How to Go on a Paleo Diet (4 page)

BOOK: How to Go on a Paleo Diet
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Products from fish farms can be dangerous because many of the products used in fish might contain traces of mercury. This could prove to be devastating to your diet. Therefore, you should
stick with fish that has come from nature and not from a farm.

Certain Drinks

You have to be cautious when using different drinks on the diet. You have to avoid sugary drinks and drinks with sodium in them. These will end up causing bloating and fatigue.

It’s especially important to avoid alcohol during the diet. This includes all beer and wine products. Even “alcohol-free” products have to be avoided. These technically contain trace amounts of alcohol with the average alcoholic content by volume being less than one percent. It’s obviously safer than traditional alcoholic beverages but it still has alcohol nonetheless and therefore should be avoided.

Even “diet” drinks with zero calories or sugars should be avoided. The chemicals in the artificial sweeteners used in these drinks can be harmful to the body.

The Wrong Oils

While it is true that some oils can work while on the diet, there are also some oils that can prove to be dangerous on it. You need to avoid oils like sunflower oil, peanut oil, canola oil, soybean oil and even corn oil. Margarine and some shortening products like Crisco also have to be avoided while on the diet.

You have to be aware of these oils because they will come from some of the many foods that you clearly have to avoid. As mentioned earlier, you do have to avoid peanuts on the diet. Even the oils that come from peanuts can be just as harmful to your diet as the peanuts themselves. You have to be very cautious if you want to keep your body healthy and running well so you can stay healthy and focused.

Don’t Drink Your Food

You particularly need to avoid any kind of “meal replacement” food when getting on the diet. This can include something like a nutritional shake.

It’s true that these shakes and other replacement fluids can help you get nutrients. However, they also contain enzymes that might be hard for the body to use. They can also contain more sugars than what you can afford to use.

The most obvious thing about avoiding these is that they are drinks that were clearly not around in the caveman era. You have to focus on a more sensible approach to eating by working with actual food and not with something that claims to be a suitable replacement for whatever you are trying to eat.

Packaged Weight Loss Food

There’s always going to be the temptation out there to try packaged foods that promote weight loss. These are often prepared in things like bars, frozen meals and drinks. These might sound great but they can actually be tough to work with.

In addition to these not being real foods that were around back in the early days of man, the problem is that these foods are prepared with assorted preservatives, salt and chemicals to make them taste better and to keep them safe as they are being transported from one place to the next.

There’s also the issue of how the foods in question are boiled in order to keep them safe and sterile. This might make the foods easier to consume but it also makes it harder for the foods to have the right nutrients that you need for your weight loss goals. Therefore, you clearly have to avoid these foods if you want to actually get some kind of weight loss result out of your diet. This is in spite of the promises you’d hear when seeing what benefits you could be getting out of your meal.

Now that you know what you should and shouldn’t be eating, you can get started on the next part of having success on the diet. This includes being as active as you can be.

Keeping Active

You have to keep a healthy and active lifestyle going while you are on the Paleo diet. The odds of you staying healthy while on the diet will be important to see because they relate heavily to keeping your body running well so you won’t have to worry about any problems with your body not doing anything.

Part of this involves working with not only activities of a moderate level of intensity but also exercises that relate to what our ancestors might have done in the past. It’s interesting to think about how people in the past worked out with rudimentary practices and were able to stay healthy. You can practically do the same today even if it involves working with more modern technology to make it a little easier for you to stay as active as possible.











Evolutionary Fitness

Rock climbing is a thrilling activity. (

An interesting part of using the Paleo diet involves evolutionary fitness. This is a part of fitness involving exercise actions that your ancestors might have done hundreds of thousands of years ago.

These exercises were essentially done with endurance in mind to make it easier for the body to be a little more active and likely to survive in more conditions. Today you can use them in safer environments but the key is still the same. You’ll be able to work well with all of the muscles that you need to get taken care of in order to have the best possible body that you could be getting.

Many of these exercises involve the following to help you keep active and ready to do anything that you can. These involve completely natural forms of exercise but they can be performed with modern technology:

Running on tough surfaces; you could do this barefoot if you wanted to

Lifting heavy items

Rock climbing

Sprints and other running activities on an incline, preferably an uphill one

These are all activities that are believed to have been done by people back in those days with survival in mind. You can easily get on the road to a healthier life and a more active lifestyle if you go along with a diet plan that involves these activities.

Of course, you can always get into these exercises with things like a treadmill or a climbing wall. As you will see in the next part of this report, you can also do this with a strong series of weights. Either way, it should be easy for you to get better results out of a workout when finding a way to stay healthy and under control.

Strength Training

Lift your weight away (

Strength training may also be used in the process of keeping your body healthy. This can be done with the intention of building muscles. You can use lunges, push-ups and even squats with weights on your body to help you build muscles.

This concept has been a popular staple of the Paleo diet for years. It is believed that many cavemen had built strength by lifting heavy objects. I’m not saying that you should be grabbing a giant boulder and try to throw it someplace but you should at least work with some kind of strength training plan. This is assuming you go with something a little more realistic and sensible.

You can work on practically any muscle system in your body. The key is that you will be building lean muscle mass while keeping fats from being stuck in those areas. This should make you both healthier and stronger. It should give you the extra energy and muscle that you have always wanted to get out of your body.

In fact, this can be done with not only weights but also with pressure from your own body. Traditional calisthenics can be used over time to help you out with exercising your body and making it more likely to burn off calories and fats in the long run. It should help you to stay as healthy and under control as possible.

Just be sure that you watch for how much weight you are handling at a given time. You need to work with only the right amount of weight based on what you are comfortable with using. This is to make sure you don’t end up straining yourself.

You can easily add to the weights that you use over time. The key is to just be comfortable and advance to more weight when you are actually capable of doing so. If you don’t do this then you could be at risk of hurting yourself after you try to lift more than what you really can use at a given time.

What About Cardio?

Cardio exercises work well if you use them carefully.

Cardiovascular exercises could work well but you have to watch what you are doing here. This includes making sure that you avoid working too hard when getting into these exercises. It’s true that many people like to feel the burn that comes with these exercises but that doesn’t mean you have to work with too much or too little effort just to get the workout used the right way.

It’s a good idea to use a healthy and controlled pace when walking or when doing any movements that involve plenty of effort on your part. You do not want to do more than what your body can really enjoy because it might end up being a little too taxing on it. You have to make sure that you still have energy leftover for all of the other things that you want to do over the course of your day.

In fact, working out harder than needed can be dangerous because it might cause fatigue. Also, it might add to the pains that you could experience in your body. These pains can make it easier for you to try and possibly stray off of your diet. This is the last thing that you want to do when you are trying to lose weight.

Overall, you should strongly consider these moves if you want to keep your body as active as possible. These should be used well to help you out with keeping your body running well while on your diet.

Remember, you have to make sure that your diet is controlled well enough. You have to do this the right way if you want to keep from gaining weight during the diet. The foods that you have to choose from might be limited but they are at least varied in terms of what you could choose from.
















What to Expect From the Paleo Diet


The results that you will get out of the Paleo diet can vary according to who you are and how well you can use the diet. It’s best to consider using this diet for about two weeks to see how well your body responds to it. You should be able to get a few benefits off of it but at the same time it might help you to see if you are likely to actually get even better results if you go along with the diet for a longer period of time.

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