Hungry Heart: Part One (Hungry Heart #1) (2 page)

BOOK: Hungry Heart: Part One (Hungry Heart #1)
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The rules of our relationship made it so the rules must be made clear to anyone we have interest in. This house is Nathan’s and I’m the only other person who lives here. People we’re with may sleep over, hang out, spend a day with us, but they can’t live here. They aren’t allowed to leave things here ‘just in case’ and that’s the way we want it.

Other rules include always introducing the other people in our lives to each other first before we sleep with them, always use protection, and spending two nights with each other a week alone is mandatory. Respect is key as well, and nobody's allowed to disrespect either of us, or our relationship. If they do, it is to end immediately.

Of course, as I told Ethan, Nathan is the only one between us to have someone else, but even his relationship with Rissa developed slowly. It wasn’t so much that she wasn’t cool with it, but it’s always a little awkward making it clear to someone they are welcome to hit on your boyfriend, and yes, even sleep with him as long as she doesn’t try to come between us.

Nathan had been into Rissa the moment he met her, and pursuing her had been half the fun. I had even helped him. She thought we were joking when we sat her down and told her it was totally okay for her to like him. We told her our belief is that monogamy isn’t necessary for a successful relationship; trust and honesty are.
It’s natural to want to sleep with others, and sleeping with or even dating additional people doesn’t lessen your love for your other partner or partners.

I wasn’t sure she really understood the concept of polyamory — that’s many (poly) and love (amory), or more than one love in plain speak — thanks to the way society leads people to believe romantic love is only between two people and it’s not possible for any other way to exist. But, she took us at our word that it was cool, and I’d even chuckled when she apologized and said she wasn’t into girls, asking if threesomes were part of the rules to date him.

Her relief when I told her I was only into men had both Nathan and I cracking up.

After that, they’d began dating, and although it took a few weeks for her to relax around me, all was well now for the last six months.

And finally, it’s my turn, because I’ve found someone who is into me.

That is, if he’s telling the truth about being in an open relationship. Unfortunately, I’m all too aware of how many men will lie to sleep with you, and people in a true open relationship are more than happy to assure you it is true. Those who aren’t willing to introduce you to their significant other to make sure are flat out lying.

But first, I need to talk to Nathan about Benedict and make sure inviting him out this evening is a good idea.

Putting my stuff in my room and walking toward the kitchen to get a drink, I take out my phone and the card Benedict gave me. Setting him up as a contact first, I open up a message after taking a glass down from the cupboard and decide it will amuse me to see how long it takes for him to realize who is texting him.


Opening up the fridge, I pour myself a glass of water from the Brita pitcher before putting it back in the fridge. My phone buzzes as I’m taking a drink and carrying them both to the living room, I sit down before opening it to see what he said.

Hay is for horses.

You sound like my mother,
” I reply with a grin, lifting my legs and crossing them, using the table as a foot rest. “
She always says that.

I bet she’s hoping you’ll quit saying it and say hello instead.

” is my smartass reply. “
Is this Benedict?

Depends on who’s asking.

Hmm. I don’t know…

Not a lot of people have my personal mobile, so you’re either the really beautiful girl from the cafe, or an older lady I helped cross the street earlier today.

Which would you prefer I be?

The older lady for sure. She’s definitely more my type.

I laugh out loud, his teasing reply making it clear he knows it’s me, as the bedroom door opens. I lift my head to look at the same time Nathan catches sight of me and smiles, pulling Rissa close and kissing her on the cheek before heading toward me.

“Bye Rissa,” I say with a lift of my hand, leaning forward to put my phone on the table after removing my feet from their perch.

She blushes, gives me a little wave in return, and goes out the way I came in a mere ten minutes ago.

Nathan plops down on the couch next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders before pulling me in for a kiss with his minty fresh breath. He doesn’t linger, pulling back to say, “Babe, how was your day?”

“Oh, you know, amazing as always.” I lift my arms and put them around his neck with an impish grin. “Nothing like a riveting three-hour class on a bright, Saturday morning.”

My phone buzzes on the table and I ignore it as Nathan wraps his arms around my waist and nuzzles my neck, dropping small kisses from my jaw and on down. “Better you than me.”

“Mmm, I’m never doing it again.”

“You said that last semester,” he replies with a chuckle, pulling away from me with a final kiss as my phone buzzes again. “You gonna get that?”

“Sorry.” Leaning forward, I pick up the phone and read the texts.

The first says, “
I know it’s you Caroline. I’m glad you decided to contact me, although I did say call me…
” followed by, “
When am I taking you out?

“Who is it?”

I put the phone down without replying, giving Nathan my full attention, placing my hands over his as I lock our gazes. “I met someone earlier. I may go out with him.”

“Yeah?” He pushes a hand through his hair, which is dark brown and cropped short, his equally dark brown eyes twinkling at me as his smile grows wider. “Where’d you meet him? What’s his name?”

It’s moments like these when I really appreciate and adore him and our relationship. I love that he’s curious and interested and is happy for me, just like I was when he met Rissa.

“Benedict. And it was at the cafe where I was hanging with Ethan after class.”

“You inviting him out tonight?”

“As long as you’re good with it, yep.”

“Then answer the poor guy back,” he says, groaning as the phone buzzes again. “I’m gonna go hop in the shower, and then go run a few errands.”

“All right.” I give him a kiss before he stands up, then slap his ass through his shorts as he walks past me. “Love you.”

“Love ya too.”

Taking the phone in hand as Nathan leaves the room, I text Benedict back.

We’re going out tonight for my birthday so I can have a drink at midnight. You in?

His reply is almost instantaneous: “
Sure am. Where are we meeting?

It may also include me trying to dance and embarrassing myself. Club Play. You know it?

Yeah. My girlfriend and I are there all the time. We’ll be there about 11.

K. See you about 11:30.

Can’t wait.

I’m unable to keep the grin off my face as I stand up and walk toward the bathroom to surprise Nathan in the shower. This evening is going to be great and I can’t wait.


Being a Saturday night, the club’s packed when Nathan and I arrive. He has his arm around my waist, and I have a hand in his back pocket, both of us flashing the bouncer our IDs. Letting us pass with a nod, we step inside and are immediately consumed in the mob of people. Nathan pulls me close, forcing his way through the people until we reach the bar, where I take a seat on the empty stool while he stands behind me with his arms wrapped around my middle.

“He didn’t stamp your hand,” Nathan points out with a grin, and my eyes go wide as I realize he’s correct, and answers me before I can ask the obvious question. “I stopped by earlier today while I was out and told him it was your birthday at midnight. He said just don’t order before midnight. It’s not illegal to not stamp your hand.”

“That’s awful trustworthy of him,” I tease, and Nathan chuckles in my ear as he hugs me from behind.

“We’ve been coming here for two years now, babe. He knows us and trusts we won’t break the rules.” The bartender steps overs to us and raises an expectant brow. “I’ll have whatever’s on tap, and she’ll have a coke until she turns twenty-one at midnight.”

The guy looks down at my hand, then back up at us with a nod, and walks away to get our order as I say, “He’s so going to make me show him my ID, you know that right?”

“Yep. But hey, we’re following the law.”

Right then, my phone buzzes, and I open it to find a message from Benedict.

Where are you? Are you here yet?

,” I text back as Nathan releases his hold on my waist with a smile, leaning back against the counter next to me, eye on the crowd. “
At the bar getting a soda and waiting on Ethan to show up. You?

Be there in a sec.

I laugh and put my phone down as I touch my hand to Nathan’s, getting his attention. “He says he’s on his way over.”

“Cool.” The bartender sets down our drinks, Nathan handing him a card as he says, “Go ahead and open a tab.”

“Their drinks are on me this evening.” Benedict’s voice comes from out of nowhere, and I whirl on the stool to find him standing right behind me. He’s so close to me my knees almost touch his legs. “Don’t worry about it, Frank. Make sure you add yourself a nice tip at the end of the night, too.”

I don’t see what happens behind me, but in a second, Nathan stands up straighter, and steps closer to my side, placing his hand around my waist once more. And Benedict doesn’t even blink at this, which is a point in his favor, holding out his right hand to Nathan with a smile.

“I’m Benedict, and you must be Caroline’s boyfriend.”

“Yeah.” Nathan takes his hand to shake, and I look up into his face to see he’s totally relaxed and smiling as well. “I’m Nathan. And you didn’t have to get the drinks…”

Benedict releases Nathan’s hand and waves a dismissive hand as his eyes find mine. “I own this place. And it’s my pleasure.”

Oh, I bet it is. And seriously, the owner of
Club Play
? I caught the eye of the owner of the place my boyfriend and I frequented all the time? I can’t believe it, but next to me, Nathan whistles low, then laughs.

“Good luck with this one, babe. I’m gonna go find Rissa.” He leans in and pecks my lips, then nods at Benedict. “Have fun you two.”

Nathan grabs his beer and walks away, leaving me alone with Benedict, who stands where Nathan just vacated and stares down at me. “I’m glad you decided to come.”

Something — perhaps it’s the naughty glint in his eyes — tells me those words were absolutely meant as a promise for what he wanted to make me do, and therefore, his statement is a double entendre.

“Where’s your girlfriend?” I raise a brow as he smiles and leans on the bar with one elbow as he quirks a brow. “You knew I’d want confirmation of your claim to openness.”

He holds up a hand with three fingers without a word, then lowers them one by one in an exaggerated and slow fashion. When the final finger joins his fist, I don’t even get to blink as a body crashes into Benedict.

“Honey, there you are! You said by the bar, but did you have to lean on it so I couldn’t see you through the crowd? Geeze.” The woman with long and curly red hair throws her arms around his shoulders and kisses him on the cheek in a flamboyant fashion, then turns to me and grins. “You must be Caroline. Nice to meet you.”

It happens so fast I’m left with my mouth gaping open and Benedict laughs.

“Caroline, meet my girlfriend, Miranda.” He leans down and kisses his girlfriends lips, then looks at me as he states, “Here’s your proof you wanted to make sure she’s real and all that jazz. Satisfied?”

“Oh yes,” Miranda squeals, leaning forward and hugging me, and honestly, it’s a tad awkward. She pulls back, and steps away from both of us. “You two have fun! I’m going back to Len. Later!”

She runs off before I can even speak, and Benedict holds out his hand. “Come with me.”

“She—you—I—“ I look to where she went to, then down at his hand, and back up at his face. “What?”

“Frank,” Benedict calls out, and within seconds, the bartender asks ‘yes?’ as he stands by us, and Benedict tilts his head toward me. “Tell Caroline here who my girlfriend is and what she looks like.”

“Uh, okay.” He looks at me and I can tell he’s confused by the request as he shrugs. “Tall. Name is Miranda. Curly red hair. Hyper in a way that sort of has me imagining how a chipmunk on crack would act—”

I bust out laughing, cutting him off with a wave of my hand, and stand up. “Okay, okay, I believe you. But I’m still waiting for Ethan to show up. He’s late.”

“Text him and tell him to text you when he arrives. We’ll come back and join in when he arrives. I’d like to go to my office where it’s quiet and talk.”

“Okay.” I do as he says, then slide the phone into my tiny purse and pick up my soda. “Ready when you are.”

He leads the way and as we enter the office, he shuts the door and therefore, shuts out all the sounds from the club, leaving us all alone.


His office is warm and inviting.

Everything in the office is in black or silver, and therefore so sleek looking I’m afraid to touch anything, but he doesn’t seem to have that problem.

Benedict walks over to the bar in the wall and pours himself a drink, then turns and motions for me to sit on the leather couch against the wall near him. I walk over and take a seat, sitting my purse down on the floor in front of the couch. A moment or two later, he’s sitting next to me; real close to me, with our legs touching. He rests his left hand right above my knee, and the other holds his drink as we sit there in companionable silence.

It doesn’t last long as he asks, “How long have you and Nathan been together?”

I’m glad he’s asked this question. Knowing all the details about each other is a good start, and I’ll be honest, I’m not sure what I expected this evening. However, it wasn’t that we’d be sitting in his office inside
Club Play
having a chat.

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