HOSTAGE (To Love A Killer) (8 page)

BOOK: HOSTAGE (To Love A Killer)
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              The shape of Hunter’s breasts under her tee, the way her hips filled out her clothes, caused Ash to stiffen under his jeans for her.

              Without warning, Ash scooped her round ass into his hands and held her firmly. Hunter felt instinctively that he would know exactly what to do, how to touch her, when to be gentle and when to be rough, if she offered herself to him. The way his hands felt, massaging into her backside sent waves of warmth aching through her in a subtle, sweet flow of contractions. He was turning her on. She was growing wet from his grip and they were still only standing, cheek to cheek, in aroused anticipation.

              “We don’t have to go all the way,” he whispered into her ear, again sending warm tingles down her spine and causing her breath to clip in her throat as her heart rate quickened in excitement. “I just want you to feel really good. Do you want that?”

              Those words spoken in that deep, smooth voice was intoxicating. She was blown away by how wildly her body could respond to him, even something as simple as his tone. She felt herself expanding deep within, as though her loins were beckoning Ash, inviting him in, and she hadn’t even taken her jeans off yet.

              When Hunter hadn’t answered, Ash grew slightly concerned. He didn’t want her to be scared or nervous. He didn’t want her to think he was misleading her and would expect anything from her in return. At this point ,he found her so incredibly sexy that to stare up at her naked body, her soft skin, and watch her climax, riding his mouth would be so hot he figured he’d cum from that alone.

              “Hunter,” he went on, “stop me if I’m going too far, but I need to watch you. I can’t explain it. I just want to make you feel good and you don’t have to do anything in return. I just really, really need to see you pleasured. I promise you’ll like it. And if I do anything you don’t like, we can stop anytime.”

              Ash pulled back so they were no longer standing cheek to cheek and looked at Hunter with her big brown eyes. The skepticism he expected to find there, the edge of fear that he had caught the last time they had been alone together, was no longer there, but replaced with smoldering intrigue that matched his own. He ran the pad of his thumb across her lower lip, feeling its softness, studying how supple she was. And that’s when he saw it, the answer he wanted. Hunter slowly nodded.

              Hunter allowed Ash to guide her, walking backwards to the bed, where he ran his fingertips up and down the length of her bare arms. He gazed deeply into her eyes and Hunter thought she detected an edge of brooding darkness just below the surface. She didn’t find it threatening, however, but alluring.

              He grazed his fingertips across her lower stomach, having lifted the hem of her tee up. The sensation was relaxing, playful, and suddenly Hunter realized she was yearning for those hands to travel north to her breasts or south between her legs. That’s when she realized Ash knew exactly the effect he was having on her. He was building the craving inside of her, and it was working.

              Hunter pulled her tee up and over her head and let it fall freely to the floor. The way her brown waves spilled back over her shoulders was seductive, and Ash felt himself straining against his jeans, as though every fiber of his being was dying to thrust inside of her and make a home deep within, working only to stimulate her to the heights of both their pleasure.

              Ash cupped her breast in his hand, feeling the soft lace that covered it. They were so petite and perky, the nipples small and hard. It was as though Hunter had been made for him. She embodied everything that turned him on.

              In an instant, he unfastened Hunter’s bra, lowering it slowly and savoring the beautiful sight of her topless. Soon he wrapped his warm, wet mouth around her nipple and sucked gently.

              The sensation was highly erotic, sending ripples of heat flowing through Hunter’s aching loins. The way his tongue felt, hot, flicking her nipple, as his hands found their way to her round ass again to squeeze and tease her, was bringing Hunter to a new peak of desire. Of course she had slept with men before, sometimes for fun and often for money, but she had never wanted it, yearned for it, she had never ached for it like she was right now for Ash. These were uncharted waters.

              Hunter realized she was reaching for him, feeling for the bulge under his jeans, almost as if by reflex or instinct. Her eyes floated closed the moment Ash’s lips found hers, leaving her breast wet from his suckling, cool in the air.

              He unbuttoned her jeans without her noticing it. It was only when Ash began to tug them down, exposing the light pink panties she was wearing, that she realized her pants were coming off. And she liked it.

              There was something incredibly sexy about looking down at Ash on his knees as he freed one leg from her jeans, then the other. The way his broad shoulder’s strained and rippled in the effort, the way his arms flexed and relaxed. He was a downright hunk, and he wanted nothing more from her than to witness her pleasure. The thought of it made her grow even wetter, surging with a sweet ache that burned stronger than it had until this moment.

              He guided her to the bed, carving out room for himself between her legs, then lowered down until he was hovering, nose to nose, above Hunter.

              She felt exceptionally sexy lying there beneath him, the lines of her nearly naked body, the curves of her breasts and hips, all within her periphery added to her arousal. Hunter liked the way his hips lowered further, pressing into the apex between her legs, as though he belonged there.

              He pressed his lips against hers, kissing her for a long moment, then pulled back preparing to whisper in her ear, their new mode of communication during these titillating exchanges.

              “I’m going to lick you, Hunter. You’re so sexy and beautiful. Does that sound good?”

              Hunter’s heart was fluttering and her breath had quickened so dramatically that she wasn’t sure she had the words to respond. She nodded, as a sensual moan escaped her lips, an indication of her hunger for him.

              He lowered down, aligning his gaze with her gorgeous panties and gently pulled them down at the corners.

              Hunter watched as a wry smile spread across his face the second she lifted her hips, helping him to slide her panties down her ass, revealing the soft, tight, curls between her legs. She felt so wet and hot for him. She could feel his warm breath, the breeze of each exhale graze across her hot throbbing loins and it only served to build her desire.

              Ash glanced up at her, meeting her gaze. He looked turned on and slightly sleepy in a highly sexy way that increased the exquisite throbbing inside.

              And then it began. First Hunter felt his hot, slippery wet tongue lightly slide up the length of her throbbing slit, then pause over her sweet mound. The sensation drove her wild, a slow quake, hot as molten lava oozed through her until the tension had risen, bringing her with it, to new heights of pleasure.

              She moaned, highly sensitive to his touch. The sound of her made him stiffen harder than he ever thought possible. Hunter was sex personified and had driven him crazy since the moment he had first seen her, but this was out of this world.

              He licked her again, sliding his slippery hot tongue up the length of her until he paused on her throbbing mound. This time, Ash began slowly circling there.

              It was building inside of her. The sweet aching throb was building into a slow burning surge towards ecstasy. Hunter felt the intensity of it, sweeping her up, carrying her away into a sustained euphoric bliss. He licked, then swirled, then licked again, each time causing a heat wave to surge through her loins, stimulating every nerve ending, arousing every cell. He was bringing her closer and closer to the peak.

              Suddenly he pressed his mouth around her mound and began to suck.

              Hunter moaned, her head arching back, as her hips rose uncontrollably thrusting towards his sexy mouth.

              Ash steadied her between his hands, continuing to suck. He was bringing her there. The pleasure was mounting, rising, expanding beyond anything she had ever experienced. If he did one more thing, if he added so much as one more sensual sensation, it would tip Hunter over the edge.

              And he knew that.

              All of a sudden, Ash slipped his long finger inside of her firmly.

              Hunter moaned out in intense pleasure.

              She felt hot, wet, and smooth as satin. Ash could feel her tighten against his finger. She was going to come. He looked up at her and watched her writhe around for him in a fit of pleasure, desire, wanting and needing. This was the woman he loved. He would do anything for her. Her pleasure was his.

              Ash returned his mouth to her and began to move his finger inside in a gentle “come-hither” motion, sliding gently up and out, in up and out, in up and out, all the while licking and suckling her.

              That was all it took.

              A massive rush of throbbing heat surged through Hunter. She screamed out a moan of pure delight, riding the wave higher and higher, as Ash brought her to the very peak of her highest pleasure. In an explosion that seized her, arresting her breath, and stealing her ability to do anything but embrace his extraordinary touch, Hunter tipped over the edge, climaxing in the intense rhythm of sweet aching ripples of ecstasy. Her body clenched and contracted in undeniable bliss, riding the wave of pleasure as long as her body would allow it.

              All the while Ash worked her, playing between her legs, drinking in her sweet juices, and savoring every second of her riveting orgasm, he was hard for her, holding himself back, wanting more.

              Eventually, her body subsided, ebbed back to a state of blissful calm. Ash responded in kind, releasing her, and sliding up to meet her on the bed.

              He scooped her in his arms.

              Hunter didn’t hesitate one second, and claimed his glistening lips with her own, kissing him and tasting her need for him on those lips.

              When Hunter finally caught her breath, she turned to Ash and asked, “Is this a dream?”

              He laughed, the melody of his tone inspired true love in Hunter’s heart.

              “No, this is real life. This is our life.”

              “I can’t believe I met you. What did I do to deserve this?” she asked, smiling and resting in the crux of his arm.

              “You deserve it,” he said softly, as he began to drift towards sleep. “We’ve been through enough in our lives. It’s time to be happy.”

              Hunter liked the idea of that. She agreed, but there was so much they had to do before they could rest in a comfortable state of happiness together.

              And they had no way of knowing if they’d live long enough to get there.

Chapter Five

              Sarah had been sitting on the back patio long before the call arrived. Early morning had been her only prayer of cooler weather these past few months, so she had gotten in the habit of rising at 6:00 am to sit outside and savor the cool temperature. It had become something of a ritual, using coffee and cool air to shake off sleep in the concrete backyard of her house. She would miss this come winter time.

              Weeds had wrestled their way through cracks in the patio, giving the place a rundown, sunken in appearance, but Sarah liked it. It never quite sat right with her that she had
a house, lived in a nice neighborhood, and could see Prospect Park from her bedroom window. Part of her felt like she didn’t deserve it. Part of her knew she would never call this house a home. It made her uncomfortable. It was too nice, yet the irony was that in a lot of ways it wasn’t. The house hadn’t been renovated in decades. The wooden floorboards creaked underfoot. The roof needed new shingles, something Sarah wouldn’t have time for unless the rain would force her to make time. Nervous the mortgage would be too high, she was renting out the upper floor to a young married couple. She heard practically everything they did. The house by no standard was nice, but compared to the bullet holes and broken plumbing of her place in the Gowanus, her new place was a serious step up.

              Sarah flipped her cell phone shut and rested it on the ground beside her, knowing that time was of the essence and she needed to get going.

              She had heard a lot of information about Hunter Mann in the past twelve hours, but not enough to make full sense of the triple homicide that had gone down in the girl’s apartment. They still didn’t have an I.D. on the dead girl in the bathtub, but the dead man, they discovered, was an associate of Dale Williams’ and lived not two doors down from Dale in the exact same town in New Hampshire.

              The department was starting to find it interesting that Hunter Mann too had resided on the same farm as Dale for virtually all her life. It would seem Hunter had left the farm and the men had followed her. At least that was what the department was saying and Sarah couldn’t deny it. But they didn’t know why. They didn’t know what the New Hampshire men wanted from Hunter.

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