Hope (19 page)

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Authors: Sam Rook

Tags: #portal between, #portals, #fantasy adult, #portals to other worlds, #portal guardians, #portals to otherworlds, #fantasy adult romance, #portal fantasy, #portal, #romantic fantasy, #portal series, #knights romance, #winged knights, #knights, #wings, #hope

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"Well, what about reading? I remember when I first met you, you mentioned you missed reading. I’m not talking about that dull stuff in the library, either. I’m talking about a real story, maybe one with a little romance and adventure. I can let you borrow some of mine if you’d like." Elena stood with her hands on her hips.

"I miss reading stories. I’ve read so many spell books I almost forgot there was another reason to read—enjoyment. It’s ironic, but I used to love reading fantasy books—knights, dragons, wizards. Now, that’s too much like real life. Yes, I’d like to try reading some of your stories. Do you have a favorite?"

"Oh, yes. I have one which will make your heart flutter, but still maintains an intelligent storyline. I’ll bring it by tomorrow when I get the linens and leave it on your desk. You need to read at least a chapter before bed every night. It will help your mind relax and you’ll feel more rested. In the meantime, my mother made this book." Elena handed her a thick book bound in leather.

Kathryn opened the leather binding and stared in awe. Hand-drawn illustrations depicted the animals of Av’lor with their names on the adjacent pages. The names were from Earth, but the pictures were as alien as the mouse. She flipped to the dragon that looked nothing like the expected winged serpent, but a dog-like creature with wings. The only animals that matched their names were dogs and horses. "Why do these animals have those names if they don’t look anything like them?"

"My mother said she suspected the first human settlers labeled the animals with Earth names since they had no idea what else to call them. They brought the horses and dogs from Earth, but the dogs died out quite a while ago." Elena gathered her things and stood at the door.

"Thank you, Elena. I don’t think you realize how much you’ve helped me and I don’t mean having a clean room. I’ll let you know what I think of your books." Kathryn smiled as Elena bid her goodbye and left. The red mouse curled itself next to her foot and fell asleep.

"Oh Dargo, I miss you." Kathryn mumbled to herself.


Kathryn spoke to the stable master several weeks ago and he agreed to let her be in charge of feeding the mare. A female stable hand would groom her until Kathryn knew how to do it herself. She had learned to care for another horse on her own for a week when the stable master finally gave her permission to take care of the white mare. It was a chore she didn’t look forward to since the mare had made no other attempt to speak to her.

It had been over two months since she had given the mare a piece of her mind, the one and only time they had communicated. She finished mucking out the stall and decided to bring her in from the pasture a little early today to give her some extra grooming. The stable master had recommended a spell that would prevent bugs from bothering her. He said he rarely had the opportunity to use it, as most owners knew it already. It was an easy spell and it might provide Kathryn with another stepping-stone to earning her trust.

Kathryn leaned on the fence ringing the large meadow looking for one of the few white horses among the herd. She spotted her off to one side beneath a large fruit tree. All of the fallen fruit consumed, the mare stood there looking up at the unreachable branches. The other horses had already given up, but Kathryn could imagine her mind continuing to work to discover how she could reach the unobtainable fruit. Stubborn horse.

Kathryn climbed over the fence and approached her. The mare turned at her approach, not bothering to say a word as she grabbed the bridle and began to lead her over to the gate. Kathryn took a few steps, dropped the bridle and turned back toward the tree. She stood looking up at the tree, trying to decide whether it would be best just to climb it or if she should try banging on it to make it drop any loose fruit. She decided to try banging on the trunk, perhaps showing the mare how to get the fruit down herself.

She backed up a few steps, and then ran toward the tree with her shoulder braced for impact. Kathryn hit the tree hard enough to bruise herself and make several round pieces of fruit fall to the ground. The mare just stood there, making no move to retrieve the fruit. Meanwhile, the other horses were walking their way, hoping for an afternoon treat. Kathryn picked up two apple-like pieces of fruit, offering one to the mare. The mare chose to ignore her and refused to take it. She shrugged, pocketed one and began eating the other while she grabbed the mare's bridle and led her toward the gate. Her mouth puckered at the tartness, but she refused to show weakness and continued chewing.

After going into the stall, Kathryn finished her fruit and grabbed a grooming brush. She stepped into the stall and began grooming the mare in silence, as was their norm these days. Swollen bug bites lined the mare’s shoulder and Kathryn knew they were causing her some irritation.

"Na’zent’in. Ma’eneikai fa’ehw pen’af." The bites faded and Kathryn knew the mare wouldn’t have to worry about the bugs bothering her anymore. Only a little more grooming left and she could get back to her room and get ready for drill.

The Man spoke to the human grooming me as if I wasn’t even there. They said my mother and sister died in a barn fire.

Kathryn forced herself to continue grooming and listened in silence

My mother was partially blind on one side. When the Man had tried to take her from her stall that night, sneaking up on her from her blind side, she had startled and kicked his lamp from his hands. His pride bruised, he closed and locked the barn doors, trapping my mother and sister inside with the flames.

By the time the owners knew the barn was on fire, all of the horses inside had perished. The human grooming me, instead of berating the man for his cruelty, actually laughed along with him and agreed that the horse should have come along quietly and had gotten what she deserved. I bucked and bit, driving the groom and the man from my stall. Since then, I’ve seen no reason to trust human males. I’ve always seen kindness from the females, so I couldn’t seem to group them in the same hated category.

The mare stood silently, letting the horror of her tale sink into Kathryn's mind. Kathryn didn’t know what to say to her. She knew people were mean, on Earth as well as this world. Kathryn placed her hand upon the mare’s neck.
Some humans, not just males, are cruel. Just because some people are evil doesn’t mean all of them are. I know it’s going to be hard for you to trust anyone after what you went through, but you have to trust someone. Will you let me try to prove you can still trust some of us?

The mare stood still, absorbing her words. Kathryn continued to groom her, giving her time to make a decision
. I would like to try. I remember what it was like before the man came. The humans loved to ride me and I pranced with them upon my back, showing them off while their friends commented on what a beautiful horse I was. The children would take me to the market to help them carry their fruit home, offering me at least one for my trouble. I’d like to feel that way again, like to feel that I have a purpose in this world.

Kathryn finished grooming her and sat on an overturned bucket.
I think the best way to begin our relationship is to introduce ourselves. My name is Kathryn
. She waited, hoping the mare would trust her enough to offer a name. The mare turned her body around until she was facing Kathryn. Looking at her for a full minute, the mare looked away as if embarrassed.

I don’t have a name. My mother never told me it, and the humans didn’t either. All of the other horses had beautiful names, but nobody ever cared enough to give me one, not even the children. They just called me "horse."

Perhaps they couldn’t think of a name worthy of you,
Kathryn suggested in an attempt to comfort her.
Would you mind if I gave you a name? It would have to be one worthy of your beauty and intelligence.

You would give me a name?

Yes, but I need to think about it for a day or two
. She had drill in less than ten minutes.
I have to go now. I’ll be back tomorrow. I’ve spoken to another groom, and she’ll be feeding you in the afternoon starting in a few weeks. I’m sorry, but I have so many things I have to do.
She felt guilty passing the feeding off to someone else, but she had to continue her meetings with Sir Lanclor in the library. They had agreed to meet during lunch three weeks from now so they could save time by reading and eating at the same time.

I understand that you cannot spend every hour of your life with me. I see what you winged ones do from the pasture. You don’t just sit around like the humans from the other stable. You actually perform mock battles to prepare for the Black Ones’ attacks. I know about the Black Ones. They killed my father when I was young. I’ll see you tomorrow, Kathryn

Kathryn stood and stroked the mare’s muzzle, feeling like she had finally made some progress. She turned to leave the stall then remembered the fruit. Extending it to the mare, Kathryn viewed it as a peace offering and a celebration of their conversation. The mare took it gently, a look of delight in her eyes. Kathryn left her stall and walked down the row of stalls, smiling at the sound of her munching.

Kathryn arrived at drill just before Sir Lanclor announced that he was taking over Hook’s job for the next several weeks. He was going to teach them about mounted warfare and had extended their drill from two hours to four to allow them more time to work with both their mounts and ground-to-air exercises.

While some of the knights quietly groaned, she could imagine behind his helmet, Hal’s smile grew larger. He had grown up around horses and longed to try mounted warfare to see if he was as good with a sword mounted as on foot. For the first few days, they would learn strategy. After that, they were to select their mounts and care for them alongside the grooms.

Kathryn only had three days to convince the white mare to work with her during the mounted training. She had a feeling that the mare would relish the idea of being a knight’s mount having the opportunity to avenge her father’s death and hunting down the Daemons, ready to protect her fellow horses from harm. Kathryn smiled as the perfect name for her came to mind.

The next day, Kathryn entered her stall to find her waiting patiently. Normally, she would already be out in the pasture to allow Kathryn to muck out her stall. Kathryn greeted her with a gentle caress on her nose. The mare leaned into Kathryn's touch, closing her eyes in enjoyment.

The word around the stables is you're doing mounted warfare training
. The mare opened her eyes and looked at Kathryn.

So much for broaching the subject while filling her up with fruit.
Yes, we’re going to be learning mounted warfare
. Kathryn tilted her head, waiting in silence for her expected reply of "not a chance in hell."

I could be your mount, if you so desire. It would be a welcome change from my monotonous days of eating in the pasture and growing fat in my stall.

I was hoping you would honor me by being my mount. I’m glad you’re willing to work with me. I must warn you, I’ve only ridden a few times. I would never intentionally harm you with bad riding technique, but there are some things I may do out of ignorance.

I’ve taught many children how to ride. The difference with you is I won’t feel guilty if I throw you when you do something offensive.
The mare snorted.

Kathryn smiled
. I think I’ve come up with a name for you. I couldn’t help but think of you hunting down the Daemons with me to avenge your father’s death. On my world, in Greek mythology, there was a Goddess of the Hunt called Artemis. I think Artemis would suit you. She's not only fierce, but beautiful as well

Artemis? Named after a goddess? I wouldn’t have anything less. Kathryn, would you ride me today? Nobody's ridden me in so long I ache for the companionship, as much as I hate to admit it.

They spent the rest of her lunch hour going around the practice ring, both getting used to each other. It was almost like a dream, mounted atop a beautiful horse with the world melting away as she concentrated on nothing but Artemis and the wind in her hair.

For the next several weeks, basic training, weapons drill, mounted warfare, sessions with Lord Alextor and meetings with Sir Lanclor in the library filled Kathryn's schedule. She made time every day to ride with Artemis. It was a welcome addition to her day and made her look even more forward to day’s end.

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