Hungry for Love (17 page)

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Authors: Nancy Frederick

BOOK: Hungry for Love
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said Butch
rather exasperatedly

I know you went to law school for a semester before you opened the flower shop
but we are not going to be persecuted for this.  We should be given a medal for this.  We

re rescuing a woman.  We

re teaching an abuser a lesson.  We

re heroes.

Oh I don

t know
said Wimp. 

She didn

t actually ask us to interfere.

She did ask.  She just didn

t realize it.

  Butch reached out and nudged Wimp and shrieked

Look—there they are.  I knew it was right around here somewhere.  That son of a bitch.  That Bill is a rotter and he

s going to learn a lesson or two.  It

s time somebody screwed the nipple clamps onto his balls.

As Butch pulled the car over a couple houses down from Bill

Wimp shook his head. 

Nobody mentioned nipple clamps.  That would be assault.

Oh my God
said Butch


m speaking metaphysically
not literately.  Now just watch.  You

ll see I

m correct—it

s happening right before our eyes.  And ears.

Chrissy had opened the door and Kevin stood beside her.  She was in her usual workout gear but gazed out the door carefully before allowing him to exit as though even her attire suggested something clandestine.

What a waste
sighed Kevin
reaching over to grope Chrissy
who looked left and right as though the neighbors were there forming a circle to point fingers and yell accusatory comments.  Nervously
she pushed him away
but he refused to put any space between them.


s manhandling her
said Wimp
as Butch nodded
certain that they were doing the right thing
after observing this abuse in action.

Kevin smiled a lopsided grin at Chrissy
and expecting her to melt into his arms
he leaned in even closer.  He casually fondled her ass but to his surprise she jerked away. The woman was quite a challenge
but he was able to handle a challenge.

she whispered

For God

s sake.

Kevin laughed and reached behind her with his other hand
at an angle that nobody could observe and rubbed her ass
sighing heatedly and then instantly said


s go back inside.

  Just as he was sliding his hand down her hip along her thigh
she twisted away from him.

Butch was livid. 

Oh isn

t he just so very menacing.  Look at that dopey grin—as though nothing is wrong and everything is just so innocent.

He gives me the shudders.  He

s humiliating her in front of the neighbors and she

s not even into humiliation.

He raised his voice a bit
but as they were a few houses down and the windows were closed
only Butch heard his mock shout

Consenting adults

Butch put her hand over Wimp

s mouth and signaled not to be so loud as she cracked his window a bit so they could hear more clearly.  If only she

d parked just a little closer.  But she couldn

t allow Bill to get a glimpse of them.

Kevin leaned in against Chrissy
pinning her briefly against the doorway.  Before she could sidestep him yet again
he reached over and bit her neck.  He was certain she was about to moan with pleasure
but no
she pushed him off and said


rather too loudly.

Once more he pressed her against the doorway
rubbing his hand against her breast.  This time she pushed harder and he was completely out the door.  But he laughed and said in his sexiest voice


ll never give up

til you give in. I can feel it
know you want it.

Wimp and Butch clenched hands tightly.  Tears formed in the corner of Wimp

s eyes.  What an onslaught for them to witness—life was just too cruel. 

Did you hear her cry out
he asked


s a brute.


t worry
said Butch
gently patting Wimp

s cheek. 


ll take him down a peg.  Otherwise she

ll never get away from him.


re right.  He

s too devious.

Now that they had a beat on their target
it made sense to Butch to follow him for a while
to learn his routines and his haunts
so off behind Kevin they went as he pulled his Porsche out of Bill

s driveway.



Bill felt as though he

d been taken hostage
but what was he to do
  He followed along next to Laura as a hyper animated banquet consultant named Betty rhapsodized about the many spectacular events which had taken place there over the years.  As she spoke
her arms moved frenetically
her eyes rolled with joy
and numerous happy smiles were interspersed with nervous laughs. 

Bill looked about at the dance floor
the many round tables
and considered if this could possibly be a suitable location for a simple birthday party.

Just picture the magic
sighed Betty

All your friends in this room—as many as two hundred.  For the last party
we hung strings of lights along several of the walls and at the windows.  It was so magical.  Truly.  Magical.

  She sighed with orgasmic pleasure
then took a deep breath and continued

We can recommend orchestras
or do the whole thing for you.  Doves even.  You could—wait—are you ready for this—you could be the one to pop out of the cake.

  She patted Laura on the arm.

Laura laughed at that possibility and then realizing there was nobody who would be delighted to see her emerging from any sort of giant cake
sighed deeply and said

the party

s for his girlfriend
not my husband.

Nodding rapidly

s eyes glistened with another fantastic idea

Well then
why be sexist.  A handsome guy like you—beefcake jumping out of the cake.  Think about it—ohh what magic.

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