House Guest

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Authors: Ron Dawes

Tags: #voyeur, #masturbation, #cuckold, #exhibitionism, #cheating wife, #loving wife

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House Guest

By Ron Dawes
[email protected]
Text Copyright 2014 Ron Dawes

All characters are fictional, and, where
involved in adult situations, are over the age of 18.

“Uncle Rick? This is Tommy Bowers. Michael
Bower’s son?”

It took Rick a moment to place the name.
Michael Bower’s was Rick’s step-brother, and he remembered that he
did have a couple of kids. Rick’s mother had married Michael’s
father when Rick was a teen-ager, but Michael had lived with his
mother, so they had only seen each other a handful of times, the
last time being at the funeral for Michael’s father, some ten years
ago. He’d probably met Tommy before, but couldn’t remember.

“Oh, hello Tommy. Good to hear from you.
What’s the occasion?”

“I just graduated from college in South
Carolina, and have an internship for the summer here in Dallas
before starting on my master’s degree at SMU this fall. My dad told
me that you lived in Dallas, and were family, and that I should
look you up and say hello.”

“Well, I’m glad you did. How is your

“He’s doing great, and mom too.”

“Why don’t you plan to come over tomorrow for
the afternoon, so we can get to know you. It’s been a very long

“Sure, what time?”

Anytime is good. Come over after lunch, and
plan to stay for dinner. We’ll be here. Give me your phone number,
and I’ll text you the address.”

“Okay, how about I come over around


Suzi and Rick tried to remember Tommy, but
their pooled recollections came up blank. They just couldn’t
remember anything about him.”

“Well, if he’s a young kid all alone in a new
town, it’s nice that he’ll have some family nearby,” Suzi said. “I
know if Ronnie were in the same position, I’d appreciate family
reaching out and staying in touch.”

“Yeah, that’s what I figured too,” Rick

Rick couldn’t believe his eyes when he opened
the door. Tommy was startlingly good looking. He was about 6’3”
with wavy dark hair, perfect skin, a brilliant, white smile, very
narrow waist and broad, strong shoulders. He offered a massive
hand, and shook Rick’s hand firmly as he looked him in the eyes. He
had a deep voice.

At twenty three, he was everything a parent
would want his son to be. As they talked, it became obvious he was
a good listener and engaging conversationalist. He always looked
adults in the eye, something that all twenty somethings don’t
always do. He deferred to his elders, talking when asked, listening

They spent the next hour and a half talking
about his family, his childhood, and his studies. Tommy politely
asked about their family.

“Ronnie is our oldest,” Suzi said. “He’s
twenty seven, married to his high school sweetheart, and living in
Chicago. They had a baby girl eighteen months ago, so we try to
visit as often as we can. Our youngest, Jason, is twenty one, and
he’s going to school at UT. He’s spending this summer off-shore on
the oil rigs, trying to make some money. So it’s just us. How old
are you, Tommy?

“I’m twenty three.”

“Hey Tommy, we have a couple of hours before
dinner. You want to hit the pool for a while? It’ll feel good on
such a warm day,” Rick said.

“That sounds great, but I didn’t bring a

“That’s okay, we’ll find one that fits you.
Might be a bit short for you, but with the elastic waist it should
work. I’ll just get one of Ronnie’s old suits out of his closet.
You can change in the bathroom.”

Rick found an old suit and gave it to Tommy,
directing him to the bathroom to change. Meanwhile, Rick and Suzi
went to put on their suits. Suzi picked out a relatively modest
bikini, one that she would feel comfortable in around her own boys,
and they went out their bedroom door to the back patio.

Tommy was already in the pool, leaning his
back against the pool edge, covered up to his neck. Suzi grabbed a
visor to protect her face, and sat in her favorite chaise.

“Do my back before you get in, please,” she
asked Rick, handing him the sunscreen.

After he finished, he wiped off his hands and
jumped into the pool, while Suzi continued coating her front with
sunscreen. The boys swam for a bit, enjoying the refreshingly cool
water, while Suzi read her book. After about thirty minutes, Rick
got out and sat in a chair under the umbrella, enjoying the
beautiful day, and admiring his wife.

Though she was almost fifty, she still had a
gorgeous figure, and he enjoyed looking at her in her bikini from
behind his dark sunglasses. As he mentally undressed her, he
reveled in the fantasy of her breasts wrapped around his cock. It
was one of his favorite fantasies, burying his manhood between her
breasts, coating her with sticky cum.

Just then he was startled back to reality.
While taking a drink from her iced tea, Suzi suddenly started
sputtering, coughing and spitting the tea out as she sat bolt
upright, trying to regain her breath. Her face flushed a bright

“Are you alright, Aunt Suzi?” Tommy asked, as
he came to her side.

Rick looked at Tommy, and suddenly he saw
what had taken Suzi by surprise. The suit was a couple of sizes too
small for Tommy, and she had seen him get out of the pool. Though
his penis wasn’t erect, it was plastered to his inner thigh by the
too-tight suit, and clearly outlined in the wet, tight

His stomach was totally flat, his abs well
defined. The suit was way too short, and his penis, which appeared
to be about seven inches while flaccid, was almost as far down his
leg as the suit. If the suit was an inch shorter, or his dick an
inch longer, it would have shown below the trunks.

Totally oblivious to the cause of Suzi’s
embarrassment, he took the glass from her and patted her on the
shoulder, standing so close to her that his crotch was only inches
from her face. She continued to blush a bright red and averted her

Covering her mouth and coughing, she managed
to get out, “I’m okay. I just swallowed down the wrong pipe.”

“You sure?” Tommy asked with concern.

“Yes, I’m sure, thank you.”

It was all Rick could do to keep from
laughing out loud. It struck him as hilarious that his prim, proper
wife was so embarrassed by the sight of this young boy’s cock
through the wet suit. Adding to the humor of the situation was how
blind the boy was to the effect his skimpy suit had on his

Early on in their marriage, Rick had learned
that sex just wasn’t as important to Suzi as it was to him. She was
happy to oblige him two or three times per week, but she would
never initiate sex. She seemed to enjoy it, but it just wasn’t that
important to her, and she was very modest about it. She rarely
allowed him to take her while the boys were in the house, and he
had learned to take his opportunities when he got them. He
masturbated several times a week, so it was enough to satisfy him
for the most part.

They fought occasionally, usually about the
same things. He wanted more sex, he wanted her to open up a bit
more, and she wanted his attention when sex wasn’t the object. He
wanted her to enjoy sex the way he did, but she never even wanted
to talk about it. Still, they had had a pretty good marriage.

Now that the boys were gone, it seemed things
were a bit better. His needs were much less urgent at fifty than
they had been at thirty. So while their frequency had reduced to
once or twice per week, and he masturbated only once or twice per
week, it was enough.

But there was no denying she was quite
modest, and he continued to have to restrain himself from laughing
at the ridiculous situation. Tommy lay in the chaise next to Suzi
to sun himself dry. As he stretched out, the outline of his dick
was prominently silhouetted in the tight suit.

Rick watched, amused, as his wife’s eyes
flitted here and there, anywhere but at her nephew. As he spoke to
her, she would answer with her eyes looking into her book. Yet the
boy never suspected how embarrassed she was, and spoke as if
nothing were the matter.

After a while, she said, “Well, I’m going to
change for dinner. You guys want to dry off and get ready for

Rick said, “Let’s just eat outside tonight.
It’s pleasant enough. We can just put on our t-shirts when it’s
time to eat.”

Suzi’s cheeks flushed a bit as she glared at
Rick, but she said nothing. Poking her head out the door a bit
later, she asked Rick to start the grill.

“Sure thing, honey,” he said, chuckling to

Tommy got up and, putting on his t-shirt, he
asked, “Anything I can do to help, Uncle?”

“Nah, I got it. Just relax.”

“This sure is nice of you, Uncle Rick. I
appreciate the hospitality.”

“We’ve enjoyed it. It’s a bit quiet around
here, with our boys grown and gone. Say, do you play golf?”

“I like to, but I’m not very good. And I
can’t afford to play anywhere but the muni courses, and they’re
always full.”

“Well, if you don’t mind playing with an old
geezer, I’d love to have the company. I’ll pay. You want to play
tomorrow afternoon?”

“Sure, I’ve got no plans. My parents made me
promise to go to church on Sunday morning, but I’m free in the

After dinner, Tommy insisted on helping Suzi
clean up, wearing the skimpy swimsuit. Suzi tried desperately to
avert her eyes, but it seemed that no matter what she did she was
looking at the long, thick lump in his suit. She was very
uncomfortable with the situation, but surprisingly, she was more
aroused than she could remember being in a while.

That evening, after Tommy left, Suzi said,
“Well, that’s a very nice boy.”

“Uh huh,” Rick said as he flipped through the
channels on TV.

“What did you think?” she pressed.

“He was a very nice boy. I’m looking forward
to spending time with him, now that our own boys are gone. I’ll
invite him over to dinner again tomorrow after we golf, if that’s
okay with you.”

Rick could see that she was still struggling
with the image of his tight shorts, but she couldn’t bring herself
to say anything, and Rick was enjoying it too much to help her out.
She suspected that he knew how uncomfortable those shorts had made
her, but she wasn’t sure, and she didn’t want to discuss it.


When the men got back from their golf game,
they saw Suzi in the back yard, sunning and talking on her phone.
Sunday afternoon was the time when she always called her sister,
and they could talk for hours.

“Say, let’s get our suits on and go cool off
in the pool,” Rick suggested.

“Okay,” Tommy said. “I didn’t remember to
bring a suit though, so I’ll have to borrow the one from

“That’s no problem,” Rick said, inwardly

Rick waited for Tommy to come out of the
bathroom and they went into the back yard together. Once again, the
tight suit plastered Tommy’s penis against his inner thigh. It was
slightly less obvious when it was dry.

They walked up to Suzi just as she was saying
goodbye to her sister. Hearing them, she turned just as they got to
her. The first thing she saw was Tommy’s crotch, less than a foot
from her face.

“Hello, Aunt Suzi,” he said.

“Hello, honey,” Rick said, leaning over to
kiss her.

Her face flushed a crimson red as she gazed
at the boy’s long penis. It strained at the leg of his tight

“Did you have a nice day,” Rick said.

She said nothing, and he could see her
tremble slightly.

“Come on,” Rick said to Tommy. “Let’s go cool

With a running start, he hurled himself into
the pool, making a big splash, with Tommy close behind.

“Come on in, honey,” Rick said.

Now that Tommy’s crotch was out of sight,
under water, she began to compose herself. She had been sitting in
the sun for over an hour and a half without cooling off in the
water, so she was very hot.

“Okay,” she said. “But no splashing.”

“We promise,” Rick said. “Right, Tommy?”

“We promise.”

Suzi grabbed her float and eased onto it,
making sure not to splash her hair or face. She was lying on her
back on the float, her feet and hands in the water to cool her
down. Rick went over and grabbed the float, towing it out to the
deeper end.

The men stood in the water up to their chest,
one on each side of Suzi’s float as they talked. They told her all
about their golf game. The missed shots, the lost balls, and the
occasional decent shot. She told them the latest from their boys,
who she always called on Sundays. As they talked, Rick stared at
her bikini clad body, imagining her naked. She couldn’t see him
stare through the dark shades. Rick wondered if Tommy were enjoying
the view as much through his dark glasses.

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