Hope (35 page)

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Authors: Sam Rook

Tags: #portal between, #portals, #fantasy adult, #portals to other worlds, #portal guardians, #portals to otherworlds, #fantasy adult romance, #portal fantasy, #portal, #romantic fantasy, #portal series, #knights romance, #winged knights, #knights, #wings, #hope

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She threw her arms around his neck for balance and he lifted her off the stool. His armor dug into her arms and ribs. Pulling away from his lips, she grimaced in pain.

"I'm sorry. I forgot I was armored." He put her down upon the stool and pulled away. "Thal'salin sar." His armor disappeared and he now wore a loose fitting white shirt and blue pants. Barefoot, he was now an inch shorter, but still taller than she, even with her upon the stool. Stepping back toward her, he wrapped his arms around her lower back and pulled her body against his. Growling with pleasure, he gave her a mischievous smile. "That's much better."

Heat radiated through his shirt against her breasts. Such a startling change from the cold armor, she felt herself shiver with delight. Lacing her fingers around his neck and through his hair, she pulled his mouth toward hers and he returned her eager kiss. She felt his hands caress her buttocks and he lifted her off the stool and held her against him.

Sir Lanclor's pants didn't provide the same protection as his armor and she felt his familiar arousal. Spreading her legs, she wrapped them around him letting him feel her heat as well. She opened her eyes and found him looking into hers with such intensity; she knew she wouldn't leave the library until they were both satisfied.

Pulling away from her kiss, Sir Lanclor gave her an evil smile. "Thal'salin sar."

Kathryn felt a draft and looked down to see they were both naked from the waist down. He eased himself into her and she moaned at the unexpected pleasure. Accustomed to the missionary position, Kathryn felt awkward, but soon matched his rhythm. She threw her head back unable to catch her breath amidst his kissing.

His stubble scraped against her as he kissed her neck, his breath coming in short bursts. The excitement of someone catching them in the library heightened the pleasure. When they climaxed, their moans echoed beyond the bookshelves. Their rhythm slowed and Kathryn lowered her head, pressing her cheek against his.

Panting, Sir Lanclor held her against him and she felt him pulsing inside her. His sweat mixed with his familiar smell of pine and cinnamon—the Crakentor tree logs he moved on the practice field. Kathryn's legs started to shake with the strain of wrapping them around him. He lifted her off him and set her down upon the stool. She gripped his shoulders for balance, giving him an embarrassed smile.

"Lady Kathryn, are you in here?" Hal's voice echoed from the doorway.

Kathryn almost fell from the stool in a panicked search for her clothes.

"Thal'salin sar." Sir Lanclor mumbled and their clothes appeared on the floor in front of them and two towels emerged in his hand. "Here," he said, handing her a towel, "clean up and get dressed. It'll take him a while to search this far back." He turned his back to her.

Kathryn cleaned up and scrambled to pull her clothes on. She heard footsteps coming toward them and remembered the light spell. It was like a beacon announcing their location. Now that they were both clothed, she pushed Sir Lanclor up against the wall and turned toward the entrance to the aisle, spreading her wings to block Hal's view.

She severed the power of her light spell and welcomed the darkness that hid her red face. Walking to the opening, she emitted what she hoped sounded like a surprised squeak as she almost collided with Hal.

"Hal, you scared me. I was...busy. What's up?" She flashed him a forced smile.

"I couldn’t sleep and when you didn't answer my knock, I just assumed you would be here. I'll grab some books and we can pass what's left of our free time trying to find a way to survive the next 12 hours. Kathryn stood with her mouth open, not sure how to stop him without arousing his suspicion as he pushed past her toward the back of the bookshelves.

Chapter 47


Lanclor watched Hal approach and decided on his course of action. There was no point in keeping everything a secret. Lady Kathryn had made her intentions clear and he wasn't going to dishonor her. Stepping forward, he met Hal's advance.

Hal startled and ceased his progress. "Hey. I'm sorry, but I didn't realize anyone else was in here with Kate." He backed up allowing Lanclor to step into the dim light emanating from the light globe over the desk beyond the bookshelves. "My name's Hal and you are?"

Lanclor realized Hal hadn't ever seen him without his helmet. "I believe we've already been introduced, Hal." Lanclor raised his black wings and watched recognition enter Hal's eyes.

"Sir Lanclor. I didn't recognize you." He glanced back at Lady Kathryn, his eyes sliding to her neck where Lanclor's stubble had rubbed a red streak against her milky skin. The blush on Lady Kathryn's cheeks matched her neck. Hal tore his gaze from her and looked at Lanclor with wide eyes.

"That's okay, Hal, I wouldn't expect you to." Lanclor suppressed a smile. "Lady Kathryn and I were just leaving. You should get some sleep before the battle. Be safe, Hal."

Lanclor held his arm out to Kathryn and she gripped it in a daze. They headed toward the exit.

"Um, be safe." Hal muttered behind them.


A short while later Lanclor lay with Lady Kathryn in his private quarters. In several hours, they would need to put on their armor and head to battle. They both needed to get some rest. With one of her legs over his and her breasts against the left side of his chest, he felt at peace for the first time in a decade.

"I wish you would have just told me who you were months ago." Kathryn’s tired voice mumbled.

Lanclor knew how she felt. If he could experience more than just one night of this, he could die happy. "I do too." They couldn’t change the past even with magic. "Get some sleep. You’ll need your energy in the morning."

"Mmmhmm." Her hand twitched against his chest as her breathing evened. Lanclor smiled with the sound of her soft snore and allowed his mind to drift.

Hours later, he awoke to a familiar voice inside his head.

Lanclor? Are you awake?

"Lak'oth ar'vat." Lanclor whispered the communication spell.
I am now, Alextor

Oh, I'm sorry to wake you. I wanted to go over the attack plan with you one more time before you leave.

Kathryn sighed and snuggled closer against him. Her hair tickled his chest and he reached up to feel its softness against his fingertips.
I’m a little busy right now. How much longer do we have?

About two hours. What do you mean you’re busy? I thought you were sleeping, before I woke you up that is...

Lanclor smiled.
Give me a half hour and I’ll meet you in the war room

Okay. I expect a full report

Lanclor snorted and felt Kathryn start with the sudden motion of his chest.

"What’s going on?" she muttered as she pulled her hand away from his chest to tuck her hair behind her ear.

He covered her hand with his after she put it back on his chest over his heart. "Lord Alextor wants to go over the battle plans. We’ll be leaving in a couple of hours."

Kathryn laced her fingers through his and squeezed before responding. "I need to get going. I want to look through my notes before we leave. Maybe there’s a spell I missed." She pushed herself up so she was looking down upon him. She leaned down and gave him a gentle kiss, pulling away just enough to break the contact between their lips. "I’ll find a way."

Lanclor reached up and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. "I’ll see you in a couple hours. Be safe, Kate."

"Be safe, Lan."

He closed his eyes in satisfaction. That name upon her lips showed she had accepted who he was. His given name was Matthis, but now he was the Soulbearer, Lanclor.

Chapter 48


The Last Battle Sight filled the few hours of sleep Kathryn had with Sir Lanclor. Sir Lanclor’s horse continued to die several times that night. Different scenarios occurred, all ending in failure.

In one scenario, she went to Sir Lanclor’s rescue and prevented him from dying by the initial attack of the Daemons, but the Daemons overpowered them and he bled to death trapped beneath his charger. In another, she repetitively cast high-level lightning spells, but exhausted herself before they defeated even half of the Daemons. She fell from the sky and they consumed her while still alive. After this last scenario, she was glad to remain awake, unable to close her eyes without feeling the Daemon’s fangs ripping chunks out of her body.

After a quick bath back in her room, she suited up, sensing the time approaching. Her armor fit comfortably and she strapped her sword to her side. She stood, ready to face everything the dark and early morning offered. A knock sounded upon her door and she opened it to see Hal in full armor.

"Milady Kathryn, the battle will begin shortly and we’re needed." He offered her his arm and they walked together down to the courtyard. "So, you and Sir Lanclor, huh?" Hal’s tone revealed the grin beneath his helmet.

"Don’t even say it, Hal." She glared at him and he pretended not to notice. They continued in silence until they parted ways and Kathryn met up with Sir Garrent who escorted her to her new squad of graywings.

"Derrek thought you’d be more comfortable with those graywings who accompanied you at Southker. While there are only a dozen of them left, they’re some of the more powerful mages, and they volunteered to serve with you," Sir Garrent said with pride. "Both of our squads will be following the main party in the rear. After we’re past Ralenth and the signal is given, my squad will move forward to cover the ground units for the initial assault while your squad will continue to hang back. We'll call you when we need you. At that time, you’ll need to blast them with what you can to allow us a chance to regroup."

She nodded her understanding. Sir Garrent returned the nod, and then moved toward his squad. When she reached her squad, she looked into the eyes of thirty competent graywings. Each helmeted head nodded when she met their eye, showing her that they acknowledged her role in this battle. She Communicated the orders to all of them, careful to leave nothing out. They all understood and prepared for the battle ahead, each in their own way—some with prayer, others with complete silence.

The thunder of 480 horses, the eight mounted squads of sixty each, sounded to their left as the mounted forces exited the South Gate. The winged squads remained in the West courtyard, awaiting the signal to take flight. Lord Alextor gave the signal to the five brown and gray mixed squads, 250 knights, and the wind from their wings stirred the hair of the villagers who had gathered to see the knights depart. Garrent gave the order after all five squads were aloft, and their squads, totaling sixty graywings, leapt into the air, beating their wings in practiced unison.

Chapter 49


Lanclor could feel Laktalin’s controlled energy beneath him, a slight hesitation in his step. His mount would have loved to begin the charge now, but Lanclor made sure to keep his reins short. They had quite a ways to go and he had no desire to tire him before the battle.

Lanclor remembered when he first saw Laktalin, throwing Hook to the ground when Hook had tried to mount him for the first time. Laktalin hadn’t been broken and refused to let anyone upon his back. Lanclor had taken over Hook’s "impossible task" and earned Laktalin’s trust. He’d been a loyal mount ever since, not allowing any other knight upon his back.

Lanclor patted his neck, assuring him that they would soon charge into battle together. What a historical battle it would be. They would surely be outnumbered and a victory would be costly, but they had no choice. This was the only option they had to stand a chance against the Daemon horde. The knights couldn’t sit in the castle hoping the Daemons would change their minds and go home. The Daemons wouldn't go home until they stripped this world and the next of life.

Lanclor glanced above him through the night, his Night Vision spell showing him the winged squads above. They flew in perfect unison, circling when needed to avoid passing the ground troops, conserving their strength by gliding.

He felt comforted by their presence, knowing the winged squads would spot any foe unseen by the ground forces. The air was crisp, but far from freezing—the perfect temperature for a long march. It was then that he noticed it.

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