Homeward Bound (68 page)

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Authors: Peter Ames Carlin

BOOK: Homeward Bound
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Tom and Jerry, in their red jackets, white shirts, and black bow ties, rocking a homecoming dance, circa 1958.

The guitar-thumpin' camp counselor, summer 1958 at Camp Washington Lodge, Long Island, New York.

Forest Hills High School, class of 1958.

When Paul (right corner, with guitar) took control of Alpha Epsilon Pi's Follies entries, the fraternity won the Queens College competition every year.

During his senior year Paul (first row, second from left) was the president of Queens College's chapter of the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity.

When Paul Simon finished class at Queens College, Jerry Landis pursued his music career in the recording studios of Midtown Manhattan. Seen here with ex–Queens College student Carol Klein, better known as Carole King.

After graduating college Paul went to law school. He wouldn't stay very long.

Relocating to London, Paul steadily built a following in folk clubs all over the British Isles.

Reunited as the folk duo Simon and Garfunkel, Paul and Artie juggled their ambitions and identities.

Established in the Greenwich Village music scene, Paul launched a folk-focused song publishing company with musician Barry Kornfeld.

After “The Sound of Silence” made Simon and Garfunkel into stars, Paul's appearance evolved to fit his new status.

Paul and Artie, backstage in the mid-1960s, worked together to make their albums and shows as perfect as possible.

As Simon and Garfunkel's fame grew in the late 1960s, they were regarded as generational spokesmen and cultural oracles.

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