Hot & Wild (De La Cruz Saga) (5 page)

BOOK: Hot & Wild (De La Cruz Saga)
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“No mama. It’s a special Chico that I met today. Mama
he’s so
and nice,”
says Monique with a dreamy look on her face.

“As long as he’s nice and works hard, Monique. Good
chicos are hard to find. If he’s a good Chico, you should keep him,” says her
Mama Ana.

“Si mama, I know. He’s a good Chico. He works at the company
that I had the interview with today. This company only hires great qualified
people. He works real hard mama. I know it,” replies Monique, smiling. She’s
thinking about her bad boy.
Oh, Dios mio, he’s such a hunk

“Okay, mi hija. I want you to remember what’s real
important in selecting an esposo,” says Mama Ana smiling at Monique.

The house phone rings and Monique runs to answer.
hope it’s the job offer. I will be able to work with Christian. Maybe we can
have lunch together
, thinks Monique. She smiles and answers the call. “Hello,
Monique speaking.”

“Hi Monique, this is Bella De La Cruz. I was calling
to inform you that we have made our selection. We would like you to be our
Interior Decorating Design assistant,” says Bella smiling. Her pleasure and smile
transcends through the phone line.

“Ms. De La Cruz, that’s great. I am so excited. When
do you want me to start?” asks Monique grinning.

 “Monique, we want you to start on Monday. Will that
be a problem?” asks Bella.  

“No problem, I am available. I can start on Monday. Thank
you very much,” says Monique nodding.

“Okay Monique, we will see you on Monday at eight. Just
come to the same place you came for the interview. Ms. Jones will advise me
when you arrive. Okay?” asks Bella.
Yes!  She’s going to work out just great.
I can hear her excitement. She will give us all her best to do a great job
ponders Bella grinning.

“Yes, Ms. De La Cruz. I will be at your office on
Monday at eight. Thank you,” replies Monique, nodding, smiling.

“Okay, Monique, I hope you enjoy your weekend,” says
Bella. “Good bye.”

“Good bye,” replies Monique. She turns to tell her
Mama Ana.

“Mama, I got the job. I’m so excited,” sequels Monique
twirling. She hugs her mama, laughing with

“Si, my hija, I knew you would get the job. You’re
just fantastic. They recognize your skills and education,” says Mama Ana,

“Mama, I have a date to drink some mocha with
Christian at two. I have enough time to get there on time. See ya later, mama,”
says Monique, walking to give her mama a hug.

“Si my hija, you have fun,” replies Mama Ana smiling.
think that my hija has found a special Chico.

Monique smiles at her mama. She strides over to the
table to get her purse and keys. She walks out the door to her


* * *

Jessy is reviewing the new contract. A former client
is requesting one of the remodeling packages for his office.
These packages
are working out real good.  We have several contracts that will be starting
next week. I hope that the new assistant will start soon,
ponders Jessy. She
signs her name to the contract.  

Bella walks in and sits in a deep burgundy leather
chair, grinning. “Jessy, I have a start date for our new assistant, Ms. Monique
Acosta.  She agreed to start on the following Monday.  I feel that we just
hired the best interior decorating design assistant,” says Bella, nodding with

“Bella, that’s great news and a relief,” replies Jessy

“We will see you later, right?” asks Bella looking at

“Si, I know that Jose Enrique will want to go tonight.
See ya later,” replies Jessy gathering all of her papers.










Chapter Four



Christian sits
outside at a table that is surrounded by trees and roses waiting for Monique. It’s
a little private, romantic, and a nice day.

He’s thinking about Monique and he’s not paying much
attention to what’s going on around him. This’s very uncommon for Christian. He’s
a highly trained Navy SEAL and he’s usually on high alert to his surroundings.

I hope that Monique is not late. I really want to see
her and get to know her. She seems smart and real bella
, ponders Christian.

Should I get our mochas? No, I better wait. I don’t
know if she has a particular one that’s her favorite. I will learn soon what
her favorite things are
, thinks
Christian smiling.

“Hola Christian,” says Monique walking to Christian. She
gives him a beso on the check. She smiles, sits down on the white wrought iron
bench. She sits right next to him.

Monique has walked up to him and he didn’t notice. Christian
was deep in thought.
Dios mio, I didn’t see her coming. I was really daydreaming.
That’s not good. If the SEALs hear of this, I will never hear the end of it
thinks Christian.

“Hola Monique,” replies Christian, leaning over to
give her a beso on the check. He lingers to get a full taste and scent of his
Hmm, she’s soft and sweet. I love her smell
. He sits back into his
seat smiling. He looks at her with his beautiful dimples flashing and his
incredible green eyes sparkling like emeralds.

Wow! He’s such a hunk
, thinks Monique smiling back at him.
I will taste
those luscious lips soon. I really like him

“Monique, I didn’t see you coming. I’m so
that you’re here. Would you like me to get
you a white, chocolate, or ice mocha?” asks Christian, anxiously waiting to see
what she likes.

“Christian, I want a white mocha, please,” replies
Monique, smiling.
I’m so feliz that I decided to meet with him and to get to
know him
, muses Monique.

“Okay,” says Christian, striding to get their mocha’s.
I never had white mocha
I hope I will like it
, ponders Christian.
He orders the drinks.
She really looks hot in her cute aqua summer dress
My baby is real feminine and I like that.
He gets the drinks and returns
to Monique.

Yeah he’s a hunk, a bad boy. I like him
, contemplates Monique, looking at his tight jeans and
leather biker boots, hmm. He’s incredibly yummy.

“Okay, here’s your drink,” says Christian, handing
Monique the drink. He straddles the bench to face her on her right side. “So,
what are you doing tonight?”

“We have plans at home with la familia. They’re coming
over,” says Monique smiling. “I promised my primas that I will help them pick
out their prom dresses.”

“Oh that is an exciting time for the chicas. I
remember when my hermanas were going to their proms. The entire
was a chaos,” says Christian nodding. He
remembers those days, smiling.

I can see that he loves his familia like I do. That’s
. “How many hermanos do you
have?” asks Monique looking into his beautiful green eyes.

“I have two hermanas and two hermanos. My hermano’s
are older and my hermanas are younger. What about you?” asks Christian,
observing Monique closely.

“I have two hermanas. I’m the middle child,” replies Monique

“That sounds like your casa had a lot of proms,” says
Christian, smiling. He imagines her going to her prom.
Ah, I better not
think of her with a date. Okay
, thinks Christian.

we all went to
the prom. I didn’t have a very good time at my prom,” replies Monique, making a
face as she remembers the jerk that she went with.

“My date was in love with a girl that didn’t even
known he was alive. We didn’t dance at all. I just couldn’t wait to get home. It
was very disappointing,” says Monique, recalling her prom with disgust.

Then she looks at Christian, smiling.
Yeah that’s
okay. Look what I found today. Yes, Christian is my prince after all the toads,
thinks Monique grinning

I wonder what made her so feliz
, ponders Christian.
She’s obviously thinking of
that jerk.

He leans in closer to her and touches her check real
slowly. She’s so soft and her skin just glows. She’s such a bella chica.
am lucky that she doesn’t have a
. I should ask

“Monique, do you have a novio?” asks Christian,
leaning in closer to gaze into her beautiful hazel eyes.
Look at those long
eye lashes. Very little makeup, she’s just bella. I just can’t stop touching

Dios mio, he smells good. I want to kiss him. I have
never responded this way to any Chico. I hope that he can go slowly with me
, ponders Monique.

She smiles at him. “No Christian, I don’t have a novio.
I have been too busy working and going to school,” replies Monique gazing into
his green eyes. She sees his desire for her. She leans closer without thinking.

I know I should not try to kiss her but she’s so
adorable and tempting,
Christian, leaning in. He touches his lips to her soft pink lips.
Dios mio,
they’re so soft and delicious.
He tenderly nibbles her lower lip and then
he runs his tongue softly and slowly around her beautiful lips, praying that
she will allow him to deepen the beso.

Just one small taste, that’s all. I will wait for
manana for another sweet taste
ponders Christian.
Yes, she will let me deepen the beso
. He moans and
quickly takes advantage. He deepens the beso.

Monique parts her lips and sighs. Oh si, this is
Oh Dios mio, he’s really kissing me. I have never had anybody kiss
me like this
, thinks Monique with pleasure.
He tastes so good
. She
moves her arms up to his neck to pull him in closer.

Damn, she wants more, okay. She doesn’t kiss like she
really had been kissed before. Could this be possible? My baby has not been
kissed properly? This is amazing and so exciting,
thinks Christian.
She tastes so good and sweet. She
makes me burn and crave for more. I have to take it slow. I don’t want to scare

He forces himself to pull back and gazes into her eyes.
He rubs her lower lip with his thumb. He had one hand at her nape and the other
hand at the small of her back. He was holding her firmly, close to him.

She looks like she’s feeling the same as I do. She’s
such an innocent. She looks uncertain. Good thing that she doesn’t look scared
, contemplates Christian.

He tastes so good. I never thought that you can have
these feelings from just one beso. I feel like getting closer and kissing him
more. I want more of his besos,
ponders Monique smiling.

Christian smiles back.
Yes, she’s
only mia
, thinks Christian with pleasure.
“One more beso?” says Christian, before kissing her again. He pulls her a
little closer. He can only get so close, sitting on the bench outdoors, and
near the street.
This is so frustrating
, thinks Christian, pulling back.

“We need to stop, Baby,” says Christian grinning. He
continues to hold her close.   

Monique gazes into his beautiful green eyes.
think that I am falling in love with this hunk, this bad boy. I think I better
step back. I need to get to know him better,
contemplates Monique. “Where
did you go to school?” asks Monique pulling back a little.
I know that he
did go to school, I just know it

“I went to California State University, San Bernardino,”
answers Christian, observing her. “Where did you go to school?”

“I went to The Art Institute here in San Bernardino,”
replies Monique. “I just graduated. I am so excited. Christian, I got the job. I
will start on Monday.” 

Her eyes shine reflecting her excitement.
I believe
that I love everything about her,
ponders Christian with alegria. He leans
close to give her another beso.

He moans on contact, feels her hot soft lips, and he’s
unable to stop from shuddering.
She turns on all my senses
, thinks
. I need to control myself, but she’s driving me crazy the way her
fingers are going through my hair.

I just love his besos. His hair is so soft and silky. I
love this feeling that he provokes in me. I feel all warm and ready to melt
right into him. I can feel all of my nerves come to life. He tastes so good,
ponders Monique.

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