How to Date a Werewolf (32 page)

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Authors: Rose Pressey

BOOK: How to Date a Werewolf
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“They just go away, huh?”

“Yeah, as soon as I calm down. Except for last night, of course, during the full moon. Then there’s nothing I can do. I just let nature take over. Surprisingly, I’m actually feeling calm. I mean, I feel relieved. Although now, of course, Jack knows about the little paranormal secret, and losing him makes me incredibly sad.” My heart sank a little just saying the words aloud. “There was no way around it, unless I left the country. I like my life, in spite of this little thing that happens. I don’t want to leave. This is my home. We’ll just have to make the best of things. Jack lives right next door, and I can’t avoid him forever. Although this thing with Lily has all but ruined
Get a Mate
. How will I pay my parents back? Or pay rent here? How will I live?”

“Calm down. We’ll think of something. Do you think it’s really over between you and Jack?”

“Probably. I mean, I’m a werewolf and I’m cursed.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“I’m sorry. I sorry I didn’t believe you. I let his psychobabble influence me.”

“I think he meant well, really. I couldn’t expect him to understand. I mean a
, for heaven’s sake. That is not believable. I’m not holding anything against him.”

“I guess you’re right.”

Jennifer hugged me. And she didn’t cringe when some of my fur touched her.

“I’m going to take a long hot bath. I spent the night roaming the streets. I did find out who was following me, though,” I said.

“Really? Who was it?”

“Would you believe it wasn’t Lily? At least I’m pretty sure she wasn’t involved. Sure, she was picketing me. That we know for sure. But it wasn’t her doing everything else. Turns out Martin wanted to date me and thought if I was scared out of my mind I would run into his waiting arms for safety. How ridiculous is that? It’s like something from a seventies romance novel.”

“Maybe that’s where he got the idea.” Jennifer winked. Such a simple signal, but I felt relief. She accepted me--hair and all.

“Might be, he’s warped. I’m calling the pack police and reporting him. I don’t think he’ll bother me anymore. He even pulled a gun on me.” I moved into the kitchen for a much-needed drink of water. Jennifer followed.

“My gosh, Rylie. You’re lucky to be alive. How did you get away?”

“Long story, but Martin hired werewolves to follow me around and they turned on him.”

“I’m really sorry about everything. I’m sorry you had to stay out all night hiding from us,” Jennifer said.

“I know, Jen. I’m not upset. You only did what you thought was best. I could use a nice dinner to make up for it, though. Now that I know what a good cook you are.”

“You’re not going to believe this. Come and check it out.” Jennifer had moved over to the back windows, looking out.

“What is it now?” I moved across the floor, practically dragging my tired body.

“Come see for yourself. And hurry, you won’t believe it.”

Reluctantly, I made my way over to the window. One hot guy was all I could handle, look at all the trouble it had caused me. I hoped she wasn’t pointing out another one. When I peeped out the window, I saw Lily and Creepy Neighbor.

“Who is that Lily is kissing? She’s got her hand on his--”

“It’s exactly who you think it is.” Lily was swapping spit with Phil, which made me want to rinse my mouth with bleach just at the thought of it. They sure wanted the world to see their undying love for one another.

“It’s hard for me to see at that angle. If her leg wasn’t draped over the chair like that, I think I’d be able to see his face. I’m not sure who it is…wait…” As Phil turned slightly, that was when she recognized him. “That’s Creepy Neighbor. I can’t believe my eyes.” Jennifer pointed in their direction, her mouth hanging open.

“Believe it. Actually my eyes are burning and I can’t watch their unsettling public display of affection any longer--it might permanently damage my retinas.”

“I need to know how this came about.” Jennifer gazed at me a second and then grabbed my arm. “Come on, let’s go see what she’s up to.” She pulled me with her to the door.

We both ran down the stairs as fast as we could without killing ourselves.

“I don’t want Lily to get away before getting to the bottom of what led to the pairing of this dynamic duo. Not that it’s any of my business, but curiosity will gnaw away at me until I find out. Plus I need to save all of humankind from witnessing the two of them kissing right out in the open,” Jennifer said.

They were all over each other and didn’t seem to care who saw them. We ran out the door and turned the corner to where they stood. Phil and Lily still practically made out, they had moved onto the sidewalk. The sight of them made me want to take my eyes right out of their sockets with a spoon just so I wouldn’t have to be witness.

I cleared my throat to try to gain someone’s attention. They either ignored me or didn’t hear, so I tried again. “Excuse me.” Still no answer. “My stomach feels queasy,” I whispered to Jennifer. She laughed.

Speaking louder, I said, “Well, if it isn’t Lily Friedman. What are you doing down here on the sidewalk?” That finally caught her attention. She let go of Phil’s lips long enough to let out a giggle and turned to look at me. The smile on Lily’s face beamed. I’d never seen her so happy. She rarely ever smiled, and definitely never that brightly. She had a perpetual scowl. When she saw me, for a split second her smile remained, but when she realized it was her nemesis, she frowned.

In true Lily style, she said, “Glad to see you’re wearing clothing, thunder thighs.”

She was lucky she was on the balcony and I couldn’t reach her. But what happened next truly astonished me.

I’ll never understand it, but Lily eased her expression and said, “We’re in love. And we’re getting married.”

Oh, for joy. The mere thought of them procreating made chills charge up my spine. The world wasn’t ready for what they would produce. Although, now that I thought of it, possibly their marriage would last when others failed. There was no denying the fact they would make the perfect couple with a capital
. Like I said before, why I hadn’t thought of fixing them up, I’d never know. My inner matchmaker’s ego was bruised. “Congratulations,” I managed to sputter. “Um…where will you two live after the wedding?”

Please, don’t let them say next door. Anywhere but next to me.

“At Phil’s place, of course. Where else would we live?” A smirk packed with satisfaction spread across her face.

Fantabulous. Now Lily would be a permanent fixture in my life. I certainly could tell her where I thought she should live, but that would only cause a fight.

“Congratulations,” Jennifer said through gritted teeth.

Lily flashed her a disgusted look as if to say
Who the hell are you?

“Don’t worry, I’ll leave you alone now. I’ll even tell my lawyer to cancel the lawsuit we planned. Maybe business will pick up.”

Lily grated on my nerves.

“Come on, let’s get out of here.” Lily grabbed Phil’s arm and marched him in the opposite direction, leaving Jennifer and me standing in astonishment. Her short legs carried her swiftly, and Phil struggled to keep up the pace. Lily reached up and wiped something from Phil’s face. Ketchup or mustard, I didn’t know. Perhaps it was something much worse. They vanished around the corner, never turning to look at us. Jennifer and I marched back to our apartment, away from the train wreck known as
Lily Friedman

* * * *

from high heels echoed in the foyer. With my elbows on my desk and head resting in my hands, I wasn’t sure how long I’d been in this position. My door burst open. I raised my head.

“What are you doing? You’ve got to snap out of this,” Jennifer said, placing her hands on her hips.

“What are you talking about?”

“Why don’t you talk to him?”

I didn’t answer.

“How long have you been sitting there like that?”

“Is it still morning?” I looked at the clock.

Jennifer sighed. “Come on? What about your business? You can’t let customers see you like this. You’re not a great role model for dating at the moment.”

“At the moment? Try never.” I leaned back in my chair.

Jennifer walked over, wrapped her arm around my shoulders and squeezed.

I patted her on the back. “Thanks for everything, Jen. I’m all right, really I am. As a matter-of-fact, I’ve been thinking…maybe what you said about researching the curse isn’t such a bad idea after all.”

“Now you’re talking. Did you ever finish the voodoo experiment?” She stepped back and watched me.

“No. I figured, what’s the use?”

“Now that’s not positive thinking.” She tapped her foot. “If you’re going to research the curse, you might as well do the voodoo.”

“So you’re trying to say if I’d done the magic weeks ago, I could have avoided this whole mess?” I frowned.

“Well, I do think you should listen to me. I know what I’m talking about.”

I coughed.

“I was right about the underwear, no?” She tilted her head and a blond curl bounced out of place and landed across her forehead.

“Jack never did get a chance to see any of it,” I said in a faint voice.

“He will. Besides, you knew it was there. Anyway, you’re not showing the right attitude. It’s worth a shot, remember.”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“What have you got to lose?” She paused. “You didn’t answer me. Have you even talked to Jack?”

“No. If he doesn’t want to talk to me, then I don’t want to talk to him.”

“Stubborn ass. Go get the voodoo stuff. We’ll finish it.” She gestured toward the door.

“Don’t you have to be at work?”

She looked at her wristwatch. “Not for another forty-five minutes. Now scoot.”

I forced myself from the chair and into the hall. I’d stopped even looking at Jack’s door. What was the point? After a couple of minutes, I returned with the paraphernalia in hand.

Jennifer snatched the amulet from me. “I can’t believe you haven’t worn this necklace. The priestess said to wear it all the time. For heaven’s sake, Rylie, do you want this curse gone or not?”

I sighed. “I do, I do. I guess I’d resigned myself that nothing would take it away. But you’re right, I’m ready now.” I held my head high.

Jennifer slipped the necklace around my neck. I lifted the pendant for a closer look, then released it. The red crystals sparkled in the light.

“What about the bathing part? You know, for the voodoo?”

“Well, I did just take a bath this morning. That’s close enough, right?”

She nodded. I placed the velvet pouch, powder, oil and instructions on the desk.

Jennifer leaned over my shoulder and read. “So you did all of this? You know, put the powder and oil in the bag?”

“Yeah, I put some in, but before I finished, Martin called and I think it ruined the trance or whatever I had going on.”

“Let’s try it again. It can’t hurt.”

“No, I guess it can’t.” I untied the ribbon and added more powder, then a couple drops of oil.

I felt a surge of energy. Was it coming from the amulet? I cleared my throat, looked at Jennifer and began.

“Wait.” She grabbed my hand. “Do you really think it will work?”

“What? You’re asking me now? You’re the one who made me go into that shop in the first place. You just said I had to try.” I moved my arm from her grasp. “How am I supposed to know if it will work?”

“Right. Right. But I can’t believe they sell the stuff and just let anyone use it. What if you do it wrong and it makes it even worse?”

I turned and stared at her. “Are you serious? What are you doing? Shut up.”

She blinked. “You’re right. Continue.”

I took a deep breath. “All right. We need to concentrate. Take a deep breath and exhale. The priestess said belief is the key for magic to work. So clear your mind and only think of ridding the curse.”

Jennifer nodded. Her brows pinched together in a frown from concentration.

“This is it,” I said with determination. “I’ll get rid of the evil hex the gypsy witch cast upon my family once and for all. Remove the dark cloud over my love life.”

We stood in silence, both lost in the moment. It was as if I’d left the room and entered a quiet, serene open space. I’d blocked out all noise and only concentrated on my positive thoughts. My eyes were closed. Where was the magical feeling? The only thing I felt was the surge of energy from the amulet. My breathing seemed to be in harmony with Jennifer’s. I wasn’t sure what I’d expected. In the movies there was more. A fury wind. Lightning bolts. Something.

After what seemed like forever, but in reality was only a minute, I opened my eyes. I looked at Jennifer, and she opened hers.

“Well, I guess that’s it.” I let out another deep breath. “Now I have to get back to moping.”

In spite of the surge of energy, I wasn’t going to give up the sulking just yet. I needed more time to stew on my predicament and its outcome.

Jennifer frowned and stared. “Rylie. Rylie. Rylie.” She shook her head. “I have to get to work. I’ll see you tonight? I’ll expect you to be in better spirits by then.”

“Yeah, okay, sure. I’ll see you tonight.” I still held the gris-gris bag.

She stopped at the door. “How will you know if it worked?” She pointed at my hand.

I shrugged. “I guess when a man walks into my life and doesn’t leave at the first sign of fur.”

She chuckled. “Yeah, I guess.”

I rested my head in my hands again as she walked out. A new customer would be by soon, and I needed to snap out of my funk. The weird surge-like feeling still ran through my body. Two weeks had gone by since I’d revealed myself to Jack and it was as if he’d disappeared. I hadn’t seen or heard from Martin or Lily. The pack police were on the lookout for Martin, though.

A soft knock came on the door. Had Jennifer forgotten something? Why didn’t she barge in as usual? Maybe she thought I was with a customer already. I’d probably have to reassure her I was all right a gazillion times. Seeing me as a full-fledged werewolf had been a shock to her system, and she’d been acting motherly ever since it happened. Unsure of who could be at the door, I edged over. In case it was a werewolf, I’d be prepared. I prayed my days of skirmishing with furry boneheads were over, though.

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