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Authors: Sweet Baby Girl Entertainment

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Zoe squeezed her thighs tight as she felt the warmth spreading between her thighs and
crawl up her belly. “Is that so?”

“That’s right,” he murmured.

“Boy, I’ll whip it on you so good, you’ll want to make me oxtails with a side of fried rice,”

she countered with a lick on her lips and blew him a kiss.

Joey chuckled. “Oxtails, huh?”

“With a side of fried rice.” Zoe smiled.

So she can chalk it up to being lust. She could deal with lust. But it was more than lust. It was more than infatuation. Zoe didn’t dare to say that other dreaded L word, though her heart was itching towards that direction. She was about to make a very big transition in her life and the last thing she needed was to become someone’s girlfriend, no matter who he was or how fat his pockets were. It was against her moral code. It was against her ethics and beliefs.

Joey seemingly tossed all of that out the window and all he did was smile.

Zoe’s sexual frustration was at an all-time high and she could admit she was wearing out her sex toys. At Fits and Giggles, her focus were on the children and being Kieran’s assistant, though whenever she saw her boss, she couldn’t help to see a little bit of Joey inside of him.

Even some biracial children had Zoe wonder what shade of brown her babies with Joey would look like.

Zoe groaned at herself. She was acting like a love-struck teenager who just discovered she liked boys during the summer vacation and it embarrassed her. Every little thing seemingly reminded her of Joey. A song on the radio. A precocious child at Fits and Giggles. An ad in a fashion magazine highlighting a designer watch. Even the Escalades and Beemers she had seen –

a dime a dozen in L.A. – Zoe wondered if those vehicles were customized the same way Joey had his.

She knew what the situation was between her and Joey and they both agreed to take it slow. That was only on the first night while she was in New York and that whole, “taking it slow” spiel was a crock of shit by the end of their second date. They weren’t boyfriend and girlfriend but being “just friends” was a distant memory. So when Joey suggested a hotel stay while he visited her in L.A., Zoe offered her place, knowing damn well there was going to be no way in blue hell they were going to sleep in separate bedrooms.

Now Zoe had another concern – if she could still remember how to have sex. It had been so long since she’s gotten some, she believed Bush was still in office.


“There’s my girl!” Joey bellowed out as he caught eyes with Zoe.

Whatever nervousness Zoe had, it quickly dissipated when she caught eyes with Joey

again. Video-chatting was good and fine but seeing him in person made the difference. She rushed to him and jumped in his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and planted a steamy kiss on his lips. At that moment, it was only them in the universe. No him, no her, just them.

Dared she thought it, but Zoe felt complete with Joey. There was no other explanation.

When he finally put her down, they both took a moment to look into the depths of each other’s eyes. She saw want and desire in his. He saw passion and excitement in hers. Whatever their situation was, it was clear to both of them it was no longer just two people feeling each other out. Come hell or high water, they were going to make their relationship work.

“Are you hungry?” Zoe asked as Joey picked up his messenger bag. “I know this great

Brazilian place we can go to.”

“Sounds amazing. I would love to try it.” Joey grabbed Zoe’s hand and smiled at her, taking Zoe by surprise. “Unless I wasn’t allowed to do that.”

“No,” Zoe’s voice came out several pitches higher than she expected. She quickly cleared her throat. “I’m saying you can hold my hand and whatever.”

“So this means I can do whatever to you later?” He asked.

A slow smile curved Zoe’s lips. “You only have a week to prove yourself.”

“I’ll take that Pepsi challenge.”


“So this is it,” Zoe entered her condo, “this is my sweet abode.”

Joey looked around Zoe’s place. It was a large condo with an open space and vaulted

ceilings. The living room was Old Hollywood, with pictures of Marilyn Monroe, the Rat Pack, and other legendary Hollywood stars framing a large flat-screen TV. The dining room was modern with a small oak table and chairs and was adorned with the roses he had sent to her. The kitchen had a Midwestern country feel to it, with Mason jars lined up along the wall of the kitchen counter and each had a different item within it from tea bags to sugar to cookies.

Zoe’s bedroom looked like it came straight out of a designer showcase, with brown and taupe being the main colors. A queen-sized bed was complemented with a white padded

headboard and a brown chaise lounge at the feet. A chandelier hung overhead and across from the sliding doors leading to the long balcony. Another flat-screen TV hung on the wall and there was a large walk-in closet that was across from a sizable bathroom decked out in various shades of green, almost reminding Joey of a spa.

It was clear to him at that moment that Zoe was what he considered to be
old money
and it reminded him of something he learned from one of his professors – New Money flashes while Old Money saves.

“So what do you think?” She asked with a bounce in her step.

“How much is my brother paying you?” Joey laughed. “I mean your place is incredible. I never would’ve thought you lived like this.”

“I don’t like to talk about money because once you do, people tend to think the worse of you. Either you’re shallow, superficial, or all of the above. I know too many people who brag and boast about what they have and I always wonder how pitiful their lives must be to do that.”

Zoe sat down on her plush bed.

“Sometimes boasting is a confidence booster,” Joey defended his past and sometimes,

present actions as he sat next to Zoe, “it’s another form of faking it before you make it.”

“I understand
” Zoe explained, “I don’t understand constantly doing it. If you have the wealth, the money, and you’re doing good with it, who cares if you’re making it rain? Who cares if you just bought a Bentley? Who cares if you own twenty Louis Vuitton bags? It’s a hood rich mentality.”

“I thought the rich kids were like that as well?” He asked. “At least the rich kids I knew back in the day.”

“Oh yeah, there are some like that. They wouldn’t be caught dead in that Chevy I drove,”

Zoe laughed and Joey followed. “I guess I was raised differently. My parents had money but I was never taught to boast about it. Too many of our friends were affected by the economy downturn a few years back. They were rich in January and struggling to make ends meet that following September. We never take anything for granted.”

“I feel you on that one,” Joey agreed. That was the main motivation to make sure all of the D’Amatos were set for the rest of their lives. He could remember all too well the times he had to fix the holes in his sneakers with gum because he simply couldn’t afford new shoes. When he was able to purchase new shoes, he took precious care of them as if they were the last shoes on earth. It was no surprise that his closet boasted of many pairs of loafers, sneakers, and sandals.

“So, I’m getting a little sleepy,” Zoe yawned and stretched. “I was wondering if you wanted to take a nap before we head out?”

“Sure,” Zoe’s yawn was infectious and Joey yawned as well, “I could rest for a little bit before we leave.” He stood up and removed his shoes and stripped down to his white tee and boxer briefs. “Assuming it’s okay I sleep in here?”

Zoe knew Joey had a muscular physique but her breath was lodged in her throat. He was ripped. Strong legs led to six-pack abs and an equally muscular chest. A few tattoos adorned his tawny and buffed arms. Zoe already imagined licking his abs between the creases, playfully nibbling on them before she mounted herself on top of him.

“Zoe?” Joey called to her. “Is everything okay?”

Everything is juuuuuust fine.
She shook her head to relieve her lustful thoughts. “Yeah,”

Zoe removed her clothing and remained in her tank top and boy shorts.

Joey knew Zoe had a banging body but it was just out of control. An hour-glass body with thick thighs and hips, a small waist, and a bra that might have been a cup-size too small. Joey felt his mouth water and quickly licked his lips. He was exhausted from traveling, but he wondered if he had just enough energy to make love to Zoe. A long yawn indicated that his body made the decision for him.

He would have to wait to make love to Zoe later. Maybe it was a good thing they were going to nap now. He was going to need all of the energy later.


Hillary was right…it does take a village.

Tiana woke up from a peaceful slumber and stretched out in bed. It was 6:30 in the evening and she needed that cat nap. She totally forgot how demanding newborns were, though Tyson was just a toddler. She was very lucky to have such an attentive husband, a mother who adored her grandchildren, and an equally helpful mother-in-law who would make it a point to be on the first plane from New York to help.

Blessed. That’s what she was. No doubt about it.

She got out of bed and walked over to the nursery, where she saw Kieran playing with Tyson on the floor while Gianna napped in her sleeper. “Hey Sleeping Beauty,” Kieran smiled at her, “did you have a good nap?”

“I feel like a new person,” Tiana stretched again, “amazing what an hour can do.”

“You needed it. When I came home, you looked like an extra from the

Kieran raised an eyebrow.

“That bad?”

“That bad.” He emphasized. “I know you want to do it all by yourself but I still think we need to get full-time help in here, Tee. It’ll help you and—”

“Done.” She agreed. “When can they start?”

“Well, that’s a change from the ‘I can do bad all by myself’ attitude you gave me just after the birth.” Kieran smiled.

“That was before we came home and I was getting only three hours of sleep a night, if that.” Tiana reasoned. “I’m not trying to be Superwoman with the lasso.”

“Wonder Woman.” Kieran corrected.


“You mean Wonder Woman.” Kieran said. “She’s the one with the lasso.”

“Oh,” Tiana thought, “does she turn into a cat like Halle Berry?”

“No, that’s Catwoman.” Kieran corrected, “and Michelle Pfeiffer was a better Catwoman, by the way.”

“Oh,” Tiana was stumped, “Then Superwoman is blue with scaly skin, right?”

“No, that’s Mystique. She’s in the X-men. They’re Marvel while Superwoman would be

DC Comics. Different brands.”

“Oh hell!” Tiana shook her head and Kieran laughed. “Then who’s Superwoman? What’s

her super power?”

“Well, she’s Lois Lane. She’s Lois Lane’s alter-ego when she had a dream about


Tiana joined her husband and children on the floor. “How do you know so much about


“Army,” Kieran shrugged, “you spend hours waiting around, listening for bombs, trying to stay awake. A buddy mentions about a comic book he’s read and he tells you all about it. It sounds interesting enough and you start reading. Then you want another, then another, and another. Then you want the back story because some things just aren’t explained so you read those too. Then you get into arguments with your buddies about superheroes and who can kick whose ass. It’s worse than crack.”

Tiana laughed then turned to a serious, pressing matter. “Any word from New York?”

“None,” Kieran shook his head, “so far everything is quiet. Eli moved out and has his own place. He and Faye worked out a financial agreement and custody arrangement for the time being. Everyone is being surprisingly respectful and cordial.”

“That’s good,” Tiana nodded, “I’m glad they can be so cordial despite everything.”

Memories of her battle with Christopher came to mind. He was still holding off signing off his parental rights until Tiana forked over more money. They were at a stalemate. “I only wish my situation was like theirs.”

“Hey, we’ll get through this. This too shall pass.” Kieran reassured her. “Eventually he’ll get tired and give up. I know how he is. The fact he wants millions so he doesn’t have to be obligated to his son tells me everything I need to know about him.”

“The only good thing out of this is Tyson’s Heart,” Tiana cracked a smile, “I’m so glad we have Zoe doing the designs! She is so talented! Did she pick up some material in New York?”

“She picked up a few things and she’s been working non-stop,” Kieran nodded, “she says she has a lot of ideas and has been jotting them down. She’s going to meet with us next week after she comes back from vacation.”

“Oh, I didn’t know she even left town,” Tiana played with Tyson.

“She didn’t. She stayed in.” Kieran thought about when he asked Zoe about her plans and she was surprisingly quiet about everything. It was unusual for her. “I guess she just needed to recharge her batteries and stay in town.”

“Well, she hasn’t had a vacation in a while and she’s long overdue!” Tiana commented.

“Maybe she can finally go out and meet someone worthy of her. Poor girl, she must get so lonely.”

Kieran thought about his conversation with Joey. He felt a little guilty threatening his brother the way he did but it was the only way to keep Joey at bay and Zoe focused on the fashion line. Even if there was an interest, it wouldn’t possibly work due to the distance. Kieran couldn’t see Joey making a special trip just to see Zoe anytime soon – or ever. “I’m sure she’ll find someone suitable for her.”


I knew I should’ve came out here sooner.

Joey’s heart swelled with love and happiness – two emotions he never thought he would feel for a woman other than his mother. After a surprisingly platonic nap, he and Zoe took showers – separately – and headed out for their night on the town. Then they went out to dinner in Beverly Hills, then they went to the Griffith Observatory to admire the stars and study about space. After that, they went driving along Pacific Coast Highway, listening to quiet storm R&B

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