I Think My Dad Is a Spy

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Authors: Sognia Vassallo

Tags: #Children's Mystery Fiction, #Children's Fiction - Humorous

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I Think My Dad is a Spy

Sognia Vassallo

Published by Classic Author and Publishing Services Pty Ltd
An imprint of Jo Jo Publishing

First published 2015

'Yarra's Edge'

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© Sognia Vassallo

Illustrations on pages 14, 16 and 82 by Sognia Vassallo. All other illustrations Jenny Wood.

All rights reserved. No part of this printed or video publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electrical, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher and copyright owner.

JoJo Publishing Imprint
Editor: Julie Athanasiou
Designer / typesetter: Working Type Studio (
Printed in China by Ink Asia.

National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry

Creator: Vassallo, Sognia, author.

Title: I think my dad is a spy / Sognia Vassallo; edited by

Julie Athanasiou.

ISBN: 9780994275561 (eBook)

Target Audience: For primary school age.

Subjects: Spy stories.

Other Creators/Contributors: Athanasiou, Julie, editor.

Dewey Number: A823.4

Digital edition distributed by

Port Campbell Press


eBook Conversion by
Winking Billy

To my family, thank you
for the inspiration and support.
I love you.

Journal entry:
Monday, 9pm

What's bugging me today more than lately is my parcel delivery job. I mean WHAT'S UP WITH ALL THESE PARCELS!?!

Why do people leave it to the last minute on a Friday to post their packages?!! It makes me so mad!

Mondays are hard enough without having to deliver a bazillion parcels after school. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

(MAJOR THOUGHT: I have just decided that when I'm a grown-up, I will NEVER work on a Monday)…EVER!!!

I have another complaint and it's a big one by the name of Michael McClain or as I call him—‘Idiot-Boy'. I hate that we go to the same high school and just because our parents are dating, all his dumb mates call me his ‘little sister'.

I swear he was put on this planet just to annoy me!!!

And the other thing that's been bugging me lately is my DAD!

He's been acting really odd. I've caught him twice now whispering on the phone in the strangest places. Just this afternoon when I was getting ready for work, I overheard him talking on his mobile inside the broom closet. I think he was talking about a woman because he said the name ‘Tiffany'.

I also heard him say, ‘Wall Street, New York City'.

At first I thought he was talking to my Grandma Georgina, 'coz she's in New York at the moment on a book tour, but then why would Dad be talking to her inside the broom closet? It doesn't make any sense. Hmmm…I wonder if I should ask Chelsea (Dad's girlfriend) if she has noticed anything weird about him lately too.

I think it's time I investigated his weird behavior more.

Earlier today I said to my two best friends Theo and Janice as we walked to school,
“Ya' know what? I've had it up to here with all these secretive phone calls in the middle of the night.” Theo didn't reply instead he gave me a pat on the back and his usual comforting smile as he walked alongside me.

Theodore Riley is a good looking boy, tall with dark brown hair always neatly parted on the side. His passion is dancing. You name it—jazz, tap and ballet.
His dream is to some day dance on Broadway in New York City.
He is very popular with the girls but sadly isn't the slightest bit interested in any of them!

My other best friend, Janice Voyce, was walking in front of us talking
about a million miles an hour. Janice is pale and freckly and she looks like a tomboy. No one wants to make her mad because she has a wild temper to match her messy red hair! She is smart too
geeky smart
is going to become a lawyer one day. She is on the school debating team, which I reckon is because she enjoys arguing a lot. She also gossips a lot, which she gets from her mum. Her passion for law is from her dad, who owns a famous law firm with offices all around the world.

Janice has always been jealous of Theo's wealthy background as she doesn't like the idea of anyone being more famous or wealthy than her. Money means a lot to Janice as she measures success by how much you have. That doesn't explain how we became friends because I'm not a billionaire and I'm sure my dad isn't either!

“So I take it by your grumpy face this morning that you haven't found out who's been calling in the middle of the night?” Janice asked teasingly.

“Nuh!” I grunted half asleep. “But I know one thing for sure; these calls are not prank calls. Last night just as I fell out of bed to answer the phone, Dad came rushing down hallway like a mad man yelling, ‘I'll get it!'”

“Did you find out who called?” Theo asked.

“No, because he shooed me back off to bed before he picked up the phone,” I said miserably.

“Oh!” said Theo shaking his head. “That's not good Sophie.”

“I know and it's happening more and more. I'm really getting worried.”

“Don't sweat it Soph. It's not that strange, it's probably just a business call or something work-related,” Janice assured me.

“Huh? A business call in the middle of the night Janice? Mr George runs a post office—what mail-related emergency could there poss­ibly be?” Theo disputed.

“W-well, I don't know exactly, but what I meant to say was when the phone rings in the middle of the night at our house, it's just one of Dad's partners from America or Japan. You see over there, no one remembers the time difference to us all the way down here in Australia. But all that will change when I become a famous lawyer like Dad. I'll just move to Tokyo or to New York instead,” Janice announced proudly.

“Instead of moving time zones why don't you just turn your phone off before you go to bed?” Theo asked.

“Oh…shut up Theo you don't know anything!” she snapped rudely.

“Hey stop it you two! I'd like at least one morning on the way to school where you don't bicker at each other,” I growled. I didn't mean to sound like a grown-up but they needed someone like me to keep them in line. The three of us dawdled up the road in silence.

“Yesterday afternoon after I delivered all the parcels,” I said breaking the silence, “I overheard Dad talking on the phone but this time he was talking inside the broom closet.”

“THE BROOM CLOSET!” my friends exclaimed.

“Yes! It seems to be the place he takes all his ‘important calls' lately,” I said using my fingers as inverted comas to emphasize the words ‘important calls'. “That's when I overheard him mention ‘Wall Street'.”

“But that's in New York City!” Janice interrupted me.

“DUH, WE KNOW THAT!” Theo scoffed at Janice.

“Well so-rr-y for speaking,” she huffed as she folded her arms tightly and walked a little faster ahead of us.

I could tell Janice was annoyed because whenever she got mad her freckles glowed bright orange.

“I also heard Dad say the name ‘Tiffany',” I said ignoring her. Theo let out a dramatic gasp with both his hands clasped over his mouth. He always showed a lot of enthusiasm during conversations; I liked that about him.

“Who's Tiffany?” Janice asked as she stopped and waited for us to catch up to her.

“I don't know. I'm not even sure if he was talking to a woman called Tiffany or he just happened to mention the name,” I said.

“Well it sounds to me like he's got another girlfriend,” announced Janice.

Janice's comment took me so by surprise that I coughed and choked for air. Theo quickly pushed her out of the way and began patting me hard on the back.

“You shouldn't say things like that Janice, Sophie could've choked to death!” he exaggerated. “Besides Mr George would never do anything to hurt Chelsea, they've been together for ages and he really loves her!”

“Yeah I agree. (Cough, cough.) It's just her idiot son Michael I can't stand!” I spluttered.

Theo nodded agreeing with me while he kept patting my back.

“Did you see him at lunch yesterday picking on poor Dunstan again?” I asked in a croaky voice.

“Yeah, that Michael's a real idiot. I feel so sorry for you Soph. Can you imagine if your dad marries Chelsea, then Michael would become your step bro…”


Theo shot a nasty look at Janice as he grabbed me by the arm. “Are you trying to kill Sophie today, Janice?” he scowled escorting me briskly up the lane way. Janice followed behind us sulking. “Hurry up or else we'll be late for school,” he said.

We walked in silence and my head swirled about with so many thoughts. Chelsea was such a nice lady, and it was such a shame because I couldn't possibly see how Michael could actually be her son. I mean at first I thought she had adopted him because he doesn't look anything like her and then there's the fact he's a complete idiot and she's so nice. He also thinks he can boss me around and yet my dad really likes him. I am beginning to wonder if Dad always wished he had a son instead of a daughter.

Maybe that's why Dad split my after-school post-route in half, so Michael and I would have to work together and try to get along? Dad did say it would only be temporary, just until Michael learned the ropes and then he can have a route of his own. I'm not so sure I like the idea of all four of us working at the post office together. Lucky for me I only have to put up with him for another year and then he's off to uni somewhere. I hope it's far away like Siberia, where ever that is! Ugh, the thought of Michael becoming my step-brother makes my stomach turn. Yuck!

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