Hues Of Lust: BBW Erotic Holiday Story Collection includes Lustful Holiday Romance & BBW Erotic Romance (4 Valentine Romance Short Stories: BBW Romance & BBW Erotica) (3 page)

Read Hues Of Lust: BBW Erotic Holiday Story Collection includes Lustful Holiday Romance & BBW Erotic Romance (4 Valentine Romance Short Stories: BBW Romance & BBW Erotica) Online

Authors: K. W. Middleton

Tags: #holiday erotic romance, #bbw romance book, #bbw romance, #valentine romance, #bbw erotic romance, #BBW Erotica, #erotic bbw romance, #Erotic Holiday Story, #holiday romance

BOOK: Hues Of Lust: BBW Erotic Holiday Story Collection includes Lustful Holiday Romance & BBW Erotic Romance (4 Valentine Romance Short Stories: BBW Romance & BBW Erotica)
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handled her weakness and had turned the situation to her advantage.


No sooner had she done this when her doorbell rang. Sarah opened the door to find Kenneth standing on the other side. He looked so divinely handsome in his suit and red tie. Smiling, she went into his arms for a hug and a kiss. Admonishing him to be careful of her lipstick, she kissed him once more. Grabbing her evening bag and velvet cape, she locked the door and they were off to the restaurant.


The place Kenneth had chosen was somewhere she had dreamed of eating for a long time, but it always seemed to be booked up on the nights that they would be able to go. She just had to admit that food really is worth all the extra pounds and Kenneth likes her body full and beautiful like it is.


She had no idea how Kenneth had managed this on Valentine’s Day, but she was thrilled and was looking forward to get spoiled with some tasty gourmet food by her man. The place is very popular for its pink trout caviar entrée and the shrimp lobster duo with pink champagne truffle mousse and the pink champagne souffle for dessert. "What a treat!" she squeaked out in pure delight and anticipation.


Once they arrived, Kenneth gave the maître d' his name and they were escorted to a private dining room. The table was set with red roses, red and white candles and a bottle of pink champagne sitting by the table.


The look on Sarah’s face was priceless as they were seated. A waiter came to pour the champagne and bring them their appetizers. It seemed that Kenneth had also taken care of ordering their meal. Sarah smiled as the waiter sat her pink caviar entréé in front of her. She could already tell that it was prepared to perfection.


Their dinner went perfectly. At one point, while they were eating, a violinist entered the room and softly played all of their favorite romantic songs. Throughout the serenaded dinner, Sarah and Kenneth kept gazing lovingly at each other. When it was time for dessert, a special pink cheesecake in one pot and the famous pink champagne soufflé in another soufflé dish to splurge some more arrived topped with ripe, red strawberries and fluffy

cream. Sarah practically squealed with delight of such a perfect dinner;


Everything was perfect and Sarah was still trying to figure out how Kenneth had managed to do all of this. He did alright professionally but, as a bicycle salesman, he didn’t make millions of dollars. While all of this didn’t cost a million dollars, it definitely had not been inexpensive. Now he was smiling at her across the table and looking at her with those beautiful green eyes of his. He pushed a small gift wrapped box across the table to her.


She intended to give him her gift with the beautiful red pen back at home because she wanted to see how he unwrapped it in the tranquility of her apartment. She wanted to get a good look on his face for his reaction because he had wanted to buy it so desperately each time when they had passed that shop where it had been exposed exquisitely in the window.


"Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart," he said softly and keep your figure beautiful and full like I adore my angel. "Open it."


"Oh Ken, you’ve done so much already! You didn’t have to get me a present on top of everything else!" Sarah exclaimed.


"Just open it," Kenneth replied, smiling.


With another loving smile in his direction, Sarah picked up the gift and start to carefully remove the shiny red paper. A small box was revealed once the paper was gone. She opened the box fully expecting to see a pair of earrings or something, but what she found was a shiny key. Lifting the key out of the box, she looked at it and then Kenneth quizzically.


"If you’ve finished eating, I’ll take you to see what the key fits," Kenneth said mysteriously.


When they exited the restaurant, Kenneth’s car was waiting, having been brought around by the valet. He tipped the man and helped Sarah into the car. As they rode along, Sarah reached over and squeezed Kenneth’s hand. Smiling over at her, he squeezed hers back and they continued to hold hands until Kenneth turned into a long, tree lined driveway.


"Where are we," Sarah asked.


"You’ll see soon enough," Kenneth said. "In fact, close your eyes until I tell you to open them."


"Oh more surprises," Sarah laughed, but she did as she was told.


Finally, she felt the car come to a stop and heard Kenneth putting it into park. He turned off the engine and exited the car. Next, she heard her car door open and felt Kenneth take her hand to help her out.


"OK, Sarah, you can look now."


When she opened her eyes, her knees almost went weak. She stood before a house. Not just any house, though. This was a house that she had been so excited about when she and Kenneth had decided to spend a Sunday afternoon going to open houses. An old fashioned two story farmhouse had been conducting an open house and she had fallen in love with it immediately. There was a huge wraparound front porch and columns. The land was meticulously landscaped and there was a lot of it.


"Oh Kenneth, what have you done?" she whispered.


"Go ahead," Kenneth said. "Use your key."


Looking at him again, Sarah slowly walked up the steps to the front door. With shaking hands, she put the key into the lock and turned it. The door swung open instantly and she was standing in a foyer that was just as beautiful as she remembered. Walking up behind her, Kenneth wrapped his arms around her waist.


"Do you like it," he asked.


"Kenneth, I can’t even speak! How did you do this?"


"Well, I’m afraid that I’ve been keeping a little secret from you. Do you remember when Mr. Weston retired last year?"


"You mean Mr. Weston from the bike shop? Yeah, I remember that."


"When he left, he had a little surprise me. He had decided to take his retirement and leave me the shop. I’ve owned the shop since then. But I wanted to do something special for you and I’ve been saving all the money that I can. I wasn’t sure what I was going to get for you, but when we looked at this house and I saw your face, I knew."


Sarah turned in his arms and faced him in wonder.


"You bought this house for me?" she managed to ask.


"Yes, for you," answered Kenneth. "Come with me. I want to show you something."


He took her hand and led her up the curving staircase. They turned down a long hallway that took them past several doors. She knew that the double doors at the end of the hall opened into the master bedroom suite. Kenneth opened these doors to reveal a fully decorated and furnished suite. There was a large old fashioned canopied bed as well a sitting area in front of a fireplace. Kenneth scurried around making a fire and lighting candles.


"Oh Kenneth, this is amazing!"


"Come and sit," he said as he motioned her to come to the loveseat in front of the now cozily blazing fire.


Sarah was having a hard time processing all of this but she walked almost robotically over to the loveseat and sat down. As she as she did so, Kenneth dropped to his knee and took her hand.


“Sarah, I have loved you since the first moment you walked into the bike shop. Maybe I didn’t totally realize it then, but that’s when it happened. It was like a lightning bolt had struck me. That love only grows more every day. I’m hoping that you love me as much as you say that you do. Sarah, please make me the happiest man in the world and agree to be my lovely wife that I desire to spoil for the rest of my life.”


If Sarah had thought she couldn’t be surprised any more tonight, she was wrong. Her eyes filled with tears and she threw her arms around Kenneth’s neck.


"Oh yes, Kenneth! Yes! I’ll marry you! I love you so much you wonderful amazing man!"


With that, he pulled out another little box that held a decent sized diamond engagement ring. He placed it on her finger and started to kiss her. The kiss became intensely passionate and he picked her up to carry her to the bed. Laying her down, he joined her as they continued to kiss.


A couple of hours later, Sarah and Kenneth lay together under the covers, his arm around her and her head on his bare chest. Lifting her hand up into the candlelight, Sarah gazed in wonderment at her ring. It was the most beautiful ring in the world to her.


She totally forgot about her own gift that she had left sitting on her dinner table to surprise him. The thought of the pen faded in her mind's eye in comparison to the reality that was facing her.


She knew in her heart and at that very moment of truth that her addiction to chocolate and candy had to be a souvenir of her very private and secretive past and that she had to develop her character to please Kenneth as his future wife. She knew in her heart and in her soul that the love for Kenneth would give her enough power and strength to deal with her weakness for chocolate. To her own suprise she did not even think about the chocolate body paint anymore, and she did not even feel any desire for it in the arms of Kenneth. For the very first time in her adult life she felt free and unchained from her obsession.


She was not even disappointed that her Valentine's dau did not end like she had anticipated it earlier in her mind.


"So do you like it?", Kenneth interrupted the privacy of her toughts.


"What do you think Kenneth? This is incredible and you make me so happy. I have never felt happier in my life than this!"


"I surprised you then?"


"Surprised me? I’m surprised that I haven’t fainted from shock!"


"It’s good that you’ve got such a strong constitution because the next surprise I have for you may totally unhinge you."


"What are you talking about, Kenneth?"


"Let’s just say that you need to tell Dave that you won’t be available this weekend. You’ll be too busy getting married to go to work."


This time Sarah was totally speechless because her mouth was fastened firmly to Kenneth’s...

Story II

It was a cold day in January, when Barbara Ward, a medium sized curvy figured natural beauty lay on her leather sofa near the fireplace, remote in hand and laptop beside her, enjoying her home made brand new collection of St. Valentine's cupcakes while watching television commercials.

"Dang these are delicious!" She announced to herself while splurging even more of her own brand's cupcakes that she enjoyed testing herself before releasing them to the public and into her cake catering business that she was running with her best friend Callie.

Their catering enterprise has been quite a challenge, but for today she rather preferred splurging away and not thinking about the troubled past.

"St Valentine's Day commercials already!" She exclaimed, yet she should not have been surprised. Companies always advertise in advance, knowing full well that women such as Barbara embrace the romanticism of St Valentine.

This particular advertisement was selling shoes, designed by Malaysian-born fashion icon Jimmy Choo. Barbara reached over her keyboard and delicately typed a status update, ensuring her nails remained in pristine condition.

Her status update read: Jimmy Choo shoes and a handsome Valentine, sigh...what I would do to have my cake and eat it too!

A moment later she glanced back down at her laptop screen and noticed that someone had 'liked' her status. A gentleman by the name of Edward Bell, a name which sounded vaguely familiar but she could not put her finger on who he was. Barbara had over 500 friends on Facebook, many of whom were friends back in high school.

Being an inquisitive person, Barbara decided to check out Edward's Facebook page. She smiled as she realised that he must have been an old high school buddy, as his About Me stated that he went to the same College in North Hempstead, New York. He was also the same age.

Clicking on Edward's photos, she was pleased with what she saw. A handsome man, well groomed with a goatee, blowout burgundy hair and champagne eyes that seemed to sparkle. He also appeared to have a strong affection towards dogs, seven of them in fact, all Wire Fox terriers.

"How cute!" she said out loud, her reference to the dogs but in the back of her mind, she was also thinking about the man standing proudly beside his beloved animals.

Barbara also loved dogs, owning two of them, both Beagles. She would walk them together but often wished she had a companion there to assist her, especially when her female Beagle Daisy would make a mess on a neighbour's lawn and she didn't have the spare hands, nor the resources, to clean up the mess.

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