Hot to Trot (7 page)

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Authors: C. P. Mandara

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Hot to Trot
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He watched her struggle. Normally the process would entertain him, but he didn't have the patience for it today. He decided to move things along a pace.

Mark stood in front of her face and let her see the impressive bulge she had created in his breeches. 'Are you looking forward to sucking my cock, little filly?' He watched as her body started at the comment, but there was no telltale clatter of the dilator behind her. Score one for the trainee. 'I think those greedy little lips want to be filled.' She grunted back at him and it didn't sound like an affirmative kind of noise. He thrust the outline of his cock towards her lips and put pressure upon them. 'Shall we remove your bridle and get started on your oral training?' Bingo. The dilator shot halfway across the room.

'I think my pony will enjoy a ride in the saddle for a change.' He eyed the sybian in the corner of the room behind them, which he'd pulled out in anticipation of the next stage of her training. It featured a fine Italian leather saddle and had a large dildo protruding from its centre at a forty-five degree angle. Securely attached to the back wall there was a pyramid-shaped butt plug she would have the chance to get intimately acquainted with, ridge by rounded ridge, and there were six graduated increments to conquer in total. She would only be rewarded with an orgasm when the sensor on the base of the plug had been hit. Helping her towards that goal would be his cock, spearing her body towards its conquest.

'Oh dear. Five stripes, wasn't it?' He watched her tense and had to smile. This time he would go easy on her.

Walking around his naked pony, Mark let her hear his footsteps and waited for the faintest quiver of her body. She was trying hard to conceal it, but not hard enough. The second walk round produced results. He gave the underside of her left buttock a swift swipe with his crop. The right globe received the same treatment. He followed up with two light flicks to each calf and one last, soft swipe at her clit. The gasp that issued forth was an aural delight. He knew it hadn't really hurt, but the shock of her clit being hit unsettled her. Good. It was time to fit the last dilator, and for all intents and purposes, to Jenny it would feel like a monster.

Gurgling insensibly, several minutes later, Jenny bleated in protest against her bit. How big was this thing? She knew one thing for sure: it wasn't going anywhere fast.

'I think we've been here before,' a voice drawled in her ear, making her jump. 'Relax, or we'll be here all day and I don't know about you, but I have things to do, people to see.'

Jenny snorted in response. She had people she wanted to see: a nice police constable, her psychiatrist, a hit-man and perhaps even the lovely Katrina. She'd pay handsomely to watch her tormentor suffer for a few days. Scrap that, she'd book the lady for the week.

'Relax and push out. You know the drill.' Although it just so happened that he was the one doing all the drilling, and he wanted to be doing plenty more.

There was no point fighting him, so grudgingly she complied. If she remembered correctly his absence would soon be upon them and that could only be a good thing. Feeling the large tube fight to sink inside, not unlike the struggle she often had putting on her favourite pair of jeans, she had to push hard,
hard, but in the end perseverance won and the last dilator was fitted. It was not at all pleasant.

'Bit uncomfortable?'

Ooh! Jenny wanted a baseball bat. That would wipe the smug smile off... she could feel the thing slipping!
Clutch, clasp, suck inside, quick!
Ow, ow, ow. The thing was enormous. Maybe she should just let the thing go and take the inevitable strokes.

'You let that thing drop before three minutes is up and my crop will find your clit. That's a promise.'

The oracle had spoken. Groaning, Jenny tightened her hold on the thing, but it did not want to stay put. She was hanging on to it for dear life, but even that didn't seem to have much effect. Squeezing her muscles firmly, she couldn't help thinking about sex. Both pussy and ass contracted at the same time and caused her to notice that one of her holes was woefully empty. Unbelievably she needed another orgasm.
one? How many had she had so far today? Three? Well, however many it was, she yearned for more. Her body was beginning to enjoy the intense brand of stimulation and it hungered for more of the same. She was beginning to understand that the pain, torment and humiliation simply added spice to the final result.
Had she really just thought that? Was she turned on by all this craziness? The answer was a resounding yes, whether she liked it or not, but lost in her train of thought she accidentally relaxed her grip and that was the end of that.

Mark didn't have to wait long for the last dilator to pop. She'd managed just under three minutes and he was not inclined to be lenient. Wasting no time in meeting out her punishment, he found himself anxious to start the last part of her training. A flick of the crop on her left nipple, one to match on the opposite side and then rinse and repeat on the underside of each breast. He enjoyed the exquisite little mewls of pain that managed to seep from her gagged mouth. The finale was a flick to each side of her labia and then an expert upward swipe to her engorged clit. By his standards it was a gentle swat, but the girl bucked like a mule. Not giving her a single second of recovery time he immediately untied her reins and removed the blindfold. He led her to a corner of the room so she could feast her eyes on the sybian, and even though she was panting heavily she followed meekly and without protest. When he indicated, with nothing more than his eyebrow, that she should mount herself upon it, again she did so without pause. It was progress. It pleased him. They were moving in the right direction.

What he didn't know was that Jenny was looking forward to being filled. Her pussy was already clenching at the thought of that big dildo sliding deep inside her and she was almost hoping with excitement that she would finally have something underneath her with which to grind her clit upon. This looked like fun. Oh yeah baby, she was
ready for this. She didn't care what he did to her now, almost delirious in her need for release.

'Let me know if you need lubricant,' Mark added, rather evilly. He knew she hadn't spotted the beast on the wall yet, and it would only be when he pushed the sybian backwards on its wheels that she would feel that nice thick plug pressing at her backside. If she managed to take it all she would be rewarded with an orgasm, but it would be no easy struggle. At least on this piece of apparatus he didn't need to waste any time tying her down. She was going to be deeply impaled and in so many directions that restraints would be overkill.

Sinking onto the smooth plastic dildo and feeling the soft, delicate leather curve around her groin in a comfortable fashion, Jenny had the desire to start humping up and down. She managed to restrain the impulse, but only just. This felt nice. This felt
nice. It was strange, but the level of arousal he had managed to incite upon her had messed with her head. Her need to be filled, fucked, pulled, pushed and used was all consuming. Yes, it was probably wrong, but never had something felt more right. She wanted this so badly, that if he had wanted her to beg for the privilege of sucking his cock she'd have woofed, put her paws up and then rolled over. But she was supposed to be a horse, not a dog, she thought wryly.

Picking up the red blindfold, he decided to place it over her eyes once more. Sometimes it was better if they didn't know what was coming, or for that matter, who was coming. He grinned and unbuckled her bridle. She wouldn't need it for the next few minutes. Undoing his fly, he watched his cock spring free from the harsh restraint of his breeches, and he pressed it to her lips. Without thinking she opened them. Who would have thought it? Jennifer Redcliff had submissive tendencies.

'Good girl,' he murmured in surprise, and had to wonder where all this enthusiasm had come from. Sinking into the soft, warm heat of her mouth, he allowed himself a groan of pleasure and savoured the long awaited moment. God, this one was tight. Shutting his eyes, he let her guide him to the back of her throat and wondered if his earlier assessment of her oral skills would be correct.

She appeared to take the bit between her teeth, even though he clearly remembered removing it, and he let her have her head
. In return, she gave head rather expertly for such a novice. When they'd finished with her in training she'd be the best cocksucker in the northern hemisphere. Her tongue swirled, dabbed at his fraenulum as he nearly left the confines of her mouth, and when he returned she let him sink deep into the back of her throat. She should be gagging. He almost felt cheated, so much so that he grabbed two handfuls of hair and thrust himself forcefully towards her windpipe. His trainee spluttered and coughed a bit, trying desperately to breathe, and he quickly slowed his pace. There was no way he was going to rush this. His cock throbbed with desire, but his need for control would make sure that he laboured for a good few minutes, plundering the sweet lips that were nearly his undoing on each stab forward. At the auction, which would be held in the next couple of days, he would apply to be her personal trainer. This one showed such potential it was just possible she might wear the black, with a little bit of attitude readjustment. He groaned again as the little minx sucked harder. She wanted to prove herself, apparently.

Jenny was having the time of her life. There was such chemistry between them, at least on her part, that she'd forgotten he was the devil incarnate. His cock in her mouth felt wonderful and the dildo in her pussy rocked with every stroke she took. The feeling was sublime. Her only complaint was that she wanted him to fuck her mouth harder and faster. Her clit needed the friction his pummelling cock could provide.

From the corner of an eye, in the far reaches of his peripheral vision, a movement caught Mark's attention. The door handle twitched. His head snapped around to watch it more carefully and sure enough, the shiny chrome lever began to move. No one with their faculties intact would dare disturb one of his training sessions, so this had better be good. If it was a simple mistake woe betide the poor sod, because he was going to be chewing on his own testicles in a moment.

Silently the door swung open and a thumb indicated that Mark's presence was required outside. Swearing viciously under his breath and with a hard set to his jaw, he withdrew from her mouth with a loud, sucking pop. She moaned softly in protest. This sweet little thing was a delight to behold. He had to wonder where she'd put her alter ego for the time being. Turning the music up he noiselessly left the room and clicked the door shut behind him. She wouldn't miss him for a few minutes; he'd just pressed the vibrate button on her dildo. He needed to know who this joker was and he always liked to match a name with the face he was about to slam his fist into.


'Matthews,' drawled a voice, 'what a pleasure it is to find you here, enjoying yourself... so very thoroughly. Kyle glanced at the bulge in Mark's pants. 'Or not, as the case may be.'

'Hello, Cowboy. While the pleasure is all mine, of course, you'd better have a damn good reason for disturbing me.'

'Or?' Kyle grinned.

Mark simply raised an eyebrow and waited.

'The Cowboy,' so called because of his cowhide boots and the Wartenberg Pinwheel spurs attached to them, had attracted a bit of a reputation throughout Albrecht. He had a heavy hand and somewhat unorthodox training methods. He was also the office
. There was only one lady Levison hadn't managed to bed and that was the lovely Isobelle. At least one lady had standards around here.

'There's some kinda emergency back at HQ and you're needed in the office. I'm your stand in.' Kyle looked pleased with himself.

He had to be kidding. Of all the people they could have sent it had to be pretty boy, who still didn't know how to wield a riding crop if memory served correctly. If HQ wanted him, however, there was little for it. He'd have to go and see what they were after and rush back before this jerk-off did any irreparable damage. Seething with anger he managed to bite his next few words out, although they were dripping with venom.

'Right, she's on the sybian for a little pain versus pleasure training. If she gives you any trouble give her a couple of strokes; you shouldn't need any more than that. Don't flay the skin from her body or I'll come back and demonstrate on yours the difference between a stroke and a bone-crushing welt. Oh, and you touch her in any way that's sexual and I'll dismember an extremely tender part of your anatomy. We clear?'

Kyle gave him his favourite lazy smile. This pissing content with Matthews went way back. 'I won't lay a hand on her.' To demonstrate the fact he lifted both palms in the air.

'It's not your hands I'm worried about,' said Mark through clenched teeth, before he felt his cell-phone begin to vibrate in his pocket again. This time he answered it. The call was quick and to the point. When it ended Mark was already making his way out of the building. 'I'll be back in fifteen and I repeat: do not touch her,' he yelled as he marched out of the building.

Kyle grinned to himself. It was a damn shame, but he'd always had a problem with male authority figures.


Suck, Sucking, Sucked


Storming off to the office as if the hounds of hell were on his heels, all Mark could think about was his straining cock and how good it had felt to be buried in Miss Redcliff's mouth. Even though Isobelle had informed him that he was facing a hostile takeover with regards to his stake in Techkon, he had been sorely tempted to stay and let her finish him off. What was going on? He had people on this. Good people. If he found out there was a snitch somewhere on his team, someone was going to suffer. And it would be the kind of suffering that would make Jenny's first day at Albrecht look like an afternoon stroll in the park.

Not bothering to knock, he let himself into the office and was immediately handed a coffee by the lovely Isobelle, thankfully not of the brand she favoured. Her taste in coffee had become a standing joke since Kyle had discovered a jar of it and managed to use his two brain cells, together in tandem, to research its origins. Personally, he preferred his coffee black and his coffee beans previously undigested. Sitting down, trying his hardest not to think about the cowboy or what he might be doing with his trainee, he prepared to concentrate on her brief. This was important. This was his empire and it had taken far too long to build it to let some arsehole try and knock it down. Miss Redcliff would wait. When they were done here he would let her finish what they had started. He feared a certain part of his anatomy might spontaneously combust if she didn't.

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