Hot For Teacher (49 page)

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Authors: Mandee Mae,M.C. Cerny,Phalla S. Rios,Niquel,Missy Johnson,Carly Grey,Amalie Silver,Elle Bright,Vicki Green,Liv Morris,Nicole Blanchard

BOOK: Hot For Teacher
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              Jake sighed. “You’re trouble, Vanna-Banana.”

              Savannah grinned. “Yeah, but you’ve always known that.”

              He shook his head. “This is an entirely
kind of trouble,” he argued, his voice low and husky.

              Grinning wider, she popped another kernel into her mouth. “You have no idea.”

              Jake cleared his throat. “I’m beginning to.”

              “So, if I’m over here reading and eating all the popcorn, what are you going to do? Still thinking a Die Hard marathon?”

              “I’m pretty sure you don’t want to know what I’m actually thinking, so let’s stick to the original plan.”

              “And that is?” she asked with wide-eyed innocence. As ashamed as she was to admit it, Savannah like flirting. She’d always rolled her eyes at her classmates, but she was actually enjoying playing cat and mouse with Jake, bantering in a playful give and take. It was a dangerous game, but she loved the thrill.

              Jake cleared his throat. “Um, movie night.”

              “Care to tell me how a Die Hard marathon is going to teach me these all-important life lessons you insist I need?”

              He shook his blonde head at her. “No Die Hard. At least not tonight anyway. Cold Mountain.”

              Savannah couldn’t hold back her groan. “Not that mush again.”

              Jake silenced her protest with a finger in the air. “Uh-uh. No complaining. I’m bribing you with popcorn and M&M’s. The least you can do is sit quietly and watch the movie.”

              “That’s it. I get to pick the movie next time,” Savannah grumbled.

              “Deal,” Jake agreed much too quickly. His proud smirk betrayed his self satisfaction over the promise of a ‘next time.’

              “And don’t get any ideas. I’m making your ass watch Vegucated or something else like it,” she threatened playfully.

              “Done. If you’ll give my movie a chance, I’ll watch whatever you want.”

              “Fine. Bring on the bad accents and ridiculous plot lines,” Savannah agreed overdramatically, plopping onto the end of the sectional in true martyr style.

              Jake chuckled as he circled round to sit beside her, placing the popcorn bowl on the cushion next to her.  With a few clicks of a remote, his big screen came to life. True to her word, Savannah settled into her prospective cushion and focused on the film playing out on the screen in front of her.

              Part of the way, she whipped around to glare at Jake. “Okay, pause for a second.”

              Jake obediently clicked pause and turned to her expectantly. “Yes?”

              “They’re supposed to be madly and hopelessly in love, after just a few casual meetings? She’s supposed to wait years for a man she barely knows? That’s ridiculous,” she protested.

              Jake shook his head and studied her with luminescent eyes. “No, it’s not. Times were different back then. The smallest glance could be a testament of unwavering affection, the most innocent of touches could be incredibly intimate.”

              “I’m sticking with ridiculous,” Savannah maintained, crossing her arms over her breasts. “But never mind. Carry on.”

              Though she stared straight ahead at the frozen screen, waiting for the movie to start again, she could feel Jake studying her wordlessly.

              Silence filled the room around them as he watched her and she waited. Finally, he started the movie again and Savannah held her tongue as the storyline developed. Reaching for the popcorn, her questing hand found warm skin instead. Her heart skipped a beat and her hand froze midair, hovering next to Jake’s over the popcorn. She should’ve pulled away, drawn her hand back and acted like nothing had happened. But the stolen contact felt so familiar and inviting. And she wanted more.

              Jake’s pointer finger softly traced the lines of each of her fingers, caressing and teasing as his touch danced across her skin. The foreign sensation brought to life a kaleidoscope of butterflies low in her belly. Savannah stole a sideways glance at Jake to find his eyes still locked on the screen. But a content smile teased his lips.

              Lesson one, the most innocent of touches could be intimate.

              Savannah knew he was making a point, but couldn’t bring herself to care. The feel of his skin, moving gently against hers, made her ache for more. When at last she interlaced her fingers with his, he turned to look at her. Their gazes collided, crashing into each other like waves against seaside cliffs. The intensity was jarring and undeniable. The heat was incredible. Jake lifted their linked hands to his lips and brushed a soft kiss to the back of her hand and turned back to the screen. He didn’t have to say it, she knew.

              Lesson two, the smallest glance could be a testament of unwavering affection.

              The man could practically make love to her with just his eyes. The thought heated her blood and caused an ache deep within her core. Savannah was acutely aware of their joined hands, of the way his thumb stroked the arch of her hand from pointer finger to thumb. And all she could think about was what that touch would feel like elsewhere. Would he be just as gentle and attentive with the rest of her?

              Knowing better, but helpless to stop herself, Savannah shifted her weight on the couch, bringing herself as close to Jake as possible without climbing into the popcorn bowl. Taking the hint, Jake moved the popcorn with his free hand and dragged her into his arms. Savannah sank into his warmth as she would a soft bed after a long day. Though his body was firm and solid beneath her, he cradled her against him with a tenderness that rivaled the softest of down comforters.  It felt right, curling up in the safety of his arms, as though they were perfectly fitted to be together.

              Something so right couldn’t possibly be wrong. Could it? Never mind that he was ten years her senior. Never mind that he was her teacher. In that moment, he was Jake. The boy she’d loved as a child. The man she needed more than ever. He was determined to make her feel. And he succeeded as no one ever had. Emotions she’d locked away for so long broke free at last. Feelings spiraled out of control, a whirlwind of fear, joy, despair, hope…

              Savannah didn’t know when she started crying. She didn’t even notice she had until Jake caught a tear as it streamed down her cheek. He wiped it away with the pad of his finger and pressed a light kiss to the place it had been. Savannah’s heart tightened in her chest.

              Lesson three, people c
fall in love in a series of tiny moments.

              Not that she believed herself in love. Not possible. She wasn’t capable of it. Not after years of hiding from her feelings. She didn’t know the first thing about love. But for the first time in forever, she wanted that to change. She wanted to hold on to Jake and these feelings he incited.

              He studied her with heart-wrenching intensity, his blue eyes rivaling the ocean for its depth. His hand cradled the line of her jaw, gently, as though he feared she might break. Slowly, as though he had all the time in the world, his lips covered hers. Softly, tenderly, he brushed the sweetest of kisses against her parted mouth. Hungry for more, Savannah tangled her fingers in his tousled blonde locks and pulled him closer. With a low growl, he answered her greedy demand, crushing his lips to hers, parting them to explore her mouth with the sweet heat of his tongue.

              Breathless, Savannah gaped up at him in wide-eyed wonderment. “Do you really think you can teach me how to feel, Jake? How to love?”

              Those perfect lips curved into a tender smile. “Vanna, I know I can. The question is will you let me?”

              Squeezing her eyes shut tight, Savannah sucked in a deep breath and gave a small nod. “I’d like that. Teach me, Jake. Teach me how to love.”

              To be continued…


































Back To School


Vicki Green


































Emma Danielson’s last year of college and she still hates it. She still doesn’t know what to do with her life. Bartending at night, going to classes during the day, it’s killing not only her social life, but she’s so sleep deprived, she’s walking around like a zombie. However, when the new teacher walks into her music class, she definitely wakes up and takes notice.


Josh Tyler’s been shifted around from college to college as a temporary teacher for years, but this year he gets his own class. Problem is his playing and singing at night at the local bars and practicing doesn’t give him too much time to sleep or do too much of anything for that matter. He’s sick of all the women throwing themselves at him at the bars and longs for a serious relationship; a woman who loves him for him and not his stage presence. When he walks into the first day of his new music class and notices a beautiful girl sitting in the back, a fresh set of issues arise and a whole lot of trouble ensues.


Time to get back to school!









This is dedicated to the wonderful authors in the Hot For Teacher anthology. I’m honored to have my story with yours.

Mandee Mae, Missy Johnson, Liv Morris, Lisa M. Harley, M.C. Cerny, Nicole Blanchard,

Phalla S. Rios, Niquel, Amalie Silver and Elle Bright

Thank you for the honor and privilege.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


Vicki Green Copyright 2014©


All rights reserved.


No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form with authorization of the Author Vicki Green©


Editor: Kathy Krick @K2 Editing:


Chapter One

“Yo! We got a new band coming in this weekend. They’re really hot, sexy and man, can they play!” Tina yells from across the bar counter, and I roll my eyes. “Come on, Em! Lighten up! I hear the lead singer plays guitar, and he is sexier than hell.” She leans her arms on the counter rests her chin on her hands and gives me her puppy dog look. “Damn, girl. You need some sleep. Are those dark circles under your eyes?”

My hands cover my face as my eyes widen, and I smirk when I hear her laughter. I start to wipe off the counter again and nudge the cloth against her elbows. She moves and laughs again. “Shit! If you stayed up half the night and then had classes the next day, you’d have circles under your eyes too. I need to hurry and get home. I have shit to get together before my new classes start tomorrow.”

She starts to walk away and waves her rag at me. “Slow down and try to enjoy. At least it’s your last year.”

I roll my eyes again and blow out some air moving the long strand of my blonde hair that escaped from my braided ponytail out of my face. After finishing the counters and then mopping the floor behind the bar I head out the front door telling Burke, one of our largest bouncers, goodnight and walk towards my VW car. I love my little car, and even though it’s not new or in the best shape, it’s good on gas mileage and gets me where I need to go. After getting to my apartment, I see the light flashing on my answering machine and hit play. Yes, I’m one of the only people in the world without a cellphone and have a landline with a machine for messages. Well, with my pay and my bills, I don’t have the money for many luxuries. I’m thankful I brought my 13 inch TV with me from home.

“Emma, it’s your mother,” the machine shrills at me. Like I don’t know her voice. I roll my eyes and lean my elbow on the small table and sigh. “I just wanted to wish you well on your first day back at school tomorrow and tell you I’ve mailed you some money. Just a little something to help out. Give me a call when you can, you know how I worry.” Beep.

Yup, that’s my mom. After Dad left us when I was very young, she’s always struggled to make ends meet, but since I left for college, she’s always tried to send me a little something when she can. I’m exhausted but desperately in need of a shower, so I take a quick one and don’t even bother drying my hair. My bed feels so good, and it’s not long before I drift off.

Another first day of school and hopefully this is my last year. I really need to figure out what I’m going to do once I graduate. I look around the classroom same faces but some different, chattering as people walk in, and some getting notebooks out. I’m just sitting back in the corner, as usual, looking out the window. At least this is my music class, which I’m good at. My next class is Calculus II, which I suck at. Math has never been a good class for me and what am I gonna use it for anyway?

The chattering becomes louder and then it stops abruptly. Now there’s rustling noises and I’m still looking out the window wondering if I’ll ever figure out what the hell I’m doing. Suddenly, the silence turns into gasping from the girls in the class. When I look to the front of the class, I see why. “Morning!” A sexy voice comes from a man who looks only a couple of years older than me. Light brown hair that’s just over his ears, with the back longer and stopping at the top of his collar. He has the first couple of buttons on his blue, long sleeved, button down shirt undone, showcasing a fine strong chest. His eyes are light blue, perfect lips and light scruff on his face matching his hair color. My eyes slowly leave his gorgeousness to see all the girls staring at him, and I completely agree. He just became the hottest guy at school, and I don’t think he even knows it. Damn, but he’s a teacher, and they are a ‘no go’ with a student. Crap! But school never looked this good, ever!

“Hey, everyone. I’m Josh Tyler and I will be your drill instructor, I mean, music teacher this year.” Josh Tyler. The girls giggle, and I roll my eyes. “For some of you, it’s your first year of college, welcome. For some of you, it could be your last but either way let’s make this the best year for music. Just a little about me. I’ve been a temporary teacher in music for about four years and I’m excited to be a full time teacher at Tempra Junior College, at least for now. How about a first day pop quiz!” The chatter starts up, and my eyes shift around the room as people moan and groan and then when I look back up to the front, my heart stops as he’s staring right at me. I look down quickly removing a pencil from my backpack and shift in my seat. “Oh, come on! It’s not going to be graded.” He walks to the first row of chairs stack of papers in hand and starts handing the first seat in each row a handful of them. “This is just to help me understand what you know about music. Trust me. This will help me identify what your talent is or isn’t and to what degree you know or have learned so far.” He finishes handing them out and then returns to the back of his desk and sits down in the chair. “Take your time. These will be due at the end of class and if you get done before then just bring them up and you can leave early. My first day present to you. Don’t get used to that.” His smile is gorgeous, and I can’t look away until his eyes find mine again, and I quickly look down at my paper. I sit up more in my chair and start reading the questions and feel some relief as I begin. So far, these are fairly easy.

Out of the two hour class, it takes me about an hour and a half to complete the paper. I’m confident in my answers as I walk up to the front of the room. My eyes move around to see most are still here. When I get to Mr. Tyler’s desk, I look down to see he’s been writing music on sheet paper, and my head tilts as I try to read the words. “Miss Danielson is it?” My eyes snap up to his gorgeous eyes, and I simply nod. “Are you done already?” His smile brightens his face but all I can do is nod again and reach out my arm with the paper held tightly in my hand. He reaches up to take it and I let go in a hurry. I watch his eyes move over my words and another smile appears. “Well, you certainly know your music history, Miss Danielson.” He looks back up at me, and I swear my heart is going to pound a hole through my chest. “I look forward to reading your paper thoroughly. Have a great day.” I only nod again, the lump in my throat making speech impossible, and I walk quickly out of the room. Next stop, Calculus. Ugh!

“Em! Wait up!” I turn my head and see Layton jogging my way and stop. “Damn, girl! Where’s the fucking fire?”

Layton is one of my very few friends who has been going here longer than I have, maybe even longer than anyone in history. I’ve always been so comfortable around him and his gay pride, but he’s also one of the funniest and most sincere people I’ve ever known, not that I’ve known that many people. “Hey, dude. Where in the hell have you been? I’ve missed our late night convos!”

He slows his jog and puts his arm around my shoulder as we start to walk slowly to the parking lot. “Girl, I’ve been busy designing and neck deep in lovin’.” He laughs, and I give him my famous smirk and roll my eyes. “Hey! I can’t help it that I’m hot and sexy. What’s shakin’ with you?”

“Oh, you know the normal. Late nights, little sleep and going nowhere fast.” He laughs and as we reach my car, my head snaps to my left to see Mr. Tyler walking towards a black pickup truck.

“Oh! Look at the fresh blood! Fucking hot, sexy, and nice killer body. I wonder what he’d be like on his front and my dick in his….”

My eyes move quickly to Mr. Fast Pants and shift my stance, jetting my hip out and placing my hand on it. “I don’t think he’s gay, Layton.” I look back over to Mr. Sexy Bod and sigh. “At least I hope not,” I whisper.

“Keep your panties on, girl! He doesn’t look gay, but you never know what I can do to make him change his mind,” Layton states as he wiggles his eyebrows, and I burst out in laughter. “I’ll see you later, maybe at the bar tonight. I’m in need of a drink and to find another conquest. Later!” He gives me a quick kiss on my cheek, and as he walks off I look back over at Mr. Tyler and see he’s got his door open, leg halfway in and staring at me. I look at my car quickly open the door and get in. Time to do some horrible calculus homework and then get ready for my shift. Figures that class would start the first day with a boat load of homework, ugh!


§    §    §    §


I watch her get into her little VW bug, and I swear I’m gonna have to situate my hard cock again. After teaching for the last four years at various schools, I don’t think I’ve ever had a girl affect me like this. There’s just something about her. Oh, she’s sexy there’s no doubt, but it’s something in her eyes and her mannerisms that’s got me all hot and bothered.

I get into my car pull out of my parking space and then start driving home. My own parking space and my new job, hopefully one I can keep until our band makes it big time. I’m meeting the guys at Duke’s place in about an hour for practice and don’t want to be late. All I’ve ever dreamed of is the band to make it big. For people to hear my music, get lost in it and for a woman who I can love and take care of. So far, none of that’s happened and why? Everyone in the band works full time jobs in order to pay bills, and the only women who want me, want me for my looks and because I’m in a band. They don’t care about me, the real me, wanting me for me. All they want is to be a groupie and want to get me in the sack. It’s just not happening. We have a gig at a bar we haven’t played before and so far the hype has been great. I talked to Randy, the owner, a few days ago, and he said people are already going crazy with us playing there this weekend. Let’s just hope the women there tone it down a little. Oh, don’t get me wrong, the screaming, the reaching out for me as I play is great and makes me even more determined to make it, but sometimes they do get a little carried away. There was one time a woman fainted right in front of the stage.

Once I’ve eaten and taken a shower, I head over to Duke’s. I park in the lot behind his small house and grab my guitar case from the floor board of the passenger seat. I walk into the front door, out to the side door and into his garage. Duke, Phillip, and Mark are already tuning up and say their ‘Heys’ as I get to the only vacant chair. Sitting down and opening the case, I pull out my pride and joy. “Hey, guys. You all psyched to play at Randy’s this weekend?”

Duke looks up and waggles his eyebrows, and I can’t help but chuckle. “Yeah, dude. I stopped by there the other night and the place is revved up about it, and you wouldn’t believe the hot number I spotted bartending. Man….” His hand is waving like it’s on fire, but I don’t think that’s the only thing heated. “She’s a real looker and she did have some fine ladies holding up that half shirt she was wearing. H.O.T!”

I chuckle looking down at my guitar as I start to tune it. “Please don’t tell me you’re gonna ruin things at this bar too by going after the employees? Can we not find one place that we can play at without you ending our gigs there by trying to hump all their help?”

He laughs and beats on his drum. “Shut it. I can’t help it if I’m irresistible to the women in the bars we play at, including their employees. When you got it, you got it.” Phillip rolls his eyes as he strums a few chords on his bass guitar and Mark hits the wrong keys on his electric keyboard making me cringe with the sound.

“Okay, let’s get practicing or we’re gonna sound like shit and Friday will be the one and only night we play there. And one…. two…. three.” We all begin to play and get into sync quickly, our sound not wavering from not practicing the last couple of days. We end the night on a great note and smack hands as we all go our separate ways. Guess I better try to get some sleep with another day of classes tomorrow. I can’t wait until Friday gets here! I find I have a hard time falling to sleep as my mind fills with a blonde haired girl, sparkling blue eyes and a beautiful smile.

I walk into class and the women all turn around in their seats, smiling. A few even wink. I lower my head, a small smile on my face, but when I look at the backroom in the corner, I see Emma staring out the window and notice the dark circles under her eyes. I wonder what she does outside of school, what she’s like and what she thinks about in that beautiful head of hers. What she’d feel like beneath me. I blink rapidly and shake my head of these thoughts, set my binder down on my desk then walk around and sit on the corner of it. “Morning! I hope everyone slept well.” My eyes shift to Emma and see she’s looking at me with the most beautiful red blush on her cheeks, and her lips are slightly parted. I quickly look around the class and smile. “Today I want to talk about what you like about music and what you hope to get out of this class. What are your hopes and dreams and do they involve music?” I look over at Emma and nod. “Miss Danielson, will you start for us?” She shifts in her chair sitting up a little more and doesn’t look around the room, keeping her eyes on mine.

“Well, I….” She clears her throat and I hear shifting around the room, restlessness growing. “I’m not really sure at this point, but music’s always been part of my life. Music enters your heart, your soul, takes you to a different place, a different time. It lets you express your feelings, your desires and your inner most thoughts. I’ve been playing my guitar since I was little and some say I can sing but I leave that dream in the shower.”

People laugh, and I nod. “That was eloquently spoken, Miss Danielson. I’d like to hear that voice sometime. Maybe we can have a little talent show during class later so I can hear it.” Damn! I almost said I wanted to hear her voice in the shower. Nice save, idiot! My eyes move around and then focus on the next person. “Okay, tell us something about your dreams.”

This had to be the longest two hours of my life when all I wanted to do was talk to Emma more. Her words inspired a new song in my head, and I can’t wait to get home to write down some lyrics and notes. I did learn by talking to a few of my girl students that Emma is pretty much a loner and they think it’s because she’s snobby. I don’t get that vibe from her at all and damn, I’d love to get to know her better. I finally find a woman who’d I like to know, and she’s my student. Fuck my life.

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