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“Any idea what time wolves generally roam around? If there are any wolves, that is,” said Caitlin as she warmed her hands by the campfire.

“They hunt during the day and during the night, so we should go and check the lure soon. Something might have already found it,” Craig replied.

Earlier on, he had set up a camera in a nearby tree to capture any creatures that found the meat in the lure, and after grabbing a flashlight, the three trekked out to where the first lure was.

“Hey! The meat’s gone!” Erin said, peering into the darkness around them to see if there were any animals around. “Can you check the footage, Craig?”

Craig carefully pulled the camera down from the tree and ran through the footage at high speed three times before looking up at the two women, uncertainty flickering in his eyes.

“There’s nothing here… except…” he said, seemingly unsure of what he was saying.

“What?” Erin asked, grabbing the camera out of his hands and holding it up so that she and Caitlin could watch the footage.

Craig was right to be confused. The camera showed them setting up the lure and leaving, and then three hours later, the meat simply vanished. Nothing had taken it; it had just disappeared into thin air. One minute it was on the camera, the next it was gone.

“Well, we
watching it on fast forward,” Caitlin said. “Slow it down at the bit right before it disappears.”

Erin did so, but again, there was nothing. It was as if some magically-fast creature had swept in and taken the meat so fast that the naked eye couldn’t detect it, even when the footage was slowed down.

“At least we know it isn’t wolves… or any animal,” Craig said.

Erin looked up at him, and noticed that his face had turned pale.

“Come on, guys, there has to be an explanation,” Caitlin said, rolling her eyes. “Please don’t tell me that after this long, you two are gonna start believing in ghosts or whatever.”

“I don’t believe in ghosts,” Craig snapped. “But there is definitely someone, or something, out here. How else do you explain the meat disappearing?”

Caitlin didn’t reply, and the three trudged back to the campfire in silence. None of them wanted to say it, but they all knew that there was something out here, whether or not any of them wanted to accept it. In their time investigating paranormal activity, they had never come across anything that couldn’t be explained in a rational manner, but this… this was something else.

By nine o’clock, their eyelids were drooping, and they got into their sleeping bags and closed their eyes. Within minutes, Caitlin and Craig were fast asleep next to Erin, who struggled to keep her eyes open, but couldn’t stop wondering what was out in the woods with them. Finally, sleep overtook her, and she drifted away into a strange land of dreams.

She was awoken what felt like only five minutes later, but a cursory glance at her watch told her it was nearly three o’clock in the morning. Glancing beside her, she saw that Craig and Caitlin weren’t there, and she rubbed her eyes and stumbled out of the tent, wondering what had woken her.

Caitlin was hunched over near a tree, retching, and Craig was rubbing her back and making soothing sounds. He looked up when he saw Erin, his eyebrows knitted together.

“She has food poisoning or something. It’s really bad; there’s a little bit of blood in her vomit,” he said.

“Oh, god… I think we should take her to the hospital,” Erin replied, hurrying over to them. “At least the blood is bright red. That means it’s probably not a major issue. But still…”

“Yeah, I think we should. Although… the car is only a mile away. I can easily take her, and maybe you could stay here and look after all our stuff? The Sheriff said some teenagers still come out here, remember… I don’t want to lose everything to them.”

“Um… yeah, I guess that would be wise,” Erin replied.

A bolt of fear shot through her at the thought of being alone in the forest for a few hours, but she pushed it aside, knowing that now wasn’t the time or place to be afraid. Caitlin was sick, and needed urgent medical care.

“Okay, sweetie, can you walk?” she asked, helping Craig sling an arm around her.

Caitlin mumbled and wiped her chin with the back of her sleeve.

“Yeah, I think she can. If not, I can just carry her,” Craig said. “I’ll call you when I know what’s going on.”

He headed off into the forest, towards the edge of the road where their car was parked, and Erin stood watching as they left, shivering as goose bumps broke out over her bare arms. Twigs and leaves snapped somewhere in the distance, and her heart leapt to her mouth as she grabbed a flashlight and shone it around.

“Hello?” she called out, hoping that she had just been hearing things.

Dry leaves crunched again, closer this time, and a lump of fear formed in her throat.
Someone else is out here. Maybe it’s just teenagers daring each other to do stupid stuff. I’m sure they’ve all heard by now that we’re in town filming.

“Hello?” she called out again. No answer, but she caught a flash of movement out of the corner of her eye.

Something had moved between the trees so fast that she couldn’t see exactly where or what it was, but it slowed down a moment later. Through the trees, she caught glimpses of what appeared to be an enormous wolf with bright green eyes and silvery fur that caught the rays of moonlight that were streaming through the trees every time it moved. Seconds later, it was gone, and her heart thumped loudly in her chest as she turned around, only to come face-to-face with a tall, well-built man.

The shock of seeing him elicited a strangled scream from Erin as she dropped the flashlight, and then she realized who it was.

“Deputy Scott! You scared the hell out of me! What are you doing out here?” she asked. “I just saw a wolf! Did you see it too?”

Fear from seeing the creature had been overwhelming her, but now that the gorgeous Deputy was standing before her, it was quickly giving way to a familiar primal urge that cascaded through her body, making heat pool between her thighs.
God, he is so sexy… wait… why isn’t he wearing a shirt?

He didn’t respond to her question, and when his eyes began to glow a bright yellow-green a second later, the lump returned to Erin’s throat as she gazed up at him.

“What… what are you?” she asked, the words barely making it past her lips as adrenaline spiked in her veins.

“The monsters they speak of in these woods aren’t monsters,” he said, his voice deep and gravelly. “They are werewolves, as am I. That wolf you saw… it was me. When the moon is full in the sky, our kind needs to hunt, and hunt we do…”

Erin gulped as she recalled the tourists who had gone missing in the woods.

“Hunt? So… you’re going to eat me?”

Scott laughed, a deep sound that mixed with a growl as it reverberated from his powerful chest.

“No. We must hunt for a mate. Most in my pack have found one, but I have not. And then you came along… a woman like you isn’t common in my town. I tracked your scent and came out here last night to find you, though I couldn’t get you alone. But now…”

“What are you saying?” she asked, her legs trembling as she tried to comprehend the fact that werewolves actually existed. It was as if everything in her world had turned upside down, and everything she believed in had been called into question.

Despite the fear that was still clouding her mind, a tiny stream of desire was beginning to trickle through Erin’s body. It started in the back of her head and spread slowly down her spine, and by the time it reached her core, it was a raging torrent that was quickly displacing the fear and turning it into blazing desire for the gorgeous man in front of her.

He reached out and captured her shoulders, and her nipples tightened under her shirt as a bolt of electricity shot through her, heading between her legs as her clitoris swelled with arousal. No matter what he was, she couldn’t deny how her body was responding to his mere presence, and she stared up into his glowing eyes, waiting for his response.

In one quick movement, her shirt was on the ground, and she couldn’t believe how quickly the werewolf could move. His hands went back to her shoulders and coasted down over her figure, and finally, he answered her question.

“Now that we are alone, I want to mate with you,” he said, his voice now a raspy growl. “I need a woman like you.”

Erin knew exactly what he meant by that, and she stared into his impossibly-perfect face, almost unable to believe that such a gorgeous man wanted her. For once,
was the one who would get the guy, not Caitlin or anyone else. The thought sent a spasm of pleasure through her belly, but there was something she needed to know first.

“Just tell me something first,” she said, her voice quavering. “Those people that went missing…”

“I had nothing to do with that,” he growled before she could even finish. “None of my pack did. They just went missing. Things like that can just happen sometimes. I promise you, I would never hurt a human. I choose to live as a human for most of my life, as you have seen.”

“And Caitlin getting sick?”

“Also nothing to do with me. I would not hurt your friend just to get close to you. I would have found a way to get you alone eventually.”

Something in his burning eyes told her that he was telling her the truth, and her remaining inhibitions melted like snow in the sun. His warm breath caressed the smooth skin of her neck as he leaned forward, and he gently kissed her ear. His lips sent another bolt of electricity shooting up her spine, and she closed her eyes, parting her lips in a soundless gasp.

“Yes,” she said. “Mate with me.”

With that, he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her with an animal-like urgency, and she almost moaned into his mouth as she parted her lips, allowing him to deepen the kiss and explore her mouth with his tongue.

Powerful shivers of arousal rocked her core as the heat from his mouth began to trickle into hers, and her body flooded with a pulsing warmth that only added to the burning desire she already felt deep in her belly. The kiss seemed to last forever, and Erin’s mind clouded with needful lust as her tongue glided past his lips to entwine with his.

Unable to hold out any longer, Scott tore his pants off as dense fur started to grow over his chest, arms and legs, and his fingernails sharpened into powerful claws that tore at Erin’s pants, leaving them in a shredded heap on the ground next to where he had thrown her shirt. She stood before the naked werewolf in her underwear, and his green eyes roamed over her soft curves, gleaming with erotic need for her. She looked down, her hand almost flying to her mouth in shock as she saw the enormous cock between his legs, and he grinned at her reaction, his teeth preternaturally white.

An increasingly unbearable ache in Erin’s core spurred her into action, and she reached around and unhooked her bra at the back, letting her full breasts spill free into his waiting hands. Her nipples cried out for attention as her chest rose and fell in long, heavy breaths, and Scott twisted and rolled them in his fingers, sending another jarring bolt of electricity through her belly.

A moment later, his hands skimmed the surface of the rest of her body, worshipping her curves, and deep growls escaped his mouth as he did so. His caresses drove away any insecurities that remained in her mind, and desire blazed in his eyes as he looked into hers and spoke again, just one word that sent a new wave of heat flooding to her core.


With that, he shredded her panties with his claws, and she stood before him, completely naked now. She should have been freezing in the night air, but the heat between their bodies ensured that she barely registered it at all. Scott’s claws retracted, and his hands slid down over the back of her thighs and then back up over the soft curves of her ass.

Suddenly, he picked her up, and Erin gasped as she instinctively wrapped her legs and arms around him. Seconds later, he crouched down slightly, entered the tent and threw her down on a sleeping bag, his body vibrating with tension as his hands yanked her legs apart. Erin quivered with anticipation, almost unable to wait a second longer to feel him, and then she gasped again as he moved his body further down between her thighs, lapping at her delicate skin and inhaling deeply as he caught the scent of her arousal.

Moaning, she raised her head and watched him over the curves of her breasts and belly. He moved his mouth over her folds, tasting her slick desire and running his tongue up and down in long, fluid motions, and he growled with delight as she reached down and stroked his hair in encouragement.

His tongue soon located the sensitive, throbbing nub of her clitoris, and he licked and gently sucked over and around it with delicate precision; something which surprised Erin greatly. As if the idea of her mating with a werewolf wasn’t surprising enough, he was much gentler than she had expected. She wasn’t complaining, though, instead she was sighing and moaning as a tight ball of ecstasy gathered in her core, threatening to explode out of her at any moment.

Scott drew his head back a second later and stared up at her, his green eyes seemingly boring right into her soul, and then he leaned back down, and once again his tongue raked across her most sensitive spot, making her writhe and moan as she thrust her body into his face. His swirling tongue was relentless as it lapped over her swollen clitoris, and seconds later he thrust a hairy finger inside her, letting out a deep groan of approval as he felt just how wet and ready she was for him.

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