How To Marry A Billionaire: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (8 page)

BOOK: How To Marry A Billionaire: A BWWM Billionaire Romance
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“Where’d you get the dress?”

Ellyn looked away with a frown. Guess she wasn’t ready to reveal everything. “I stole it from someone who stole it,” she said.

He laughed again. “Maybe that’s not funny to you but it is to me.” He put a hand on her chin and brought her face around to look at him. “You don’t have to do that anymore. You’re going to be big and make lots of money.” He shrugged. “Besides, I’ll buy you your next dress.”

“I can’t ask that of you.”

“I can’t get a present for my girlfriend.” He’d said it out loud. He was making a stand.

“Girlfriend? I thought you didn’t mix business with pleasure?” she said.

She was right. He didn’t usually. “I know, but I’m making an exception. If you’ll have me, Ellyn.”

“Uh. You’re sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure. You make it sound like an odd idea,” Colton said.

“We come from different backgrounds. We have so little in common.”

“Movies. We both love movies. And television,” he said.

He hadn’t thought he would need to convince her so much. Most women just fell into his arms. He was making the right choice, he didn’t want a sycophant, he wanted a partner. Ellyn would be that. They’d be a power couple when she hit it big.

“Doesn’t that seem flimsy?”

He closed his eyes for a moment. She was not going to make this easy was she? “Ellyn, I really like you. I really want to be with you. Just please believe me.”

She blinked. “Uh, okay.”

“Okay? Don’t sound so excited.”

“It’s all coming out of the blue.”

“Were you not in the same photo shoot that I was? Didn’t we share a kiss that melted everything around us?”

She pressed her lips together. He’d bet she was remembering that kiss. There was something here and he was not going to let her go. He wanted to know what could happen. They could be good for each other. Ellyn remained quiet. Had he imagined their attraction?

“What do you say, Ellyn, you going to give me a chance? I want to prove to you that all men are not dogs.”

She shook her head. Was she actually going to turn him down? Was Colton Hamilton III not going to get the girl? What universe were they living in? This just didn’t happen.

“You leaving me hanging, Ellyn. Please answer me. Can we give this a go?”

She took a deep breath and brought herself straighter in her chair. “You’re a great guy, Colton.”

That didn’t start out well at all. He wanted to cross his fingers but that seemed childish at the moment.  “But?” His heart beat in his chest as he waited for the rest. What reservations could she have? What misgivings did he have to convince her weren’t real? This was going to kill him. He’d wanted her the moment he’d seen her. Was she going to dash his hopes?

Derek stirred but didn’t wake up. He put a hand on the boy’s shoulder to comfort him. He knew this boy was part of the package but he remained undaunted by that fact. Colton held his breath, willing her to give him the answer he wanted.

Finally, she turned to him. Her face had a stricken look on it as her lips formed a frown.

“Colton, I’m thinking that I don’t want to mix business with pleasure. So no, I can’t be your girlfriend.”



With the antibiotic prescription in hand, Ellyn and Colton took Derek back to their apartment. Ellyn was uncomfortable, but Colton had seemed to take her rebuff in stride. He wasn’t angry.

Well, he wasn’t showing any signs that he was angry. Traffic was heavy since it was now rush hour.

“I don’t travel during this time. I forget how many cars there are on the road,” Ellyn said.

“I wait until after this is done, myself,” Colton said.

Ellyn stared out the window. She wasn’t sure what to say to Colton. He’d been so generous to her and Derek today. Then she told him she didn’t want to date him. She did, but she really thought that she should concentrate on her career.

The man was sex on a stick with his jet black hair and fierce blue eyes. How could she turn him down?  But she didn’t want her career contingent upon his feelings. Or hers. That could be dangerous.

Once she’d had a taste of the good life, she didn’t think she’d want to be back in the Bronx. Also, she wanted to work on her terms and be successful on her own terms. No one else’s.

She wasn’t one to live by someone else’s rules.

She’d lost too much of herself in her relationship with Derek’s father. She didn’t want to be defined by the man she was with and she’d thought that Colton would overshadow her.

On the other hand, he would be a great role model for Derek. Ellyn was torn, but she had to stick to her decision not to date him.

Paul, the driver, turned onto her street. In front of her building were many police cars and an ambulance.

“What’s going on?” she said.

A chill went through her. Things had been quiet. The neighborhood was due for something to happen. Why did it have to be today?

“I’ll go see,” Colton said.

He was out the door before she could stop him. What if it was dangerous? What if something happened to him? She’d never forgive herself.

She looked down at Derek, asleep on the seat. She couldn’t leave him.

“Can you see what’s happening?” Ellyn asked.

“Colton is talking to a police officer,” Paul said. “He’ll find out what’s going on. No one refuses Mr. Hamilton.”

Ellyn stifled a snort. She had. And on the same day he’d done so many nice things for her. Guess she was not the average person. Growing up in this neighborhood had made her tougher than most.

Certainly tougher than the average Manhattanite.

Colton strode back to the car. He slid in, closing the door lightly. Derek didn’t stir. He had his head on her lap and his feet by Colton, who didn’t seem to mind. The doctor had said Derek had a dual ear infection.

Poor kid.

“There’s been a shooting,” Colton said. “You and Derek cannot stay here tonight.”

“They aren’t letting us back in our building?”

“Not yet, but I’m insisting that you come home with me. It isn’t safe.”

“Uh, I live here. We’ll be fine,” Ellyn said.

He turned his gaze at her as if he couldn’t believe what she said. “Ellyn, please. Think of Derek. This isn’t safe.”

Ellyn shrugged. “There are shootings here once a month. We’ll be fine.”

“I’m begging you, Ellyn. Don’t go home. Come with me.”

She sighed. He was going to be insistent. “We don’t have clothes.”

“I can get you clothes.”

Oh, crap. “Really? You don’t think you’ve done enough for us today?”

“Ellyn, you’re going to make me money. Besides, I like you and Derek. I want you to be safe. I’ve got plenty of room. We could wander around my place for days and not run into each other.”

She looked at Derek, sleeping peacefully between them. The boy moved his feet onto Colton’s lap. All the man did was put his hand on her son’s ankle. The act seemed protective.

She had to admit, she wouldn’t sleep tonight knowing someone had been shot. Might be nice to feel safe. Even if it was for one night. With her new career, she would bring that to Derek’s life.

It was her responsibility, not Colton’s. “One night.”

“Okay. We’ll start there.”


“I have an idea, but we can talk later. We need to get your contract signed before I start giving orders,” Colton said.

“Giving orders?”

He waved his hand. “Just routine stuff.”

“No one orders me around.”

“It will all help your career and your son. No worries.”

Ellyn was having second thoughts as Paul turned the car around. She hadn’t had anyone tell her what to do in ages. She wasn’t sure she liked the sound of that. Giving someone else power had only happened once. Derek was the result. As much as she loved her son, she wasn’t sure she could give up control that easily.

Hopefully, she and Colton would not butt heads too often. She would take advice.

“I’ll take what you have to say into consideration, but I don’t appreciate being commanded.”

He flashed her a wide smile. “I’ll remember that, Ellyn. I’m sure we’ll get along fine.”


Colton watched Ellyn as her eyes widened at his apartment. Penthouse, really. Four bedrooms, one of which he used as an office, but it had a bed in it also. He would put the sleeping Derek down in there.

Right now, he wanted to see Ellyn’s reaction to his home. He was not sure why it was so important, but he wanted her to like his place. He hadn't done much decorating, but he’d made it homey.

Even as big as it was.

“Why don’t you put him down?” Ellyn said.

He’d been staring as her eyes widened, then she seemed to recover. She’d been shocked, he could tell. His living room was larger than her whole apartment. And the view. He loved the view.

“I’ll put him down on the day bed in my office,” Colton said.

He carried the little boy, who hadn’t stirred, putting him on the single bed. He tucked the covers around him. Ellyn was at the door. She kissed her son on the head, and then followed Colton back to the living room.

“Will he sleep for long?” Colton asked.

“I don’t know. I’m glad I was able to get the first dose of antibiotic in him.”

“You hungry? I can make us dinner.”

She looked around at his place. Her gaze seemed to be taking it all in. “I could eat. You don’t have to go to any trouble.”

“I love to cook, but have no one to cook for.” He motioned for her to follow him. He entered his modern kitchen, and opened the refrigerator.

“Wow. That’s one stocked fridge,” Ellyn said.

She stood in the room as if lost among the cherry cabinets and stainless steel appliances.

“I have someone come in and do it for me every couple of weeks.”

“Do you cook for yourself that much?”

“I do, when I can. At least four times a week. If I can find someone to eat with me, all the better.”

He began to pull out items for a salad. He put them on the counter then rummaged around for tomato sauce. Everyone liked spaghetti. He even thought he had some ravioli in here. Nothing fancy. He would have loved to show off his culinary skills, but he figured Derek might not be interested in anything too odd.

“Can I help?” Ellyn said.

“Uh. No. You’re my guest.”

“I’d really feel better if you let me do something.”

He acquiesced. “Boards are under the counter there. Knives in the block. Can you make a salad?”


She washed her hands then got to work. Colton found some bread and knew he had garlic so he could make garlic bread to go along with the ravioli. He put a pot on to boil and then sauce in another one to heat it up.

“What are you making?”

“Just some ravioli and sauce. Does Derek have any allergies?”

“No, thankfully. He’s pretty healthy, present sickness aside.”

Colton laughed. “Kids get sick. My sister has three boys and when they were Derek’s age they seemed to be sick all of the time.”

“You have a sister?”

“Yes. Younger. She’s married and lives in New Jersey. I go out to see her when I can. Her boys are teens now and running her ragged.” He snapped his fingers. “I forgot. I better get you some clothes.”


He picked up the phone and called down to the doorman. “George, I need some clothes sent up. Boys and a woman’s.” He handed Ellyn the phone. “You tell him what you need. I have toothbrushes and various shampoos, but he’ll get whatever you want.”

Ellyn looked at the receiver as if it were a snake, then took it from him. She spoke to the doorman, and gave hers and David’s sizes for pants and simple tops, then handed it back to Colton. “He’ll get us stuff?”

“Yes. One of the perks of this building. There are shops on the bottom floor and the concierge can get into them and charge stuff to my credit card.”

Ellyn looked at him as if he had two heads. “Wow.”

She went back to chopping tomatoes and greens for a simple salad, and she poked through the fridge, looking for a dressing. The water was almost boiling. Colton opened the package of ravioli, dumping it into the salted water.

Derek appeared in the doorway, his hair sticking up. “Mom, I’m hungry.”

“We’re making dinner, Derek,” Colton said.

Derek nodded. He seemed to be adjusting to Colton’s place better than his mother was.



“You thirsty?” Ellyn said.


“Glasses are in the cabinet above your head,” Colton said.

“Juice?” Derek asked.

“I think I only have milk, son,” Colton said.

“That’ll be fine.”

She poured her son a glass then sat him at the table in the middle of the room. “Sit here.”

Colton watched the interaction between the two of them and it warmed his heart. Like a family. Like he had a family. Had he ever wanted one of those?

He’d spent so much time working, maybe it was time for him to slow down. After he launched Ellyn’s career. That came first.

“What?” Ellyn asked when she returned to the counter.

“It’s just nice to have others here. Especially a kid,” he said.

“Never considered getting married?”

“I’ve been married to my job. It wouldn't have been fair to a wife.”

“And now?”

“I’m thinking it’s time to slow down.”



Ellyn yawned and then put her head down on the pillow. This was the softest bed she’d ever slept in. She could get used to this. She yawned again.

Derek had gone back to sleep after dinner and a bath.

And Colton, well, he was in a room somewhere in here. She’d wished him goodnight after the wonderful dinner he cooked. He insisted that she looked beat and that he would clean up.

She’d wanted to argue but her yawns stopped her.

Her eyes drooped and then she was gone into dreamland.

She was suddenly back in her apartment. She could hear shots outside. Not an unusual occurrence, but today she knew the shooter was coming for her. She couldn’t get to Derek. Where was he? Did he sneak out the door?

She called him. He didn’t answer. She opened the door a little, but couldn’t see him in the hallway. She had to find him. Where was he? It was her job to protect him.

Her heart thudded in her chest as she slipped out into the dark hallway. More shots rang out and she froze.

There was Derek. At the end of the hall. Somehow, she knew the killer was climbing the steps. She called out to Derek, but he didn’t react. Did he not hear her?

She raced toward him, but the hall lengthened. She wouldn’t get to him in time. The door to the stairwell opened. There was the killer.

She yelled for Derek again. The shooter raised the gun to Derek’s head and Ellyn screamed.

She felt strong arms around her.


She heard that voice in the distance as she struggled. She had to get to Derek. When she finally woke up, she realized where she was. In a strange bedroom. In Colton’s apartment. With Colton wrapped around her. He had his arms around her, and her face pressed into his muscular chest.

Wow. She did not want to move. Her breath hitched.

“Ellyn, it’s okay. It was just a dream,” he said.

She could hear his voice and feel the vibrations of it in his chest. He was warm and had a bit of hair on top of his pectoral muscles. She’d never felt as safe in her life as he murmured into her hair, stroking her back.

“I’m awake,” she whispered finally.

He didn’t let go. “You okay?”

Her heart still pounded in her chest. “I think so. I dreamt that someone was trying to kill Derek.”

“That’s awful, I’m sure. He’s safe in the next room. The building has the best security money can buy.”

She noticed he only had boxers on. The hall light threw light onto them and she could see his strong legs.

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