Read Hooked Up the Game Plan Online

Authors: Jami Davenport,Sandra Sookoo,Marie Tuhart

Hooked Up the Game Plan (11 page)

BOOK: Hooked Up the Game Plan
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Grace did a quick glance. Yes, he did have it. “It looks good, Adrian. Go to practice. You’ll be fine for Saturday’s game.”

A huge grin broke on Adrian’s face. “That’s great. Coach may be leaving, so I want to do him proud.” Adrian turned to leave.

Grace’s heart stopped. “Leaving?” What was going on? Max had never said anything about leaving.

“Yeah, a pro team called him the other day and one of their guys showed up yesterday. They offered coach a job on the team as a coach. See you at the game.” Adrian waved and jogged out of the room.

Grace sank onto her chair. A pro team offered him a coaching position? Why hadn’t Max told her? He’d been distracted over the past few days, but she’d just thought it was the game on Saturday. It was between school rivals.

After packing up her papers, Grace grabbed her purse then headed for her car. She had a lot of thinking to do about her and Max, especially where their relationship was going.


On Saturday, Grace sat in the stands watching the game with a heavy heart. She had tried to talk to Max last night, but he'd been tired and distracted. There were four men in suits sitting down by the team bench, and she wasn't the only one who noticed. Several of the parents watching had asked her about the men, but she just shrugged and said she had no idea.

But she did know. Max was leaving. Her heart was breaking into a thousand tiny pieces.

In the three months they'd been together, Max had captured her heart once again and this time he was going to hold it forever. When everyone cheered, she glanced up. The team had
another touchdown.

There was less than five minutes to go in the game, five minutes until Max told her goodbye. She tried to smile and cheer, but it was difficult. She did manage to stand and clap when the game ended thirty-five to seven in their favor.

Max was grinning and giving his players high fives. He'd brought them a long way in the past few months. He glanced at her. The look of joy on his face was almost more than she could take.

Slowly she made her way down the bleachers to where Max waited. He took her hand and kissed the back of it. “I have someone I want to introduce you to.” He didn't give her a chance to say a word before pulling her over to one of the men in suits.

“Grace this is Phil Harkness, the owner of the Arkansas Avengers. They're a new NFL expansion team.”

“Mr. Harkness.” Grace held out her hand.

“Grace, it's great to meet you. Max has told me a lot about you.” They shook hands, and she smiled. She'd be gracious even if it killed her. “I know you have things to do, Max,” Harkness continued. “I'll see you and Grace at the restaurant in an hour.”

With that, he walked away. Grace glanced at Max, who said, “Phil invited us to dinner. Let me go check on the guys and make sure everything is locked up. Then we can go.”

“Go without me.” She'd never get through the dinner without breaking down, it was better to end this now.


“Hey coach, we need you in here!” yelled one of the players.

“Be right there.” Max cupped her chin. “What is going on?”

Grace closed her eyes. She would not cry, not now. “Nothing.” Pulling away from his hold, she took a step back. “I just don't feel like going out to dinner but have a good time.” Then she turned and ran for her car. She
Max calling her name, but she didn't look back. If she did, she'd break down.


Max drew his hand through his hair. Where the hell was Grace? He'd already called Phil and told him they'd be late for dinner. He'd gone to his house first, since she'd been living with him, but she hadn’t been there. He pulled into the driveway of her house. There were lights on.

He slammed the car door, before marching up the walk. He used the key she'd given him and stormed into the house. “Grace!” he yelled.

“Go away, Max.”

He let out a breath of relief. She was here and upstairs. After taking the stairs two at a time, he paused at the top before turning to the right and striding to her bedroom. Grace lay face down on the bed. “What is going on?” He drew his hand through his hair. At least she was safe and sound. He'd been so worried when he didn't find her at their home and when she wouldn't answer her cell.

“Go away,” she said, her voice muffled by the pillow she held.

“No.” He stomped over to the bed then sank down next to her and tugged at the pillow. “I demand you tell me what is going on.”

“Demand?” He almost smiled at the muffled outrage in her voice.

“Yes. Demand. I am your Master.”

The pillow was ripped from his fingers, and then it hit him in the head.

She hit him with the pillow? Grace hit him? He didn't know if he should be outraged or burst out laughing. Laughter seemed like a good idea until he saw Grace's tear-stained face.

“Gracie, what is it? What has you so upset?”

“As if you don't know.” The pillow came flying again, but this time he deflected the blow.

“Damn it, Gracie.”

“Don't swear at me, Max.” She crawled to the opposite side of the bed and turned her back to him. “Don't you have a dinner to be at?”

“Is that what this is about, my telling you we were going to dinner instead of asking?” Would a woman's mind ever make sense to him?
Probably not
. But Grace was never shy about telling him what she thought, in the bedroom and out. Something was bothering her and he wanted to know what it was.

“It's not about dinner. It's about what
dinner represents.” She sniffled, and he knew she was crying again. His heart clenched.

“Represents what?”

She spun, her blue gaze storming, tears running down her cheeks, and her arms wrapped around her waist. “You. Leaving.” She hiccupped the last word.

“Where the hell did you get an idea like that?”

“Come on, Max. Phil Harkness isn't here to watch you coach a high school team. One of the players let it slip that Harkness is looking for a coach for his team, and you're that coach.”

“It's true Phil is looking for a coach.

“See.” She threw her arms up in the air. “Go. Go now before my heart breaks any more. I'll find a way to pick up the pieces.”

“Like hell I will.” Max strode around the bed and captured Grace by the arms, otherwise she could flee again.

“Let me go.” She struggled in his embrace.

“I'll never let you go again, Gracie.” He manhandled her into his arms then closed them tight around her even as she struggled.

“Please, Max, I'm begging you. I love you too much. Just go.”

His heart began to pound. She loved him? “Listen to me, Gracie.” He took a deep breath. “I have no intention of taking the position Phil is offering. I left you once, but I'll never leave you again.”

“What?” She sniffled and stopped struggling.

Max loosened his hold and waited until Grace leaned back and looked at him. “I love you.”

“You do?”

“Yes.” He pulled her into his arms.

“Oh, Max, I love you so damn much.”

“That's good because Master Max is not giving you up.” He grasped her chin then lifted her face to his. “And I'm dammed if I'm going to give up the woman I love for the game. You belong to me Gracie and no one else.” He lowered his lips to hers.




Grace waited at the front of the church looking down the aisle. She smiled at the groom’s side, full of the high school football team. Then she found the man she loved. Max, an impressive sight in his tux, stood at the altar.

Three months ago, Max had proposed to her at the restaurant after they had dinner with Phil Harkness. She'd been surprised and delighted.

Max gave her a sexy grin as he took her hand from her father then leaned down and whispered, “I love you, my Gracie, and I will show just how much on our honeymoon. I have a surprised planned.” Then he winked.

Unable to help herself, Grace laughed before turning to the minister. She couldn't wait for Max's surprise. Knowing him, it was a piece of new bondage equipment or a new toy to drive her crazy with. Oh, how she was looking forward to their honeymoon.




bout Marie Tuhart


Marie Tuhart can't remember a time when she didn't have a book in her hands. She began writing at 19, and after several years decided to get serious about publishing.
Marie loves to spend time in bookstores and traveling.






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BOOK: Hooked Up the Game Plan
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