I Made You My First (3 page)

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Authors: Ciara Threadgoode

BOOK: I Made You My First
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I felt his hands slide up and down my back, and then while unfastening my bra, he gently whispered in my ear, “Let’s go in the house and do everything that we’ve thought about doing to each other since we met,” his hot, sweet breath blanketed my ear.  My mouth dropped open as I felt hi
m breathing me in.  He kissed my naked chest while I ran my fingers slowly up and down his rock-hard bulge, deliberately teasing him through his jeans. He groaned but suddenly pulled away slightly, his hands dropped from my body instantly, and our eyes locked.

“Hello, J.C., I’m back, anyone home?”

Irish and I froze.  Then we scattered in different directions, collecting our shirts, and my heart was pounding out of my chest.  When we had our shirts back on, I headed for the front room, leaving Irish standing on the patio.  When I glanced back, I saw him stuffing my bra down the front of his pants, making me giggle.

With my arms open wide, I started my ridiculous squealing, like a
girl. “
Judy, finally we meet!” 

We hugged like we hadn’t seen each other in years although it had been only four months.  I grabbed the grocery bag from her and followed her to the kitchen.  We both stopped and smiled at each other.  “I’ve really missed you,” I sang.  She smacked me on the shoulder and took the bag from me.  When our eyes met again, I gave her my crazy, googly eyes and began silently bopping and nodding my head toward the patio.  She gave me a kind of blank stare and then peeked out the kitchen window when she finally realized what I was doing. 

With big eyes and a bigger smile she whispered, “Who’s

I smiled, putting on my best silent, crazy-girl face.  “That’s Irish…like the whiskey,” I whispered.  We both laughed.  I helped her put the groceries away and pulled her arm toward the patio door.  Poor Irish was still standing where I’d left him holding his glass of water.

“Judy, this is Irish.  I met him at the airport and he was kind enough to give me a ride home.”  Judy reached for his hand.  Irish met her hand and they shook politely.

“Thanks so much, Irish, for rescuing my friend.”

He replied, “It was no problem really.” 

We stood there
for the next several moments just looking at Irish.  It was becoming a bit awkward. 

“May I use the restroom?” he asked, looking at Judy.

“Sure, follow me.  I’ll point you in the right direction,” and Irish disappeared down the hallway. 

eased over to the chair and reached for my cigarette and lighter.  I saw Judy through the kitchen window, so I stood by the pane to talk to her, “So what happened to your car?”  When I got no response, I peeked in the window, cupping my hand to the glass to see if she was still there.

“Boo!”  I jumped.  She laughed at me and headed for a patio chair.  I followed her and sat down.  “Irish huh?” she said, smiling ear to ear.  When Judy smiles, it’s big and slides across her entire face.  It’s infectious and makes everyone smile.

I smirked and then smiled.  “Yeah, but with my luck, it’s going to end up being just like a country song with a bad ending.”

She laughed.  “Well
 when God was handing out good looks, Irish was definitely at the front of the line.”

I sat up in my chair.  “You really think so?”  I grabbed my glass and tipped it toward hers.  I drank my last swallow of wine
. “He reminds me of one of those rugged, outdoor male model dudes, you know, the ones pictured on a magazine cover with a bike, no shirt, and a bottle of some new sports drink or energy bar.”  We laughed.

Just then we looked up to see Irish standing at the patio door.  How long had he been there? 

He was grinning handsomely. 

“Hey, I was just getting ready to come looking for you.”  I smiled, watching his face for any indication that he overheard us.  He didn’t move.  It was clear he’d heard
of our conversation.  I stood up. 

“I’m going to take off now.  I need to get home and take my dog for a run.  And I also need to do some laundry.”  His
eyes moved from mine to Judy’s.  “It was really nice meeting you.  I hope to see you again soon.”

Did he say
?  That sounded good to me.  Judy also stood up. “That sounds great, Irish.  Thanks again.” 

I walked with him to the door, and gave his hand a squeeze as he stepped outside.  “Thanks again, Irish, for everything.”  He gave me a sexy little wink, turned and walked away. 

Before he was five feet away from the door, he turned half his body around and said with that big beautiful smile, “Your bra is under your pillow.” 

I laughed as I watched him walk to his car.  I closed the door and plastered myself to the back of it, my arms straight out against the wood.  I had a wide grin on my face.  I knew it was the biggest I’d had in a long time. 

I headed back to the patio and before I could make it through the doorway, Judy asked, “What would a guy named Irish name his dog?”  We both cracked up laughing.

“More wine?” I asked. 

While I was in the kitchen pouring our wine, I heard Judy yell, “Your phone’s beeping.”

I walked out, sat down, and picked up my cell.  It was a text:
Your real name is almost as beautiful as you are
.  I closed the phone.

“What a day,” I whispered to myself.

* * *

Irish and I sat on a blanket on the grassy bank and we could see the moon shining over the calm water.  He was strumming his guitar, singing Ambrosia’s “Biggest Part of Me.”  I stared at his beautiful face, letting myself melt deeply into his eyes, taking in every word, as if he’d written them just for me.  “
Well make a wish, baby, and I’ll make it come true
,” he sang softly.  I leaned forward slowly, searching for his lips.  He stopped playing and set his guitar behind him, then leaned in to kiss me.  He whispered, “Tell me what you wish for, Jurnee.”  I smiled at him and leaned back slowly, then swiftly pulled my shirt over my head, quickly unclasping my bra, I could hear his breathing speed up.  He sat there staring at me, watching for my next move. 

“Is there something I can do for you, Jurnee?” he smiled devilishly, giving me the slightest hint of a wink, and then focused on my breasts.  I pointed to my nipple, and before I could move my finger away, he was there consuming, and kissing it as I moaned softly. 

“Your every wish is my pleasure, girl,” he said, and pressed his lips on mine.  His skin was warm and silky against me; a sudden warm wave of arousal pulsed through my entire body.  I arched my back a little, allowing his soft butterfly kisses to move back and forth between my neck and chest.  His hair tickled my nipples as his soft warm lips continued to move up and down my body.  I was a beautiful, desirable princess and he was my accommodating prince.  I didn’t want my fairytale to end.

“Please don’t stop. Kiss me, baby,” I moaned.   I said it again, only now I was begging, “Kiss me, Irish....”

“Where do you want me to kiss you, Jurnee?” he asked sweetly.

* * *

“J.C., you awake?”  A soft voice asked. 

My eyes popped open
.  Are you serious?  It was all a dream,
I thought.
“Well isn’t that a real dog’s dinner?” I whispered under my breath.  “Yeppers, I’m awake,” I answered my dear friend.

We made breakfast together as we had since we were teenagers.  I sat on the counter popping English muffins into the toaster as she made our hot chocolate.  We then moved to the couch, sharing a blanket while we watched a taped episode of
True Blood
.  It felt good to be here.  Out of nowhere, a loud thump came from the front door.  We jumped.

“Do you think it could be Igor the vampire or a
 werewolf coming for us?”  I laughed.

Judy put the program on
and headed for the front door.  “No.  I think we’re safe.  It’s only the paper boy and he’s late again, third time this month.”   

I took my last bite of muffin and said, “Maybe someone isn’t
enough?” giving her my best googly eyes. 

I stood up to take my plate to the kitchen when I heard Judy yell, “We have flowers.”  She smiled at me as she walked through the doorway, carrying the paper and a beautiful floral arrangement. 

“Wow.  Those are pretty.  Who’s sweet on you now, Jude?” I asked, following her to the kitchen.  She set the arrangement down and opened the card.  I hopped up on the counter anticipating a really juicy story.  

“Hmm, they’re for you, and he’d like to continue whatever it was you started.”  She smiled
with curiosity in her eyes, handing me the card. 

What time was it anyway?  I searched the room.  Seven o’clock?   Someone was up early. 

I finally looked at the card.
Jurnee, my dreams were filled with everything about you last night. Thank you for that.  I hope we can pick up where we left off. 

Okay, now I could feel myself blushing.

“Are those from Irish?” Judy asked with narrowed eyes.

“Yes, it seems they are,” I smiled.

Judy left me sitting on the counter to go take her shower, and for some odd reason, I couldn’t take my eyes off the flowers. Normally I was less than thrilled with any kind of arrangement.  They’d always stirred up bad memories.  But these flowers...well, I couldn’t stop staring at them.  I held the card to my chest and whispered, “I guess these are okay.”

I sat on the commode, watching Judy finish her hair.  I told her everything that had happened with Irish and me
 at the airport and then at the drive-thru.  After she’d said
no way
a hundred times, I stopped myself, wondering if I should tell her about what had happened on the patio. 
She’s my best friend but she’ll probably just laugh at me.

Before I even had a chance to decide, Judy asked, “So what did you do to make Irish dream about you?”  She had a smart-aleck grin on her face. 

I smiled and shook my head.  “Well nothing really…”

Before I could finish the sentence, she added, “J.C., the door wasn’t closed tightly when I got home yesterday.  Don’t tell me

Of course she’d
seen something.  She grinned from ear to ear, waiting for me to spill the beans.  Feeling a little like I’d just been busted by my mother, I looked at her with big eyes and a frozen smile.

“Come on, J.C., you know that truth is self-medicating, right?” she smiled.

Sure, easy for her to say.  She wasn’t the one making out with a guy she’d met only hours earlier.  I took a deep breath, and then spilled every last juicy detail about what had happened on the patio.  Her eyes never left my face. 

She kept saying, “Oh my.” 

I decided then that I’d gladly tell her about our escapade on the patio, but I would keep my erotic dream to myself.  Grabbing my phone and cigarettes, I walked out to the patio, and settled down in a chair.  I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs.  Everything I’d just told Judy was swirling inside my head.  Was I embarrassed about my behavior yesterday?  I hadn’t thought so, but now I wasn’t so sure.

Judy joined me.  “So, what would you like to do today, girl?”  She asked, holding a bottle of clear fingernail polish.  She began uncapping the bottle, waiting patiently for my reply.

“I really need a shower, so that’s what I’m going to do first.”   As I reached for my cigarette pack, I continued, “and after that, I’m not sure.  Whadda you want to do?”

Head down, stroking her fingernails with the
 brush, she asked with some motherliness, “Did you call Irish and thank him for the flowers?” 

“Not yet,” I said, exhaling.  I focused on my cigarette because I knew what was coming next, and I was right.

“Well if you don’t want to talk to him, you should at least text him a thank you. That was a sweet thing he did.”  She was right.  It was sweet and I did love the flowers.  Judy was only three months older than me, but sometimes
 it felt more like three years.  She’d always mothered me and quite honestly I’d always appreciated it.  I counted on her advice, trusted her opinion even more than my own, as I had my mother’s.  Judy really cared about me, that I was sure of.  I gave her an agreeable nod and continued to smoke.

“We’re not having make-out remorse, are we?” she asked, looking up at me with a silly grin. 

I had to laugh.  “I’ll call him after my shower, I really will,” I assured her.  Judy, feeling proud that she’d parented me appropriately, went back to painting her nails. 

What the hell was I going to say to him?  Hope we did more in your dream than we actually did before getting busted...like a couple of high school teens.  Or maybe, thanks for not laughing at my drunken efforts to jump your bones after having met you mere hours earlier?  After telling Judy all the juicy details of our patio
 encounter, I was feeling like I may have come off a little too
easy or even loose
with Irish.  He had basically told me that he didn’t date, only had casual sex, and now maybe I appeared to be coming off even cheaper than he had in the relationship department. 

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