, but stopped to eat before heading to Ottawa. I was starving. I ate two cheeseburgers and a large fry. I was also exhausted. It was a two and half hour bus ride to Ottawa apparently. I got comfortable on the bus. The guys let me hog two seats and I stretched out. I fell asleep immediately.

When we arrived at the hotel I was wide awake. I pulled out my computer and went on MSN. My little brother Tyler was online. I told him about the game and the asshole Ref. He was actually excited for me. That was a first.

Alex called my cell five minutes after I signed off the computer. He told me his roomie was having a visitor. Some french puck bunny. He wanted to know what I wanted him to do. He said that a few of the guys were hanging out there. It would probably turn into something nasty.

“How are you calling me? Can they not hear what you’re saying.” I asked him.

“I’m in the bathroom.” He laughed.

“Lovely, Alex. You know that you are really loved when your significant other calls you while they are on the toilet.” I said sarcastically.

He laughed. “So?”

“So get your butt over to my room then.” I instructed him.

He was at my door with what seemed like 30 seconds of hanging up the phone.

“Hey stranger!” I giggled. “Long time no speak.”

He closed the door behind him, then picked me up and threw me on the bed. We started to play fight. I was starting to get worked up. It was obvious he was as well. I stopped mid fighting. He looked up at me bewildered, wondering why I had stopped so abruptly.

“Let’s be normal tonight and just watch a movie.” I suggested. I had downloaded a few new movies on my laptop. He agreed with a sigh. We started watching a comedy about two college friends who go on a road trip to pick up girls. It was funny.

About thirty minutes into the movie there was a knock at my door. It was Coop. He said he was bored and wanted to hang out. I invited him in to watch the movie with us. He didn’t look happy that Alex was sprawled across my bed. I chuckled.

Then coach came by the room about an hour later. He was surprised to find Myles and Alex in the room with me. I assured him we were only watching a movie. He accepted my explanation and told us to hit the sheets right after it.

Alex left before Myles did. I know he didn’t want to, but we were trying to be discreet about our relationship.

Myles lingered for a few minutes until I insisted he leave. I was tired. I got the feeling Myles was more interested in me than he should be. Alex text me to make sure that Myles had left my room without incident. What a cutie!

Coach told me in the morning that I would definitely be a healthy scratch for this game. I was sitting out with McAvoy, Nelson, and Fuller. I was alright with that after yesterday’s game. McAvoy was out with an injury. He was 19 and kind of cute. Not drop dead gorgeous, but cute. The other two were rookies.

The Ottawa barn was huge. It was the biggest one I had seen so far. Some one mentioned it seated 11,000 fans. That was crazy. They all said it was a hard barn to play in, because the fans were really loud. We walked around the arena checking things out. Then I noticed a concession stand that was selling beaver tails. That was a gross thought. Who would want to eat a beaver tail? I expressed my opinion to McAvoy.

McAvoy laughed when I mentioned that to him. “Its a pastry, Dumbass! You have to try one. They’re awesome.” He grabbed me and we walked over to the line.

It was in the shape of a beaver tail. It was definitely tasty. I ate it, and was craving another one. I went back in the second period for another. The guys thought it was great that I didn’t care what I ate around them. I could pig out with the best of them.

We won the game against Ottawa. We climbed onto the bus after the game, for the long drive home. We would stop a few times on route coach had said to eat and stretch out. I was tired. I hadn’t played, but I was feeling the road now. Moose asked me to sit with him for the first part of the journey. I complied. Moose and I had gotten pretty close over the last month.

“How did you like your first roadie?” He asked enthusiastically.

“I loved it. I think the road likes me.” I teased. “I was on fire yesterday.” I chuckled. I spread out my arms and shewed him away from me “You need to move over Moose, you need to get out of my pure glow of awesomeness.” I jeered.

“Look at you getting all cocky.” He mused.

We talked for a while, then he passed out on my shoulder. He snored so loudly in my ear. I couldn’t even hear the conversation in front of us.

When we stopped in Kingston, I got up gently and let his head fall to the seat I was just sitting on. I got off the bus with some of the guys and grabbed a cheeseburger from the take out restaurant.

I decided it might be nice to sit with Joe Sim for some of the trip. He welcomed my company. He told me that things were getting better for him at his billets. They had started to give him a lot more space. I was glad to hear that. He asked me about one of my new girlfriends at school, Cassandra. I didn’t really know much about her. I had only hung out with her that one time outside of school. She did ask me a lot of questions about the guys. I warned him that she might be a puck bunny so to avoid getting attached to her.

He liked my honesty about a lot of things we discussed. He told me he felt bad for how he treated me in the beginning. He now accepted me as his equal.

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