Hot Decadent Rising (Breath of Darkness) (39 page)

BOOK: Hot Decadent Rising (Breath of Darkness)
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first sign that something was wrong was a subtle wave of tenderness between her
eyes. Anxiety caused her stomach to clench. The pain slowly moved from her head
to her feet until she felt it in her entire body, deep in her bones. Her head
started to pound. It was more of a discomfort than actual pain, but the
severity steadily increased.

the sound of Demetri chanting in a language she didn’t know, she opened her
eyes to look at him. Startling her, his eyes were entirely black, cold and
merciless. He stared at her, his jaw set in a stern scowl. No. Not stern. Pain.
He was in utter agony. His forehead was damp with sweat and tiny drops of blood
as he continued to chant.

her gut she sensed that something really bad was about to happen, but she
didn’t pull away from him. She wouldn’t. Her time with her sister was the best
time of her life. As long as there was a hope she’d see her sister again she
would endure anything.

what I was counting on. I will shield you to the best of my ability.”


This experience is about to get very unpleasant.”

don’t care about the consequences. I just want to find her.”

smiled. As odd as it seemed she believed it was a real smile. “No matter what
happens do
try to pull away from me. We can do this. We can find her

did she forget he was evil? “You don’t know where she is?” She didn’t
understand. He had to know. From what she’d heard he was responsible for whatever
fate Sara was suffering. She’d even heard that he’d murdered her to be with
Mary. Never once had it occurred to her that he might not know where her sister
was at. Was it possible Sara was hiding from him? Was he using her to find and
kill her own sister? “Oh God. No.” She tried to pull her hand away from his but
his grip but it was unbreakable. “No!” She tried to pull her mind from his but
his mind held onto hers and wouldn’t let go.

calm. You must be calm or she will know.”

A blinding
flash of light left her in utter darkness. An explosion caused her ears to pop
and then ring. Simultaneously, the pain became more intense than any she’d ever
experienced, every muscle in her body cramped. The severity of it slowly
increased until it developed into excruciating agony. She opened her mouth to
scream, but couldn’t get a sound out.

Not through her! Never her! Let her go, Demetri!

was her sister’s voice in her head. She reached out to her, but it was nearly
impossible to focus on anything beyond the pain she was experiencing.
She tried to force her mind to disconnect from the pain to connect with her

her go, Demetri! You will not hurt her to get to me!

went silent. The pain ceased. Demetri was gone. She felt weak. She tried to
take a step but lost her balance and, striking her cheek on what she thought
was the edge of her dresser, she fell on her floor. Unable to see, she wasn’t
sure where she was in her room. She put her palms flat on the floor to push
herself up. Shards of glass cracked beneath her hands, cutting deep into her
skin. Once on her feet, her head was spinning. Disoriented, she stumbled and
started to fall. Before she hit the ground, strong arms wrapped around her and
scooped her up. 


In a matter of seconds,
Nikolas had shifted with Brianna to his home. He was determined she would never
take a single step off his property again. His body shaking with pent up rage
he stared down at her covered in blood and unconscious in his arms. Everything
in him wanted to go after Demetri. He would. But for now just the sight of her
caused his blood to boil, he needed to take care of her. He just needed to be
near her. As near as possible.

remained limp as he lowered her onto his bed. A growl rumbling deep in his
chest, he pulled her hair back. The right side her face was covered with blood.
It had dripped down the front of her upper body and part of belly. Normally the
gash on her cheek would’ve required several stitches. Touching her face he sent
all of his healing power into her body, closing the wound within seconds. “I am
what I am. I promise we will both regret your defiance, little one.”

he’d mistakenly uttered the endearment that she despised, he frowned. He’d been
doing it a lot lately. He didn’t mean to demean her, but that is the way the
words made her feel. She was little compared to him. That was a fact. She may
be small, but she was also strong, resilient, and courageous. He admired her
inner strength. But then again he couldn’t forget she was breakable. How could
she blame him for wanting to protect her? She was precious to him. He loved and
adored her. He valued her life far above his own. Was that a sin worthy of her
believing another male’s claim that he was keeping her as a slave?

was the slave to her, to the emotions she stirred in him. Before her his life
had been simple.

her hate him. It didn’t matter as long as she never again had the chance to
allow Demetri or any other male to merge with her, to touch her again. How
could she believe he had anything other than love for her? Holding out his hand
he conjured up the necklace that she’d taken off to allow Demetri to touch her.
It had been an offering from his heart, a gift to help ensure her safety.
Before he’d given it to her it was a gift his father had given to him after
their first battle together. It had been around his neck for over nine thousand

crushed the damn thing in his fist, and then unable to stand the sight of the
blood on her body, he removed it with a wave of his hand. He stared down at
her. She looked so young, so naïve. How could fate give him such a pure woman?
He would destroy her. Not as he previously feared. He would never raise a hand
against her. He would destroy her innocence, her love for him and eventually
her love of life. “Damn you, Brianna.”

she sat up. Her wide eyes turned toward him though she couldn’t see him. She
reached out and touched his face. “Ouch.” She pulled her hand away from him.

me see it.” He grabbed hand and turned it over to look at her palm. He
should’ve known her palms were injured. “Hold still, Brianna. There’s glass in
it.” At least he hadn’t goofed up by calling her little one. Shielding her from
the pain he carefully removed every jagged sliver of glass from each of her

mad at me.” He wasn’t in the mood to talk so he got up to leave the room.
“Nikolas?” He opened the door with a wave of his hand. “Are you leaving?”

glanced over his shoulder. “It’s late. Get some rest.”

I want…I need to go home.”

now on this is your home.”

me home.”


can’t force me to stay here against my will.”

I can.”

jumped up out of the bed. “No.” Obviously realizing she was naked, she grabbed the
blanket from the bed and covered up her body. Frowning, she bit her bottom lip
as she took a step in his direction. “I know you’re mad at me, but that doesn’t
give you a right to force me to stay here. Take me home.”

stared at her for a long time. Mad? That didn’t even come close to describing
the rage burning in his gut. She’d pushed him aside to merge with Demetri.
She’d rejected him. She’d trusted the other demon rather than him. She’d placed
her life in the bastard’s hands. And for what? To help Demetri find and kill
her sister. “He could’ve killed you tonight.”

don’t understand. He wouldn’t. He only wanted me to…”

wanted you to lead him to your sister so he could kill her,” he interrupted.

He’s trying to find her. He’s trying to save her.”

has chosen to give himself to Mary Tate. He cannot have her as a true mate
until he kills your sister. That is why he wants to find her. That is why he
used you to get to her.”

can I lead him to her when I don’t know where she is?”

laughed out loud. “Sorry. Sometimes I forget that you are human. You are her
blood sister. As long as you are both alive you will have a connection to her.”

I follow that connection to find her?”

seriously doubt it. You don’t have the power to do it.”

we do it together?”

The truth was that Nikolas had tried to find Sara by way of Brianna’s blood
bond to her many times, but he was never successful.

we try?”


me home.” He knew what she wasn’t saying. She was desperate to get the hell
away from him so she could get in touch with Demetri.

is your home. Get used to it.”

was being cruel, launching an emotional attack on her. It was an act of revenge
plain and simple. He was making a huge mistake, but he refused to take a softer
line with her or simply walk away until he had a chance to calm down. What if
Demetri had killed her? How would he have survived the loss? He ached to touch,
to hold her, to comfort her…to soothe himself, but jealously, ferocious and
all-consuming, burned in his gut. It was dark and ugly. When he’d been so
desperate to get to her, to protect her, she pushed him aside to merge her mind
with another male. 

lifted her head as if to meet his gaze. “You’re not…you’re blocking me.” He
felt her pain and her confusion. He saw it in her eyes. He heard it in her
voice. It nearly brought him to his knees to beg for forgiveness. Straightening
his shoulders, he shook his head. He would not apologize. He would not admit to
any wrong doing. Clearly, he was the one that was wronged.

right.” Realizing his hands were trembling with the effort it took to not touch
her, he clenched his fists at his sides. “I am.” Like a stubborn little boy
refusing to admit he’d made a mistake because his feelings were hurt, he
crossed his arms over his chest and he stared at her as he waited for her

she tilted her head to the side. “Because you’re mad at me?”

She was trying to get him to talk, to open up to her and work it out. But that
wasn’t his way. He was a demon not a weak human male. He wasn’t kind. He wasn’t
a pushover. “Because a master doesn’t share his mind with his slave.”

going wide, she opened her mouth as if she would respond, but then she closed
it and turned her back to him. He’d never intimately shared his mind with
anyone as he did with her. Deeply. Completely. And how had she repaid him?
She’d rejected him. She’d slapped him across the face. “I promised you would
know how it felt to be my slave if you survived.” She’d broken his heart. She’d
scared the hell out of him.

she couldn’t see him, she turned to face him. “Do you hope to punish me so I
regret the fact that I survived?”

he answered immediately. “Of course not.” He’d gone too far. The revelation
caused his heart thunder, to pound painfully against the walls of

been a long night. I’m tired, Nikolas.” She turned her back to him again. He
almost reached out to her, but he stopped. He had nothing to feel guilty about.
She’d been the one to reject him. He never would’ve pushed her aside to permit
another woman access to his mind. While walking toward the bed, she tripped
over the blanket and stumbled. He moved quickly and caught her arm before she
fell. “Do
touch me!” He heard tears in her voice as she yanked her
arm out of his grip. “

thought he took her into his arms and bent his head to kiss her. Palms planted
against his chest, she struggled to push him away. Obviously mad over the fact
that she couldn’t push him away, she bit his lip hard. He kept his arms around
her, but he pulled back to look at her. Frowning up at him, fury burned in her
beautiful blue eyes.

tasted blood on his bottom lip. “You bit me.” And he enjoyed it. He laughed softly.
Rather than respond, she stared up at him as if looking for something. Oh,
damn. She couldn’t see him. He immediately opened his mind to her. He was
shocked when she didn’t enter his mind. “I never should’ve blocked you; little

I prefer it that way.”

reached out and lightly caressed her cheek with the tips of his fingers. “I
went too far. I’m sorry. Merge with me.”

if burned, she flinched at his touch. “
again! I understand that I
cannot stop you from entering my mind, but that doesn’t mean I can’t stay out
of yours. I’m done with you, Nikolas.” She’d recoiled as if repulsed by his

can’t see unless you merge with me.”

I couldn’t possibly get by without seeing you. By all means I’ll sell my soul
to the devil to see him.” She shook her head. “I would rather be blind than
dependent on you for anything.”

was wrong.”

“Agreed. Leave me. I’m tired.”

“No.” He knew better than to walk away
from her at that moment. Even if he didn’t he couldn’t. One way or another he
had to make sure she understood why he’d behaved in such a ruthless manner. “I
won’t try to make excuses for my behavior. All I can do it beg for your
forgiveness though I know I don’t deserve it. I can’t change what I am. Not
really. I can do my best to grow and learn to be more understanding. I can
learn to be gentler with you. But my greatest need will always be to protect
you above all else including myself. I wouldn’t think twice before killing
anyone who dared to become a threat to you. Today I lost it when I found myself
in the unique position of realizing you were a threat to yourself.”

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