Hunger (Chicken Ranch Gentlemen's Club Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Hunger (Chicken Ranch Gentlemen's Club Book 1)
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"Mine too."

Killian couldn't resist the soft, beguiling smile curving Declan's luscious lips. Furthermore, he didn't want to try. Closing the distance between them, he bent and covered Declan's mouth with his own. Declan's lips parted beneath Killian's and moved in response to the gentle rhythm Killian craved. The slick touch of Declan's tongue dragged a groan out of the depths of his soul and filled the shared space of their mouths with the flavor of pleasure. Killian wasn't sure what he would have done if he'd lost this connection, but he was damn thankful he didn't have to worry about it.

Declan loves me.


Declan didn't actually say the words. Shit.

Slowly dragging his mouth away from Declan's, Killian said, "Um, is there anything you want to tell me?"

"I don't know. What else did you have in mind?" Declan pressed a quick peck of a kiss against Killian's lips.

Killian groaned and chased Declan's lips, kissing him back. "You are an evil, evil man."

"I am not." All signs of teasing fled as Declan's expression sobered. "What I am is head over heels in love with you."

"Head over heels, huh?"

Declan playfully punched Killian's shoulder. "You're ruining the moment."

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about it; we'll have a lifetime of special moments."

Declan grinned and hugged Killian tight. "I'm counting on it."



Eighteen months later


Surrounded by Declan's friends, both from school and work, Killian sat amid a huge crowd at the local civic center and impatiently waited to hear his lover's name announced over the loudspeakers.

Killian rose to his feet when the first last name starting with an
was called. He got his camera ready, the zoom in full gear, and pointed it at the stage. The speaker called, "Mayo, Declan," and everyone around him soared to their feet, shouting Declan's name and waving like idiots.

Killian shot one picture after another, wanting to immortalize this moment for his sentimental lover. Seeing his lover was difficult from where they sat in the nosebleed section, but he knew well how handsome Declan looked in his cap and gown, having put it to good use playing dress-up the night before. The very thought of Declan bent over the foot of the bed, his bright blue gown pulled up around his narrow hips while Killian pounded into him from behind was enough to rouse Killian's cock.

He pushed the image away before he got a full-fledged hard-on and embarrassed himself. Through the camera lens, Killian watched his lover accept his degree and walk across the opposite podium. As soon as Declan descended the steps and disappeared from view, Killian began making his way toward the parking lot. He felt a little bad for not staying through the whole ceremony, but he couldn't wait another second to give his lover a congratulatory kiss. It would probably be the only moment they got to themselves for the rest of the night.

A huge party was planned for that evening. Graves had offered to shut down Chicken Ranch for the night and throw a bash to celebrate Declan's graduation. Quite frankly, Killian thought it was the least the man could do after everything Declan had done to lend a hand after Colt had quit and left Graves hanging in the breeze. Not long after Declan moved in with Killian, Declan had quit working as a rent boy and assumed a position as an assistant to Graves and an all-around gofer. Despite the steep pay decrease, Declan seemed happy with the job change. Killian was thrilled.

Now that he had his degree, there was no telling what he would do. Although they talked about his options often, Declan still wasn't sure whether he wanted to leave his friends and strike out doing something new. Killian suspected Graves's offer of a raise and better hours would sway Declan into staying. With the assurance that Declan would never go back to hooking, Killian didn't much care what his lover did for a living, as long as Declan was happy.

Killian burst through the auditorium doors and out onto the asphalt parking lot. Sunshine warmed his shoulders as he jogged across the lot toward his Hummer. With any luck, he'd beat Declan there and be able to retrieve the present he'd hidden from his lover for the last month.

After much consideration, and no little worry, Killian had gone with his gut feeling and bought Declan a beautiful platinum Claddagh ring. The symbolism behind the ring signified everything he held dear in their relationship. The hands denoted friendship and togetherness, while the heart stood for love and the crown represented loyalty. He only hoped Declan didn't find the overture too saccharine-sweet.

As it turned out, luck was with Killian. He not only had time to retrieve the ring but was innocently standing beside the Hummer for several minutes before Declan appeared. A huge smile graced his lover's face as he approached. "Did you see? Can you believe it?"

Killian laughed. "I did, and I can."

Declan threw himself into Killian's open arms. "I didn't think today would ever get here."

"I never doubted you for a minute."

"Oh yeah? How about when we got into that huge argument over my apartment?"

"Nope. Not even then." Killian kept quiet about how ridiculous it would have been to quit school in an effort to keep paying rent on an apartment Declan didn't even live in. He was just thankful Declan had finally put a little faith in Killian and gotten rid of the hovel before it broke him. An apartment was a damn expensive security blanket.

"Liar." Declan was still grinning as he caught Killian's lips and kissed him hard enough to scandalize the little old ladies exiting the building.

Killian wouldn't have even noticed if one of the women hadn't shrieked as if they were fucking on the middle of the stage inside. He reluctantly pulled out of the kiss and stared down at his lover, at the man he could happily spend the rest of his life waking up beside. Contrary to Declan's fears, Killian found the younger man's idiosyncrasies adorable—even the snuffling noise he made in his sleep and the way he drooled on the pillows.

"I have something for you."

Declan's smile spread farther. "What is it?"

Killian reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black velvet jeweler's box. He held his breath as Declan took the box and peered inside. "If you don't like it—"

"Hush." Declan pulled out the ring and slid it on his finger. "I love it."


"Yes, really." Declan hugged Killian tight. "Do you know what the Claddagh stands for?"

"Of course I do: friendship, love, and loyalty. I'd say that sums up my feelings about you pretty well."

Declan nodded. "Now all we have to do is get you one."

"All in good time." Killian hoped that one day, when it was legally recognized, they would upgrade to wedding rings. He'd love nothing more than to call Declan his husband. But that was a conversation for another day.

Declan squeezed Killian tight and then released him. "Now, what say you take me home before all the others catch on to my escape plans and come kidnap me? I'm looking forward to serious loving before the party tonight."

"Oh yeah? Just who did you have in mind for that pleasurable task?"

Declan rolled his eyes. "Who do you think?"

"The mailman?" Killian teased.


"The milkman?"

"Well, he is kind of hot." Declan laughed and swatted Killian on the ass. "Take me home, you big goof. If you're really lucky, I might even keep my gown on."




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About Amanda Young


A bestselling author of erotic romance, Amanda Young penned her first romance at eighteen. That novel was promptly deleted before it could traumatize innocent readers. After several years of honing her craft, Amanda went on to receive her first publishing contract in 2006.


A vivid imagination and a passion for all the things that go bump in the night has led Amanda to create provocative stories that push boundaries and dare readers to expand their comfort zones. Since she tends to write whatever strikes her fancy, her novels fall into many different subgenres. Among her available titles you'll find contemporary and paranormal settings, gay and straight themes alike.


Amanda Young lives in Virginia with her husband, daughter, and two pampered pooches. When she's not writing, she can usually be found chasing after a mischievous toddler or daydreaming about the characters in her next book. She loves to hear from her readers, and can be found on Facebook and Twitter. Her website,
, is where you can find up-to-date information on all of Amanda's current and upcoming releases.

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