Hope's Folly (50 page)

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Authors: Linnea Sinclair

BOOK: Hope's Folly
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And that took time.

So now they were dating. Married but dating. Philip rather liked the idea.

She grinned. “You're too well behaved. I'm getting suspicious. So is Captain Folly. You're being far too nice to him.”

“You're thinking I mean to seduce you.”

“You're never mean when you seduce me,” she said, her voice low and sexy.

“Dinner, sir?” The black-clad waiter arrived, anti-grav tray at his side. Which was just as well, because their conversation was about to make Philip suggest they have dessert first.

“Thank you.” Philip leaned back in his seat as the waiter put the silver-domed dish in front of him. The Officers’ Club had better than decent fare. Not as good as his own cooking, which was why the galley on board the
was getting a major overhaul. But the club offered the pomp of the elegantly attired waiters, candlelight dining, and, of course, an attendant behind each chair when dinner was served, ready to whisk away the domed covers in one well-timed move.

He'd grown up eating in restaurants like this all the time with his parents. It didn't mean that much to him. But this was their two-week anniversary.

“And for Mrs. Guthrie, this evening's special.”

Rya's dish appeared, then white-gloved hands reached around. Covers raised. Too late, he saw there was a fork already in her hand. And a large pile of peas on the left side of her plate.

He ducked out of the way, laughing, when the first forkful went flying.

But Rya the Rebel got him neatly in the chest with her second.

Right in the heart.












Winner of the prestigious national book award the RITA, science fiction romance author
Linnea Sinclair
has become a name synonymous with high-action, emotionally intense, character-driven novels. Reviewers note that Sinclair's novels “have the ‘wow!’ factor in spades,” earning her accolades from both the science fiction and the romance communities. A former news reporter and retired private detective, Sinclair resides in Naples,
, in the winter and Columbus,
, in the summer with her husband, Robert Bernadino, and their two thoroughly spoiled cats. Readers can find her perched on the third barstool from the left in her Intergalactic Bar and Grille at www.linneasinclair.com [http://www.linneasinclair.com].








A Bantam Book / March 2009

Published by

Bantam Dell

A Division of Random House, Inc.

New York,
New York

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents

either are the product of the author's imagination or are used

fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events,

or locales is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved

Copyright © 2009 by Linnea Sinclair Bernadino


Bantam Books and the rooster colophon are registered trademarks of

Random House, Inc.



eISBN: 978-0-553-90624-0

www.bantamdell.com [http://www.bantamdell.com]



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