Huntress (6 page)

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Authors: J L Taft

BOOK: Huntress
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“Morning, Granny,” he said as he came up the steps.

“Good morning, Trent. Come in, it’s time we had another
talk,” she said as she went inside, the screen door opening and then closing
behind them seemingly by itself.

At least she knew he was here for more answers. He just
hoped she got to the point quickly. He didn’t want to leave Fiona alone for too
long. He wanted to be back to her place before she fell asleep in case she had
any more of whatever the hell that was last night.

He took a seat at the scarred wooden table and she put the
customary glass of lemonade in front of him.

“Granny, I have more questions,” he began.

She held up her hand to stop him. “If it has to do with
Fiona then you need to bring her to me. I want to talk about you.”

“About me?”

“Yes. I’ve told you that Eleanor and I made a decision when
you and Fiona were young to keep you apart so that you could lead a normal
life. We can’t hide or run from who we are. It catches up with us sooner or
later.” She got a faraway look in her eyes and Trent felt that same strange
sense of foreboding.

He knew without a doubt he wasn’t going to like what she had
to say.

“Our family has always had a little something extra. Some of
us chose to accept it and use it for good. Some of us have swept it under the
rug, never knowing what talents lay within us. I knew about mine at a very
young age. Telekinesis isn’t something you can hide easily. But my mother was a
natural witch and trained me well how to use it, control it and above all keep
it a secret.”

She reached out to lay her hand on his and a shiver went
down his back.

“I’m an old woman now and I have made mistakes. But none as
big as not telling you about your own inner power.”

“What do you mean?” Trent asked as he pulled his hand away
as if he had been burned.

“Trent, you have the special gift of sight. Some call it clairvoyance.
Call it what you will but it’s there plain as day when I look in your eyes.”

Trent sat stunned for a full minute before he started to
object. Granny held up her hand to stop him again.

“I know, I know. But answer this, Trent, how do you think that
you have made it home from those dangerous places you’ve gone to all these
years? Did you just think you were lucky those times?” she asked him with a
knowing smile. “When opportunity knocks you still have to open the door.”

She had been saying that to him since he was a kid. But it
didn’t make him happy to hear it now.

Trent stood suddenly to pace back and forth in the little
kitchen that hadn’t changed an inch since he was a kid. The pale-yellow walls
and dark hardwood floors always had soothed him but not today.

He tried to piece it all together as he felt his granny’s
gaze follow him. There was no longer any doubt in his mind that there were
things in this world most wouldn’t believe. Hell, he didn’t want to believe
them himself.

But he had gotten his team and himself out of more messes
than he could count. When it came right down to it and bullets were flying by
he always knew which way to go. He always knew when something was wrong with
one of his men and if his head wasn’t in the game.

Trent had just chalked it up to experience and his training.

Obviously not. Granny had opened a door and he knew what she
was asking.

Was he going to walk though it?

He needed time to think about it. “Granny, I’m going for a
walk.” He didn’t wait for her response and headed out the back door to the

He had played under these trees as a child. Every spare
moment he had, he had been playing war games among the trees. Fighting off
imaginary enemies with stick guns and rock grenades.

He stuffed his hands in his pockets and just walked without
any specific direction. After several minutes he came upon his old fort. He had
built it around the base of a huge old oak tree and he was surprised most of it
was still standing.

Crawling into it was harder than he remembered but he
managed with only a little cursing. He sat in the same place he used to and
listened to the call of the birds overhead.

He leaned his head back against the old bark of the oak and
closed his eyes. Everything felt somewhat surreal at the moment. Granny had
certainly dropped a bomb on him again today.

His thoughts wandered and he dozed off, absorbing the
comforting feeling of his childhood hideout.

Trent awoke abruptly and stood, crashing his head into the
dead branches that made up the roof of his fort.

Fiona needed him. He knew it without a doubt.

Cursing, he stumbled out of his fort and made his way back
to Granny’s. It was dusk and the forest was quickly getting darker. Then the
sky opened up and it started raining. He had spent the whole day out here.

He came to an impulsive stop when something teased the
fringes of his mind. He could see her. She was ducking under a long, silver
metal door. It was raining and her hair hung down in thick, wet ropes.

Her eyes were huge in her pale face. She was afraid of

The vision faltered and weakened and he immediately felt the
disconnection. But right before it faded completely he saw a man standing in
the rain.

Watching Fiona.

Trent jogged the best he could in the dark on the uneven
ground. He wouldn’t be able to help her if he fell and broke a damn leg. The
rain made it even harder to see where he was going and he was already soaked

He was stunned at what had happened, how he had been able to
see her so clearly, but he didn’t doubt it had been true.

She was in trouble. He didn’t know what the hell she was
doing crawling into a storage unit at night in the rain but he intended to find

The vision had taken longer than he had realized. When he
had snapped out of it the forest had been completely dark.

He burst into his grandmother’s back door. “I have to go,”
he said, hardly stopping to kiss her cheek.

He had the front door open before she stopped him.

“Go get her and bring her back here before she gets herself

He nodded once. The screen door slammed behind him as he
jumped on his bike.

He knew where she was. He recognized the units. Within
seconds he was barreling down the dirt road faster than was safe but he didn’t
care. All he could think about was getting to her.


Fiona tried to resist checking out Grandma’s storage unit
all day. She had other things that needed to be done and she had already dealt
with the more pressing issue of the bill.

But she couldn’t concentrate and managed to spend the whole
day talking herself into being productive. It didn’t happen.

Then she hadn’t heard from Trent and it had only made
matters worse. She had just grabbed her car keys and the unit key before she
left the house. She wasn’t even sure if she locked her front door on her way

She wasn’t an impulsive person, usually, and she already
regretted being here this time of night. But she was already here so she might
as well have a look. Grabbing her flashlight from the glove box, she scanned
the row of units and headed to the left. She was looking for number three. She
turned a row and got to five then four. Stopping in front of three, she looked
at the big door.

Something ominous crept over her. She glanced around behind
her as the skies opened up and made her soaked to the skin in seconds. No one
was there but she definitely had the creeps.

She struggled with the lock for a second, thinking she maybe
had the wrong key. After she jimmied with it for a few moments the key finally
slid in and the lock opened.

The door was on a pulley system so it was easy to lift and
duck under. She closed it most of the way behind her, letting in some of the
street light but blocking most of the rain.

Fiona searched for a light but there wasn’t one. There were
old, dusty crates stacked up against all three walls. They were all different
sizes and had no labels of any sort. Opening the first one, she found baby
clothes and a few small keepsakes. Maybe they had been her mother’s?

Fiona looked in several of the other crates and found that
Grandma had all of her personal possessions hidden away in the storage unit.

There were things here she would never have expected Grandma
to keep. It showed Fiona a side of her that she had never seen. She had seemed
to be a hard, strict woman and Fiona felt a lump forming in her throat to
realize she hadn’t really been like that at all.

It would take her a month to sort through all the things
packed away.

In the center of the room there was a six- or
seven-foot-long wooden table. She shined her light on the papers lying there.
There were random notes and family photos scattered throughout. One photograph
of her parents caught her eye and she picked it up.

They looked happy, their arms around each other. Next to the
photograph was something she recognized, another of Grandma’s journals. Fiona
frowned. She thought she had all of them.

A loud crack of thunder roared overhead and she jerked in
surprise. She needed to get out of here and come back in the daylight. She
couldn’t see a damn thing in the thin beam of her flashlight.

But she wasn’t leaving the journal or the pictures. She
located a box underneath the table in a pile of other stuff and threw the
journal and the photos in before closing the flaps.

The metal of the door rattled and she sucked in a deep
breath. She could feel a presence and it was close. Even if she couldn’t see
any feet in the space under the door, someone or something was out there.

Fiona backed up, knowing her only chance was to hide. But
odds were whoever was out there already knew she was here.

Then she began to doubt there was anyone outside. The door
had only rattled once and she wondered now if it could have been the storm.

She set the box down at the edge of the table and lifted the
door suddenly. No one was there. Shaking off the strange feelings, she grabbed
the box and closed the door behind her, locking it back up tight.

The rain had let up and she headed for her car. When she got
to the end of the row she turned and stopped dead in her tracks.

A man stood before her. The type of man who gave her the
same strange feeling of awareness she had in her dreams. He was a vamp. He
wasn’t huge but his still body didn’t fool her. He was poised to attack.

“Well, if it isn’t the new hunter. All alone in the dark,”
he jeered at her.

“What do you want?” she uttered. The storm picked back up
and she heard a long rumble in the distance that stopped abruptly.

He came closer without saying anything and his deep-red eyes
stared at her. He almost looked as if he were floating over the wet concrete.
Fiona knew if she turned tail and ran now it would all be over. She couldn’t
give in or show any weakness because he would pounce.

He stopped inches from her and visibly took a deep breath.
“You smell delicious.”

She recoiled and took a step back. He reached out, picked up
a wet tendril of hair off her shoulder and used it to tug her closer. The move
was obviously sexual and all it managed to do was repulse her. It sent a shiver
of disgust down her spine.

“Go to hell,” Fiona growled at him.

“I’m already there, little girl,” he chuckled. “Why don’t
you join me?”

He moved so fast Fiona had no time to react. He was suddenly
behind her with his arm around her neck, cutting off her air. She dropped her
box and struggled against his tight hold but it was like fighting a brick wall.

His arm loosened fractionally when she twisted and made the
mistake of exposing her neck. She sucked in air and let it out in a scream for
help. She didn’t figure anyone was around but she had to try. The scream was
sad to say the least. Her lack of oxygen made it sound more like a squeak.

She renewed her struggles as she felt him lick her shoulder.

“You bastard! Let me go!” she screeched at him.

He laughed in her ear, dark and menacing.

Fiona heard a dull thunk and she was unexpectedly free.
Whipping her head around, she saw Trent fighting the vampire. He was losing.
The vamp connected his fist with Trent’s face and he stumbled. Trent might have
been big and strong but he was no match for the immortal.

Trent leaned against the storage building for support as the
blond vamp looked her way. “Is she your woman?” he asked.

Trent smiled at him and then Fiona saw the gun in his hand.
He fired twice, quickly hitting the vamp in the chest, but he didn’t fall.
Holding his hands over the wounds, he turned to Fiona.

“I’ll be seeing you again.” Then he floated off into the
darkness. Fiona assumed he ran because one minute he was there and the next he
was gone.

She ran to Trent’s side as he wiped his mouth and spit out

“Trent, are you okay?” she asked, putting her arm around his
shoulder as he leaned forward.

“Yeah, I’m okay. You?”

“I’m fine. How did you know where to find me?”

“A hunch,” he said and smiled at her as he straightened from
the wall, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. “Come on. Let’s get out
of here before that spook comes back for another round,” he said as he grabbed
her hand and pulled her toward her car.

Chapter Eight


Trent followed behind Fiona’s car on his bike as they went
back to her place. His chin hurt like a son of a bitch but he refused to think
about what would have happened if he hadn’t gotten there in time.

The rain had slowed to a drizzle but he was still soaked and
shivering by the time they made it back to her house.

He pulled in behind her and cut the engine, hopping off and
meeting her at the driver’s side door.

He took the box that she grabbed from the passenger seat
from her hands. “Thanks,” she mumbled.

She unlocked the front door and held it open for him. He
wasn’t sure if she intended to invite him in but he wasn’t leaving her alone.
It was too late for him to take her to Granny’s tonight.

He used his cell to call Granny and let her know they would
be there in the morning in low tones while Fiona stepped into the kitchen,
giving him privacy.

He hung up and caught her gaze. She started to shiver in her
wet clothes. He lowered his eyes and saw her nipples harden under her wet
shirt. He sucked in a breath and let it out with a whoosh.

She was more than he could resist and right now all he
wanted was her. Tomorrow was no longer certain and he wanted to spend the rest
of the night getting lost in her sweet body.

By the time he reached for her she was trembling, from need
or from the cold he wasn’t sure but he was going to fix both. She was small but
sturdy and he lifted her easily to wrap her legs around his waist.

He headed for her bedroom, carrying her as she set her warm
mouth on his neck. She nibbled and sucked on him as he hurried his steps.

When he got near her bed he helped her tug her wet shirt
over her head and dropped it on the floor with a plop. He hooked one arm under
her ass to hold her up and the other hand went up to unhook her bra.

When her breasts were free she pushed them against his chest
and he couldn’t help the groan that escaped him.

“You have too many clothes on, Trent,” she whispered against
his ear. He totally agreed with her.

Dropping her to the bed, he heard her giggle and it warmed
him as he dragged his shirt over his head. He unlaced his boots quickly and
kicked them off.

“Lose the rest of your clothes, woman,” he told her, his
voice coming out gruffer than he intended.

He couldn’t take his eyes off her as he dropped his damp
pants and kicked them away. She was shimmying out of her wet jeans that clung
to her like a second skin.

He leaned in to help her by grabbing the bottoms of the legs
and giving them a good jerk. The jeans let loose and he took a stumbling step

Then they were both naked and nothing else seemed to matter
but that. Her brown eyes went round as his cock jumped, responding to her long
inches of naked skin.

Trent knelt between her legs. Even though they had been
together before he still noticed little things about her he had missed. Like
the freckles on her knees and the little white slash of a scar on her left hip.

He trailed his fingers down her, starting at her knees and
going down to her calves. Her head rolled back and her eyes closed. His fingers
went from her ankles to her thighs this time and she moaned.

It was strange but he knew exactly what she needed. As if
they were connected in a way he couldn’t see.

He paused and she lifted her head to stare at him. Looking
into the depths of her clear, brown eyes, he knew she felt it too.

She moved her elbows out from under her and she tumbled the
rest of the way to the bed. Her beautiful hair spread out around her head and
he blinked in surprise.

The bedside lamp shone on her in a way that made him think
of an angel with a halo. She was the very essence of what was good in the world
and he wanted her all to himself.

Fiona lifted her arms to him and he smiled at her before
lowering his body. He was careful not to put too much of his weight on her but
she objected by wrapping her legs around his waist and tightening.

She felt like warm silk under him and he couldn’t wait to
sink into her. He stared down into her face and she stared back, something
elemental passing between them.

Her hands came up to his face and she grazed her fingers
over the puckered skin of his scars. He didn’t want to remember they were
there, that he was no longer the man he had been before that fateful day.

He tried to look away from her intent gaze but she wouldn’t
let him.

“It doesn’t matter,” she whispered up to him. Gently she
pulled his face closer and kissed the damaged skin. She went slowly and he
didn’t have a lot of feeling in that part of his face but he could sense her
fingers and her breath blowing across his ear.

Pulling back, she licked her lips and broke the moment when
he had to look down at her pink tongue slipping out. His own tongue followed
hers back into her mouth and he tasted her slowly.

His cock twitched and grew bigger. It felt like granite and
he clutched his control with an iron fist, refusing to let go.

He left her mouth when she was moaning out her frustration.
He knew she didn’t want to wait any more than he did but nights like this
didn’t come often and he wasn’t going to waste it.

Trent moved to the hollow of her neck and left a wet trail
down her shoulder. She smelled so good he wanted to suck it in and never forget
the scent. He filled his hands with her firm breasts, and her hard nipples
brushed his palms.

His hands slid to the sides so his mouth could replace his
palms. He sucked and pulled on her nipples, feeling her writhe under him.
Bracing his weight on his arms so he could slide down, he traced his mouth over
her silky skin.

He tasted every inch of her—the undersides of her breasts,
the valley between them and finally her smooth stomach. She quivered as he got
lower and he could feel it under his fingertips.

Dipping into her pierced navel, he heard her groan as he
tugged lightly on the little bar there. He was beginning to smell her arousal
now and it made his mouth water.

He scooted lower as her hands searched for him blindly,
finally coming to a stop in his hair. Leaning back on his knees, he spread her

She watched him as he did it and didn’t resist. He started
at her knee and left a path of kisses up the inside of her thigh.

Her breathless moans reached his ears as he got closer to
her pussy and he smiled. She was wet and ready for him. But first he wanted to
taste her, to feel her come apart under his tongue.

With the first long lick up her slit, her hips came off the
bed and she groaned loud and long. She tasted so good he sucked and nibbled on
her like a starving man.

She began to grind her hips into his face and he pressed
harder, knowing she was close. He knew he could slip a finger in and ease her
need but the only thing going in there tonight was his cock.

Sucking her clit into his mouth, he fluttered his tongue
over it.

“Oh, Trent!” she moaned out right before she came. He could
feel the waves of ecstasy under his mouth and he could taste her release.

When it slowed he let go with his mouth and kissed his way
back up her body. Her skin was hot to the touch and her pulse was still
fluttering. Her arms came up around him as he got closer to her lips.

He filled his hands with her full breasts and pressed them
close together so he could suck both of her nipples into his mouth. She moaned
under him and he sucked harder. How he loved her tits.

Fiona tangled both of her hands in his hair, tugging him
nearer. He nibbled and then bit down a little more. Her fingers tightened and
she pulled his hair as she clenched her hands into fists.

He couldn’t take it anymore. He released her breasts and
fumbled in his jeans for a condom. He tore it open and slid it down over his
hard cock in seconds. He swore his dick had never been this hard.

Trent’s gaze never left her naked body sprawled below him.
He came down hard on top of her and before she even had a chance to suck in a
breath he plunged inside her.

She was hot, wet and tighter than he remembered. He groaned
in her ear as he felt her inner muscles stretch and quiver around him. He held
as still as he could while he waited for her to get used to his size. He didn’t
want to hurt her.

She hooked her legs over his hips when she was ready and
then nothing could stop him. He realized he was acting like a man possessed as
he drove into her over and over but he didn’t care, she was with him for every

Fiona screamed in pleasure under his hard body and it was
all he could hear or think about. She was coming all over his cock and it
pushed him to thrust harder, his hips pistoning as her cream coated him.

She got incredibly tighter around him and he put more effort
into pulling out, her pussy gripping him and trying to hold on to his cock.

He growled and grunted as he fucked her and she answered him
with her own moans. He could feel his balls tighten and he knew he wasn’t going
to last much longer but he wasn’t going alone.

He reached between them and pinched her clit as he worked
his hips. Her walls fluttered and he couldn’t hold on any longer. He came on a
long, loud groan that arose from somewhere deep inside him. The jets of his
come shot out as if they were being tugged from his toes, jerking in time with
Fiona’s pulsations on his cock.

He didn’t know how long he held still there, buried in her
pussy to the hilt. But when he finally collapsed on top of her he was


Fiona held Trent close to her as they both tried to catch
their breath. He had been amazing. He knew exactly where to touch her and when,
almost as though he were reading her mind or he had a map of her body.

After a few minutes Trent rolled off her and went to the
bathroom. She was going to have to be careful. She already felt more for this
man than was wise.

Her eyes were closed when he came back but she heard him
walk across the room. He slid into bed next to her and she couldn’t help but
smile as his arms wrapped around her to hold her tight.

The next morning Fiona woke early and crawled quietly out of
bed. She left Trent sleeping and, throwing on a silky robe, she went downstairs
to make coffee.

She needed a few minutes alone to figure out what the hell
had happened last night. Filling a mug, she sat at the breakfast nook.

She knew there was no doubt she had her first encounter with
a vampire. Then there was the question of how Trent had found her. He said it
had been a hunch but she knew a line of bullshit when she heard it. He was
hiding something from her.

She heard him stride down the stairs and she got up to pour
him a cup of coffee. She set it on the table and he came up behind her to wrap
his arms around her waist.

“Morning, beautiful,” he whispered close to her ear and then
kissed her neck. She leaned into him for only a second before she pulled away.

She sat on one side of the breakfast nook and gestured for
him to sit on the other.

He sat with a sigh. “All right, Fiona, go ahead and ask your

She stared at him in surprise. He either could read her very
well or something else was going on here.

“How did you know where I was last night?” she shot at him.

“My grandmother is a witch,” he told her.

Of all the things he could say that was not what she expected.

“You have a witch in the family? Wait, did she tell you
where I was?”

Trent ran his hands down over his face. “Not exactly. Let me
start at the beginning.”

She nodded and waited for him to explain.

“After we met last weekend I went to see my granny. She is a
natural witch and has a special talent for being telekinetic.”

Fiona started to say something but he held up his hand to
stop her. “Let me try and get this out, okay?” he asked gently. Fiona suddenly
realized he was struggling with all of this as much if not more than her. She
nodded and he went on.

“I want you to know that I didn’t know any of this when we
met. My grandmother is Eve.”

Fiona sat in shock as that processed. “So that means our
grandmothers were best friends?”

“Yes. There’s more too.” He reached for her hand and laced
their fingers over the table. “Granny says that I’m clairvoyant. That’s how I
knew where you were last night. The image was so clear at one point but it
faded quickly. I knew you were in danger, I could see that spook stalking you.”

A shiver went down Fiona’s back. He was right, the vamp had
been stalking her and she knew what would have happened if Trent hadn’t come
looking for her. She would be dead.

She squeezed his fingers. “Thank you, Trent.”

He smiled and raised their linked hands to his mouth.
“Anytime, sweetheart.”

Fiona smiled at him and he squeezed her fingers in return.
At least she wasn’t alone in this. It was all a bit strange.

“I want to take you to see my granny this morning. She’s
expecting us.”

She had just been about to ask to meet his grandmother. She
had never gotten the chance when her Grandma Eleanor had been alive. Grandma
was always too busy. Eve might be able to shed some light on what the dreams
she was having meant.

“Okay, let me get dressed and we can go.” She started to
rise and he tugged on her hand to pull her into his lap.

“Don’t worry, babe, I’ve got your back,” he said before he
gave her a quick kiss and then released her.

Fiona headed for the shower with a smile on her face. For
once she believed someone really did have her back.


Trent insisted on taking his motorcycle to his granny’s.
Fiona had never been on the back of a bike and was a little nervous at first.
He buckled the strap of her helmet for her before he climbed on the big beast.

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