Honourable Company: A History of The English East India Company (77 page)

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Authors: John Keay

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The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.

Abbot, Sir Morris, 26, 50, 111, 114

Abdul Ghafar, 176, 185, 186, 187, 189, 208

Aceh, 10, 16-20, 123, 203, 274, 358, 360-1

Comte d’, 339-43

Adams, Major John, 373-4

Adams, William, 53, 54, 56-60, 63, 64-6, 348

Aden, 80-1, 82



Agra, 77-80, 85, 95-6, 226, 407

Ahmadabad, 116, 117, 404, 407, 415

Aix-la-Chapelle, Peace of, 285-6

Akbar, Moghul Emperor, 76, 78

Ala-uddin Shah, Sultan of Aceh, 10, 11, 17-20

Alaska, 432-5

Aldercron, Colonel, 297, 340

Aldworth, Thomas, 98, 100

Aliverdi Khan, Nawab of Bengal, 299-300, 395

Allahabad, 226, 400

Alley, Captain, 171-2

Aloes trade, 75

Alungpaya, Burman King, 335-6, 337-8

Alves, Captain Walter, 337, 338, 357-8


Amboina Massacre, 47-51, 89, 120, 125, 126

Ambon (Amboina), 33, 40, 47-51, 441, 443-4, 446

American War of Independence, 388, 410, 414, 431

Amiens, Peace of, 443

Amin Chand, 316, 317

Amoy, 205, 208

Anglo-Dutch Treaty of Defence, 46, 47-8, 65-6, 67-8, 93, 106, 114

Anjediva, 132-3

Anjengo, 251-3, 256, 259, 275

Annam, 354, 425, 439

Anne, Queen, 226

Annesley, Samuel, 186-8, 191

Anson, Lord, 345

Antheuniss, Lucas, 60-4, 67, 101, 149, 196

Arakan coast, 161-3, 222

Arcot, 290, 339, 411-12, 414

‘Arcot Interest’, 409, 418

Armagon, 68, 69, 70

Arras, Battle of, 404

15-16, 20, 33-4, 79, 80-2, 84, 85, 94

Asiatic Society of Bengal, 422

Attingal, 252

Aungier, Gerald, 130, 134, 135-7, 142

Aurangzeb, Moghul Emperor, 142, 145-6, 148, 164, 168, 183, 187, 188-90, 192, 216, 222


Austrian Succession, War of, 271-85, 333

Avery, Captain John, 185-8

Ayuthia, 62-4, 66, 196, 199, 200, 201, 204

Bab-el-Mandeb straits, 81, 88

Bachelor’s Delight,

Baffin, William, 9, 105-6

Bahadur Shah, Moghul Emperor, 392

Baillie, Colonel William, 412, 414

Baird, General David, 412, 414

Baj-baj Fort, 307-8

Baksar, Battle of, 374, 375, 413

Balambangan Island, 355-7, 358, 359, 429, 444

Balasore (Baleshwar), 68, 149, 157, 161, 164, 173

Bali, 358

Ball, George, 121-2

Ballet, William, 249-50

Baluchistan, 103

Banda Islands, 3-5, 13, 22, 33, 37-8, 40-7, 124, 443

Bandjarmasin, 195, 209, 211, 358

Bangham, Nicholas, 85

Bangkok, 196, 198, 204

Bankibazar, 238, 239

Bantam, 13, 19-21, 29-33, 36, 37, 41-3, 45, 47, 51, 53, 54, 61-2, 65-6, 89, 111, 121, 125, 139, 141, 195, 201, 246

Barents Sea, 8

Barnett, Commodore Curtis, 274-5

Baroda, 117

Baroda, Gaikwars of, 402, 407, 415

Barwell, Richard, 386-7

Basra, 108, 117

Bassein (Bombay), 126, 263, 402, 403, 415

Bassein (Burma), 335, 336

Batavia (Jakarta), 47, 50, 195, 198


Beale, Daniel, 433


Benares, 225-6, 399

Bengal, 13, 68, 101, 116, 124, 127, 143, 149-68, 172-3, 195, 213, 231-9, 272, 294-5, 296-326, 338, 363, 369-71, 373-8, 383-4, 394-8

Bengal, Nawabs of,
Shaista Khan, Aliverdi Khan, Siraj, Mir Jafar etc.

Bengal Fur Society, 432-3

Benkulen, 211, 246-51, 344, 358, 360, 385, 442, 447, 453

Berar, Bhonslas of, 402, 407, 413, 415

Best, Thomas, 94-8

Bhutan, 423-4

Biddulph, Colonel John, 252, 255, 266, 340

Bihar, 322, 370, 372, 374

Bijapur, 87, 189

Blackwall Yard, 112, 127

Board of Control, 391, 394, 435

Bogle, George, 423-4, 425

Bolts, William, 382

Bombay, 5, 87, 107, 126, 134-47, 176, 183-4, 192, 193, 211, 212, 251-4, 256-70, 272, 385, 402-8, 410, 416, 432, 440

Bombay Castle,

Bombay Marine, 221, 253-4, 256-70, 440, 442

Boone, Charles, 259-63

Borneo, 43, 195, 354, 355, 357, 358, 448

Boscawen, Admiral Edward, 284-5, 287, 298

Boucher, Mr, 143-4, 146

Bourbon, Ile de,

Brand, Captain, 16

Breda, Treaty of, 5


Broach, 117, 404, 415

Brooke, Henry, 335, 336, 346, 410

Bugis, 37, 193, 210, 211, 446

Burdwan, 320, 369

Burhanpur, 115

Burke, Edmund, 169, 364-5, 366-7, 377, 380, 388-9, 398, 400

Burma, 62, 67, 125, 203, 322-8

Burnaby, Richard, 201, 202-3

Bussy, Charles de, Marquis, 290, 291, 293, 294, 312, 339, 342, 416

Butung, 36, 37, 41, 50

Cabot, John, 7

Caillaud, Captain John, 340, 341, 370

Calcutta, 5, 130, 148-9, 156, 158, 162, 165-8, 192, 223, 229, 232, 234, 294, 298-309, 321, 324, 338, 375-6, 395

Calcutta, Black Hole of, 294, 304-5

Calicut, 102

Cambay, 117

Cambodia, 13, 59, 64, 66, 195

Canning, Lancelot, 95-6

Canton, 123, 205-10, 272, 348-52, 429, 430-1, 433, 435-9, 454-6

Cape Horn, 7

Cape of Good Hope (Saldania, Table Bay etc.), 5, 7, 12, 15, 22-3, 29, 32, 75, 90-3, 94, 250, 442

Captain Cook,

Carnac, General John 413

Carnatic, 243, 272-95, 338-44, 366, 409, 411

Carnatic Wars, 272-95, 338-44, 389

Castleton, Captain, 42

Catchpole, Allen, 209-11, 348

Cathcart, The Hon. Charles, 352, 437

Catherine of Braganza, 131

Ceram 38, 40, 41, 42

Chagos Islands, 357

Chanda Sahib, 288, 290, 292

Chandernagar, 239, 299, 308, 311-14, 344, 425

Chapman, Charles, 426-8, 429


Charles I, King, 121, 125

Charles II, King, 5, 125, 128, 131-2, 133, 134, 138, 198

Charles IV, Hapsburg Emperor, 238

Charnock, Job, 130, 148-9, 151-68, 178, 205

Charter Act 1813, 393


Elizabeth’s, 9, 13, 39

James I’s, 39, 81

Cromwell’s, 5, 170, 173, 174, 182-9

Charles II’s, 131, 177

James II’s, 177

William III’s, 181

Chaudhuri, K. N., 169-70, 177

Chaudhuri, Nirad, 296, 304

Chevalier, Jean-Baptiste, 425

Chieng Mai, 62

Child, Sir John, 134, 137-40, 141, 143-7, 158, 159, 176, 184

Child, Sir Josiah, 129, 138, 141-3, 145, 147, 152, 153, 155, 158, 160-1, 174-82, 190, 215, 367

China, 13, 53, 59, 65, 196, 205-11, 348-52, 354, 358-9, 429, 435-9, 451-2, 454-6

China Merchant,

Chingleput, 341

Chinsura, 308

Chitpur, Battle of, 309-10, 315

Chittagong, 155, 156, 160-3, 320, 369

Chown, Thomas, 257

Chusan, 209


Clark, John, 35, 49

Clitherow, Sir Christopher, 26, 111

Clive, Robert, Lord, 231, 243, 268-70, 278, 281, 283-6, 288-90, 294-326, 340, 362, 365-9, 371-8, 380-2, 387

, 54-60, 88-9, 211

Cloves, 6, 33-4, 36, 39, 51

Co-Hong, 349-50, 352, 353, 438

Cochin, Kerala, 235

Cochin China (South Vietnam), 59, 426

Cockayne, William, 114

Cocks, Richard, 57-60, 64-6, 122, 197, 347, 348

Cocos Islands, 357

Coen, Jan Pieterson, 40-1, 45-6, 48, 62

Coffee, 81, 127, 251

Colaba, 257-8, 262-3, 264

Coleroon River, 287, 288

Collet, President Joseph, 241-2, 244, 246-50

Colthurst, Captain, 33

Commutation Act 1784, 391, 393, 430

Comoro Islands, 12, 102, 124, 175, 185

Compagnie des Indes, 187, 239, 243, 272-95, 299, 308, 310-15, 333, 358-44, 410-11, 425

36-7, 74, 75

Cook, Captain James, 356, 432

Cooke, Humphrey, 133

Cooke, Thomas, 249-50

Coote, Sir Eyre, 308, 309, 343, 413-14, 416, 417

Copland, Rev. Patrick, 91

‘Coree’, 90-3

Cornwallis, Lord, 419

Coromandel coast, 60-2, 67-71, 72, 194

Cosby House, 111, 113

Cotton trade, 18, 52, 60, 68, 74, 98-9, 119-20, 438

‘Country’ trade,
Private trade

Court of Committees (Directors), 25-6, 27-8, 61, 69, 99, 111-14, 152, 160, 237, 305, 310, 324-6, 360, 365, 367-9, 378, 380, 384-5, 387, 389

Court of Proprietors (General Court), 25-6, 28, 39, 64, 111, 114, 365-9, 372-3, 378, 380, 381, 384-5, 387-9

Courteen, Sir William, 119, 121-4

Courthope, Nathaniel, 35, 43-7, 129

Cox, Henry, 453

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