Hot Christmas Nights (17 page)

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Authors: Farrah Rochon

BOOK: Hot Christmas Nights
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Chapter 5

ell, looks like we’re bound for the rest of the evening,” Landis said.

Brooklyn was silently thanking her lucky stars. She was finally spending an evening with the man she had admired for years. His arm was pressing against hers, and she could feel his muscles. Being this close to Landis was making Brooklyn moist with desire. She wanted to break the tinsel right then and there and jump his bones. Brooklyn hadn’t made passionate love in nearly two years. She was on a self-imposed hiatus from sex. Her last relationship with a record producer had ended badly when she caught him in a compromising position with an intern, promptly ending their six-month relationship. Brooklyn was now long overdue for some heated, in-the-buff, body-to-body affection.

“Are you hungry?” he asked.

Yes, hungry for you!
she thought. “No, not really. Can you excuse me? I need to go back to my room. I forgot to put Pepper and Michael’s gifts under the tree.”

“Uhh…I would, but we’re tied together, remember?”

She glanced down at their fingers and smiled coyly. “Guess you’ll have to come with me.”

Brooklyn led the way through the living room, down the long hallway that led to the guest wing of the penthouse. She put an extra sway in her hips as she moved, hoping that Landis was watching. When they reached the room, Brooklyn opened the door and went inside.

The massive bedroom was decorated in all white with a silver metallic duvet covering the king-size bed. White Christmas lights adorned the windows, creating a soft glow.

“The gifts are in my luggage,” she said. Brooklyn had started walking toward the closet, but Landis stopped her.

“Wait a minute. I’ve been dying to do this all night.”

He reached out with his free hand, brought her close and wrapped his arms around her waist. Landis then leaned in and gave Brooklyn a soft kiss on the lips. He then stepped back and said, “I can’t believe you’re the shy, chubb—I’m sorry.”

“It’s all right. You can say chubby, because it’s the truth.”

“But now look at you.” Landis stood back and gave her an appraising look. “You’re gorgeous. And please let me apologize.”

“For what?”

“For not recognizing your beauty when we were in school. I was a dumb jock back then, but I’m a wise man now, and I sincerely apologize.”

“No apology necessary.”

“You’re so sweet.” He kissed her again, but this time more passionately.

Brooklyn’s heart began beating a mile a minute. Although she had fantasized about this day for years, she hadn’t expected him to move so fast. She returned his kiss and soon their tongues were taking over, doing a duet all of their own.

Landis ran his left hand down her back and didn’t stop until he reached her ample rear end. He began massaging her ass, pressing her into his groin.

Brooklyn could feel his rising manhood, which was getting harder by the second. She pressed firmly against him and began grinding her hips.

“I want you,” Landis whispered in her ear.

Brooklyn nibbled on his earlobe, stuck her tongue in his ear and then said, “I want you more.”

Landis untied the belt on her wrap dress, allowing it to drape open. He stood back for a moment and admired her sculpted body. She wore a red lace thong with a matching low-cut bra, which accentuated her breasts.

“Wow, you’re beautiful,” he said, rubbing his hand down her taut midsection.

“You’re not bad yourself.”

Brooklyn hesitated for a moment. She had never been the type of woman to give in to a man on the first date, but Landis wasn’t just any man. Besides, she reasoned that they had known each other since college. She threw caution to the wind and started unbuttoning his shirt. Once it was open, she mirrored his moves and ran her hand over his well-defined pecs. His chest was hairy, but not overly so. She touched his dark nipples and rubbed them until they firmed up.

“Mmm…that feels good. You think we can make love without breaking the tinsel?” he asked.

“I’m up to the challenge if you are.”

“Challenge is my middle name.” He chuckled. Landis reached into his pocket, retrieved his wallet and produced a condom.

“Look at you, Mr. Ready For Action,” she teased.

“It’s the Man Code to always keep at least one condom on you at all times.”

“Oh, I like that code.”

Once they made their way over to the massive bed, Brooklyn kicked off her heels and wiggled out of her thong while Landis unhooked her bra with his free hand, releasing her ample breasts.

“You’ll need to unbuckle my belt,” he said, taking off his Gucci loafers.

“Gladly,” she said, smiling.

Brooklyn unbuckled his belt and unfastened his pants, allowing them to fall to the floor. She tugged at the waistband of his black boxer briefs. “You need to take those off.”

“With pleasure!” Landis unleashed his massive member and rubbed the head of his penis against her smoothly shaven triangle.

Brooklyn was so moist with excitement that she could barely contain herself. “Stop teasing me and start pleasing me!”

Landis tore open the foil wrapper, took out the prophylactic and rolled it onto his engorged manhood. He eased Brooklyn down on the bed and covered her body with his. Landis spread her legs wide and eased his way into her slippery canal. Once he was inside, he began pumping, going deeper and deeper.

“Oh, yes!” she yelled softly, careful not to be overheard. “You feel so good.”

“So do you,” he said, cradling her head with his left hand.

Brooklyn wrapped her legs around his back and rode his rhythm, matching him pump for pump. He was making love to her so good that her back arched, her toes curled downward and she thrashed her head back and forth on the verge of ecstasy.

“Are…you…coming?” he asked in between heated breaths.


Landis clenched her left hand with his right hand, ensuring that the tinsel remained intact.

Brooklyn couldn’t hold back any longer. She let go on his latex-covered penis.

Landis followed suit and came hard into the condom. After a few seconds, he was the first to speak.

“That was beyond fantastic!”

“It was worth waiting all these years for,” she admitted with a huge smile plastered on her face.

“I didn’t really know you back in college, but I’m oh-so-glad I know you now,” he said, hugging her tightly with his free arm.

After making love, they were too exhausted to return to the party, and drifted peacefully to sleep.

The early-morning sun beaming through the slits of the miniblinds disturbed Brooklyn’s slumber. Normally, she wore an eye mask to bed so the sunrise wouldn’t ruin her sleep. She tried to turn away from the source of the light, but there was something preventing her from moving freely. Brooklyn blinked her lids open, and there was Landis resting soundly next to her. She glanced down at their hands, and their fingers were still bound together. He was so close that she could smell the faint scent of his cologne. She inhaled deeply. The fragrance was a reminder of their heated lovemaking and she began blushing.

Brooklyn lay there and wondered what the aftermath would be like. As she ran different scenarios through her mind—would he act indifferent as if she were just another conquest? Would he make an excuse and leave as fast as humanly possible?—he began to stir. Brooklyn’s breath caught in her throat. She looked over at him and watched his eyes open. He stared at her for a moment.

“I’m so glad it wasn’t a dream,” Landis said in a groggy voice.

A puzzled expression painted her face. “Excuse me?”

“I was afraid that last night was a dream, but looking at your beautiful face this morning, I know it was real.”

“Yes, it was real all right.” She blushed.

Landis leaned in and kissed Brooklyn good-morning. He caressed the back of her head with his right hand, finally breaking the tinsel.

Chapter 6

t was Christmas Eve, and Brooklyn and Pepper were strolling down crowded Fifth Avenue amongst the holiday shoppers.

“I love Manhattan during the holidays,” Brooklyn commented. She had left her bodyguard at Pepper’s place and was in disguise, wearing oversize dark shades and a down maxi coat with the hood flipped up around her face.

Store windows displayed various holiday scenes, from a winter wonderland of yesteryear, to a futuristic space scene with a robotic Santa and reindeer soaring through the solar system. The buildings lining the avenue were also decked out for the season. The exterior of Saks Fifth Avenue was wrapped in its traditional humongous red ribbon and gigantic bow. The smell of roasted chestnuts being sold by street vendors permeated the crisp air. Brooklyn and Pepper had just completed some last-minute shopping before they headed off to Bridgehampton to celebrate Christmas and prepare for the wedding.

“That’s not all you love,” Pepper said, cutting her eyes at her friend. She hadn’t had a chance to have a little girl talk during breakfast, since Landis and Michael were present.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I’m guessing you also loved being tied up in tinsel.”

Brooklyn began smiling from ear to ear. “When you introduced the game, I thought it was a lame idea, but was I ever wrong. If it wasn’t for your ingenuity, Landis and I would have never gotten so close so fast.”

“How close did you get?”

“Close enough for me to want more. I didn’t intend to skip out on the party. We went back to my room so that I could get your gifts and put them under the tree. Once we entered the room, Landis didn’t waste any time making a move.”

“Don’t worry about missing the party. I’m just glad you two finally hooked up.”

“So am I. It’s refreshing to meet a man who doesn’t have a hidden agenda. Some of the men I’ve met in the past were only interested in dating me so that I could help advance their music careers. Thankfully, Landis has a thriving business and doesn’t need any help from me.”

“Sounds like you’re falling hard for him.”

Brooklyn exhaled. “Actually, I fell for Landis the first day I laid eyes on him back in college. And now, after all of these years, we finally have a chance to bond. Landis is everything in a man that I’ve ever wanted. He’s smart, handsome, successful and great in bed!”

As they were talking, Pepper’s cell phone rang. She dug it out of her pocket and answered. “Hello?”

“Hey, babe, are you and Brooklyn still shopping?”

“No. We just finished up.”

“Good. Why don’t you guys meet me and Landis at Rockefeller Center?”

“Hold on a second.” Pepper took the phone away from her mouth and turned to Brooklyn. “Michael wants us to meet him and Landis at Rock Center. Do you want to go?”

Brooklyn smiled broadly. “Of course!”

“We’re on our way.”

Brooklyn and Pepper walked arm in arm up Fifth Avenue and over to Rockefeller Center. The popular landmark was abuzz with activity. Tourists were snapping pictures in front of the gilded statute of Prometheus. The colossal, seventy-six-foot-tall Christmas tree, decorated beautifully with a multitude of lights and ornaments, towered over the ice-skating rink, which was crowded with skaters.

Brooklyn glanced over the throng of people and spotted Landis and Michael cutting through the crowd. The sight of her handsome lover brought a smile to her face. Landis wore jeans, black biker boots, a black wool beret and a navy peacoat with a burgundy knit scarf tied around his neck. The closer he came, the faster her heart began to beat.

“You disappeared on me after breakfast,” Landis said after kissing Brooklyn on the cheek.

The four friends had had a leisurely breakfast at the penthouse the morning after the party, with eggs Benedict, fresh fruit and mimosas. As they sat across the table from each other, Landis and Brooklyn stole glances at each other and played footsie underneath the table, secretly flirting.

“Pepper wanted me to do a little last-minute shopping with her.”

Landis stepped a bit closer and whispered, “I was hoping to get in some last-minute lovemaking before you left.”

“You didn’t get enough last night?”

“Nope, did you?”

Brooklyn quickly flashed back to the night before. Landis’s sculpted body had left an indelible impression on her, and the thought of him wedged between her thighs made Brooklyn want him all over again. “Not really.”

“Hey, do you guys want to go ice-skating?” Pepper asked.

“I’m not much of a skater. I’m too clumsy,” Brooklyn replied.

“Falling down is half the fun. Come on. It’ll be a blast!” Pepper said.

“I’m game, if you guys are,” Michael chimed in.

“Me, too,” Landis said.

Brooklyn cut her gaze to Landis and said, “I can think of better things to do, but since it’s your weekend, Pepper, how can I say no?”

“Oh, goodie!” Pepper clapped her hands.

The four friends marched inside the building to check their belongings and rent skates. As they waited in line, Landis stood close behind Brooklyn and began whispering in her ear.

“Last night was magical.”

Brooklyn turned her head slightly and whispered, “Yes, it was an unexpected surprise.”

“I hope I wasn’t too forward.”

“No, not at all. I truly enjoyed every minute.”

“What did you like most?” he asked.

His baritone voice reverberating in her ear sent an erotic chill up her spine. Landis had taken her out of her comfort zone, and she was reveling in her sexual liberation. Brooklyn found herself getting aroused as she replayed their maiden night together. “I loved the way you felt inside of me,” she said brazenly.

“Did I fill you up?”

“You sure did.” Brooklyn backed up into him so that their bodies were touching. “And now I want more.”

“Your request is my pleasure.”

As they were talking, Landis’s cell phone rang. He dug the device out of his pocket and read the caller ID. It was the associate marketing director of his company. Landis unlocked the phone and answered.

“Hey, Robert, what’s up?”

“You didn’t get back to me on the Brooklyn deal. Did you speak to her manager about trying to close the deal before the end of the year?”

Landis glanced at Brooklyn as he spoke. “Yes, I talked to him. Unfortunately, closing that particular project isn’t going to happen in the next week,” he said, trying to sound vague.

The line began moving, and Brooklyn stepped ahead.

“Too bad. We really need Brooklyn’s star power to get the agency to the next level.”

“Yeah, I know. Look, Robert, I’ve gotta run. I’ll be in touch if there are any changes in the next few days.”

“Okay. Have a good Christmas.”

“Thanks. You, too.” Landis disconnected the call and moved closer to Brooklyn.

“Work?” she asked.

“Yes. The wheels of progress keep moving even during the holidays.” He chuckled.

“I love your phone. I’ve been wanting the latest smartphone but keep forgetting to have my assistant order one.”

Landis looked down at the phone still in his hand. “Thanks. I love it, too. This phone does everything a tablet does and more.”

“After the holidays, I’ll call my assistant and have her order one.”

The line moved quickly as they were talking, and soon they were lacing up their skates. Michael and Pepper were the first to hit the ice. Brooklyn watched Michael hold Pepper’s arm as they made their way around the crowded rink.

“I don’t think I can do this,” Brooklyn confided.

“Sure you can. Don’t worry. I’ll be by your side the entire time. I promise I won’t let you fall.”

Listening to Landis’s words gave Brooklyn an assurance that she hadn’t felt from a man in a long time. Although they were not officially a couple, she was 90 percent certain that they would have a future together.

As they were ready to enter the rink, some of the skaters had skated over to the side and stopped. At first Brooklyn thought that she had been spotted and the crowd was eagerly awaiting her appearance. She tucked her head into her chin, trying to further hide her face, and then she heard Landis say, “Hey, look! That guy is down on one knee. I think he’s about to propose.”

Brooklyn surveyed the ice, and sure enough, a couple was front and center. The man had produced an aqua-blue box out of his jacket, opened the lid and was holding a diamond ring. Brooklyn couldn’t hear them, but she could see pure joy on the woman’s face. Once the man put the ring on her finger, the crowd erupted in cheers and applause. Obviously he had proposed and she had said yes.

Brooklyn peered over at Landis and couldn’t help thinking that one day she would be the recipient of a proposal. Touring around the country performing had indeed been a dream come true. She was now ready to figure out what the future held for her and Landis.

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