How to Be an Antiracist (33 page)

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Authors: Ibram X. Kendi

BOOK: How to Be an Antiracist
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Chapter 17: Success

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders spoke of “institutional racism”
“Hillary: ‘America’s Long Struggle with Race Is Far from Finished,’ ”
The Hill,
September 23, 2015, available at​blogs/​ballot-box/​presidential-races/​245881-hillary-americas-long-struggle-with-race-is-far-from
; and “The Transcript of Bernie Sanders’s Victory Speech,”
The Washington Post,
February 10, 2016, available at​news/​post-politics/​wp/​2016/​02/​10/​the-transcript-of-bernie-sanderss-victory-speech/

“Racism is both overt and covert”
Kwame Toure and Charles V. Hamilton,
Black Power: The Politics of Liberation
(New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2011), 4–5.

“ ‘Respectable’ individuals can absolve themselves”
Ibid., 5.

The rain fell on his gray hooded sweatshirt
For perhaps the best overview of the Travyon Martin story, see
Rest in Power: The Trayvon Martin Story,
Paramount Network, available at​shows/​rest-in-power-the-trayvon-martin-story

on the Black Campus Movement
Ibram X. Kendi,
The Black Campus Movement: Black Studies and the Racial Reconstitution of Higher Education, 1965–1972
(New York: Palgrave, 2012).

Zimmerman told the 911 dispatcher
“Transcript of George Zimmerman’s Call to the Police,” available at​stream/​326700-full-transcript-zimmerman/​326700-full-transcript-zimmerman_djvu.txt

Chapter 18: Survival

produces public scholarship
For more on this concept of public scholarship, see Keisha N. Blain and Ibram X. Kendi, “How to Avoid a Post-Scholar America,”
The Chronicle of Higher Education,
June 18, 2017.

copies of Confederate flags with cotton balls inside several buildings
“Confederate Flags with Cotton Found on American University Campus,”
The New York Times,
September 27, 2017, available at​2017/​09/​27/​us/​american-university-confederate.html

About 88 percent of people diagnosed with stage-4 colon cancer die within five years
“Survival Rates for Colorectal Cancer, by Stage,” American Cancer Society, available at​cancer/​colon-rectal-cancer/​detection-diagnosis-staging/​survival-rates.html

that the heartbeat of racism is denial, the heartbeat of antiracism is confession
“The Heartbeat of Racism Is Denial,”
The New York Times,
January 14, 2018.

trillions of tax dollars we spend
“War on Terror Facts, Cost, and Timelines,”
The Balance,
December 11, 2018, available at​war-on-terror-facts-costs-timeline-3306300


is a
New York Times
bestselling author and the founding director of the Antiracist Research and Policy Center at American University. A professor of history and international relations and a frequent public speaker, Kendi is also a columnist at
The Atlantic.
He is the author of
Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America,
which won the National Book Award for Nonfiction, and
The Black Campus Movement,
which won the W.E.B. Du Bois Book Prize. Kendi lives in Washington, D.C.​ibramxkendi



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