Hot & Wild (De La Cruz Saga) (40 page)

BOOK: Hot & Wild (De La Cruz Saga)
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The hermosa villa has four master suites, a gourmet
kitchen, three wet bars, living and dining room with powder room, four
balconies and two terraces to see charming, enchanting views of the ocean.

The quiet atmosphere conceals the ruthless, malicious
creature that has taken control of Baja California.

The sanctuary of the gardens is perfect for beautiful romantic
strolls through the scented gardens. The exquisite beaches and surf on the
Pacific Ocean display romantic Mexican sunsets and amazing star-filled skies. The
moonlight illuminates the spectacular beach and villa.

The Navy SEALS team operators are momentarily stunned
with the beauty that this animal is surrounded by.

To put it simply, this beast is enjoying the luxury
that most individuals dream about. The peaceful atmosphere of the villa is
ideal for the body, mind and soul.

It is approximately 0300 when the Navy SEALS finally
land. The SEALs immediately separate and depart in different directions into
the drug lord domain.

Christian and Gabriel disappear swiftly through the
bush and exterminate every single drug soldier that they encounter.

The other SEAL operators are fueled by anger. They’re
also moving fast through the terrain. Each operator is enraged with the
situation that Christian’s family is in.

It is a matter of minutes before the entire villa is
surrounded by the Navy SEALS Operators.

The Team Officer Ford decides to send Christian and Gabriel
to secure their family.
The young ladies will feel better knowing that
they’re being rescued by their own
, ponders Officer Ford.

“De La Cruz, Corona, two guards below a window on
south indicates possible location of goods. Extract,” says Officer Ford through
the mic.

Christian and Gabriel didn’t wait for any further
orders and were on it.
Hell, yeah, I’m on this
, thinks Christian, moving.
These bastardos are paying for this

Immediately and efficiently, Christian and Gabriel
twist the necks of each guard and pull them behind the rose bushes.

I need to hurry and get to them,
Effortlessly, they
climb up the trees and onto the balcony that allows the access to the room. The
window is slightly open.

We will figure out how to take them down without them
getting hurt
, ponders Christian,
slowly landing on the balcony.

He leans close to the window looking in.
Hell, yeah,
they’re in here
, thinks Christian.  

Christian signals, with relief, that they’re in the room.
He slowly opens the window and softly enters the room, hearing them cry.

Damn they’re scared to death! Fucking bastardos are
paying for this,
thinks Christian
I need to take off my mask before I terrify them

He takes off his mask and smiles at them. He quickly
signals for them to be quiet, acknowledging their relief.

Si, my hermano
, thinks Bella with relief. She smiles and her expression is full of love
and relief. She nods, acknowledging that she understands his instructions. She
slowly rises to stand up.

Jessy sees Christian and sighs in relief. Smiling, her
eyes full of tears, she nods. Slowly she stands, without making any noise.

Paty nods happily, softly crying in relief.
primo Christian is here,
thinks Paty, nodding. She follows his instructions,
standing up quietly.

Christian quickly gives them a hug. He then kneels and
starts to get them free. He cuts the plastic strap that holds the chain at
their ankles.

Que la chengada (what the hell), these animals are
, thinks Christian, furiously. He
inspects the deep red welts on their delicate skin.
I’m going to kill each
animal on this damn compound.  

Christian stands and attempts to smile to encourage
them. He whispers in their ears that Gabriel is outside to help them go down.

I have to do something about their bare feet
. He shakes his head furiously
. I don’t see their shoes
and knowing them, they had on high heels.

That will not help them get down
, ponders Christian, grinning
. Si, they’re so feminine
and delicate
I will wrap their feet

He quickly takes off the sheet on the bed and tears it
up in strips. He indicates for them to sit on the bed.

Quickly and efficiently, he wraps up their feet with
the strips of sheet, protecting them a little from the rough ground.

Paty looks at her primo softly wrap her feet up with
the sheet and smiles.
He’s the greatest
, thinks Paty.

Bella is proud that her hermano is so sweet.
thinks of everything
, thinks Bella, smiling at him with gratitude.

Jessy smiles and thanks him with soft words.
just great
, thinks Jessy, extremely feliz that he’s there.

Christian stands, smiles, making hand signals
indicating that one at a time, they will go down and to be quiet until all are
out of the room.

Paty, Bella and Jessy nod in understanding. They walk
to the window and onto the balcony, looking down.

There is nothing to hold on to. There’re lots of trees
close to the balcony. Gabriel is waiting for them on the tree across from the

I will go first,
thinks Bella, jumping onto the tree.
I know that I can do this. I
always loved climbing trees with my hermanos when I was small.

Bella jumps onto the tree and Gabriel helps her. Bella
crawls down the tree, making room for Paty and Jessy.

Yeah, my prima did it I and can do it
, thinks Paty.
Okay, I can do this. I never really
liked climbing trees like Bella did, but I know I can do this
. Paty crosses
herself with her right hand before taking the jump
.  Okay one, two and tres.
Here I go. Oh, yeah, si, I made it
, thinks Paty, crawling down the tree to
make room for Jessy.

She holds onto Gabriel’s strong arms as she lands a
little wobbly, but grinning with relief.

Damn, that was scary and I need to control my nerves
, thinks Paty with relief.  Paty smiles at Gabriel and
follows his direction, going down the tree near Bella.

Gabriel smiles and instructs her to go further down
the tree next to Bella.
Okay, now I need to help Jessy
She really
looks terrified
, ponders Gabriel, turning to gaze at her.  

I’m scared
thinks Jessy, watching Gabriel signal for her to jump.

I know that Bella and Paty made it. I saw them jump
and it looks easy. Oh, dios mio, the ground appears really far
away, muses Jessy.
This is scary. What if I hurt my
bebe? Yes, they are all waiting for me to jump. I’m wasting time. I need to get
back to Jose Enrique

Paty and Bella start to signal for her to jump.

Christian leans close and whispers. “You can do it,”
says Christian, watching Gabriel get ready to catch her.

Jessy looks at Gabriel’s smile and hears Christian.
I can do this for my bebe and Jose Enrique. I have to get back to the casa
thinks Jessy.

Jessy crosses herself with her right hand asking dios
to help her. She jumps, landing on the branch, feeling Gabriel hold her.

Jessy opens her eyes, smiling with relief.
Si, I
made it and now I can go home. These wrappings that Chris did feel comfortable
ponders Jessy.

Christian jumps on the other tree, going quickly and
quietly down.
I need to be down on the ground to help them get down
thinks Christian.

He walks over to the tree that the mujers are on. Okay,
they’re coming down
. I will catch them,
thinks Christian,
their progress

Slowly and quietly Bella crawls down, grinning.
I always loved climbing trees. This is fun,
thinks Bella

Paty follows a little more slowly and cautiously. She’s
trying not to think of what she’s doing.
Si, finally I’m almost there. I
need to jump. Okay, my primo, Christian is ready to catch me in his arms. Damn,
my primo is strong
, thinks Paty.

Okay, now it is my turn,
ponders Jessy, anxiously.
Here I go, but I’m going
down slowly. I’m so glad that Gabriel is behind me and can help
I’m almost down. I’m getting onto the last branch. This is not too bad, but it
is scary. Okay I need to sit down on this branch and balance.  

Christian is signaling for me to jump. I know that Gabriel
is right behind me waiting. I need to do this quickly without thought. I know
Christian will catch me.

Damn, it’s still a little too high. Okay dios mio,
please help me. Here I go,
Jessy, as she throws herself down.
Damn, Chris is strong and he caught me
like if I didn’t weight a lot

I need to thank him.
“Gracias,” whispers Jessy.

Christian nods, looking over at Gabriel.




Gabriel speaks into the mic in his ski mask to advise
SOTO Officer Ford that they have the girls. “Goods extracted and secured,” says
Gabriel, looking around waiting for the orders.

“Request permission to infiltrate and exterminate,”
requests Christian, looking at Gabriel with a raised eyebrow.

I’m going in, regardless
, thinks Christian, looking at Gabriel.

“Permission granted,” replies Officer Ford. Officer
Ford looks at the other men and nods in agreement. “McKay and Lewis,” says
Officer Ford.

“I want in,” asks Corona, looking at Christian shake
his head in disagreement, looking at las mujers. “Need escort for goods.”

“Negative,” replies Officer Ford, walking over to the
area where De La Cruz and Corona are, east of the villa, taking out another two
drug soldiers on the way.

I see that Corona has the ladies behind the trees. Damn,
they are real beauties. I believe that they’re even more beautiful in person,
thinks Officer Ford, nodding
to the young ladies.
Geeze, look at their beautiful smiles. Damn, I would
have loved to have met them before under different circumstances
I see
that Corona is anxious to go with De La Cruz

Gabriel is anxiously watching Christian sprint across
the terrain to enter the villa.

to assist me with goods,” orders Officer Ford into the mic. “Corona, permission

Gabriel takes deep breaths. He runs right after
Yes, I have to help Christian kill these bastardos

“Lewis, lets go! Guard our backs,” says Officer Ford,
heading towards the boat leading the group.

Lewis is the last one in the group, covering their

The SEALS hear the alarm go off and know that the drug
lord’s soldiers will be on them.

Now the heat is on. The drug cartel lord is now aware
that the mujers are gone. The drug soldiers are now in fighting mode.

There is a lot of yelling and gunfire going on making Bella,
Paty, and Jessy extremely nervous as they try to keep up with the officer.

The group almost makes it to the beach. They could see
the ocean and hear the waves crashing against the rocks.

The group is intersected by eight drug soldiers.

“Run to the boat!” yells Officer Ford, as he and Lewis
engage with the drug soldiers.

Okay, I need to run
thinks Bella, running towards the beach.
Oh, dios mio
! She runs
as fast as she can.
I’m going to die. She looks back. Oh, no, there is an
hombre chasing me

Bella trips over a branch and stumbles down onto the
beach, scraping her knees.

Oh, dios, help me!  He’s going to catch me
. Bella yells at the top of her lungs, from fear.

The drug soldier picks her up, striking her hard in
the face.  Bella cries out and her head whips back from the force.

The drug soldier strikes her again, splitting her
lower lip. Her lip starts to bleed. Her blood travels down her chin.

The huge drug soldier throws Bella over his shoulder,
walking back to the villa.
Si, el Mextli is going to be real happy with me
thinks the drug soldier.

“Help me, please, help me, Greg!” yells Bella, sobbing
hysterically for her esposo.
I’m so afraid and it hurts.
Crying and in
pain, she begins to hit the bastardo’s back with her fists, yelling for help.

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