How To Rape A Straight Guy (15 page)

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Authors: Kyle Michel Sullivan

BOOK: How To Rape A Straight Guy
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I grabbed Shayes’ ankles an’ yanked him down.  The straps dug into his wrists an’ he cried out.  He still tried to kick me, but I had control of him, now.  I lifted his legs up, curled my right arm up under them, addin’ to the pressure on his wrists.  Yeah, they were good legs.  Damn good.  An’ they were mine, now.  I let my fingers slip between ‘em just above his knees, an’ I leaned in real close.

“What th’ fuck you think you’re pullin’, bitch?” I asked, real soft an’ low.

Shayes snarled back, “You touch me, motherfucker, I’ll fuckin’ kill you!”

I chuckled an’ smacked his ass with my left hand.  “Make up your mind, bitch.  I’m a fatherfucker or a motherfucker; I can’t be both.  Or can I?”

I dropped his legs.  He jangled there, gruntin’ in pain ‘cause of his wrists.

“What’d you get to spread his legs?” I asked Wayne.

He showed me a foot restraint -- two soft straps at each end of a two foot long pole.  I took it an’ looked it over.  The buckles were tarnished an’ the leather lips had creases where they’d been used.  I smiled an’ tightly wrapped one of the straps around Shayes’ left ankle, usin’ his sock to pad it.  He tried to fight me off, but Wayne an’ Lenny grabbed his legs an’ body to hold him still.

“What the fuck’re you think you’re gonna do!?” Shayes asked.  “You gonna kill me!?  You’d better!  You fuckin’ touch me, you’d fuckin’ better fuckin’ kill me!”

I just sneered at him an’ said to Lenny, “Hold his right leg at the knee.”

Lenny did what I said, an’ I untied the rope around Shayes’ ankles.  He tried to kick us away, but he couldn’t get the leverage, this time, so I was able to force the leather strap around his right ankle.  Now his legs were under control.

“It won’t be any good for you, faggot,” Shayes said.  “I’m gonna fight you the whole time.”

Then I went to the cable an’ lowered Shayes so he could stand instead of hang.  He could barely keep upright, even if he didn’t move around so much, so he stood pretty still.  He was thinkin’ a mile a minute.  Tryin’ to figure out how he could talk his way out of this.  Prayin’ he could.

“Listen, man,” he said.  “I’m not queer.  So it won’t be any good for you.  Listen to me!  I’m a cop.  If -- if you do this to me -- any of you -- an’ if -- if you do kill me, it’s a capital offense.  My buddies’ll come lookin’ for you.  They’ll find you!  And it’s the needle!  For all of you!  Can’t you see how dumb that is?”

In answer, I just stepped back an’ opened my arms, sayin’ to Lenny an’ Wayne, “You boys wanna do the honors?”

Wayne chuckled, grabbed Shayes’ ratty shirt an’ ripped it open.  He shredded it in stages, first away from his chest an’ then off his shoulders.  Strip by strip.  Takin’ his time as Lenny focused the camera in on ‘em.  Probably tight on every thread of cotton as it ripped away.  I just stood there an’ watched, feelin’ fire spread from my crotch through my legs an’ my gut an’ my chest an’ my arms down to my fingers an’ up to my throat an’ face as Shayes’ upper body was made bare, before me.  It was almost like some -- some ritual sacrifice in its feel.  An’ I loved it.

Shayes gulped then fought to keep control of his breathin’ as Wayne ran his hands over his pecs.  I nudged Wayne, motioned for him to get behind Shayes.  He did. But slipped his arms ‘round the guy’s body an’ kept playin’ with his tits, makin’ him squirm.

I looked Shayes over from head to toe.  Yeah, his abs were just like a guy’d want -- solid but not stupidly so.  With good pecs toppin’ ‘em off.  Hair fannin’ over tanned skin.  No way was I gonna think of him as anything but a guy, but that didn’t bug me, anymore.

It’s funny -- I felt pissed at how perfect he looked.  An’ how easy it was for him.  But at the same time, I felt joy at how perfect he looked.  How real.  An’ all of it was without a second of confusion.  This was how it was gonna be -- maybe how it was supposed to be.  I dunno.  It all felt a bit unreal.  I had to touch the hair on his chest -- play with it -- just to make sure it wasn’t some figment of my imagination.  He tried to twist away from my hands.

“No!  No, this is rape,” he choked out.  “This is kidnapping.  Of a cop.  That’s a Federal offense.  Fuckin’ federal!  Please -- please, think about what you’re doing.”

I walked around him, nudgin’ Wayne out of the way so I could get a clear view.  Wayne stood aside, watchin’ me with that spooky look of his, but I didn’t care.  I was focused on Shayes.

His ass was full, but not really what you’d call a bubble butt.  An’ man, even spread apart, his legs looked good.  Nice form to ‘em, even with his shorts droopin’ over his hips.  In fact, the way the elastic to his briefs sort of rolled across the top of his ass, showin’ a hint of a tan line, it really got my dick to stirin’.  I wanted to see his tightie-whities.  So I stepped back an’ nodded to Wayne.


Wayne grabbed his baggy shorts an’ tore at them.  Shayes cried out as they shredded away in strips an’ threads.  First one leg then the other.  The zipper gave way last.  An’ then he was standin’ there -- arms strung up above his head; legs spread apart by the restraints; a blindin’ pair of white briefs his only cover -- an’ I wanted him like I’ve never wanted anything before.

I knew -- didn’t really see it but knew -- Lenny’d taken a camera off its tripod an’ was focused on me.  I snickered an’ traced my right hand down Shayes’ back, from the edge of his hair to the top of his ass.  He felt cold.  Shivery.  Wet from sweatin’.  He felt like electricity.

I unzipped my jeans an’ let my dick out.  I was hard, but not so very much so.  Not till I slipped up behind him an’ let it push against the white cotton that covered his ass; then it got to poundin’.  He jolted an’ tried to squirm away, but I wrapped my arms around his waist an’ held him close.

Oh, shit.  Holy shit.  I was ownin’ him.  My heart felt ready to bust, it felt so nice to mold myself against him like that.  Feel him shiverin’.  Taste his sweat.   Smell his hair.  Oh, shit, he was all mine.  An’ I was ownin’ him.

“Oh, no,” he said, “please.  Please.  You can’t do this to me.  I’ve never done anything like it.  Never.”

I let my dick glide between his legs an’ push up against the back of his balls.  He was breathless.  Shiverin’ even harder in my arms.  I could feel his heart poundin’ next to mine.  I nestled my face into the curve of his right shoulder -- where it meets his neck -- an’ I whispered to him, “I can do anything I fuckin’ want.”

“No!  No...“

“No?”  I worked my dick back an’ forth between his legs, rubbin’ up against the soft white cotton.  Bumpin’ its head against his balls.  He clenched his muscles an’ tried to avoid me, but he couldn’t.  “That’s what’s gonna be inside you, soon.”

“Motherfucker -- no!”

“If you fight me, it’ll hurt more.  But if you’re nice, I can make it easy.  But tell you what -- I’ll let you show us how nice you can be.  Show us you’re worth bein’ easy with.  Before I fuck you, I’ll let you suck off my buddy.”

“I’ll fuckin’ bite it off!”

I reached around, grabbed his tits an’ twisted ‘em, pulled at ‘em till he cried out in pain.

“I’m the one in control, here.  You’re gonna suck him off.  An’ make him happy.  Which means, careful with the teeth.  ‘Cause if you do bite him, I’ll cut your balls off.”

“You’re gonna fuckin’ kill me, anyway!  I won’t let a guy’s dick in my -- .”

I twisted his tits, again, then whispered, “It ain’t just about you, asshole.”


“It’s more than just you here.”

“What -- what d’you mean?”

I smiled an’ nibbled at his ear, an’ then I whispered, “I know where you live.”

He froze.  Then he looked ‘round at me, confused...but not totally.

“You got a nice family,” I added, with just a hint of a smile.  “We could keep you here for days.  Weeks.  Till the uproar dies down.  An’ I could come an’ go as I pleased.  Go wherever I pleased.”

He went white.  I knew I didn’t have to say another word, but I wanted Wayne an’ Lenny to know it was all right.

“You gonna play nice, now?”

He hesitated...then looked away from me.  An’ stopped tryin’ to keep away from my dick.  An’ when I let my hands trail away from his tits an’ down his stomach, an’ I slipped them under the elastic to his briefs, an’ I ran my fingers over his pubes an’ around his dick, an’ I found the “Y” front to his briefs an’ gripped that an’ ripped ‘em to shreds, he barely flinched.

I stepped back to look him over, again.  An’ still liked what I saw.  His butt was smooth an’ hair fanned over it, but not too much.  An’ yeah, he had a tan line, but a squarish one, like what you get from swimming trunks.  An’ his back was formed good an’ everything fit together just right.  I couldn’t help it, I had to run my hands over him.  Over every square inch of his body.  Just to make sure he was really there.  So I did.

He let me.  Didn’t squirm, too much.  Just let out little whimpers, now an’ then.  It’s crazy.  I’d done this to girls, before.  Shit, Connie loved it.  Slow fingers just barely touchin’ skin, drifitn’ up an’ down an’ around.  It’d drive her nuts.  Drive any girl I was with nuts.  An’ send bolts of lightnin’ up my arms to my brain.  I loved it as much as them, but I’d never -- never even thought about doin’ this to a guy.  But here I was -- doin’ it an’’ startin’ to feel drunk from it.

Finally, I couldn’t take any more.  I stepped back an’ pulled off my jeans an’ shirt, removed my socks an’, finally, slipped my briefs down my legs.  I stepped out of them an’ walked around to face Shayes.  He was breathin’ hard.  Not from fear, now.  No.  I could see how his tits were pointed.  An’ his dick was more full.  Not hard.  Not even really gettin’ there, yet.  But startin’.  I could tell.  I stroked it a little.  Just to show him I could.

He wouldn’t look at me.  Refused to, till I pressed myself against him -- lettin’ my hard dick crush against his softer one -- an’ wrapped my arms ‘round him.  Then he glanced at me, sideways.

“We got an understandin’?” I whispered.

He just looked away, again.  Meanin’, “Yes.”

I put one arm around his waist an’ lifted him up, then reached up with the other, worked the plastic straps through the opening in the ring an’ let his arms drop around my neck.  I smiled at him.  He just licked his lips, shiverin’.

I slipped my free hand down his back, brushed it over his butt an’ wound up inside his left thigh, my other arm stayin’ ‘round his torso.  I lifted him up an’ carried him to the bed, like a bride.  I lay him on it, face up, an’ knelt back to look him over.  His wrists were red an’ cut an’ beginnin’ to swell from the plastic strap.  I motioned to Wayne, who handed me a blade.  An’ I slit the strap away.  I guided his hands to the leather straps attached to the head posts’ dowel an’ wrapped ‘em ‘round his wrists.  Then, last but not least, I took off the restraints on his legs.

He lay there, arms bound above his head, legs still spread apart, shiverin’ not from cold but from anticipation.  From fear.  His dick lay to the left, still more limp than not, but now it had a slopin’ form to it that looked, I dunno, right.  He didn’t try to hide himself; he just looked at the ceilin’.

Wayne stepped closer to the bed an’ whispered, “He’s beautiful.  Everything about him is.”

I turned to Wayne an’ said, “Have at it.”

In a nano-second, Wayne was on the bed, naked.  He looked at me, waitin’ for me to give him a sign, so I nodded.  Then he put his dick to Shayes’ mouth.  The guy crushed his lips closed an’ turned away.  Wouldn’t open up.  Not till I squeezed his balls with my hand an’ whispered, “C’mon, buddy, prove you’re worth it.”

The guy gave me a look so full of hate, if it’d been a knife, I’d of been sliced to ribbons.  Then he swallowed an’ slowly let his lips part an’ Wayne slipped inside.  Shoved in deep.  Shayes gagged, but after a moment, he started workin’ on it.  Nothin’ great about this blowjob, from what I could see, but fuckin’ Wayne didn’t care.  Fact is, it only took him a minute to let loose.  Took both him an’ Shayes by surprise.

Shayes choked an’ coughed an’ spit the dick out, gaggin’ from Wayne’s crap.  One last spurt hit him on the chin, then Wayne leaned back, breathin’ deep an’ happy.  All he could say, over an’ over, was, “Oh, shit.  Oh, shit.”

I leaned over an’ whispered into Wayne’s ear, “No teeth marks?”

Wayne shook his head, barely able to croak out, “It was perfect.  Perfect.”  His eyes were tearin’ up.

“An’ quick,” I sneered.

“To start,” Wayne sneered back.

I nodded an’ moved to between Shayes’ legs.  I lifted them up an’ positioned myself to where his ass was restin’ on my thighs an’ my dick was bumpin’ on top his balls.  His legs were propped up on my shoulders.  He didn’t like it -- tried to shift away -- but I grabbed his ass to hold him in place.  He stopped squirmin’.  I took a jar of Vaseline from beside the bed an’ scooped some out on my finger.  An’ I slipped it between the cheeks of his ass an’ smeared it ‘round his hole.  He gulped an’ grimaced but said nothin’.  Then I lubed some onto my dick, found his hole with my finger an’ pressed the head of my dick against it.

“Wait,” he whispered, his voice shakin’.  “Will -- will you at least use a condom?”

Fuckin’ idiot.  Like I got AIDS?  In answer, I began pushin’ my way into him.  Slow, like I promised.

He clenched tight, automatically, an’ grimaced.  But the Vaseline did its job an’ I slipped inside.  Slowly glided in deeper an’ deeper till I could feel his balls touching my pubes.  He was gaspin’ an’ tryin’ hard not to cry out, but little yelps of pain kept escapin’.  Once I was all the way in, I held still an’ looked at him.

Oh, holy fuckin’ Jesus, I didn’t want to move.  At that moment, havin’ his ass wrapped around my dick, flexin’ an’ pushin’ at it like he was -- I felt this...this instant of peace.  Felt a moment of perfection.  It was like, this was all I’d ever wanted to do.  This was just how it was supposed to be.  I owned the world an’ the moon an’ the stars.  I rivaled God in my power an’ control.  An’ I never wanted it to end.

But then I started pumpin’ inside him.  An’ it got even better than I could ever have imagined.

I took it slow with Shayes.  Nothin’ to rush.  No reason to prove I was top dog.  He already knew that.  Everybody did.  No, this time I was out for me.  This time it was just sex.  Slidin’ in, my dick sent a rush down to my balls that was as good as the first time you snort coke.  Pullin’ back made my thighs quiver an’ burn an’ tingle with feelin’s I never knew were possible.  Every little whimper or moan he let escape sent my brain reelin’.  Even the hair on his legs ticklin’ my skin an’ even my tits doubled every second of pleasure I got from bein’ inside him.  Oh, shit, shit, shit, this was nothin’ like bein’ with Connie.

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