How to Drive a Dragon Crazy (19 page)

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Although the last couple of years, the leader of the Kyvich squad would sometimes watch Rhi. Not as she watched Talwyn, with pure calculation. Instead, Talaith saw concern on the commander’s hard face. Which worsened as Rhi’s power became more and more obvious.
Ásta saw Rhi as a threat, of that Talaith was sure. Another reason why Talaith was beginning to think that sending her young daughter to the south might be the best answer for all.
“Talk to her about what?”
“About her relationship with that Kyvich bitch?”
“What is there to discuss? Ásta and the others are her protectors. Of course she’ll feel close to them. They were here when I wasn’t.”
“Don’t,” Talaith said, pointing a finger. “Don’t you
go down that winding road, my friend. Sacrifices were made those years by us all—and for damn good reasons. So I won’t hear you put yourself down or elevate those cunts because of what you had to do to protect your children. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, yes, you do,” the Southland Queen said quickly, her lips twitching as she tried not to smile.
“Good, good. Now if you want, when Izzy gets back we can talk to them both together.”
“Gets back from where?”
“She went to Bram’s home to get some documents he forgot. That dragon would forget his head if it wasn’t attached.”
“She went to . . .” Annwyl snorted a little, looked off.
The queen rubbed her nose, shook her head. “Nothing.”
“What?” Talaith pushed, her butt wiggling in her chair. “Tell me!”
“I, uh, asked that boy, Dagmar’s nephew, if Éibhear was coming to evening meal tonight and he said he was going to Bram’s castle for some reason. He didn’t know why. I just assumed Bram forgot something again.”
“Does . . . Izzy know that?”
“Doubt it.”
Talaith stared at her friend until they both began laughing, so hard and loud that Talaith began to cough and Annwyl cry. It was so bad, Briec walked in, watched them for a few moments, then walked out again, slamming the door behind him.
Chapter 16
Izzy pushed her empty plate away and, realizing she couldn’t avoid it anymore, lifted her gaze to the dragon sitting quietly to her left.
“All right, fine,” she finally admitted. “It was amazing.”
Éibhear patted her hand. “I know that hurt to admit.”
Swatting at him, Izzy pushed her chair back, stood, and turned so that she could sit on the table, her legs hanging over.
“Do you have something against chairs?”
“They’re confining.”
“So’s the army.”
“That’s a confinement I’ve never minded.” She pulled one leg up, tucking the heel against her inside thigh, her body turned enough to look at Éibhear. “Truly, though, that was delicious.”
His smile full of pride, Éibhear nodded. “Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Now, maybe you can tell me what the battle-fuck is going on.”
Éibhear watched Izzy’s defenses immediately come up. Like giant brick walls. “Going on about what?”
“I’ll admit, I’ve not been part of the day-to-day of my kin in quite some time. But I know when something is going on, Izzy. That, I’m afraid, has not changed. And something
going on. And I think you know it.”
“Is that why you followed me here? Because you think you can bully me into telling you that which my father and uncles will not?”
“I would never try to bully you to do anything. I would, however, try to cajole and lure. Perhaps lull . . .” He thought a moment. “Is that wrong?”
She stared at him, but did not answer.
“I promise,” he went on, feeling a sense of hope from the small smile he saw, “the last thing I’m trying to do is bully you or anyone else. But I want to know what’s going on. It’s clearly upsetting you and worrying my brothers. My brothers don’t worry about anything. They’re soulless bastards. I love them,” he added, “but they’re soulless bastards.”
“They are not soulless bastards and you know it.”
“Tell me what’s wrong.”
“Because this is my kin and no matter what my brothers think, I do care about what happens to them.”
Izzy’s anger eased away, but her defenses were still up. Still ready. “Why would they think you don’t care?”
“I don’t know,” he said, shrugging. “It just seems the decision to make me part of the Mì-runach has disappointed them.”
“Who told you that lie?” When he frowned, she added, “Anytime they talk about you and your barbarian friends—”
“They’re not barbarians.”
“—all I hear is awe mixed with a bit of fear and a good dose of concern.”
“For your safety. For your life.” She leaned in a bit, hands clasped in front of her. “Is it true you go into battle without armor . . . without weapons?”
Éibhear leaned back. “What?”
“Naked? Just your claws?”
“Wait, wait, wait.” Éibhear rubbed his face. “We’re warriors, Izzy. Not insane.” Gods, what had his brothers been telling her? “We wear light armor and, depending on what our assignment is, sometimes no armor. But we’re always armed. More armed than anyone else I know.”
“And do you drink the blood of your enemies? And wear their heads as totems?”
“No! What did my brothers tell you?”
“Actually, that last bit was Celyn.”
Éibhear rolled his eyes. “Figures.”
“It’s not true?”
“The Mì-runach have come a long way over the centuries.”
“Which means . . . what?”
“We don’t drink the blood of our enemies or wear their heads as totems . . . anymore. And I’ve
done any of that.”
Her eyes narrowed as she studied him. “Do you smear the blood of your enemies on you?”
“Sometimes,” he snapped, frustrated, “but I don’t want to get into it. I can’t get into it. There are some sacred rites we still perform that are none of your business. Or the business of my brothers.”
“Hhhm.” She thought a moment. “Fair enough.”
“Look, Izzy, we’re what you would call a . . . strike unit. We come in, usually under the cover of darkness, and kill either someone specific or as many enemy soldiers as we can. As you can imagine, full dragon armor or human armor for that fact, would not be in our best interest. So we protect our most important bits, arm ourselves to the fangs, and do what we do best.”
“That’s a good job for you then,” she said after a moment of quiet.
“Why do you say that?”
“Because you’re a chameleon. You can move around without being detected in the dark or during the day, yeah? But all that armor makes quite a bit of noise, which would defeat the purpose of being able to blend into your surroundings.”
Shocked, Éibhear stuttered, “Wait . . . what are you . . . I don’t know what you . . .”
She waved his attempted lie away. “I know, Éibhear. I’ve always known.”
“How could you know? Who told you?”
“No one told me. I can see you.”
“Wait.” Éibhear took a breath, confused. “What do you mean, you can see me?”
“I can see you. I’ve always been able to see you.” She chuckled. “The first time, I thought you were mad. You were creeping around, stepping around everyone. You looked absolutely insane. But then I realized it wasn’t that the others were ignoring you. . . . They couldn’t see you. But I could. Don’t worry, though,” she added. “I’ve never told anyone. About you or Gwenvael.”
“Gwen—Gwenvael’s a . . .”
“Oh, shit. You didn’t know?”
“Does he know you know?”
“No. And please don’t tell him I know.”
“It’ll just embarrass Dagmar.”
“Why would it embarrass . . . ohhh.” He didn’t bother to hide his disgust. “He does things to her when no one can see him, doesn’t he?”
“They’ve got a whole thing going. You don’t want to know.”
“I really don’t.”
“But,” she said, suddenly smiling, “he does love her. It’s so sweet!”
“Ech? Is that even a word?”
“It’s not. But I think it encapsulates my disgust quite nicely.” He pointed at the still unopened bottles of ale. “Dessert?”
“Is this the next step in your grand plan to get me to talk? Getting me drunk?”
“It’s worked before with other humans.”
“Éibhear,” she said, taking the mug from him. “I drank Aunt Ghleanna under the table.” She held up two fingers. “Twice.”
“Oh.” Éibhear put the bottle down, sighed. “Uncle Addolgar?”
She shook her head. “Can’t keep up with me. Still hasn’t forgiven me since I wrote ‘I love humans’ on his forehead after he passed out once.”
Éibhear laughed, a sound Izzy hadn’t heard in ages. “I don’t blame him!”
She laughed with him. “It was Ghleanna’s fault. She told me to! Gods, I was functional, but I don’t know how many bottles of your father’s ale we went through that night.”
“My father’s ale? You can drink my father’s ale?”
“I love your father’s ale. Clears me lungs of smoke after we’ve burned an army fort down.”
“You’ve become quite a woman.”
“Are you being sarcastic?”
“Not at all. Even
can’t drink my father’s ale. While it clears your lungs out, it just burns mine.” He shook his head, stared at her a moment. “You really can see me? And Gwenvael?”
“Aye.” She gestured to her shoulder and the brand burned into her arm from a bastard god so many years ago. “I just assumed it was something from Rhydderch Hael.”
Éibhear poured himself a mug of ale. “What else do you think you got from him?”
“Don’t know. I used to think my strength, but Mum figures that was from the Magicks not used when I was born.”
“I don’t understand.”
“When a Nolwenn is about to have a girl, she performs spells and sacrifices to direct the Magicks she’ll be born with.”
“Direct them where?”
“I don’t know. Maybe to her soul or whatever. Anyway, my mother was unable to do this with me at the time and it seems any Magicks I might have had dissipated and instead became bound up in my muscles, my strength. I guess it makes sense . . . but it doesn’t explain Annwyl, and she’s as strong as me.”
“Nothing explains Annwyl.” He placed the bottle on the table. “But I’m sure her strength comes from her anger. There’s no god or Magicks that can fight that.”
“Very true.” She held up her mug. “To kin.”
Éibhear nodded, touched his mug to hers. “To kin.”
They each drank deep. When Izzy lowered her mug, she wiped the back of her mouth with her hand. “Not bad. Very smooth.” She glanced at Éibhear. “What do you think?”
He didn’t speak, just shook his head.
“You all right?”
Another head shake.
Izzy reached across the table and touched his hand. “What is it?”
“I think I’ve gone blind,” he finally gasped and coughed.
Laughing now, Izzy took the mug from Éibhear and poured the rest of the ale into her own. “Yeah. Right.
were going to get me drunk enough to tell you
Chapter 17
They sat on his Uncle Bram’s table, one of the bottles of ale polished off. But Éibhear was unwilling to open the second. He liked his lungs to be functional . . . to breathe. He was sure if he drank another drop of that ale, breathing would be the last thing they’d ever do.
Yet he was willing to drink as much as he had because, at the very least, it relaxed things a bit between him and Izzy. She wasn’t drunk. Not even close. But she was like the Izzy he remembered. The Izzy he hadn’t embarrassed in front of their family. The Izzy he hadn’t walked away from that last night on the hill outside Garbhán Isle. Instead, she was the Izzy who liked to steal his weapons—weapons very few humans could lift much less abscond with and then “train” with—and argue with him over ridiculous things and play with his hair.
It gave him hope that, even now, when she thought he wasn’t looking, she’d stare at his hair. He liked to imagine her fingers itching to run through it.
Laughing, she held up a dagger he’d taken off a Spike a couple of years back. How she’d got it from his leg holster, he had no idea. He’d never seen her move.
“It’s gold.”
“Mostly. Steel makes up the blade.”
“But they use so much.”
“They have tons of it. Under all that ice and snow is tons of gold.”
She handed the weapon back to him. “Did you find a lot?”
“Of gold? Aye. We all did. Anytime we had a break, we’d start digging around a cave or breaking the ice on a river. I was able to afford my own castle not far from my grandfather’s territory. I always liked it there.”
“You own a castle?”
“I own a town. It’s nice. People are friendly. Has an amazing library.”
She snorted. “You and your precious books.” She glanced around. “Uncle Bram’s place must be heaven to you.”
“Too messy. I don’t know how he finds anything.” He looked at the disorganized stacks of books piled on the floors, studying the titles. “Besides . . . read most of these.”
Exasperated, Éibhear demanded, “Who questions reading?”
“I guess I do. Just don’t know why you bother.”
“Because I like it. Did no one teach you to read?”
“I know how to read, you big bastard. I just read important things.”
“Battle histories?”
“Those are quite helpful.” Izzy inched closer. “Did you miss being here? In the Southlands? Among your kin?”
“I guess.” Then Éibhear admitted, “Well, not at first. At first I was too angry to miss anything or anyone.”
“Because of what happened to Austell?”
“That was part of it.”
“It’s hard losing comrades, Éibhear. Of course,” she added, leaning in a bit closer, “everyone tells you that, but it means nothing until you’ve actually been through it.”
“I’m guessing you have.”
“More than I care to think about. It never gets any easier, does it?”
Éibhear shook his head. “No. It doesn’t. I did try not to get close to anyone ever again. Made the whole dramatic commitment to myself and everything.”
Izzy laughed and Éibhear joined her.
“Doesn’t seem to have worked, though, if your three friends are any indication.”
“There’s truth to that. Aidan and I traveled to the Ice Lands together. We met Cas and Uther during a pit fight.”
“Pit fight? Is that popular in the Ice Lands?”
“Don’t know. It was a Mì-runach pit fight.”
“You lot have pit fights? Between you? Whatever for?”
“Sort out issues.”
“Gambling debts, arguments—”
Éibhear lifted his gaze to Izzy’s. “Occasionally,” he replied slowly. “But mostly gambling debts.”
“Do you have any regrets?” she asked.
Frowning, he asked, “About pit fights?”

.” She took the mug he held in his hand. “No more ale for you.”
“I’d already decided on that.”
“I mean do you have any regrets in general?”
“I’m a little young for regrets, don’t you think? I’m not even a hundred and fifty yet.”
“All right.”
“Why? Do you?”
“Just one.”
“And what’s that?”
“That I never got a chance to kiss you.”
Éibhear studied her for a moment and took the cup out of her hand. “And no more ale for you, I’m afraid.”
Izzy laughed. “I’m not drunk, Éibhear.”
“I didn’t say you were. Just don’t want this to get . . . uncomfortable. And, by the gods of death and pain,
what is that smell?

Sighing, Izzy leaned over a bit and snapped her fingers. “Oy. You. Out.”
Macsen whined, but Izzy didn’t want to hear it. “Out,” she pushed. “Now. Go for a walk or go kill something.”
Her dog dragged his long body out from under the table and headed out. But he stopped long enough to snap at Éibhear, his fangs near the dragon’s face.
“I hate that dog,” he muttered once Macsen was out the door. “I really hate that dog.”
“He’s loyal and I love him. There’ll always be room in my bunk for him.”
Éibhear shuddered. “I had no idea you wanted to live your life alone.”
Izzy chuckled, propped her elbow on her knee and her chin on her raised fist. “So did I make you feel uncomfortable with my answer to your question?”
“No. Should I feel uncomfortable?”
“I don’t think so. But haven’t I always made you feel uncomfortable?”
“No, you haven’t.”
“You are such a liar. And a bad one.”
“Over the years I’ve become a very good liar.”
“As good as Gwenvael?”
“No one’s as good as Gwenvael. Except maybe Dagmar.”
Izzy sat up straight and lowered her arm. “Well, I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“For making you feel uncomfortable . . . again. It’s just something I do, it seems. Although it only seems to come out with you.”
“You didn’t and have never made me feel uncomfortable.”
“Good.” She turned and uncrossed her legs, hanging them over the table’s edge. “I’m off to bed. We’ll need to get an early start.” She slid off the table. “If we don’t get there before midday, Bram will start pacing. Ghleanna hates when he paces.”
She glanced back at him, smiled. “Night.”
When he didn’t say anything, Izzy walked toward the stairs that would take her to the second floor and the room she used whenever she came to visit with Brannie. She didn’t worry about Macsen. He’d find something to kill, eat, and cover himself with blood; run through a nearby stream to get some of the blood off; and finally return to her a few hours before dawn so that he could snuggle up to the back of her knees and snore until it was time to head out again.
Honestly, that dog was the most reliable thing in her life besides Brannie, her squire, and her horse.
Izzy reached the stairs, but before she had her foot on the first step, Éibhear said from behind her, “I lied.”
“About what?” she asked around a yawn.
“You did make me uncomfortable.”
She snorted a little. “I know.”
“Because I’ve always wanted to kiss you.”
Izzy’s hand landed on the banister, her fingers gripping the worn wood. “Oh?”
“The problem is, I grew tired of feeling uncomfortable a long time ago.”
Slowly, Izzy faced the dragon. He was standing now, watching her from under all that damn blue hair. Gods! That hair! It would be the death of her. And unlike some humans, the dragons never seemed to lose their hair. It might grey, like her grandfather Bercelak’s, but his was still long and thick and shiny and mostly black.
Bastards. Every last one of those damn dragons . . . bastards.
Well . . . was she just going to stand there and stare at him? What was he supposed to make of all that staring? Especially when she kept frowning at him like that. Or maybe it was a glare. Hard to tell really.
“Are you saying you want to kiss me
?” she asked, and he had no idea what to make of that tone.
So Éibhear shrugged. “Figured why not?”
Her head tilted to the side. “Figured why not?”
And that’s when a book flew at him, slamming into his forehead. The power of it had him stumbling back against the table and he placed his hand where the book had met flesh and bone. He glanced down at the book and asked, “You threw
The Ancient Philosophies of Seòras
at me? Do you have any idea how old this book is? And why the hell are you throwing books at me anyway? What did I do?”
“You exist! I think you exist just to torment me.”
“You started this, Iseabail.”
“I started nothing. I asked you a simple question and you went all Éibhear the Terrified on me. As usual.” She stalked toward him. “And that’s when I decided, ‘Fine. I’m done with this.’ And in typical Éibhear fashion,
when you decide, ‘Eh. I might as well kiss her. Couldn’t ’urt.”
“First off, that’s not how I sound.” Gods! She made him sound like a bloody halfwit. “And second—”
“I don’t want to hear it.”
“I don’t want to hear it. That’s all you bloody do. Talk!”
Seething now because he had no idea what he’d done, Éibhear growled out between clenched teeth, “You, of all beings in this universe, have the nerve of accusing
of talking too much?”
“At least I have something to say.”
“No, you don’t! You babble. Constantly! Until my bloody ears bleed!”
That’s when she swung on him. But this time, he was kind of expecting that move, so he caught her arm and flipped her back on the table. She kicked him in the jaw, and gods! The woman’s legs were damn powerful. If he were truly human, his head would have been separated from his neck from that blow.
Éibhear stepped back, black smoke swirling from his nostrils, a low growl rolling past his lips as he gripped his jaw and popped it back into place. By the time he was done, Izzy had placed her hands behind her and flipped her body backward so that she landed on the other side of the table.
“Running?” he couldn’t help but taunt. “The great general of Queen Annwyl’s armies?”
“You should know by now, Éibhear the Ridiculous, I don’t run.”
Then a wooden chair came flying at his head. Éibhear leaned back and the chair careened past him and into the far wall, breaking into pieces on contact.
“You’ll have to explain that bloody chair to Bram,” he told her.
“I’ll tell him it was your fault. He’ll believe
.” She grinned. “They all do.”
Their gazes locked and they watched each other, for how long, Éibhear didn’t know. But then he saw her eyes briefly stray to where they’d placed their weapons while they ate. At the same moment, they were both running, heading for those piles of weapons. Izzy was fast, her long legs getting her to the pile quickly. But he was fast, too, leaping over the table and slamming into her just as she reached out for an axe. His axe!
Éibhear lifted her off her feet and swung her around. He had her arms pinned, but her legs were free and the damn woman kicked like a psychotic mule. She brought her head back, ramming it into his chin, almost dislodging his jaw again.
Fed up, Éibhear spun Izzy around and slammed her into the wall, pinning her there with his body.
Panting, the pair stared at each other until Izzy asked, “Ready to kiss me now?”
The dragon’s silver eyes narrowed on her. “I see how you’ve come so far in the human armies, Iseabail. Because you’re completely insane.”
She laughed, her tongue reaching out and swiping up blood that leaked from her split lip. “I may have heard that accusation before, but I refuse to accept or acknowledge it. Now kiss me . . . or get the battle-fuck off me, Éibhear the Blue.”
His gaze lowered to her mouth and she saw his brain turning while he, as always, agonized over his decision. She imagined he couldn’t be like this in battle or even with other women. She just didn’t know why he insisted on being so obsessively concerned for her.
“Waiting,” she pushed, the one word no more than a snarl.
That’s when he released her, Izzy’s drop to the floor a little unsettling since he hadn’t even lifted her up all the way to eye level.
“And you can keep waiting,” he shot back seconds before he turned away from her and headed toward the stairs.

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