Hotter Than Hell (13 page)

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Authors: Anthology

Tags: #Fantasy, #Fiction, #General, #Anthologies (Multiple Authors)

BOOK: Hotter Than Hell
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His choices had been laid out before him.

Annwn, or the Realm of the Dead.

His choice.

Robbing Ericka Roberts of her soul was the key.

Aedan clenched his fists at his sides and strode from the chamber, nearly running into Jett and Kyne when he entered the Hall of the Lost.

Without speaking to either of them, he turned and headed away from the pair who remained silent.

He needed…he needed his quarters. The stone, the water. He needed to think.

When he reached his quarters, he slammed the door, raked his fingers through his hair again, and looked up at the starry sky. “Gods and goddesses, what is happening?”

A sigh and a breeze whirled through his chamber and he turned to face the direction it came from. Like the reflection of water on a pond, his mother, Belisma, appeared before him along with her scent of fresh water and moss. The goddess of water was as beautiful as a crystal waterfall tumbling into the River of Life.

Surprise sent a jolt down his spine that Belisma had answered his cry. He knelt before the blond, golden-eyed goddess, and kept his head lowered.

“Rise, Aedan of the Incubae.” Her voice even sounded like water trickling over rocks.

When his eyes met hers, the beautiful goddess did not smile. “This has never been a battle for the human’s soul, my son. It is a battle for yours.”

Aedan’s mouth wouldn’t open as he stared at the water goddess. Before he had a chance for her response to register and to ask her what in the Underworlds she meant, Belisma wavered like the ripples from a stone tossed in a pond, and then she was gone.

“What the fuck?” This time he scrubbed both hands through his hair. “What the fuck did she mean, my soul?”

He was Incubae. He was a creation of the gods and goddesses. He didn’t have a soul.

He had heard stories in childhood, of demons granted reprieve from their soulless state, usually at the whim of some god—but he had never known that to happen in modern times.

Aedan shook his head and stared around his room. It was no surprise Belisma had been the one to answer his cry since she was his mother. But why the cryptic message?

My soul?

He stalked from one end of his large chamber to the other. The sound of the waterfall in the corner made a rushing sound like the blood in his ears.

It was well past his time of resting before he could lie down and attempt sleep.

Utterly exhausted, Ericka rolled out of bed, got to her feet, and stretched. Cool morning air drifted from the window over her bare skin.

Vivid images flashed through Ericka’s mind and crashed down on her. Her knees gave out and the bedsprings creaked as she dropped onto the bed. She blinked and rubbed her eyes with her fingertips.

The dream rushed toward her—only it didn’t feel like a dream.

It felt like a memory.

Everything tumbled through her at once. She sucked in a deep breath and gripped her sheets in her fists.

Aedan. His name was Aedan. With every fiber of her being she knew he was real, a dream lover brought to life. He’d truly been coming to her every night.

But he’d done it again. He’d brought her to the peak and hadn’t let her climax.

She ground her teeth and clenched her fists tighter.


Would he come back tonight? If he did, she’d give him a piece of her mind. And she’d let him have it with her fists, this time. Or a well-placed knee to the balls.

Until last night she hadn’t thought he was real. Not truly. Well, maybe . He’d been a phantom, there but not there.

But he’s oh-so-real.

Ericka rubbed her temples with the heels of her palms. He was real. Real. But where did he come from? What about the disappearing act? Was she going crazy?

She pushed to her feet even though her legs trembled. She headed for the shower and wondered how the hell she was going to get any writing done today.

With a sigh, Ericka plopped on the bright patchwork couch in her living room, a heavy book in her lap.

The book contained extensive accounts of people who believed they had been visited by Incubae or Succubae.

It was twilight, so she flicked on the antique lamp on the end table beside the couch. As the day had passed, Ericka felt like she was caught in a dream. Everything was so surreal, as if she was experiencing life outside her body. No matter what she tried, her mind wouldn’t stray from last night, and every other night Aedan had come to her.

She’d finally given up trying to write and put away her laptop and research books, with the exception of the book spread open in her lap now.

Ericka crossed her legs on the couch as she began to read. At first, her focus wasn’t so hot, but as she read, she fell deeper into the stories of countless people.

Some were nothing like what she’d experienced. But when she ran across one by a woman in Idaho, her heart started pounding against her breastbone. A man visited me, the woman had said. He had a perfect, muscular body, long dark hair…and gold eyes .

A wash of heat flowed over Ericka at the thought of another woman being with Aedan. The rush of jealousy surprised her and made her grind her teeth.

It had to be him.

The sex. Dear God. The woman, Betty something, claimed the man denied her an orgasm each night and would vanish before she climaxed.

Finally, when she made the promise he demanded, he brought her to completion.

He never returned.

What had Betty promised?

Ericka’s hands shook as she held the book, her gaze slowly moving down to the end of the woman’s story. Her heart lodged in her throat.

My soul, Betty said in the interview. I promised him my soul .

Ericka’s heart dropped from her throat to the pit of her stomach and she almost doubled over, feeling as if she might throw up. Sweat broke out on her skin and her body went from hot to cold, hot to cold.

It took long moments, but the sickness in her belly finally eased and her heartbeat slowed. When she collected herself, she took a deep breath and straightened, resting her back against the couch.

Aedan truly was a demon. An Incubus who had come to take her soul.

What he said last night suddenly made sense.

She’s not ready yet.

But she would have done it. That sick feeling weighted her belly again. All he’d had to do was ask, and she would have said yes without realizing what she was doing.

Ericka closed the book and set it aside on the couch as she stared at the window across the living room.

The sheer curtains stirred. It was already dark and soon it would be time to go to bed.

Did she dare? Or should she pack her belongings into her SUV and drive through the night back to Seattle?

She rubbed her sweaty palms on her shorts and swallowed hard. No, she wasn’t going to run. She was prepared, armed with the truth. She and Aedan had some unfinished business.

And no way in hell was he getting her soul.

Aedan stood at the veil between him and the Earth Otherworld. He watched Ericka pace as she glanced at her bed every now and then. Candlelight from the many candleholders around her room flickered and caused shadows to dance along the walls. A fat blue candle burned on her nightstand and he caught the scent of blueberries along with her vanilla scent.

She chewed on one of her nails while carrying a glass of red wine in her other. Every so often she would take a sip, before returning to pacing and chewing on her fingernail.

Instead of being naked, she wore a short, sheer gown. It didn’t hide a lot, but the meaning was clear.

She was placing a barrier between them. No doubt because he had denied her again last night.

At the thought, his heart ached. He didn’t want anything between them.

It was well into the night when Ericka settled on her bed and put the now-empty wine glass on the nightstand. She remained sitting, her back propped against the pillows she’d stacked in front of the headboard. Her eyelids drooped despite her obvious efforts to keep her eyes wide open. She jerked awake a couple of times, then slid into an exhausted sleep.

Aedan almost hated to wake Ericka, but the need to be near her was so great he couldn’t stay away.

He wished away his tunic with his magic, then stepped through the veil.


WALKING THROUGH THE VEIL WAS LIKE STEPPING inside gel, a sticky, gooey sensation.

Aedan’s feet met the bedroom’s carpet and he was free of the veil. It was always behind him, but was not something a human could see.

When he reached Ericka, he watched her sleep. What did she have to do with Belisma’s baffling message about his soul? His body tightened with frustration. Then he forced himself to relax, to push thoughts of Belisma away, and concentrate on Ericka.

She took deep, even breaths but her forehead was crinkled as if concerned. As always, her red hair fell in a mass about her face, down to her slim shoulders.

The almost-sheer blue nightgown allowed him glimpses of her nipples and areolas. Seeing her nipples along with the hint of the patch of hair on her mound caused his cock to harden even more than it had while he watched her through the veil.

Aedan settled beside her on the bed, trying to ease down slowly enough that the springs didn’t whine.

With the back of his hand, he brushed a curl from her cheek and she made a soft sound and turned her face toward his touch.

He slipped his fingers from her cheek into her hair as he lowered his mouth to hers. He heard her soft breathing and even the pounding of her heart.

Gods and goddesses, when his lips touched hers, fire raced through his body and straight toward his erection. She sighed and he slipped his tongue into her mouth and tasted her sweet womanly flavor along with the hint of the wine she’d been drinking.

Ericka moaned and returned his kiss. He didn’t know if she was awake yet, but her body responded to him. The scent of her musk grew stronger the deeper their kiss became.

Aedan placed his palm over one of her breasts, feeling the hard nipple poking through the fabric. He squeezed and she moaned louder then slipped her arms around his neck and nibbled at his bottom lip.

It was his turn to groan. He drew away to see her beautiful blue eyes open. Her lips were parted and moist, and she ran her tongue along her bottom lip.

“I knew you’d come.” Her voice was husky, yet had a slight edge to it. “But I didn’t know if I wanted you to.”

“Why not?” He began rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, and she groaned.

Ericka looked into his eyes. Something flickered in her gaze, but she said nothing. He tried not to frown at not being able to read her expression.

Instead, he let it pass, slid onto the bed, and she scooted over to let him recline beside her. She moved so that they were both lying down, facing one another. He traced the line of her body with his fingers, from her shoulder, to her waist, to her hip. Her warm vanilla scent and her woman’s musk filled his senses.

As an Incubus, he didn’t need light to see in darkness. But the candlelight touching her features made her seem softer and more vulnerable.

An Incubus. Why couldn’t he be a man? At this moment, more than anything he wished he could stay with her forever. To wake with her when the first rays of sunlight peeked through the windows, and to walk with her in the sunshine. By the gods and goddesses, if he did have a spirit-essence, he would offer it to her.

His gut twisted and ached as he thought about his vision of Annwn and the beach that would be his home, as long as he took Ericka’s soul.

The alternative—the constant feeling of being burned alive in the Realm of the Dead. If he didn’t take her soul that would be his future.

If he did take her soul, the Realm of the Dead would be Ericka’s fate.

Ericka didn’t pull away when Aedan touched her face with his hand. How could he make her feel this way, make her want him even more, when she knew exactly what he was?

This very moment she should push him away, tell him to not come back. Giving away her soul was not an option.

God, he was good. Playing the part so well that she could almost believe he cared. Becky, Betty, whoever she was, hadn’t mentioned that. Just the incredible sex, and then his vanishing act when she gave him what he wanted.

Her soul.

Ericka shivered as Aedan trailed his thumb over her lips and across her cheek. A thrill stirred in her belly and between her thighs, and her nipples pressed against the sheer nightgown. His eyes darkened to a deeper gold and his jaw tightened as he slipped his fingers into her hair and started to draw her to him at the same time he moved his lips toward hers.

What was wrong with playing along and getting what she wanted from him ?

And wouldn’t this go over well in one of my books? My own experiences with an Incubus?

His lips brushed hers. She groaned and wrapped her arms around his neck. She couldn’t stop herself.

His kiss was so exquisite she could think of nothing but him.

Aedan moved his lips from hers, licking a path to her ear. He nipped at her earlobe, causing her to squirm with desire. “What can I do for you, Ericka?”

Her face screwed in a frown. “I’m not having sex with you in any way if you’re going to leave before I climax.” She drew away and darkened her frown. “I mean it.”

He raised his head and grinned. “Perhaps I should tie you up and—”

Ericka slugged him in the shoulder. “You’re getting nothing unless I get an iron-clad promise from you. Sex with an orgasm to end all orgasms.”

He smiled, an almost sad, wistful smile.

With the aid of the candlelight, she studied his strong features and body. He was fit, not an ounce of fat on him. She loved his muscular thighs and tight ass, not to mention his good-sized erection—she wanted to push him on his back and straddle him. He was breathtaking with his long dark hair and golden gaze.

She reached between them and stroked his cock. “You have amazing eyes.”

He grasped the bottom of her nightgown. “All my people have eyes of gold or silver.”

Yeah. I know.

Any thoughts of further conversation vanished as he pushed up her sheer nightgown. It was the only one she had brought with her to the condo. She’d intended on refusing Aedan tonight. But she couldn’t refuse him. Anything.

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