I Must Be Dreaming (9 page)

BOOK: I Must Be Dreaming
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I have to admit I did breathe a little bit easier now that we were back in the suite but I still was on edge. “Jake what happened?”  “Izzy you sat there and watched the whole thing unfold, you let Daymon grab you. I was going to ask you the same thing.” He looked at me like I was at fault. “What are you talking about? I was going to kill Daymon but Zadok stopped me.” Jake looked at me like I was crazy, “Izzy you sat there for at least twenty minutes while the whole council and me were fighting! You did nothing but sit by until Daymon grabbed you.” He had lost his mind It was like one second not twenty minutes. “Jake I looked at you and when I turned around Daymon was there.”  I was starting to get angry and raise my voice with him when we heard a knock on the door. It was Zadok, he looked worried but calm. “Isadora my dear you need to get out of here now. Jake pack up what you can and get her out of the city of lights. I have a boat waiting.” He kept talking to Jake about where to go hide out but the words started to fade out. I tried to look at them but could not see them. I tried to fight the blackness off but something was pulling me down. I fought and pushed myself to open back up and finally I broke through. Jake, Zadok, and two guardians with all those tattoos was standing over top of me. I asked, “Can anyone tell me what just happened?” I looked around at all of them. “Zadok put his hand on my face, sweetheart there is no time but I think you have a spell on you. Jake take her now there is no time. I will find you again my daughter!” And just like that Zadok was gone, Jake grabbed me and we were gone with the guardian’s right beside us. I knew this had to be Daymon’s doing and I wanted to kill him myself. As we ran through the out skirts of the City of Lights I knew this was my true home. I belonged here, I felt it. One day I would be back to live here forever









The past few days went by so fast that I wasn’t sure if it really happened or if I just imagined them. The boat ride over to the main land was scary. We were on a small boat and never slowed down till we reached land. And in the middle of the ocean with a small boat and large waves, I don't care if I am a vampire or not, that was scary.               Everyone had been on edge the whole way, watching every movement made by everything living or not and I realized I would like to stick to big boats not the little ones. The little ones seem to rock more. And by the way, now I have two personal guardians, just what I always wanted! Not that I’m not grateful but I can't even get a shower or much less a drink of water without someone beside me. Jake was not much fun either he was always wanting to stay inside and don’t go by the windows. I told him this was not a tornado; we were in the middle of nowhere and no one in sight! We were at one of Zadok’s many homes. I wanted to say that this cabin looked really familiar but I couldn’t say for sure. I wasn’t sure about much lately. This cabin was more of the wilderness type but still had every amenity one could only wish for. I’m sure all his homes where that way. Beautiful furniture I think all leather. Mahogany tables, Persian rugs, and the marble counter tops. I guess living that long got you a lot of money and power. Not to mention the blood and there was plenty of it and not just animal blood but it was human. I didn’t want to know how he got it though. Sometimes I wish I could eat a big juicy hamburger, I know I'm not supposed to want that but I somehow miss it, I miss normal.                                                                                                                After the first day or two the air became a little less thick and we could all breathe easier so to speak. “Jake“, I said as we were lying on the king size bed in the master suite. “Yes Izzy,” he popped his self up on his elbow. “Would you tell me what Zadok told you? I mean when I kind a blacked out again.” Jake’s smile faded quickly away. “He said you had to be under some kind of spell or curse and until we figure out how and when he can't do anything to fix it. He thinks that it connects you to Daymon. He also made me swear to protect you, with my life.”  “Jake I will not let you die for me.” The thought of being without Jake killed me. “Izzy you have no choice.” As soon as he said it he showed me something right above is elbow on the backside of his arm. It was a small black tattoo. It looked like some wavy lines then to small circles with a star shaped thing in the middle. I rubbed my hand across it and tears started to flow from my eyes. “I never wanted you to be hurt or put yourself in a situation where you might be hurt." I can't believe this has happened. "Jake I’m not worth you dying over. I promised Karri I would not let anything happen to you and if something did I would never forgive myself and neither would she. I could never live without you!” Jake grabbed my face with both hands “I wanted to do this, Zadok did not make me. It is a great honor to have this tattoo and I could never live without you." He kissed my lips softly. "Also this tattoo makes it where we can NEVER be apart. I go where you go.” His eyebrows shot up then he kissed my tears on my checks, then my eyes, then my lips. He leaned back. “Now you have got to try to remember when Daymon could have put a spell on you.” I huffed; I didn't want to think of Daymon right now. “I don’t know when he could have. Someone’s always came to save the day or I’ve escaped each time." I looked down at my hands in fist now. "I hate there are blanks in my mind.” Jake squeezed me tight and kissed my forehead again. “Just get some rest and start fresh tomorrow. I rolled over and closed my eyes, but my mind was racing.                                                                                     I tossed and turned for hours. Finally I got up and went to the kitchen, of course both guardians were there pacing right behind me. I knew I needed sleep but too much has happened and I’m sure a lot was going to keep happening if I don’t figure out about my past and what Daymon has done to me. I loved Zadok for the guardians but this is a bit too much. “Hey guys can you go pace somewhere else? I need to think and I can't do that with the two of you right behind me” They both had a blank look on their faces and the one that had the most tattoos spoke up first. “No” and then the other with a little more humanity said “I’m sorry miss Isadora, we are not allowed to leave your side. Those orders came straight from our master Zadok.”  Well this is just great I thought. "Just call me Izzy." I didn’t say anything else I just turned around and walked back to the bedroom and slammed the door in their faces.                                                                                                                 Jake was fast asleep, he looked so peaceful. I climbed in bed and snuggled in as close as I could without disturbing him. I looked at that tattoo on his arm. I lightly rubbed my fingers over it and it started to move. The wiggly lines moved like the ocean and the star shaped thing in the middle started to spin slowly. Jake rolled over wide awake. “Is something wrong my love?” He asked. “No, I just can't sleep that’s all.” He put his big arms around me and squeezed. “Maybe I can help that” he said while rubbing his hands over my thighs. “I guess we could have a little fun while we are here.” Jake grinned and pulled his self on top of me. “I was hoping you would agree to that.“ The next thing I knew was pleasure!                                                                                    I laid my head down on Jake’s chest and finally got tired enough to fall asleep. I started to dream again but this time I was watching myself on the boat to the City of Lights. Daymon was there in my room. I was drinking from the human girl. It tasted so good to good. Then my mom and Zadok came in they all joined me in drinking the girl. Daymon never drank h
e just watched with a smirk on his face. He never loved me he wanted revenge.

When I woke I told Jake about my dream. “Of course! Why didn't I think of that?” He said with excitement. I just looked at him like he had lost his mind. “Izzy this is when he put the spell on you. I know it, the human girl it was her blood, it has to be it. I knew you acted kind of drunk off of her but that was your first time having human blood." He had jumped up and was pacing as he talked. "We have to get in touch with Zadok and now.”  He was so excited that he figured it out. “How are we supposed to do that? We have no phone, and have no idea where he is.” I hated to bring him back down to earth but we had real problems here. “Izzy you can call him, you a royal and only they can send and receive messages.” I looked at him with uncertainty in my eyes. “You have a deep relationship with him; he will be able to feel you. Also he is much older and he is your true father. You just need to relax your body, think of Zadok, and concentrate on what you want to tell him.” I know I was looking at him crazy because I sure thought he was at that moment. He sure knew how to put pressure on me. “Jake your getting way to excited and I’m only part royal, my mother remember. And we still are not sure who my dad is. You are giving me way to much credit.”   “ Izzy this is important Zadok will know what to do. Can you at least try?” He was looking at me in a way that NO woman could say no to or maybe I just didn't know how to with him. “Ok, but I need to be alone for this I can't do this with scary and scarier breathing down my neck.” I turned and walked into the bedroom and shut the door. Ok this was nuts but I had to try. If not for me at least for Jake. No pressure right?              I walked further into the room and sat cross-legged in front of the bed. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I cleared my head of everything except Zadok. I put all my emotions in it. And to my surprise I found him, I could see him! He was questioning a woman, he looked pretty mad. I can't believe that he was in my head and I could see, smell, and touch him. I reached out and touched his shoulder and he jumped a little. He held his finger up telling me to wait. As soon as he bowed to the woman he walked around the corner, I touched him again. But this time I started to show him images of that night on the boat and then my dream. He showed me a boat and he was on it and then the house we were in and I know it's strange but I felt him say I love you!               I was very pleased with myself and when I came out of the bedroom I looked at Jake with a huge smile and said, “He’s on the way.” Jake looked almost shocked. Maybe because I had done it so fast or that I had done it at all. Either way I did it and all I could do was smile. I actually had done something right. Jake looked at me asked how long before he got there and I told him he was on a boat. "I don't know probably two days from now, I think." I went to the kitchen to get some blood, I felt a little weak. It took a lot of energy to do that. Everyone of course followed me there. “Does anyone want anything to eat? “ I felt so awkward with three men following me around. Jake I was ok with, but the guardians they are another story. It was like I had my own little entourage. No one was thirsty but me so I just opened one up and drank it down in one swig.                                                         The next two days went like this… I got up, they got up. I laid down they stood by the door. I went to the bathroom they checked it out and stood outside the door while I bathed. We have been here for little over a week now and no one has come in this house or walked out of it! I was about to be on my last straw when there was a knock at the door. I knew who it was without opening the door, it was Zadok! I ran to the door of course I got pushed out of the way and almost thought they were going to kill him. “Samaul, you and Leburn need a break go outside for a while but keep an eye and ear out.” They both bowed their heads and were out the door as fast as they could… literally. “Wow I didn’t know they had names!” I said laughing a little. “It's so good to see you my dear, you to Jake.” Zadok had his arms open wide to give me a hug. I hesitated for just a second and then embraced him. It felt warm and familiar to be in his arms. “I have some bad news Isadora. Daymon escaped soon after you left. Everyone has been on a search for him including me. I was worried to come here but if you know when he put a spell on you and I can help now so it is worth the risk. We need to get rid of the spell as soon as possible.” He was not talking just to me. “I think it was then. I’m not for sure but that was the only time we have ever been really alone and I was starting to trust him. Jake seems to think maybe it was the human girl.” Jake shook his head in agreement. “It would make sense that that’s when it happened and how he did it. Humans are easy to cast spells on. I’m not sure what triggers it though, but you seem to fight it off really well. I have brought someone with me to take off the spell.” He went back to door and opened it. “Izzy, I want you to meet Jamila Isis. She is your godmother.” A tall figure came out of the shadows and into the light. “But you can call me Jamie for short.”  “Hi, Jamie.“ She was a gorgeous woman. Tall, dark skinned with very long black hair. She had to be of some exotic decent. She walked very graceful; when I looked down she had no shoes on. She had a white bag that had gold outlines and a beetle in the middle. It looked very old yet something about it was very fascinating. She laid the bag on the counter and said “we need to get started while the moon is still in its phase.” I looked at Jake and Zadok with a little bit of worry in my eyes. Zadok came over and whispered “It will be alright. Please trust me.” I did, just not sure about everyone else. I nodded and swallowed hard. Jamie started to pull out some small containers. They all looked like something out of a history book. Each one a different creature. I knew right away she was an Egyptian. She looked into my eyes and said “I am ready.”  Zadok turned to Jake and told him to go outside and tell Samaul and Leburn to keep an extra watch out for the next few hours, we will be vulnerable. “Izzy will be the most vulnerable while this is going on. I need you to help too. This is very important Jake. I know you love her and want to be with her but you need to protect her now.” When he said that I noticed the tattoo move and Jake bowed his head and went outside without a word.                                                         Jamie told me to sit in the middle of the living room. Zadok had pushed the furniture over to clear a big space for us. Jamie then pulled out a long blade. It was called an Athame. She made a big circle around me with it. She said a few words that I had no idea what they were but you could feel the magic in the air. Kind of like electricity but not as strong. Next she took out of one of the containers that had a head of a cat it had what looked like salt inside it. She grabbed some and then used what I think was dirt and poured it over the salt stuff. She kept circling me and chanting. She handed me a bowl that was made out of some sort of thick smoky glass. She spoke again and told me to drink. I hesitated for a second l
ooking at the dirty looking water. Jamie ushered me to drink again and I lifted it to my mouth and drank. It tasted like salty water with a hint of mint. She cut her finger and put it in the water and then rubbed my forehead with it. Zadok sat in the kitchen watching quietly. Jamie handed me a scarab amulet made of red jasper. She told me to put it on and never take it off. I started to feel a little drowsy. The last thing I remember is hearing her say “The blood of Isis shall keep this one strong and shall protect her from whosoever would harm her.” Lightening struck loud right outside deafening my ears then black, was all I could see. I knew I was dreaming again because it was like I was going through time. I could hear chanting and then bright colors would swirl and dance in front of me. Flashes of light would touch my face. It was surprisingly soothing to feel, I was safe.                                                        An hour later I woke, I was in my bedroom. Jamie was sitting beside me. “Slow now don’t get up to fast, you’ll get a headache.” I was trying to focus my eyes on her. She really was a beautiful woman. “Are you a witch?”  My voice sounded husky. “No“ She giggled. “I was a servant to a priest in Egypt. He was kind and showed me all sorts of magic, how to use it and especially how not to abuse it! I became a vampire at the age of eighteen. Which back then was pretty old. I kept up with my magic and I got better and better. I don’t use it a lot, only when needed.“ She put her hand on my forehead as if taking my temperature. “Wow it must have been amazing to have lived back then.” I started to sit up but she kept her hand on me not letting just yet. “Not really, men were superior and I could have been killed for doing the magic, not everyone was allowed too.”  “Oh, that does suck. So do I still have the spell on me?” I forgot all about the spell. “Not at all, and that amulet will keep you safe as long as you wear it. So keep it safe and it will keep you protected from anyone that wants to do you harm.” I also put a protection spell around you but if someone is powerful enough they can break through it so wear the amulet on you at all times. “Really?” I picked it up off my chest and looked at the Scarab. “Thank you so much. This is beautiful. I’m sorry; I have nothing to give you.” I owed her my life I should have given her something. “It's ok I owed Zadok and anyways it was my pleasure to have helped my goddaughter. Now I must go before anyone knows I am missing. Hopefully one day soon we will get to see each other again.” And just like that my godmother was gone.                              Zadok came in and checked in on me. “How long was I out for?” I slowly sat up now that Jamie was gone. “About an hour or so, not too long. Sweetheart I have to go we have a lead on where Daymon maybe hiding out.” I wasn't ready for him to leave but I knew he had to go. “Ok but I really would like to talk when things slow down. I want to remember my life with my mom and you.” He smiled a brilliant smile and said “that would please me so much.” He laid a kiss on my forehead, touched my check and was gone just as fast as he had showed up.

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